Alpine fantasy


Two stony slides made on sites with different landscape: the first is in the garden with absolutely "flat" relief, the second - on the natural slope

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Stony gardens, alpine slides - these already familiar elements of garden compositions allow you to imitate the natural mountain landscape with one degree or another. The main types of plants used for their design, come from alpine and subalpine mountain belts.

Beautiful, harmoniously inscribed in the surrounding landscape, rocky garden can be created on a plot with any relief. We want to submit such a garden to you for consideration.

Alpine meadow

This picturesque alpine slide arranged in the garden with absolutely "flat" relief. Size slide - 4.54m, height - 1.3m. For her, boulders from sandstone brownish-beige color were chosen such a magnitude so that only small mechanization means can be used to move on the site (Rockla cart). The artificial bars of 6.53.5 m in the size of 6.53.5 m was rolled close to the mountaineering.

The construction of the slides began with the markup of its external contour and backfilling the entire area of ​​the gravel and sandy mixture, to which the stone blocks were laid. The first ridge of stones are usually installed along the outer contour of the slides, and the following - "steps" to the center. The stream of the stream is made before the location of the main elements. The most responsible part of the operation is to install vertex elements. As a rule, these are the most beautiful stones, unusual in color, texture, drawing of residences. Final stage planting plants. It is preparing place for them: first take out the gravel mixture, then the pits are filled with a specially selected fertile land, in which plants are planted. The surface of the Earth is mounted in small gravel, which protects the roots from drying out, and soil - on the blur in the case of heavy rains.

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Photo 4.

1,2. The alpinary semiring covers a small reservoir. This very elegant decorative group is focused on the favorite place of rest of the host-cozy arbor. It looks beautiful and out of the windows of the house. Located on a flat green lawn field. Stony slide is the dominant garden landscape. The peak of blossoms of plants falls at the beginning of the summer, but the pine "gnome", "Winter Gold", "Pumilio", "Pug", Pine "Vaterieri" beautiful even in winter, are growing here. Between stone boulders left free places for plants. The largest landing yams are needed for coniferous and deciduous shrubs (about 30cm), for succulents and pillow-shaped perennial plants (carnations, artifications, arabis) enough and small rafts or slots between stones.

3. Spiring Japanese "Gold Maund".

4. The store felt, in a small emblem on the stone - it was roofing.

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Photo 8.

5. Eversist, Timyan Creeping, Arabis "Variagat".

6.Powelly clinging row runs the stream. On the shores in the clefts between the stones - the felt felt, the juniper Cossack "Tamaricofolya", the Kamchatsky cramps, the juniper horizontal "Andorra Comnk".

7. Wall white "Rubrifyol".

8. Creature caustic "Erhlo Quin".

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Photo 12.

9. Mountain "Winter Gold", Crash's Crash, MEDO.

10. Clean bent. The inflorescences of the Camery Camery are visible because of the stone.

11. Mountain "Mugus", Barbaris Tunberg "Atropurpuray Nana", a creeping chamber, a long-term daisy.

12. Pulling herbanka, Camchatka Camchatka "Variagatum", false cramming.

Tip First: Materials

The compositions are built of stones, homogeneous on the texture and configuration: either rounded stones (boulders), or large blocks of different shapes and sizes from rocks. (The second option, in our opinion, is preferable. It is important to choose the right color stones. It is advisable to avoid excessive varnish, which appears when using stones of different breeds and colors in the construction of one slide. (Limestone is not suitable, as it is quickly destroyed outdoors.)

In the forest, on the slope of the mountain ...

A completely different character in the rocky slide, placed on a natural slope, in the garden, made in a natural English style, with a large number of coniferous trees. The brightness of the Alpine meadow here is inferior to the monochrome severity of the forest mountain landscape. The location of the Alpinarium removed from the house made it possible to create an independent area of ​​recreation with a reservoir and a small beach adjacent to the coastline.

The total weight of the stones in this composition is about 70t. Unloaded and stacked them with a crane. Family slide lies the foundation-reinforced concrete plate on which the hill was poured out of a mixture of sand and rubble. Quite a part of the hill, the concrete retaining wall with a height of 2m.

Vegetable design - low shapes of coniferous trees and shrubs and soil perennials. Pleasure routes are laid here and around the slide, and next to the waterfall, along its stones.

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13. Introduced the plan-juniper Cossack "Tamaricofolya", Barbaris Tunberg "Atropurpuray Nana", Juniper Middle "Gold Star", Pine Mountain "Hampi", "Pumilio", "Gnome".

14. Gossip of scaly "Blue Carpet" is similar to the starfish, thrown ashore, near the Timyan (chamber) creeping.

15. The Cancer Causto Crashing "Aureum", a bluish needles with juniper juniper.

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Photo 16.
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Photo 18.

16. In advance, the plan is a bright spot: Carnish Carnish on the background of the Middle Gold Star Juniper, on the Far Plan, very fluffy balls: Mountain pines "Pumilio", "Winter Gold".

17.The Silver.

18. Clean bent, thyme creeping.

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Photo 19.
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Photo 21.

19.Kameneck Moss with carved green leaves, motley leaves of Arabis "Variagat", white colors.

20.Names from the waterfall spread their spiny evergreen branches Juniper ordinary "Green Carpet", juniper scaly "Blue Carpet", microbiota cross-pass.

21. Creature caustic "Erhlo Quin" as if absorbed the sun's rays into his bright yellow inflorescences.

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Photo 24.

22. Very beautiful pine ordinary "Waterieri" with a bluish cheese.

23.el ordinary "Nidformis".

24.Changlomka Ferrusy, revealed cleft.

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Photo 27.

25. Necklace beach is protected from outsided views with a young forest. Among the trees are highlighted pine cedar, pine ordinary "Waterieri", pine mountain "Gnome". Very elegant on the background of the needles of the spikes of Falaris of Peppercut.

26. Prosoko spread the branches on the stones juniper horizontal "Wiltony".

27.Vode with noise drops from large boulders.

Tip Second: Planning

Alpinarium layout directly depends on the general artistic design of the designer, creating a landscape composition. Best stony gardens place in the main recreation area, near the arows and terraces. Whole with an artificial reservoir, stream or waterfall, a similar complex becomes especially decorative and attractive.

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