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Plumbing market overview for people with disabilities, general recommendations on the organization of "barrier-free space" in the bathroom

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People of old age, as well as those whose physical capabilities are limited, have the right to count on comfort in the bathroom. To do this, you may need special, adapted devices. Leading European manufacturers with understanding belong to consumers and produce specialized equipment if some category of users need it. The main feature of such plumbing is safety and convenience

Good health, the ability to move freely without any assistance, to see well and fully serve the greatest benefit that we usually do not appreciate. However, from serious injuries leading to partial or complete loss of mobility, from weakening vision, diseases affecting the work of the musculoskeletal system, no one is insured. As for age-related health changes, they are inevitable for all without exception. Injuries, congenital or acquired diseases, aging not only deprive people the ability to lead an active lifestyle. Sometimes a person loses the elementary ability to independently take care of himself in such an intimate sphere, as the departure of the natural needs of the body and maintain personal hygiene (and in this case it is especially important that he can act autonomously).

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Near the toilet (side and in front of him) for maneuvers stroller, it is necessary to leave enough space (a), and on the wall on the height available for the user height, the reliable steel handranel with an anti-slip coating (b). Handrail-support allows people with disabilities independently to transfer from a carriage to the toilet (B)

Progress does not bypass these people by the party. Maintaining European countries and in the United States are doing a lot to ensure that the restriction of physical abilities, illness, the desired age did not interfere with a full-fledged life. Thanks to this concern, even those who are lifelongly shaped to a wheelchair can visit theaters, museums, supermarkets, travel and, of course, to serve themselves, partially or completely. Today and in our country there is a real opportunity to equip the bathroom in the house so that the implementation of urgent needs becomes more comfortable and safe.

Minimum or maximum?

Adaptation of the bathroom to specific needs can be partial or complete. Namire has already accumulated some experience in this area and there are excellent practical development. Many leading European plumbing manufacturers consider a matter of honor to create convenient specialized equipment, which is often called barrier-free. True, it does not always refer to the economy-class category, especially when complex lifting mechanisms or electronics are used.

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Specialized ATLANTIS collection for people with disabilities provides accessibility and safety of using each subject

Ceramica Dolomite.

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Disabled people who are difficult to click on the floss button can be flushed using a radio signal by clicking on the button next to


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Your contribution to this good deed Ido (Finland), Gustavsberg, IFO, Mora Armatur (all-Sweden), Roca (Spain), Geberit, Laufen, Ceramica Dolomite, Hatria, Inda (All Italy), Duravit, Kaldewei, Keramag, Villeroy Boch (all Germany), Vitra (Turkey), Cersanit, Kolo, Sanindusa (Portugal), Kohler (USA), Jacob Delafon (France) IDR. Inucted companies there are both separate appliances and mixers and complete plumbing collections in which each trifle is provided. It is only necessary to determine the concept of re-equipment of the bathroom, given the following factors: the problems of a particular person, the budget and the size of the bathroom.

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In the bathroom, which will be disabled, the devices are placed, considering that for maneuvering, the wheelchair is required

In order for a person chained to the stroller, he could take a shower, it is necessary to equip the shower compartment or choose a spacious (better size 150x150cm, no less) cabin, which is not only free to enter, but also move in it. Seat should be selected with armrests-supports withsting the weight of the fluid body (A-B)

Partial re-equipment. If we are talking about temporary disability, it is often sufficiently small changes and simple auxiliary devices. These are a variety of handrails (depending on the design, they cost 3-12 thousand rubles), attached near the toilet, washbasin, bathtub or in a shower compartment, as well as support racks, stable pads for the bath and seats for it with an adjustable back. Seats in the liners and steps offers, for example, "Masha XXI Century" (Russia). When it is necessary to disappear (medicine often works wonders and strollers often become only memories), additional devices are easy to dismantle. However, the handrails on the wall, which is adjacent to the font, bench in the shower compartment, folding steps or a stool-liner for the bath will not be superfluous in any room for water procedures.

Full re-equipment. The most difficult situations of one handrail may not be enough, and will have to solve the problem globally, replacing the plumbing equipment. Of course, the full "reform" of the bathroom is very expensive, but sometimes it is advisable, so it's better to immediately appreciate the prospects. For the organization of "barrier-free spaces" there are general recommendations that relate to each bathroom area. They will talk and talk.

Warming washbasin

Full accessibility for autonomous use and the presence of all the necessary main requirements for the equipment of the wash zone for those whose life is not quite simple. Specialized models are able to ease it much. They cost about as much as ordinary sink: the simplest product is 3500 rubles. For more attractive washbasins with a set of additional options will have to give approximately 2 times more.

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Vitra's mounted sink is adapted for the user's needs with disabilities: a wide flat bowl with ergonomic recess in front, a special siphon and hidden eyelid, a mixer with an elongated lever. The comfort of the washbasin of the zone is completed by the rod for towels at a convenient height and handrails under the mirror shelf

The front edge of the shells smoothly bent, which allows relying on the wings of the sink when washing. Such models are included in the programs of many leading European manufacturers.

Such models are also convenient for other family members (sometimes even more convenient than standard devices). The main thing is that these products must be mounted (without a pedestal or semillocation), and metal pipes (if open) reliably protected to prevent possible burning legs for people with a reduced sensitivity threshold.

The washbasin is required to equip a special siphon, which leaves the maximum space under the sink (60cm access from the front side); It is installed at an altitude of the maximum 85cm at the top edge, at the same time should be left 70 cm of free space from the bottom side, under the bowl. The bowl should not be 60cm and not deeper than 17cm, but the space separating the front edge of the washbasin is minimal.

Today, several modifications of washbasins are presented on the market, which are relevant to people with disabilities, as well as persons of old age.

Option 1. The sink is originally intended for placing a washing machine with front loading under it. The flat siphon is transferred to the wall, which allows you to drive up to the washbasin on the wheelchair literally closely.

Option 2. Sink with a notch in the front edge and quite wide wings. Such a model makes it possible to rely on spacious boards or enter into this deepening on the wheelchair.

Option 3. The sink equipped with a bracket with a pneumatic or manual tilt mechanism. Thanks to this, the bowl can be moved at a convenient angle to itself and from myself (so it is arranged, for example, model 12821, IDO) or move it up-down (product 14418 of the same manufacturer).

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Ceramica Dolomite.

The washbasin zone, which people enjoyed to a wheelchair, must be planned so that they feel in its space quite confidently, so that they can freely drive up to the bowl, and the contents of the shelves and boxes of lockers and bedside tables was available (a); elbows are conveniently lying on the front edge (b); The mirror is slightly tilted forward (B); Bend-bent legs should not touch the sink side, and the hands are free to get to the mixer (d)

Wide wings of the sink, which will put themselves in order man with limited mobility, is not a luxury, but an urgent need. They not only serve as an extra point of support. On the wings of a specialized washbasin there is enough space for cosmetics and accessories, razors, combs. It is also necessary to take care of the location at an affordable mirror altitude (for the visually impaired it can be backlit), shelves and rails for towels and other accessories. It is advisable to apply the mirror, the angle of tilt to 10 adjusts the user itself.

A few words about the mixer. It should be easy to use and not require effort when turning on and off. Model rows of companies Vidima (Bulgaria), Ceramica Dolomite, Gustavsberg, Jacob Delafon, Mora Armatur There are extended lever faucets or elbow control. For example, the company Mora Armatur has created mixers with extended handles, black tips and thermostators. They help people with weakened hands adjust the temperature in advance, configuring themselves from burns, and those who have bad vision, - see the mixer due to the contrast of the dark handle and the bright surfaces of the shell and bath.

The average price of models is 3-6 thousand rubles, but there are more expensive. If the budget allows you to choose a product equipped with a thermostat and even contactless sensory control, let's say ORAS (Finland) or Geberit.

Main element

Specialized toilets of Scandinavian manufacturers are most famous and available in the domestic market: Gustavsberg, IDO, IFO. You can purchase Jika toilet (Czech Republic), Kolo, Laufen, Roca, Vitra, Ceramica Dolomite (Fully coordinated ATLANTIS program).

In order for people suffering from the diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it was convenient to use the toilet, manufacturers complement some of their own models, such as Nordic Care (Gustavsberg), Mosaik, Seven D, Trevi (all-IDO), folding armrests-handrails attached under the seat. They are made of anodized aluminum and differ in high strength. Armrests may have an anti-slip coating and be equipped with a toilet paper holder.

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For disabled people and people of old age, there are many simple, but very convenient accessories. The number of the mounted seat is complete with a backrest of a particularly durable plastic, not fearing water

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The generation of "50 Plus" prefers large-format pallets, the taper-loving temples with the floor. Convenient access is also important as the seats and optimal safety provided by the anti-slip surface of the pallet. Spacious Shower Superplan XXL Cab

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Ceramica Dolomite.

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An example of the arrangement of the area of ​​the bath: Support angular handrail size 60x50cm (a); Sitting model equipped with door (b)

Models of specialized toilet bowls differ slightly from ordinary. Seat height from floor-not 42cm (typical), and 46-48cm. Thanks to this patient, it is easier to rise from the toilet (the load on the knee joints is reduced) and it is more convenient to transplancing on it with a wheelchair. The height of the placement of mounted models can be varied using the Hidden Installation systems (Geberit, Viega, Visa Idr.). The bowl of the device intended for those who need an individual approach is wider in projection, elongated (70cm) and more voluminous compared to standard. It provides a reliable landing and many times makes care of hygiene. Some manufacturers, such as Ceramica Dolomite in the ATLANTIS collection, in front of the bowl perform a hygienic cutout (the same and the seat). Seat dampers must act as little as possible (maximum 0.5 cm) and be rounded.

Titan Deutschland (Germany) designed a special device (with handrails and without them), allowing to change the height of the seat. It is put on any ordinary toilet. A similar lift is included in the Nordic Care series developed by Gustavsberg specialists. Individual setting helps a person to get up and sit down without the help of outsiders.

Specific shape seat is also made more convenient; It is easy to shoot and wash. Sometimes this product is made of soft acrylic, which provides the user with additional comfort.

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Specialized handrails: folding for toilet with a returnable mechanism, allowing to raise and lower it, providing additional convenience (27); horizontal angular (28); Corner vertical (29)

Much attention is also paid to the simplicity of the drain: there are, say, washing the wedge key of an enlarged format or washing with a foot control. Such a panel, if desired, have a convenient location. However, the ideal and most modern solution is the non-contact button of the sensory flush (for example, Geberit) is already quite widely used in public toilets. To merge water, it is enough to simply spend over her hand, without making any effort. AUTONOMY YOCA AMOLOZE (HATRIA) toilet can be equipped with a drain tank with remote control. The toilet of a special design, designed to meet specific requirements and equipped with reliable armrests, costs about 20-24 thousand rubles.

Bath or shower?

Very many people with disabilities and those who have achieved old age, do not want to give up the pleasure of accepting a bath (even if not very often and with extreme help). Moreover, with many health violations, doctors recommend this as a therapeutic procedure. Hydromassage is especially useful. After all, initially inventors, family members of the Jacuzzi, came up with it to facilitate the state of their brother, who suffered a car accident and suffering from the dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. But the hydromassage bath, even with the minimum set of options and not equipped with sizes like chromium or aromatherapy, is a complex and expensive plumbing device that occupies a significant area. Of course, if the means and area allow, it will become a great addition to any specialized program.

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Handrails supplied with the toilet - part of the seat with a lid. They can be equipped with toilet paper holder.

Covering models of toilet bowls 70cm are complemented by folding or stationary handrails from one or two sides and a convenient backrest

Bazz Sidium Baths (SAMECA, Sweden) require a minimum location for installation. The main features are the ergonomic design, an anatomically convenient seat height, a small lifting height (only 12cm) and a panel-door that opens up and to the side. The font also has a built-in shower, a bottom with an anti-slip coating and is equipped with a rapid drain system. Perhaps such a bath with a door is the only model, ideally adapted for people of old age and with limited physical abilities. It is about 180 thousand rubles.

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Geberit. When there is no bidet

As a rule, with the arrangement of a small bathroom (in particular, and for people with disabilities), you have to sacrifice a bidet. Alternative to him - hygienic souls, if possible, equipped with a thermostat. It practically does not take place and convenient for all users. An even more comfortable and accessible option - bidet seat (the price varies from 19 to 36 thousand rubles). Finally, there are toilet bowls with built-in bidet function. For example, the well-known AquaClean model (Geberit) not only performs its direct "duties", but also is equipped with almost all associated options, including a bidet, hairdryer and even the ventilation of the bowl. It can be easily adapted to the needs of a person who has serious health problems. The price is about 130 thousand rubles.

Choosing a standard bath, pay attention to the following features: lower sides, mandatory anti-slip coating of the bottom (antislip), reliable handrails not only on the wall to which the font is adjacent, but also directly on the side, a comfortable overhead seat, steps. The company Kaldewei, together with the Ringhold Institute, has developed a special program "50 plus" for people over 50 years old. More, in particular, a model includes not only embedded handles and antislip, but also a more ergonomic inner form that allows you to take different positions of the body. The board of this bath is lower, but wider than the standard products (you can rely on it). In addition, a step-podium is provided, providing convenient access, and the shelf (in the angular version).

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Ceramica Dolomite.
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Jacob Delafon.
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Jacob Delafon.

Superfluous shower pallets - acrylic (30) and steel with enamel coating Vollantislip (31) - provide the highest level of safety while taking water procedures

Such a lever allows you to control the mixer even with the elbow

Special lifts seats acting with analogy with an elevator allow you to take a bath with people suffering from arnotes and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system (it is difficult for them, and sometimes it is impossible to overcome the high side of the standard font). Such devices have developed, for example, the engineers of FirstStreet (USA), which pays special attention to users of old age. It resembles a convenient chair with a folding back and two horizontal panels-sleeves on sides, equipped with an elevator-lift lift and a control panel. The seat is inserted into the bath so that the side panels are in short with sides. A person needs to sit on the "chair" on his own or with someone's help and lower the legs into the bath, then press the button of the console, and the "chair" gently immerses a person into the water to the desired depth. When the water procedure is over, you need to press the button again - and the elevator will raise from the bath. Under the back for greater comfort, you can put a soft pad. This device is about 35 thousand rubles. A similar elevator lifting a seat with handrails to the desired height, the company produces to use the toilet. The price of His- Approximately 50 thousand rubles. It looks like these devices very aesthetic, and their presence does not spoil the interior of the bathroom. They make it possible not to re-equip the bathroom completely. Ensure only their cost ...

The owners of small bathrooms can be recommended a shortened bath with a comfortable embossed seat, anti-slip bottom and supporting handles. A bid is provided for enough soul space. There are such models from different manufacturers, such as Banaseo (Roca), Europa Mini (BLB, Portugal), Nordic Care (Gustavsberg). The price of a similar bath is about 5-6 thousand rubles.

With all the advantages of the bathtub of shower, even those who are triced to a wheelchair can be used to a greater extent. However, there must be several special requirements. Preferences should be given to large-format shower cabins with a superfluous pallet in short with a floor or completely without a pallet (in construction execution). Free access (wide door opening) is important as the same as integrated seats and safety provided by anti-slip surface.

The dimensions of the shower cabin, fenced with doors opening both inside and outward, should be at least 9090cm, but ideally 100100 or even 120g 120 cm. For equipment corner, it is possible to use the usual fence of economy-class. It costs 5- 10 thousand rubles. The price of a large-format plane pallet is rarely below 7 thousand rubles. Flat pallets made of steel, cast iron and acrylic offer Ceramica Dolomite, Jacob Delafon, Kaldewei, Roca Idr.

Expansion of space

For rare exceptions, the bathrooms of standard sizes (especially separate) in our typical houses are not adapted for those who are able to move only with strollers or other auxiliary means. If you can make redevelopment by increasing the area of ​​the bathroom or aligning it with the toilet, it is necessary to do. Spacious bathroom allows you to maximize the possibilities of specialized plumbing programs. The re-equipment of the bathroom even without taking into account the cost of plumbing will cost 30-50 thousand rubles.

The standard doorway with a width of 60cm with the threshold in some cases becomes an irresistible obstacle. For users to be convenient, it must be expanded at least to 75-80cm. The door should open out, and even better - to be sliding. The threshold is cleaned, the floor in the bathroom is as possible in order to be on the same level with other premises in the house. However, this may adversely affect the protection of residential premises with emergency or accidental flooding. Therefore, reliable waterproofing is necessary, and in addition, it is desirable to progress, making an additional stock (ladder) in the floor.

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Handrails mounted on the walls of the bathroom, - security deposit. Taking water procedures, it is not necessary to stand: there are many models of simple and reliable shower chairs. They can be stationary attached or folding (in the second case they are used as needed)

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Jacob Delafon.

Using special minima fences, a shower cabin can be installed on the basis of the individual features of the bathroom-complex configuration or small sizes.

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Siphon of this washbasin is specifically shifted to the wall in which eyeliners are hidden.

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A flat sink Nordic Care is comfortable to use, even being in a wheelchair, because there is enough space for displacements under the bowl. On wide flat sides and shelf behind the mixer (it is convenient for weakened hands), you can arrange all the necessary hygiene objects, such as a razor, detergents, etc.

By determining the planning of the adapted bathroom, it should be noted that much depends on the model of the carriage, the person's ability to move to the toilet or bath and from whether he needs extraneous help. The video on both sides of the toilet should be a place for strollers or walkers.

EUROPE's embanks are constantly developing and implement the concepts of toilets and bathrooms of special purpose in the private sphere. At the same time, the legislative norms that they must comply be enshrined. Although it is impossible to call such equipment. Finding cases it can be much more expensive than high-quality plumbing. Some change for the better outlined in our country, however, it concerns mainly toilets in public areas (hotels, airports, train stations and restaurants). The situation of individual housing is the situation so far worse. Avteda products with which you can make the existence of many people albeit not easy and enjoyable, but at least acceptable, presented in our market in sufficient quantities and is available. It remains only to step up the threshold of ignorance and prejudice and make such devices part of the daily life of those who need it.

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