Simple magic


The owners of the country area decided to expand the old bath, and as a result, the two-storey brick handsome house increased by a total area of ​​100 m2

Simple magic 12621_1

Simple magic

Simple magic
The covered terrace, built in front of the bath, has become a great place to relax. A small common, made in its end part, gives the room closed, separate character

Simple magic

Simple magic

Simple magic
Oak leaves adorning the terrace fence is the non-random motive. It arose due to the oldest splashing oak, which was carefully preserved during construction
Simple magic
Despite the modest sizes, the kitchen is equipped with everything necessary thanks to the compact location of the furniture. There was a place even for a small console table, followed by a cup of tea. The original lamp in the kitchen resembles a swimsome jellyfish and continues the marine theme specified by the wall facing

Simple magic

Simple magic
The steps of the wooden staircase are made of a mahogany array. Unprocessed boards were bought, and then on the spot they were adjusted in size and grinded
Simple magic
The space of the master bedroom in the warm season is significantly expanding due to the indoor terrace adjacent to it.
Simple magic
A mansard window in the roof of the terrace of the second floor allows you to significantly improve its illumination.
Simple magic
Massive oak doors not only have a solid appearance, but also provide excellent sound insulation.

Simple magic

Simple magic
The space of the shoproom room is divided into two zones - sleeping and recreation area. In addition, a small musical studio is arranged under the roof of the roof. The same separation on the zones is present in the room of the son. Folding sofa indicates sleep zone. Opposite the working corner is arranged, partially fell apart from the rest of the space built-in rack, and at the top level there is a small mezzanine
Simple magic
Windows of almost all rooms at home are decorated with wrought-iron lattices with the image of oak leaves
Simple magic
The lamp in the bathroom of the second floor is made of a sequencing of a century poplar and reaches 1.2 m in diameter
Simple magic
The gray monophonic "field" of ceramic lining of the walls and the ceiling of the bathroom "is drawn" to large cells using decorative inserts

Simple magic

Simple magic
Facing the bottom of the wood stove-heater is made of a carefully selected color and size of large sea seashells and smoothly polished by pebbles brought from the Black Sea coast

Simple magic

Simple magic
Fragments of agate with an expressive pattern are engaged in the surface. Decorative inclusions made of marine pebbles, and in ceramic wall cladding in the soul zone

Simple magic

Simple magic

How many magic stories begins with the fact that the hero simply makes the first step, going beyond the threshold - and amazing things immediately occur with it, wonderful creatures and fabulous beauties appear! Interestingly, the story of this house something resembles a similar plot. It cost him the owners to make this very first step - they decided to expand the old bathhouse - and a two-story handsome house grew up on the plot.

The atmosphere in the country village is really a bit fabulous. High slender pines, fragile birch trees, colorful oaks are covered under their crowns cozy at home, each of whom has a long and interesting story.

So this area crossed the current owners inheritance. One of the buildings located on its territory was an old log cabin (a large brick garage adjacent to it). Iso time arose the idea of ​​landscaping her, expand and equip everything that is necessary for life.

Step second and further ...

Initially, the bath was planned to re-equip into a house for rest, attached to her living room and kitchen. At the same time, an important task is to maintain the beautiful adult trees growing on the site, largely determined the contours of the designed building.

For new walls, a belt foundation was erected using a monolithic reinforced concrete. Since the ground in the sandy area, the depth of the foundation was 0.8m. The walls decided to fold out of the brick so that they would be harmonized with the garage extension, which continued to perform their main functions.

However, in the process of construction, an idea appeared not only to expand the building, but also to make it higher, building an attic, where it would be possible to place the bedrooms. For this, the angle of inclination of the roof has increased, creating a small break in its upper part so that the internal space of the second floor it becomes more spacious. The roof was well insulated with stone wool Light Batts (Rockwool, International Concern) with a thickness of 100mm, and also provided vapor and waterproofing. Punching of the roofing material was used metal tile with a protective coating of plastisol.

Assue is a queue, the nuclear fonts created on the basis of a wooden frame. These sections were also insulated with stone cotton wool (100mm), which was provided with vapor barrier from a polyethylene film and windproofing from pergamine. Inside and outside the wall was chosen by pine clap. So, gradually, not in a hurry, the house grew, he was lovingly equipped and decorated. In the distance of all this time, he continued to serve his masters.

Simple magic

Simple magic

Simple magic

One of the characteristic features of the house design can be called attention to the details that are designed to create a mood. It is a bat at the entrance to a bath or "irrigation" fish, driving between stones in the facing of the terrace wall.

All nature paints

In order for the structure as much as possible in the landscape, it was used only natural tones in its external design. Brick walls of the building were left without additional finishes, retaining the natural color of red baked clay. Assue is a queue, the walls of the old log cabin were chosen by clapboard, like the nods of the attic. All wooden surfaces were covered with a special hydrophobic composition "Ganozis" based on beeswax, with unique protective properties (we have already written about this to the "IVD", 2009, No. 6). In "Ganozis" added toning, which made it possible to give a tree a warm golden hue. The dark gray color of the roof is harmoniously combined with these natural paints and is perfectly consistent with the natural environment.

In retro style

Simple magic

In the master room, located on the second floor, a retro style was created, carrying 60-70-hgg in the era. XXV. Actually, it took not so much effort to do this. Old chairs, preserved from the previous time, moved to a country house from an urban apartment, gaining a second life here, after they were rearranged and abandoned with a cloth. Colive of chairs perfectly combine mats into a large cage. Soft plaid, freely abandoned on a low ottoo, replacing the bed, brings the romantic spirit of "creative carelessness" to the interior. Wooden cantilever shelves for books and old plates, rack for audio equipment made from ordinary pine boards, harmoniously complement the situation. Everything is quite simple and at the same time corresponds to the general mood of the dreamy era of the discussions of "physicists" and "lyrics".

New layout

The inner space of the house is divided into two parts. The first is, of course, a bath, which not only retained all its functions, but also gained a more comfortable planning after reconstruction. In addition to the steam room (for her, they mounted a new cast-iron stove-heater) here appeared shower. In addition, from the side of the entrance to the bath attached a spacious indoor terrace so that it could be comforted to relax on it after water procedures, enjoying the fresh forest air.

The second part of the construction is living. It has a separate entrance through the tambour building located from the end. There is a compact cuisine from which you can get into the living room. Next to the entrance door - the staircase; It rises to the attic floor, where the master bedroom is located, the son's room and the bathroom with a shower (on the first floor there is also a bathroom). The modest square used the most efficiently the amount of passing zones is minimized. This is a staircase hall on the first floor and one more, small, - on the second (the doors of the three rooms come to it).

Art and skill

As for the inner design of the premises, it can be called a unique author's work, because all the details of the interior, up to the smallest detail, carefully and with love are chosen by the Maria Mendeleev designer. And the most inexpensive materials went into the course. Many of them were acquired as remnants or marriage (for example, the floor tile from marble) or in general in the literal sense of the word raised from the ground (Black Sea pebbles used in the wall decoration). But thanks to the bright fantasy and professional mastery of Mary, these scattered materials eventually accounted for a harmonious composition.

Perhaps the most original bath interior. Here the main decorative motive was a combination of stone and a tree, both in the invoice, and by flavoring. The walls of the walls and the ceiling of pine lining are quite traditional for the bath, but the floor is seeded with natural gray marble. The stone was bought in the store as residues with a big discount, since the material had deviations on the tone, and in some places where the chips. Nevertheless, the designer used this difference in color to create a live game of the floor surface, emphasizing all the variety of marble shades. The coverage of the miraculous composition "Ganozis" ensured the excellent safety of the stone and protected it from any environmental impacts, besides the uniform matte shine gave and hid all the existing defects. We found an application and marine pebbles, and old, almost petrified shells, served as an unusual material for cladding the lower part of the furnace. Involving color, it gained from the same wax-based medium.

The pebbles are present in the interior of the kitchen, it is made of a decorative panel on the wall, to which a small console table is adjacent. The smooth polished stoves are combined by tone with light olive plaster, which covered the rest of the walls. The marine theme continues the author's ceiling lights from corals.

The rostic olive color is replaced by the solar ocro, it is perfectly harmonized with a wooden ceiling and floor-coating. The interior of this zone, solved in the Country Spirit, give a special comfort and charm antique furniture items. They switched to the owners inheritance and were carefully preserved and restored by them.

The comfort of mansardes

Mansard - most often the most romantic and cozy place in the house. She did not exception and in this case. Special warmth and feeling of comfort by residential rooms of the second floor gives wooden finish, reigning in the interior: it is a pine board used in the flooring, and the lining, which is covered with walls and ceiling. Even metal screed rafters got a wood trim, decorative boxes made of beech boards, which were toned by "Ganozis", as well as all other wooden surfaces.

The single colorful solution of the wooden coating (light brown-golden tones) creates a kind of background that allows you to actively use the color in the interior at the same time remaining within the framework of the natural gamma. So, the milky white and dark gray carpets into a large cage on the floor in the master room are highlighted by two zones: sleeping (there is a wide ottoman) and a resting place where a soft folding sofa is installed with a dark blue upholstery - another color accent. The overall palette is complemented by olive curtains, which are decorated with an arched window overlooking the covered terrace.

Simple magic
First floor plan Explanation of the first floor

1. Living room

2. Kitchen

3. Sanusel

4. Garage

5. Tambour

6. Terrace

7. Banya

8. Boiler room

Exclition of the attic floor

Simple magic
Mansard Floor Plan 1. Son room

2. Master Bedroom

3. Hall

4. Sanusel

5. Covered terrace

Technical data

Total area of ​​the house ...... 100m2


Building type: brick

Foundation: Monolithic reinforced concrete belt type, depth - 0.8m, horizontal waterproofing- rubReroid

Walls: First Floor - Brick; Banya-Tesana log, lining - lining; Second floor-frame from a wooden bar, insulation - stone cotton wool Rockwool (100mm), vapor barrier film, wind insulation, pergamine, lining - lining

Overlap: wooden

Roof: Double, Stropyl design, rafyled

Wooden with metal ties, decorated under timber, steam barrier film, insulation - stone cotton wool (100mm), waterproofing - waterproofing membrane; Plastizol coated roofing

Windows: plastic with double-chamber windows ("SPK concept", Russia), mansard windows Velux (Denmark)

Life support systems Power Supply: Municipal Network

Water supply: Square

Hot Water Supply: Cumulative Water Heater

Water treatment: HFS series water mitigation system with Osmonics AutoTrol (Pentair Water, USA)

Heating: Gas Copper OGA, Water Heating Radiators, Water Heavy Floors

Sewerage: sediment well

Gas supply: centralized

Additional systems

Pair: wood stove

Interior decoration

Walls: Pine Lining, Ceramic Tile, Sea Pebbles, Plaster

Ceilings: Pine Lining

Floors: Pine board, marble tile

The enlarged calculation of the cost * home improvement with a total area of ​​100m2, similar to the submitted

Name of works Number of price, rub. Cost, rub.
Preparatory and Foundation Works
Takes up axes, layout, development and recess 27m3 630. 17 010.
Sand base device, rubble 7m3 410. 2870.
Device of the foundations of ribbon reinforced concrete 20m3 4200. 84,000
Waterproofing horizontal and lateral 90m2. 380. 34 200.
Other works set - 27 300.
TOTAL 165 380.
Applied materials on the section
Concrete heavy 20m3 3900. 78,000
Gravel crushed stone, sand 7m3 - 9100.
Hydrosteclozol, Bituminous Mastic 90m2. - 23 400.
Armature, Formwork Shields and Other Materials set - 29 800.
TOTAL 140 300.
Walls, partitions, overlap, roofing
Masonry of exterior walls and brick partitions 50m3. 2400. 120,000
Assembling frame walls and partitions 38m2. - 33 200.
Build overlap with laying beams 100m2 670. 67,000
Assembling roof elements with crate device 110m2. 680. 74 800.
Isolation of walls, overlap and coatings insulation 370m2. 90. 33 300.
Hydro and vaporizoation device 370m2. 60. 22 200.
Metal coating device 110m2. 580. 63 800.
Installing window blocks set - 39 000
Other works set - 118,000
TOTAL 571 300.
Applied materials on the section
Brick construction, masonry solution set - 125 800.
Sawn timber 15m3. 6900. 103 500.
Steam, wind and waterproof films 370m2. - 12 950.
Mineralovate insulation 370m2. - 44 100.
Metal profiled sheet, Dobornye elements 110m2. - 95 700.
Plastic window blocks with double-glazed windows set - 145,000
Other materials set - 214,000
TOTAL 741 050.
Engineering systems
Autonomous water supply device set - 29 800.
Installation of a sedimentary well set - 22 300.
Electrical and plumbing work set - 285,000
TOTAL 337 100.
Applied materials on the section
Autonomous Water Supply and Water Supplies Systems set - 55 800.
Local sewage system set - 79 200.
Oven-Kamenka. set - 18 200.
Plumbing and electrical equipment set - 647,000
TOTAL 800 200.
Painting, facing, assembly and carpentry work (including facade) set - 609 000
TOTAL 609 000
Applied materials on the section
Flooring, Lining, Ceramic Tile, Decorative Stone, Door Blocks, Decorative Elements, Lucky, Paint, Dry Mixes and Other Materials set - 2 510 000
TOTAL 2 510 000
* The calculation was performed on the averaged rates of construction companies Moskva, without taking into account the coefficients.

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