Winter fairy tales


New Year's Master class Florist: Four festive compositions created based on the winter fairy tales "Twelve months", "Snow Queen", "Nutcracker" and "Blue Bird"

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The theme of the New Year's Master class decided to choose winter fairy tales: "Twelve months" Samuel Marshak, "Snow Queen" Hans Christian Andersen, "Nutcracker" Ernst Theodore Amadeu Hoffmann and "Blue Bird" Maurice Meterlinka. Being written in paper, all these works have repeatedly revived in other artistic spaces - on the stage of the theater, on the movie screen, and in the world of images, when artists and graphics painted illustrations. We tried to realize fairy tales in colors, associatively pushing out the plot and mood of each of them. Floral language is no less emotional than literary, but, of course, much different from it. Expressiveness herein enclosed in the choice of floral materials, each of which has its own character, in the overall silhouette of the flower composition, in combination of different textures, in the dominance of one or another color and its calm or, on the contrary, a barrier combination with adjacent tones and even in flavors Plants. Much with perception of floristics is based on sensations: the coldness of the snow queen is figuratively handed over with a glittering glass vase, similar to a multifaceted piece of ice, and mirror "fragments". Orchids for the composition also deliberately chose white, but velvety tenderness of their petals, the heat of pinkish cores of individual flowers slightly softens the specified cold mood. Thus, on the floral language, the author tells that the good at the end of the fairy tales still wins evil, and the hot heart of Gerda is the "Ice Games of the mind" of the Snow Queen.

Florist Christina Gogelia

Winter fairy tales

In the New Year's design of the house, the flowers can take the same active participation as christmas balls or garlands. A master class of florist will help decorate everything in the most fabulous way.

Winter fairy tales
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Winter fairy tales
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Winter fairy tales
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Winter fairy tales

1-3. In any fairy tale there is at least a drop of a miracle. She is and Samuel Marshak in the "twelve months": the forest fire has come together with the summer and spring with the fall, despite the fact that together to be so impossible. Whether the work of the Florist tried to reproduce the wildest bonfire, connecting the heat that gives the fire, and the cold of the blizzard. Only natural materials are chosen for the composition: Berez-Shl branches, spruce and larch, bumps, glow flowers (1). Ilish snow - artificial. Punching vessels will be suitable any wrestling or pot. In this case, the branches make a frame, and then flowing through it flowers, placed them in water tanks. However, it is possible to take advantage of the professional material of florists - an oasis: branches (2) are fixed to this sponge and glorio-stems (3) are inserted into it. These flowers are very much reminded by the dying languages ​​of the fire flame.

4. In the New Year's design of the house, the flowers can take the same active participation as christmas balls or garlands. A master class of florist will help decorate everything in the most fabulous way.

Winter fairy tales

... Children heated copper coins on the stove and put them to frozen glasses - now the wonderful round hole was thawed, and cheerful, gently peeled in it, they watched, each of her windows, boy and girl, Kai and Gerd.

Hans Christian Andersen. The Snow Queen

Winter fairy tales
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Winter fairy tales
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Winter fairy tales
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Winter fairy tales
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Winter fairy tales

Winter fairy tales

1-4. In the illuminated snow radiance, the prehensures of the Snow Queen were deserted and cold, and in one of the hall, the kai boy hired with flat pointed ice floes, trying to fold the word "eternity" from them. Snow-white composition with orchids - the embodiment of the "Ice Games of Mind." To create it, you will need a vase similar to a piece of ice, an oasis in the shape of a bowl, a dendrobium orchid, a branch with mirror "leaves" (Shishi, Norway) and a wire frame, holding flowers (1). Orchids flowers are removed from the branches. Each of them is taped (from English. Tape- "tape") - supply false from the wire and wind with a special ribbon so that the moisture is evaporated from the stem (2). After that, immersed in the oasis (3, 4). In secret condition, they live 2-2.5 days. So that the composition stood a week and even longer, the flowers are placed directly into the oasis without wire and ribbon. But at the same time, the holes for their gentle stalks make in advance.

Winter fairy tales

There were luxurious bouquets of violets, daffodils, tulips, levkoev ... The large dome of the central building and the pointed roofs of the towers were littered with thousands of stars, glittering gold and silver. - So we are in Marzipan Castle, "the Nutcracker said.

Ernst Theodore Amadeus Hoffman. Nutcracker and mouse king.

Winter fairy tales
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Winter fairy tales
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Winter fairy tales
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Winter fairy tales
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Winter fairy tales

Winter fairy tales

1-4. Fairy tale about a wooden little man Nutcracked-ordinary, magic, mysterious. Imagining the mood of the Hoffmann history, the florist came up with a composition with woolen threads, cinnamon sticks, anise stars, rowan berries and phalaenopsis (1). Threads are watched any rectangular "platform", such as a box, a piece of oasis. (2). Then the bastion is made of cinnamon sticks - this "woody", slim, "toothast" material, which, how no other is associated with Merry Christmas (3). Cinnamon is traditionally used in the preparation of a festive Christmas drink-mulled wine, and in Europe from it makes intricate Christmas decorations, they are used everywhere on the Christmas markets. The gentle roofing surface of the cinnamon contrast the tender petals of phalaenopsis. Agrozzy Ryabina give the composition brightness (4).

Winter fairy tales

... Blue Bird is just necessary for me. Irish her for my granddaughter, my granddaughter is very sick.

- What with her?..

- Hard to understand. She wants to be happy ...

Maurice Meterlink. Blue bird

Winter fairy tales
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Winter fairy tales
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Winter fairy tales
Photo 3.

Winter fairy tales

Winter fairy tales

1-4. White color - symbol of purity, light and children's naivety. That is why white chrysanthemums chose white chrysanthemums for the composition "Blue Bird". Flowers are two, and it is also symbolic, because the main characters of the fairy tale is the two-boy Tiltil and the girl Mitil. Flowers accompany blue feathers and bird figures, and as a vessel use an unusual shape with an openwork decor on the sides (1). With its refinement, the vase is associatively connected with the image of a magic bird, of this constantly eluding the human hand of happiness symbol. Feathers and chrysanthemums are fixed in the oasis (2, 3). It is better to saturate his moisture before work becomes. For this, the oasis is immersed in water tank. The stock of moisture is fill in the usual way: after a few days, the sponge is watered until it is completely moistened.

The editors thanks the company "Interior Shop" for help in holding filming and company Shishi for the accessories provided.

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