Battle with decibelami


Noise protection windows: Ways to enhance the sound insulation of double-glazed windows, design types of noise-proof windows, singing work

Battle with decibelami 12628_1

In the modern megalopolis, it is harder to find a quiet corner. Yesterday's deaf alleys today on the intensity of motion resemble highways. Even in the courtyards there is no salvation from the transport noise, too much became lovers to drive around the traffic jams along the pedestrian zones. The city does not subside in the afternoon at night, having a constant pressure on our nerves. Kschasty, we are able to protect our home from the car hum and other street sounds - you only need to get the windows of a special design.

Battle with decibelami
VEKA is very often encountered with the opinion that it is enough to buy just good modern windows - with double-chamber windows and from a high-quality profile, and the problem of noise insulation will be solved by itself. But it is not. Independent Europe and the United States noise protection windows have long been, approximately from the mid-70s. Hg century., Refer to a separate category. AU of us this term has become widely used only in recent years. Noise-protective windows are called windows of different design types that are able to provide sound insulation more than 30DBA (acoustic decibel), that is, reduce the noise of the motorway, sometimes reaching 80stB, to the level provided by the sanitary standards (45-50DBA). On the aesthetic, heat-insulating and operational characteristics of the window, the improvement of sound insulation does not affect very either affecting very slightly. What are these designs?

In the front edge

The main element of the noise protection window is a glass in a special version. After all, it is the glass bar of more than 80% of the area of ​​the window and is at the same time the most thin part of it.

The level of the necessary self-defense

According to SNiP 23-03-2003 "noise protection", the main characteristic of the transport noise is the equivalent level of the LaEKV sound at a distance of 7.5 m from the axis of the first strip of movement. The magnitude of this indicator, for example, in Moscow on Kutuzovsky Avenue (in the area of ​​the Arc de Triomphe), in the morning of the peak, according to the latest data, - 78DBA. The motorway is noise in a very wide frequency range, and low-fusion waves dominate, the penetrating ability of which is very high. Even the best soundproof window has a soundproofing rantran. But not higher than 48DBA. But this is quite enough. The fact is that the general "noise background" of our life in the city is 25-30dba. We practically do not notice it, because they are already accustomed, and if suddenly it will be "off", feel discomfort. It was from this that the developers of SNiP 23-03-2003 proceeded, setting the external noise insulation standards by the window: the design is required to reduce the "volume" of the highway to an acceptable 50BB. Intercom with this document, if LaEKV on the street next to the house at the rush hour is 65DB, the window must have a soundproofing 15DBA; With LaEKV, numbering 70stBe, - 20dba IT.D. The maximum requirement for sound insulation of the window shown in SNiP - 35DBA (at the level of transport noise more than 80DBA). Note that the SNiP demands have time to be able to endure: modern translucent designs allow you to provide a higher sound comfort in the apartment, reducing the noise in the room almost from any road to 30-35DB.

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Photo V. Loginova

1-2. The TROCAL BALANCE plastic profile system allows you to use a double-glazed glass to 40mm wide, and the Expert KBA (2) is up to 42mm (if you install the folding expander to 58mm).

3. In order for the sound to penetrate through the slots in the mounting seam area, the latter is filled with foam into two stages: first from the inside, then outside.

4. From the side of the street, the polyurethane insulation protects against moisture and ultraviolet radiation by plaster or platbands.

Create a translucent design, which will approach the overhaul on its sound insulation characteristics, is very difficult. After all, there is no alternative to silicate glass in the field of translucent designs. Glass-acoustic stiff material: it does not absorb, and reflects sound waves, but under their impact "swing" and re-ends noise inside the room. Sound insulation (R) of single-layer glazing by the usual float glass with a thickness of 4mm is small, only 20-25DB. An increase in the number of glasses and their thickness does not bring a significant result. Thus, according to the results of the tests conducted by the design and design technological institution "StroyTestest", the difference in sound insulation between single and two-chamber glass windows is only 1-1,5st. Avot Mass of sash and, accordingly, the load on the accessories, its fasteners and framework parts increase at the same time quite essentially. Nevertheless, designers managed to find a way out, and not one, but several. To date, there are three basic ways to increase the soundproofing of double-glazed windows.

1. Violation of symmetry. Studying at school in the lessons of physics, the effect of resonance, put the following experience. On two threads hang two loads next to each other. Improvised pendulums connect the weak copper spring and output the system from the position of equilibrium - more simply speaking, pushing one of the hanging items. The spring transmits the momentum to the second cargo, both pendulum swing, alternately changing the amplitude of the oscillations - there are beats. This process does not attempt for a very long time. But it is worth changing the mass of one of the goods or the length of the thread, on which it is suspended - and the amplitude of oscillations will become less, and the system will calm down faster (with the same initial impulse). It is this reduction in the resonance with a violation of the system symmetry and decided to use glass dispensers. Highly two-chamber windshield three identical glass (4mm) are separated by air chambers of equal width (6-12mm). If you change the thickness of one of the aircrafts (that is, take two remote frames of different widths), sound insulation of the glass package will increase by 2-3dba. It is even better to make one of the glasses of single or two-chamber glass windows thicker (5-6mm). The sound wave is somewhat more complicated to "dig" such an obstacle, and due to this, the effect of symmetry disruption is enhanced: an additional reduction in noise (compared to a conventional glass of the same total thickness) reaches 3,5 st.

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"Window Real"

5-6. A window with asymmetric double-glazed windows (5) provides sound insulation up to 33pad. According to preliminary calculations, an additional flap with thick glass (6) will add to this indicator 5-6DB.

7-8. The window with paired sash (7) on the convenience of operation is not inferior to the Euro-window (8), but exceeds it on sound insulation due to a wide box and an asymmetric glazing scheme.

2. Use of inert gases. As you know, in different environments, the sound is distributed differently, and in the vacuum it does not occur at all. The inert gases "conduct" the sound is much worse than air, and only a small part of the oscillations of the external is transmitted to the inner glass. The best result can be achieved when filling the glass mixture of argon (70%) and sixfluoride sulfur (30%). An additional reduction in noise is 2.5-4DB. However, the main winnings are obtained in the range of 250-3000 Hz, and at low frequencies, sound insulation even slightly decreases. The same filling with a sixfluoride gray-rather dense and severe compound - causes a kind of greenhouse effect: in summer, the room will be very hot in sunny weather.

3. Application of triplex. The construction triplex is made of two silicate glasses (3-6mm), gluing them with a special film or resin layer. Such a product due to the sonological properties of the polymer layer isolates the sound by 30-60% better than the single-layer glass of the same thickness, and very efficiently at low frequencies. Turning on the triplex to the glass unit gives simply a magnificent result of the window sound insulation increases by 4-5DB, however, this indicator is achieved only at high frequencies.

Threesome more fun

Three-layer glass-triplex produce in two technologies. At the first method, glass is glued with a film (polyvinylbutioral or silicanic rubber) with a thickness of 3-6 μm. In the second case, the space between the glasses recorded by a special remote frame is poured a light-cured monomer (acrylates IT.D.). The resulting layer of the thickness of the film (7-8 μm) and it is better than the glass vibration. True, the so-called acoustic films for Triplex began to appear lately (their component of the manufacturer) - for example, Glaverbel (Belgium), SEKISUI (Japan), Saint-Gobain Glass (France). In efficiency, they are superior to the resin.

The listed methods are often combined, for example, an asymmetric glass machine is made and fill it with an inert gas. However, the saying "porridge does not spoil" in this case is not always appropriate. For example, ordering a two-chamber glass glass with an external glass of increased thickness, the distance between the glasses is better to leave the same, otherwise there is a chance to create conditions for enhancing the resonance and eventually obtain even a decrease in noise insulation. It is necessary to take into account such a parameter as the mass of the glass package. If it is too large (two-chamber double-glazed windows with a triplex), the sash windows with time can be saved.

Second echelon

Nowadays, the framework designs of the flaps and boxes are mainly made of plastic profiles. The latter are responsible for the appearance of the window and its operational reliability, in some degree for heat resistant and in a very insignificant sound insulation. Therefore, you should not believe advertising statements of sellers about "especially quiet" profiles. Nevertheless, in the manufacture of noise protection windows, it is mainly used not three-chamber, and five-chamber assembly depth of at least 70mm. This is necessary in order to have the ability to establish a special glass, which, as a rule, is somewhat thicker than the usual (36-40mm). Kschasty, most of the most sought-after systems of the five-chamber profile "Expert", Trocal Innonova (Voe- PROFINE GROUP), Softline, Topline (Burga), Ideal 4000 and Ideal 7000 (both- ALUPLAST), S 7000 (GEALAN) , Brillant Design (Rehau) (all Germany), "Favorit" (Deceuninck, Belgium), Profecta and Suprema (Bobrof, Russia) - allow you to mount the double-glazed glass with a thickness of up to 40-44mm. In addition, the profiles of the listed systems are well held fasteners. For example, an extreme load on each attachment assembly (that is, the screw, screwed into the frame or sash) at the Expert KB system is 50kgs. But still it is better to have a margin of strength and, if necessary, increase the number of sash or reduce the weight of the glass package.

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Photo 9.

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Photo 10.

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Photo 11.

9. A graph of the dependence of the sound insulation of the glass unit from filling its chambers inert gas (argon) and sound frequency (here and further- according to the results of laboratory tests GlaverBel).

10. The chart of the soundproofing of the glass unit from the frequency of sound and use in its three-layer glass design. Triplex is most effective at high and very low frequencies.

11. A graph of the soundproofing of the window from the sound frequency and material of the seals in the glazing places of the glass unit to the sash (the outdoor temperature is -10 c).

Characteristics of glass and double-glazed windows

Glazing formula Soundproofing, DBA Svetopropuska,% Price 1m2, rub.
4 (Float Glass) twenty 90. 410.
4 (I-glass) twenty 83. 800.
4-16-4 * 27. 80. 3600.
4-10-4-10-4 28. 75. 4100.
4-16-4 (AR) 32. 75. 4300.
6-16-4 32. 78. 4400.
4-6-4-12-4 33. 74. 4150.
4-10-4-16-4 33. 70. 4200.
6-10-4-10-4 (AR) 34. 74. 4700.
6-10-4-10-4 (AR + SF6) 38. 68. 4700.
4-12-9 (tiplex noise protection) 42. 69. 6500.
4-10-4-10-9 (noise-proof triplex) 44. 60. 6800.
* In the glazing formulas, the thickness of the glass and air suction (mm) in the direction from the street; I-glass - heat-saving glass with soft coating; Ar (SF6) - filling the chambers of the argon (hexplessic gray).

There are on the market and special design types of windows- mainly this is products from wood. The windows with double (separate and paired) flaps are well protected from noise and without the use of special glasses and double-glazed windows. The fact is that the principle of asymmetric glazed is realized in their designs: the outer flap is installed single glass of 3-4mm thick, and in the internal glass package. For example, the width (depth) of the DOMUS windows (Finland - Russia) with separate sash can be 105-220mm. That is, the glazing formula of the window acquires the following form: 3- (80-195) -4-10-4 (the thickness of the glass and air suction in millimeters in the direction from the street) is sequentially indicated.

Wokon Joinex (Sweden) with paired flaps and their Russian analogues The glazing formula looks slightly less impressive: 4- (40-60) -4-12-4, which, however, does not change the essence of the case. According to the manufacturers, the soundproofing of such structures reaches 43DB, and if you insert a triplex or thick (6-8mm) glass into the outer flap, it will reach almost an incredible line - 50DBA (such a reduction in noise level provides a wall thickness of 1.5 bricks or a sample wall panel building). However, these figures have not yet been confirmed by testing in Russia. Recently, new plastic windows appeared on the market with a second "cold" aluminum flap, into which the glass is inserted with a thickness of 6mm. This extra sash is suspended from the outside to the main on the hinges and fixes the latches (paired design). Such products offers, for example, Yucco (Russia): in the Plastal model, it uses AGS (Russia) and VEKA profiles. But about the operational (and in particular, sound insulation) the qualities of the windows plastal is still little known.

Security perimeter

Battle with decibelami
POLONIA The sound insulation also affects the type of window seals and sealants - mostly those that apply in the contact places of the details of the sash and the glass package. The tests showed that the more elastic materials, the higher the sound insulation (obviously, such gaskets play the role of a damper, a little weakening glass vibration). Seals in the area zone are also obliged to remain elastic even in the bubble frost, otherwise the tightness of the window can be disturbed. It is more expedient to choose synthetic materials. By analogy with cars, "Pure Synthetic" (EPDM and Silicone) behaves at low temperatures much better than the modified rubber.

The main disadvantage of systems with separate and paired sash is a high price: such a window is almost 2 times more expensive than plastic with single sash and noise glass packages. So a single nuance concerning the window framework designs. The tests conducted by GlaverBel showed that an increase in the size of an inappropriate sash leads to a deterioration in sound insulation at all frequencies by increasing the resonance. For example, a French window sash is 285,501,50mm with a noise-protecting double-glazed window (acoustic triplex thickness of 11.5 mm, a 20mm air chamber, a single glass of 8 mm) has a soundproofing of 41DB. AESLI split it in a horizontal impact, the value of this indicator will increase to 43DB. Thus, windows with frequent binding are protected from noise better than their "counterparts" with solid glazed fields. Hospital, the first can be established far from everywhere: the change in the appearance of the window affects the architectural appearance of the building, and the housing supervisory authorities are always objecting. Avtoblasting and built-in decorations (plastic and wooden light-fledging hills, laying of self-adhesive bands) are completely able to adversely affect sound insulation: under the influence of vibrations and frost, these profiles are separated from the glass, and the window begins to rattle from their shocks.

Need a podmyoga

Battle with decibelami
"Alutech" in some particularly difficult cases even noise protection window may not cope with the task. If you are unloading wagons near your home and night or does not subsidize the music that comes from the disco, it is worth erend on the sounds of sounds another or more barriers to ensure a calm dream. You should think about installing rolling shutters. Choose models with aluminum profiles filled with polyurethane. Such a design will increase the sound insulation for another 3-5DB. The cost of a roller shutter kit for one window - from 7 thousand rubles.

Detalar range

Orders for the manufacture of noise protection windows perform most large manufacturers of translucent structures: "Warred windows", "Eurowindows", "new windows", "windows of growth", "Window Hobbit", "Windows factory", "Tsar-window", YUKKO (all - Russia). The price of such products fluctuates in very wide limits. It depends on the material and method of finishing the frames, such as double-glazed windows and accessories (sets of increased "loading capacity" for heavy sashs are more expensive than usual), window designs, its dimensions and shapes, order volume. The easiest option is made of white five-chamber PVC profile with a two-chamber glass window (4-10-4-16-4 with the filling of argon) - it will cost approximately 7-8 thousand rubles. For 1m2. The use of acoustic tryplex will increase this figure by 25-30%. The design of wood with single sash is much more expensive - from 9 thousand rubles. (Pine) and from 19 thousand rubles. (oak, red tree) for 1m2. Finnish type windows with separate sash, made in Russian enterprises, cost from 12 thousand rubles. For 1m2.

Breath of air

Battle with decibelami
Siegenia-Aubi so that after installing modern windows in the apartment, it is stuffy and no humidity has increased, it is necessary to put the vent valve. However, such devices may worsen the soundproofing features of the window. Thus, the insulation of the transport noise during the installation of the slot valve may decrease by 2DB (folding valves "quieter", but their throughput is very low). Eliminate this drawback helps special accessories for ventlipano - acoustic visors and noise protection inserts. Be sure to make them install, ordering new windows.

Final Accord

A significant role in ensuring sound insulation is played by the quality of installation and installation of the mounting seam. If even a small skeleton of the frame was allowed when installing, the sash may linked to it. The flow of air from a slit thick of a few tenths of a millimeter you will only feel in a strong frost, but the sound will penetrate through it and in winter and summer. Inspective, most cases, the mounted gap is now filled with polyurethane foam, this is an excellent heat insulator and noise absorber. However, it is necessary to ensure that the clearance is filled to the entire width of the box profile - the material savings are unacceptable. In order for foam with time, it was not destroyed and sound insulation did not deteriorate, it must be protected from moisture and ultraviolet. For this, special tapes are used (oven-insulation, from within a vaporizolyting). Shooting the tape, it is necessary to carefully separate the internal and external slopes. Negatively affects the sound insulation too large (over 30mm) the value of the assembly clearance. The window does not manage to firmly fix in the opening, as a result, it "works" as a membrane and the effect of re-emitting noise into the room is enhanced.

To avoid an assembly marriage, first of all should not be signed by the act of acceptance of work, referring to it as simple formalities. Feel free to make complaints, because you have full right. Be sure to make a guarantee for installation work: its period should be at least 2 years.

The editorial board thanks the company "PROFIN RUS", EXPROF, ALUPLAST, VEKA RUS, RUSSIAN GLASS COMPANY, "Acoustic Group" for help in the preparation of material.

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