Service with a guarantee


Possible problems associated with the repair of various household appliances in the warranty period, and optimal ways to solve them

Service with a guarantee 12604_1

Breakfast equipment in a warranty period is not such a rare phenomenon. Often we are lost in such situations and follow the instructions of the seller, which, as a rule, sends us to the service center. Next, we are submracting waiting for the end of repair. It is not worth waiting for mercy from nature, because in reality the right of consumers is much wider, about which the sellers are stubbornly silent. To take advantage of the entire spectrum of "services" provided to us by law, it would be nice to know this law. We will tell about the possible problems associated with the repair of various household appliances in the warranty period, and their optimal decision.

Service with a guarantee

So, a period of serene happiness from the possession of the new technique ended, the device broke. The rule "Buyer is always right" ceases to act, and the sellers join the war path. Smiling, friendly seller turns into a strict, dry manager, assures that you probably are to blame for the breakdown and no one should do anything. Now a lot depends on you, or rather, from your knowledge of the law. Let's go through the thorny path of struggle for their rights together.

Aza Knowledge

The washing machine does not erase, the refrigerator does not freeze, the stove does not heat. What to do where to run? For a start, calm down, do not panic, you have a warranty. Remember that during the warranty period you have the right to require troubleshooting, and completely free. The law on your side is true to enjoy your privileges, you need to know it very well, and most importantly, show it to the seller.

Be carefull

1. When buying equipment, carefully read the warranty card. All details of the seller should be indicated there.

2. Prints must be clearly read.

3. Check the correctness of all numbers, dates and selection details.

4. Before receiving the device, estimate its appearance.

5. Before passing the device to repair, describe all existing external damage in the protocol, and take pictures of it.

6. When you pass the device to repair, carefully read the recording of the receivers, make sure that the description of the fault and the date is listed.

7. All documents, as well as their photocopies keep them.

8. Vicenzia Write as much as possible, which you want: repair, replacement of the device or refund. Formulations "Quality Check", "Expertise" IT.P. Just tightened the process.

As a rule, large household appliances refers to technically complex products (their list is given in the law "On the protection of consumer rights"), and therefore, part of the items of this law does not apply to it. For example, if you suddenly decided that the new washing machine does not fit into the interior of the bathroom, you will not get it easy to return to the store, even within 14 days from the date of purchase, as they do, say, with clothes or shoes. But in case of identifying the malfunction of the technique during this period, you have the right to demand the replacement of the device on another (the same model) or replacement to another model (with recalculation of value), finally, returned money. Sellers play this point, entering the buyers to delusion. The replacement of a technically complex product of proper quality for 14 days is not provided, which they are happily and reported, but the words of "proper quality" (which implies the serviceability of the device) at the same time they lower, refusing to change or return money even for the broken apparatus.

If the malfunction appeared 15 days after the purchase, the above options are possible only in the case of "detecting a significant drawback of goods", without which you have the right only for free repairs.

The first steps

The rule is the first, with the breakdown of the equipment in no way attempt to repair it yourself, but immediately call the masters. Independent intervention automatically deprives you guarantees. It is better not to contact the service center, but directly to the seller, since it is easier to solve controversial situations. He will send to you a specialist at home, if the mass of the device is more than 5kg. It may occur the first problem. The fact is that the law does not establish the term of the Master's arrival. Many are waiting for him weeks. Output One: If you advise you to "re-call tomorrow" to inspect the unit, determine reasonable, in your opinion, the length of the specialist's visit, let's say 3 days, and then go to the store and write a statement with the requirement to troubleshoot. After that, the store will remain for the repair of 45 days, the maximum term provided for by law.

The lack of goods (work, services) is a non-resistant, requiring serious financial and temporary costs or emerging repeatedly and again after eliminating it.

If the master came, the breakdown was insignificant and was eliminated on the spot, on that story and end. But if he decided that the device was seriously affected and he needs a "resuscitation" in a specialized center, it means you will have to part with the device for up to 45 days. Do not be afraid to stay without a washing machine: instead of it at this time, you should be provided with a similar model (this applies to durable devices: refrigerator, phone IT.P.). Moreover, all costs associated with the transportation of the unit are obliged to take on a trading organization.

By the way, in the store usually do not mention the possibility of providing the appropriate device for the period of repair. Even if the sales managers remind about this condition, they will assure that they cannot replace the device for a similar due to the lack of such. But if you know your rights, then you will not leave the company's choice: Require a replacement, and if it is not, you must return money for the device.

After the visit of the wizard and compiling them the act, where it should describe a malfunction, you are with documents (check, warranty card, the act of breakdown) go to the store and write a claim for a claim in which you specify what you want: to repair or replace the device or to replace Return money. By default, sellers guide you for repairs, even impose it, assuring that there is no other way out. A claim for a claim is better to give a receipt for receipt, and if you refuse to send by registered mail.

We choose repairs

You do not want to part with your "home assistant" (or you simply do not have another exit), so your decision is to repair. Before you give a device to repair, just in case take a picture of it and configure all external damage, so that the device returned to you is safe and preservation, and not with new scratches.

The story is the first. Anatoly

In the refrigerator, bought in one of the stores of a large network of household appliances, became the "fur coat". Called a specialist who put a disappointing diagnosis: refrigerant leakage. It turned out that at home it is impossible to repair the unit - it is necessary to give it to repair. My wife and I were frightened: "How to live without a refrigerator at least 14 days (did everyone promise this time to fix)?" The master only shrugged and offered us to solve themselves, stay with a "fur coat" or give the device for two weeks. Shared trouble with the neighbors, and they suggested that the store should provide us with another refrigerator at the time of repair of this. We, joyful, ran to the customer service of the store to write a corresponding statement, but there simply refused to take it, motivating it in this way: "I still do not give." Unas did not have the desire to interrupt, and we demanded termination of the contract of sale and return of money. Then the manager, I did not blink my eye, said it was not a warranty case. Only after a practically the verbal retperuance of the law "On the protection of consumer protection" at elevated colors managed to give him a statement demanding to return the money. Through the designated 10 days, during which the store "considered" a statement, no one called us. I had to call back. It turned out that the paper simply forgot to send to the head office. After the loud reminders, she was sent. I took a refrigerator in a week in a week, and the money was brought the next day. My advice: Be persistent and learn to dwell more articles of the law.


If the store refuses to take a statement with your requirements, send it to a custom letter with a receipt notice. Yes, and with personal presentation, it is better to give a document on receipt receipt.

History Second. Yulia

The refrigerator with stainless steel housing, as it may be ridiculous, it sounded, through the trimesula, after the purchase rusted the door. Yes, yes, she just went rusty stains. Yanapisal three claims to the director of the store with a threat to sue, if my requirements will not be satisfied with the money for poor goods. Vitoga store contacted the service center, and sent me to me. He said that everything happened because of the wrong handling of steel, they say, it was necessary to holy daily and cherish and wipe exclusively with special means warning the appearance of rust. Asgenias were given to me in the store. They usually lie inside the chamber, sometimes even fixed with scotch. Kscher, I perfectly understood the absurdity of the Master's statements and insisted that rusty stains are not my problem, but the manufacturer. The same store did not provide me with branded refrigerator care products. Vitoga service company decided to replace the door. I ordered it in Germany, instead of the legitimate 45 days of the month, three, and the door was finally brought. But she ... did not fit in size, since it was from another model (!). The right door was waiting for another Boliemen, but this time managed to meet in a 45-day term. The whole epic took from me more than six months. Agotum still broke the handle. But since I was already almost native in the service center, I was replaced very quickly. I regret that I have not achieved a refund.


Julia could demand the payment of penalties for non-compliance with the deadlines, taking into account the delay duration and the price of the refrigerator, the amount would be decent.

Under the law, the repair should not last more than 45 days, but in reality it is often delayed in reality and in the service you can be sorry for breakfasts. " But you can also shine here with your knowledge of the law that in such situations there is a penalty (1% of the purchase cost for every overdue day). However, as practice shows, even the mention of fines does not always speed up the repair process. Service managers may well send you to collect penalties from the seller, although in fact, holding the repair of your device, the service is carrying all the legitimate responsibility for this, and the "lack of details in the warehouse" is not a reason for tightening work and especially refusal to pay fine . Nevertheless, in his will, hardly someone agree to pay. Here, as a rule, one way is the court. Is it worth the game candle- decide for yourself. If the service is not compared to the repair period, you have the right to not only get the amount of the penalty, but also require the return of money for the device.

It will be useful to know that with a successful completion of the repair, the guarantee on the device is extended for the time that it was in the service center, and on separate replaced parts is set to a period, for example half a year.

Let's change

If you can replace the device and you chose this path, know that you should take a broken device and deliver a new company should at your own expense and within 7 days from the date of presentation of such a claim (which is why it is important to submit a written statement, and not limited to an oral agreement). However, if the seller is currently missing this product, the replacement time may increase and up to 1 months. True, in the latter case, within three days you must offer a replacement device. The warranty period is estimated again from the moment you receive new equipment.

Return blood!

From the date of the presentation of the requirement for the refund of their money within 10 days, you must return to you. The easiest way to do it on a check, but if suddenly your model has increased in price in price from the time of purchase, you may need to pay you and a large amount. If this device is sold at a new price in the same store, problems most likely will not arise, but to prove that you need to return the amount equal to the value of this unit in another store, will be problematic.

In cases where your rights as a consumer are violated and you need legal assistance, contact the following addresses and phones:

1. Mo Consumer Protection Society "Public Control": 121099, Moscow, Shubinsky Per., 2/3, 1st floor (Smolenskaya), Tel.: (499) 241-6103.

2. If you suspect the fact of the execution of fraud by the Seller, in the Office of Combating Economic Crimes, for example, in UBEP Central Government Museum: 113062, Moscow, ul. Lucinovskaya, 44, Corp. 2, Tel.: (495) 694-8540.

Not recognized guilt

Service with a guarantee

One of the most common reasons for refusing to repair the recognition of the case of non-warranty. Most often, the sellers are trying to prove that the owner is to blame in the breakdown, for example, she struck mechanical damage, it was incorrectly exploited or tried to repair it independently. Especially bad things are made with small appliances (phones, players, cameras IT.P.). The masters are completely "by chance", of course, - which is not only found: and suddenly the crack appeared on the display, and the condensate inside (can and pour water), and the torn fillionate. Prove that this happened after passing the device to the service is very difficult.

The third story. Konstantin

A year ago we bought a stove, all this time she worked properly. But recently, one of the burners stopped warm. We went to the store asking to fix the guarantee, but it turned out that we lost a check, and maybe he was not given when buying. We have been denied warranty service for the lack of check. So we left with one non-working burner.


The lack of a cash register or commercial check or another document confirming the purchase is not a basis for refusing to meet the requirements of the consumer. Even if the condition of its mandatory availability is contained in the warranty card or declared by the store. Proof of what you made a purchase in this store may become, for example, testimony.

History fourth. Alyona

The long-awaited cooking panel was broken through the two-month operation. Master arrived and redeemed her right at home. True, a couple of days, the device refused to work again. This time another master came and said that the details were required to be ordered, and they will arrive in 2 weeks. In general, not 2 weeks later, and 2 months the necessary details "got" to my cooking panel. But she still did not want to work. Then she was taken to the workshop. Movement brought back, not working. Vggazine stated that the money will be returned only if the act is not subject to repair, but they assure the workshop that the panel can fix it. So I sit without a stove.


Alena simply does not know his rights. The law on her side is already twice. Even after the first delay with repair for 2 months, she could demand to return the money, and together with the penalty (1% of the cost of the goods for the day of delay). First, the device was in the service longer than 45 days, and this is a violation of deadlines, and secondly, because of the repair of Alena did not use the stove for more than 30 days during the year.

The story is fifth. Vlad.

I broke the hood under warranty, I called the service with a request to send the masters. I was told that he would contact me, but 5 days and silence passed. Mosnova called, and they promised to call back in a couple of days, which turned back in a week. So feed endless "breakfasts".


Indeed, the term of the Master's arrival in law is not registered, but there is a maximum repair period - 45 days, therefore, if you, in your opinion, has passed enough time, and the master did not appear, it is better to go to the store or service and leave a statement with the requirement Eliminate malfunctions. Then within 45 days you must repair the device.

In general, you can understand the service. The fact is that he must repair the device at his own expense, and the manufacturer only once, let's say, instez compensates for the cost of repairs. And he does this not always, in turn, also looking for the reasons to recognize the case of non-warranty, causing a literally to each scratch. Because the services are taken for the repair of equipment with reluctance. Yes, and "live" money is always better than non-cash payments with the manufacturer. The same you pay now, and the manufacturer is then.

Therefore, in order to maximize yourself from the recognition of your case by non-warranty, when you pass the device to the service it is necessary to make all visible scratches and scratches, defects of the IT.P., and clearly describe the problems.

If the seller occurs, suspicion is that the defect appeared on your fault, he can conduct an examination. If his doubts are confirmed, you will have to repair the device at your own expense and, moreover, pay for the examination.

Learning to write a claim


The director of the store "Technique" E. K. Sidorov from M. V. Petrova, living at the address: Moskva, 7th Street of builders, 182, square meters. 38 (house. Tel. (495) 111-1111)


November 24, 2009 In your store I bought a frost refrigerator. After 5 months - during the warranty period - he broke. Smoked in the warranty workshop with a request to eliminate the defect. Due to the lack of necessary details, the master could not eliminate the master and said that the necessary details in the nearest months will not be received in the workshop. Thus, this deficiency cannot be eliminated without disproportionate time and applies to essential, so I have the right to replace the refrigerator on the same product of another brand.

Review with paragraph 1 of Art. 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" I ask to replace the faulty refrigerator to frost-2m refrigerator with a counting price. Please consider my claim within 7 days. I will ignore my claims I will be forced to go to court. In addition to the foregoing, I will ask the court to recover from your store compensation for moral damage.


1. Copy of commercial check.

2. Copy of warranty coupon.

3. A copy of the inspection act of the refrigerator.

3mm, 2010

Signature decoding signature


The law is, of course, well, but in reality, sellers will do everything possible to avoid responsibility. Iapoka is the only way to protect myself - firmly know your rights and actively defend them. Only in this case there is a chance to achieve something. After all, by and large, sellers are not interested in going against the law, because in court, as a rule, wins the buyer. However, they will never be promised to take advantage of our legal illiteracy and turn the situation in their favor. So the main weapon against unscrupulous sellers is knowledge of laws.

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