Alone with flowers


Chamber corner for recreation in the garden. Designer Martina Walker, who created this kindergarten, inspired landscape fragments that can be seen on the forest lawns, in the fields, on the shores of the streams

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In the modern age of high speeds, a person never needs a cozy, hidden from an extraneous eye to a corner, where it could be retired, to repent, relax from the rapidity of weekdays. Well, if there is an opportunity to organize such a zone in your own garden, because nothing does the soul doctors better than peaceful communication with nature. Put a small house or gazebo, surround them with green scenes, and break the landscape gardens in front of them - and the "cily" of the hermit will be ready

A lyrical corner designed to be sick of silence and solitude is better to create in the part of the site that is removed from the input zone and outdoor seats. It can be a peripheral garden area, bordering forest landings, or any other, well isolated from noise. The space should be small, half-lacked - then the person will have psychologically necessary sensations of security, comfort, calm. "Protecting" scenes are dense landings of trees and any large plants or walls of garden buildings and fences. Such a "room" is advisable to design in a free picturesque style of a landscape garden, where the lines of the paths are smooth and soft, flower beds do not have a clear shape, and freely "spilled" in the space of the landscape, buildings are built from natural materials - stone, wood. The pathetic parade of the regular garden and "urban" materials (for example, brick) are inappropriate here.

Alone with flowers

Alone with flowers

Alone with flowers

Plants in flower beds are planted with tiers, and within one tier, species can be mixed with each other (Highlander serpentine Superba with Kamussia Kuzika or Leihtlin and Iris Siberian (a), which is why there is a feeling of natural naturalness and spontaneity. In the foreground placed the lowest plants height. 10-15cm - for example, Melolepetnik Karvinsky (b), Primulus. However, when in June, Bissa Primulus (c) produces its blueros, it reaches the height of the plants of the second tier - 20-30cm. This is one of the few types from the chandellabric primulus section, blooming In the summer. Its annular inflorescences are located on flowers into several "floors". The third group form plants with a height of 30-70 cm - here you can attribute a firestrank, Aquaille and Vasilek Mountain (D), Mokhokha (e). Extractive flower beds are planted and more rustic - In this case, they form another, the fourth tier. The shoots of one of these giants, Arunkus, can reach 1.5m. Caring for the flower bed, especially It is necessary to follow the plants-aggressors, which, raging, begin to push their neighbors. If necessary, the range of their habitats is limited to curb ribbon

Alone with flowers

Alone with flowers

Alone with flowers

Opinion of a specialist

Folded from the stone wall, wallping the site in front of the house, can be turned into flower beds. Pottai flower beds, raised high enough above the ground, it is more expedient to plant unpretentious frost-resistant plants, better than perennial. The optimal choice for shadow and semi-drig conditions - hosts, ferns, bad languages ​​and astilbes. All of them prefer driving soils. Plants combine or make monoposodes. For example, astilbies are planted with tender pink-raspberry gamuts: rental, priest, Chinese, Japanese. This is the average varieties with a height of 25-70 cm, blooming from June to September. The hosts are even less demanding than astilbi, they can live in one place up to 50 years. The rate of their landing is seven bushes on 1m2. The height of the ground layer in the "stone" flower bed should be at least 50 cm, and the width of such a flower beds is from 50 cm. This space is necessary for an adult host host for a comfortable existence. The hosts are sometimes combined with ferns, surrounding them by landings of melluccical - say, Szillla. It is permissible to combine all four types of plants.

Tatyana Koisman, Landscaping Architect, Director of Gertrud Garden Art Center

Designer Martin Walker, who created his chamber garden, inspired landscape fragments, which can be seen on forest lawns, in the fields, on the shores of the streams. As you know, natural combinations of plants and paints, even the most contrasting, are not annoyed, perceived as harmonious. Such a kindergarten could belong to the enthusiastic gardener - to the one who delicately feels and likes to watch them, who is interested in experimenting and invent new combinations, imitating nature and at the same time improvising, bringing their own author's vision.

The background for bright flower beds is the green "wall" of trees and shrubs - maple, alder, pines, birch (Him and Erman), Brown's honeysuckle Dropmore Scarlett Idre. Split colors are resolved and a small lounge for rest, and the plates that pave the tracks are echoing with its stone walls. The space around the plates is decorated with gravel - material, difficult in care: it is difficult to contain in perfect cleanliness, since small pebbles are quickly mixed with fallen leaves. So that the greens do not grow outside the flower bed, the tracks are denoted by a visible border or brushed in the ground a curb ribbon.

Alone with flowers

Alone with flowers

Alone with flowers

In landscape flower beds, Sisoryurichy striped Aunt May (a), Aquille, Ordinary Ruby Port and similar to her, Hyhehr bloody-red (b), Korovyan Gainesboro (B). The communal strip of Russia, Sisoryurichi, is replaced by Iris Falnoaire or Peppercut forms of Iris Bolotnaya. More relaxed, imitating forest discharge areas are drawn up using different types of ferns. Against the background of their carved foliage, the yellow inflorescences of the florind sumulatory primary (g) are expressively read. For the design of the coastline, the streams are often used jewelry (D), whose sheet plate reaches 80cm. A stream of streams sometimes are sometimes noticeable - the thin thread is loosened among herbs and flowers. By the way, plants with large leaves give the kindergarten. It is impossible to smash the lawn on the sites deprived of sunlight, therefore lawnies are replaced by low, fast growing plants. The "carpet" of calm shades of "Tkut" from Lamyama, Cuff, Tialli, Epimedium, Bright - from Geihans, Astilba, Tradesskaration, Haouttyania, Bathing, Buzulnik, Rogers, special comfort landscape landings give a gravel dropsy or shallow chips. Gravel also use as "acknowledged" material during the construction of paths from large concrete or stone plates

Alone with flowers

Alone with flowers

Alone with flowers

Opinion of a specialist

Vegetable filling of the "garden room", designed for a relaxing rest, maybe different: depending on the range and color gamma landings there will be a one or another atmosphere. Bright cheerful paints act on the psyche of a man exciting, and unsuccessful tones calm, inclined to reflections. Such "rooms" usually create on more or less shaded areas and are appreciated by wood landings or walls, asked by Lianami. Accordingly, the range of plants should include shapes. For example, a lyric seventeenth garden of flowers in the middle strip of Russia can be created from geranium, valley, forget-me-not, violet, primulous, daisies, epimedium, dicentars, bubble, bad owners and host. Kmnogletnikov add a two-year-old vice. The lyrical mood contributes bells, non-surcooked dying inflorescences. The atmosphere will be more romantic if there are trolls and pergolas ("centuries" or artificially used on the site ("centuries" or artificially aged), and also if there are sculptural elements in the landings that attract the visual viewer. Vromantic garden is good to plant fragrant plants - let's say, the Chubuschnik Garden. For a plot of 10m2, one shrub is enough: with more dense landings, the smells will become oversaturated and will be "stated". To create a feeling of twilight, laying volumetric groups of coniferous plants. When, on the contrary, the dark space needs to be made lighter, the trees and shrubs with white-grained foliage are chosen, volatile.

Maria Bakhmutova, Landscape Architect, teacher of the Garden Art Center "Gertruda"

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