Garden perfumery


Aromatic plants on the country site are not only useful, but also decorative, and therefore can be decorated with any landscape

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"Helliard and praise a cook" - so Male Spicy Herbs Emperor Charles Great. However, medicine and cooking scope of the application of this group of plants is not limited. After all, they are not only useful, but also decorative, and therefore, they are able to become a decoration of any landscape. The same assortment is so diverse that each gardener will be able to choose the fragrance to your liking.

Garden perfumery

Gardens with spit-aromatic plants are one of the most ancient on earth. These useful cultures, which in everyday life it is customary to call herbs (although among them there are not only grassy perennials, but also half-workers, shrubs), began to "tame" thousands of years ago. Extra century almost with every monastery broke the so-called pharmaceutical gardens with spices. Today, this group of plants is used everywhere and when creating landscapes, occupying several hectares of land, and in small country sites. From those that are suitable for growing in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia, the most popular basil, oregano, Issop, coriander, mint, parsley, celery, thyme, cumin, fennel, sage, etaragon. Asparagus, canorouper balsamic, kerwell, lofant anise, lomarity, root, fragrant, are also widely used. Spicy herbs are planting among vegetable crops on the beds and along the tracks, placed on the flower beds and in curbs, combining with different colors, or used in the design of the coil circles of trees and shrubs, they are grown simultaneously for benefit and beauty. Often they are used in the design of areas of rest, veranda and terraces, arbors and patio with benches. There is also a whole group of plants that can be called partners for useful herbs. This is a calendula, nasturtium, velvets, Nigella (Chernushka), cowboys, poppy, pillownap, sparkling, unscrewing, badas, spocks, hops, Physalis, Pijma Balsamic, Yarrow, Lilies, Irisa Germanic, Cuffs, Luke Decorative, Angelika, Akviliagia.
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Photo 16.

Photo O. Voronina

1-3. Confrontians plant different spices - and exotic lavender (1) exotic for Russia (1), and everywhere meeting mint (2). Making the stairs, pots with mint can be put next to the pots with ivy (3). 4, 6. Containers with Santolina are placed on well-lit areas, but away from direct sunlight. Beautiful her gray-silver foliage, and during the flowering period, also yellow carp, similar to mimou. 5. A combination of rapid sage verticals and irises looks extraordinarily decorative. 7, 9-11. Warming borders along the tracks often include spicy plants, saturating the ambient atmosphere with aromas and healing essential oils and thereby turning ordinary walks in garden trails into something amazing. For this purpose, Shalfeies and Kotovniki are used (7, 9, 10), when the borders plan to do quite high. However, more often than others plant low thyme creep, which in the flowering period forms dense pillows of pink inflorescences (11). 8. Creating a flower garden of fragrant herbs is partly similar to the art of perfume, mixing smells and seeking the necessary doses of each of the aromas. Partly this process is close to the art of the artist, "spreading" color stains on the surface of the canvas. The "palette" of the master who created the flower garden in pink-purple colors is diverse: it has carnations, sage, yarrow, lavender, roses, lilies and fennel. As almost always happens in nature, the background tone form shades of green. 12-14. The border landing palette can be different, and umiro-creative-calm, and bright, exciting. Calm paints are obtained when you combine cereals with both kittniks (12), obscure - with a wormwood or, say, soul (14). In the "hot" borders solicate plants with red, orange or yellow flowers, for example, velvets thincase (13). 15. The thick brushes of the inflorescences of the Kotovnik decorate the garden from June to September. 16. Lawnies with benches, hidden green "rooms", platforms with perma labets and arbors - any recreation areas require particularly careful selection of plants. There should be no crops that exude aggressive, tiring, not combined with each other or simply not too beloved by the owners of aromas.

Aromatic cultures are mostly unpretentious. Almost all of them need lightly soils, do not like excess moisture. Stern preferred sun, protected from wind place. The more they "breathe" and drink by the sun, the more aromatic oils, which determine their taste and smell. Only a few are able to feel comfortable in half: Mint, Valerian, Cervel, Cuff, Badan, Okopnik. For some crops (loving, onion-cut, Fennel, Nasturtium), organic fertilizers are periodically needed to periodically, and others (soulsman, thyme, Issop) are able to grow on poor soils and do without irrigation, causing only rain water.

Palette roles

Each of the spicy herbs has its own unique beauty, its visual image and aroma. The Internet among them are universal cultures that are able to please absolutely all: like any cook adds spices to their own taste, and any gardener relates to the choice of plants, giving preference to one and by going through the attention of others. Almost all aromatic herbs are able to reincarnate and perform different roles: in some cases they solo, and in others, they are departed into the background and "work" by the static. Let's see what the repertoire of several of the most popular of these is Timyan, Salfa, mint, basilica, dill.

Opinion of a specialist

One of the popular methods of growing spicy grass-in pots and containers. Potted compositions create anywhere: in the garden, on the balcony, an open terrace overlooking the south, or even on a kitchen window sill, if the hostess wants to do with her hand, fresh spices. Any aromatic plants look well: they are planted alive (for example, rosemary are growing so often) or some of the herbs immediately grow in one container. It is tempting that in containers you can grow thermal-loving cultures that do not win in the context of the Russian climate. This is primarily Lavender, Rosemary, Santolina, Majora. Lavender fields are associated with the southern regions of France, and in love with these lands to travelers quite under the power of the "piece" of Provence at their own dacha. Lavender containers put among the soil planting of ornamental onions or the kittnik, or include in a bulk pot composition, where the background serves on the onion lisens, bad languages ​​or cuffs, and the main "acting persons" - lavender, basil and curly parsley planted in separate containers.

Tatyana Koyesman, Landscape Architect,

Director of the Center for Garden Art "Gertruda"

Classical "solo" of thyme-borders, framing flower beds. Depending on the grade, this semi-staple grows up to 5-35 cm - the thyme border will also have such height. Small pink-purple or pink-lilac flowers form a colorful carpet. If the thyme cuts when flowering is completed, it can bloom for the autumn for the second time. Thyme's ability to create dense carpets are used, for example, in cases where they want to decorate concrete sites around garden lamps. From the "monastic" time it is accepted also to plant in rosary: ​​Neighboring, thyme and roses help each other to open the most fully as possible, and the merging of their aromas creates a new, no less beautiful. Nevertheless, from an agrotechnical point of view, they are not compatible with an ideal: roses are suitable for driving soils, thyme, like most of his spicy "counterpart", - the sandy. Therefore, the thyme felt comfortable on the loams, gravel and sand is being added to him. It forms good combinations with souls and Medica, sage of nutmeg, Arabisami, stamps, styling and koreopsis, Badanami, Flox Shiloid. Beautifully alternation of thyme strips and soil plants - obsolets, Barwinka, Oblatives, Arabis.

Sage looks good in high borders as a background plant. This sufficiently high semi-staple (height is 40-70cm) is also planted near the retaining walls or any deaf walls. More often than others cultivate two varieties - sage medicinal and sage nutmeg. Incanions, he can choose the monard, Armeria, Carnation, Iris, Lavender, Camery, Geran, Fennel, Rose. By the way, the flower garden from Roses. Experts are also considered fragrant. More others are suitable for the varieties of polyanth (multi-flowered) roses.

Garden perfumery
Photo 17.

Barbaris Tunberg ROSY GLOW

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Photo 18.

Choothouse Erectus.

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Photo 19.

Juniper Blue Alps

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Photo 20.

Esset evergreen

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Photo 21.

Liatris kobold.

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Photo 22.

Oregano rosenkuppel

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Photo 23.


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Photo 24.

Clear Beacon Silver

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Photo 25.


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Photo 26.
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Photo 27.

Wormwood Pontica

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Photo 28.


Photo T. Koyesman

Minta is one of the few herbs with standing half. This culture has a surface root system, very quickly propagating in all directions. So that the plant does not turn into a weed, the development of the root system is limited, bursting into the soil a border tape to a depth of 10 cm. Mint can be combined with Melissa, Kotovnik, monards, Lofant Anisov. The situation of this plant is drawn up the rolling colors in the apple orchard garden, planting mint in the neighborhood with soulshes, a bear and a cereble. It will look good and among the currant bushes near the valerian, Valerian, the valley, violets, primoses and a whipping smoke.

Basil, like mint, decorative thanks to its foliage: There are forms of green-shaft and purple-shaft. Therefore, selecting combinations with other plants, first of all pay attention to the foliage of the partner. They are able to become surgery purple and root, curly parsley, Schitt-bow; However, the flowers too, for example, a nasturtium. In the fall of Basil's busils, you can dig and transplant to the pot- on a well-lit windowel they will live all winter.

Aromatic "Bereg" stairs

Garden perfumery
Fig. N. Kazimirova
Garden perfumery
Fig. N. Kazimarova Compassionation using soil and aromatic plants - Timyan, Issop, Clear, with a grinding gray carpet of Pontic or Schmidt Nana- located along the edges of a wide staircase leading to a fruit garden. Left, near the upper steps, settled Barbaris Tunberg Rosy Glow. Against his purple foliage, gray oats and liatrix spikelets appear expressively. On the right side of the steps there are also landing of these plants, but already in new combinations. Such a repetition in the inspection sets a zoom-shaped rhythm of the movement of the view. An early spring begins to vegetate the bow-cut: it is cut into soup and for salad. The more often it is cut, the faster the bow will grow. A little later, a skillful culinary will be able to find Issop, sage and thyme here for himself. If, passing along the stairs, to involuntarily hurt the pillows spread between the steps, a pleasant tart thymyan fragrance will be broken in the air.

The author of the idea of ​​Tatiana Koyesman

Dill is extremely decorative, until it blooms: the openwork greens forms a translucent haze, which drop-pearls decorate after the rain. WTO time he is able to compete on beauty with Fennelhele and Tmin. The blooming dill is decorative in its own way: both in the garden, and in a flower bed, next to Echinacea, liatris, monado, chamomile or sunflower.

Among the stones ...

When creating an alpine slide, it is almost impossible to do without aromatic herbs, and as a decoration of a powerful stone track, they fit perfectly. They can be planted in natural intervals between the stones forming the path of the free form, and thereby give it a half-closed, dyed view. For this, low-spirited fading plants that are resistant to pulmonary are suitable: thyme, herbalca carnation, Schmidt Nana. There is another option: to remove several stones out of the connected site and fill out the voids formed by drought-resistant plants, the same thyme and cloves, oatmeal, purple woolly, and kitdnik.

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Photo 29.


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Photo 30.


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Photo 31.

Wormwood "God's tree"

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Photo 32.

Sage Muscany

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Photo 33.

Fennel Bronze

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Photo 34.

Catran Calcalized

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Photo 35.

Purple Swan

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Photo 36.


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Photo 37.


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Photo 38.

Oilsman ordinary

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Photo 39.

Onion aflatunuy

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Photo 40.


Using spicy herbs, you can create a full-fledged gravel garden. At the prepared section of the Earth, a fairly large area draws some kind of figure (for example, resembling the outlines of the beoline) and fall asleep with its gravel. Free shape is preferable for gravel garden, rather than strict geometric. Among the groups of groups are planting plants: bearded irises in the neighborhood with souls and Medica, wormwood, with fennel, low cereals (oatmeal, sector). If desired, add a decorative or conventional strawberry. Walking along the heated gravel among the green "islands" will give you pleasure, and in addition, some plants are useful in the kitchen.

Fragrance in the square

Garden perfumery

Garden perfumery

The main flower garden in the regular style is broken in front of the living room windows. The size of each of the four squares is about 22m, the width of the gravel tracks between them is about 60 cm. The range of plants in squares is repeated. The flower garden center is denoted by sunny clock, sculpture or wilderness for birds, surrounding their base as landings of thyme. Each square is limited to a furred border of rudge with a height of about 40cm. Of the planted plants, the cuff is beginning to vegetate, following the neutrals, the onions of Aflytununsky blooms. Cernedine May picks up the height of the "God's Tree", which is then dying, giving it the shape of the hemisphere. The total height of the flower bed per season changes more than once. Viyun suddenly appears a white cloud of a flourishing cathrane and after a couple of weeks, it just suddenly disappears. In the second half of the summer, the magenta swan "shoots", at the same time the gray-pink vertical inflorescences of the sage climb and keep the end of the season. Wormwood "God's Tree" can be replaced with park roses: more appropriately, the varieties of gentle pink and yellow tones will be here (Lucia, Frezia). They will harmoniously combine with cuffs and mint foliage.

The author of the idea of ​​Tatiana Koyesman

... and in bed

"Make it useful every block of land and remove a rich harvest" - this is exactly what was recently a priority for Russian gardeners. However, today you still hear such words: "I want to enjoy the beauty, soothing communication with nature." Garden owners think no only about the harvesterity of the beds, but also about their decorativeness. Spicy herb - good helpers in solving this task.

In fact, we will tell about two varieties of decorative beds of different shapes. The first is arranged on a square or rectangular area. It is a centr a bush of roses or a rosehip or "architectural", with an expressive article of lovers. Around the perimeter sow parsley, which, when it grows up, forms a green border. The remaining space is seeded with dill, and Irises accommodate with him in chaotic order. The second scenario involves the creation of a round bed. So that it was convenient to care for it, it is broken by narrow tracks into four separate sectors. All-round hops, providing vertical supports for which the plant will become. Around him in support sown Borago (cucumber grass). On the perimeter of the circle "Earl" the border from the root. The rest of the area is filled with mixed landings: one ring form a purple-olive basil and poppies, a second purple-olive sage and golden melissa.

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Photo 41.
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Photo 42.
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Photo 43.

Photo T. Koyesman

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Photo 44.

Photo T. Koyesman

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Photo 45.

Photo O. Voronina

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Photo 46.
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Photo 47.
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Photo 48.

Photo T. Koyesman

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Photo 49.

41, 45. Floral carpets are especially beautiful when the landing makes thick: thymes are planted near Curly parsley and cuff (41), sage- surrounded by the onions of Aflatunsky, dairy, geranium and carrots sowing (45). 42-44. The ability to harmoniously combine different types of plants - an indicator of high skill of the gardener. Armeria's allocations can be chosen cuff and sage (42), roses and geraniums (43), and Szillle Spanish, young shoots of sage and clarity (44). 46-49. Plants combine, taking into account their height: salad with souls (46), sage with dill and angelika (47), a coward with fennel (48). Warm climate decorative beds surround a Samshot border, which in the middle lane of Russia can replace landings of Issop, Ruta, Lukov (49)

The desire to experiment with combinations of useful and beautiful plants is not all. "Thematic" beds and flower beds are becoming popular. It is possible to combine each other culture used to suck and marinating vegetables: horseradish, dill, garlic, currants and loving (they are added to pickles), nasturtium (her seeds are marinated), as well as Physalis, pizhma balsamic. Another option is possible in one flower garden of plants, of which they make soothing mixtures: valerian, several varieties of mint, mother-in-law, Melissa, daisy, pharmaceutical, strawberries and strawberries, adding rosehip bushes and currants to them. The third flower garden is a kind of collection of seasonings: here are planted by Oushitsa, Issop, Thyme, Schitt-Bow, Sage, Fennel.

Depositive Cooking

Garden perfumery
The "foot" containers with vegetables decorate the Schitt-Onion, a garden strawberry and sage gathering spicy herbs, only some of the young shoots are cut off, since no less than half of the green mass of the plant should remain. Herbs that dried in the sun lose their fragrance and medicinal properties. Therefore, dry them is recommended in a shaded place outdoors or in a well-ventilated room. At the same time, plants are binding to small bundles and hang out inflorescences. After they are completely dry, the spices are put into hermetically closing tanks (for example, glass jars) and are removed into the dry dark, preferably cool place. However, the herbs can not only be dried, but also freeze, in this case, they will better retain the taste and aroma.

The editors thanks the Gardrud Garden Art Center for help in preparing the material.

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