Colored mirage


Six original projects of "wet" zones, which uses many interesting ideas and techniques for the design of walls in the bathrooms

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Colored mirage

Colored mirage

Colored mirage
RCS / Sartorio Tiziano / Fotolink

Any corner in the house can be transformed beyond recognition. The bathroom with unusually decorated walls becomes truly amazing. We offer you six original projects of "wet" zones, which uses many interesting ideas and techniques.

Garden of Eden

When we consider the interior, it is always curious to know how this or that idea of ​​the design project appeared, which pushed the author to use these techniques, mix these paints. Some inspires the memories of the rest in an exotic country, which suddenly developed on the table still life of random items, the third-of-eye and aroma of a delicious dish ... Sources of inspiration for a designer can be the most unexpected and unpredictable, starting with things and ending with an elusive mood or smell .

It is curious that the image of a summer garden, a fabulous forest glade, clearly guessing in this in a summer bright interior, originated from the author of the project under the influence of the words of the hostess. During the project discussion, she said that her little daughter does not like to take a bath. Then Julia decided to instill a love for swimming, using the design tools. A results of the room became childish cheerful.

one. The bottom of the room floor and the front wall of the bath is lined with tiles of various shades of green. This is associated with the ground, whose thick grass.

2. The walls that the bath is adjacent, and the border passing along the walls of the room under the ceiling are decorated with bizarre bulk flowers, birds and butterflies. All these images are made of plaster in the form of bas-reliefs and only then painted by an artist.

3. Mural Wovers is chosen unusually beautiful plumbing CRIMSON TOPAZ (Kohler, USA). It is also decorated with floral patterns in a bright, optimistic color scheme.

four. The side walls of the bathroom are laid out in low-format ceramics (1010cm) from ColoreColore collection (Bardelli, Italy). Her restruts will multi-minded painting, strengthening the special mood of this room.

Colored mirage
Photo by E. Kulibaba

Colored mirage

Colored mirage

Colored mirage

Colored mirage


The spacious bathroom includes a separate cast iron bath Devondevon (Italy) on massive metal legs. The floor is decorated with a mosaic "carpet" made of marble crumbs according to the Terrazzo Veneziano special technology. However, the main attraction of this exquisite interior, without a doubt, is a painting-deception, spreading the boundaries of the room. In accordance with the tradition of illusory painting, the Tuscan landscape is combined here with the image of the "chopped" fabric.

The artist's ohmaster says that he even took into account the angle of falling light on the walls located at right angles to each other: it seems as if the drapeness hangs on them - so skillfully it is drawn.

Colored mirage

Colored mirage
Photo P. Lebedev

The Adventures of Alice

What could be the usual of ceramic tiles or mosaic in the bathroom? However, the spectacular acceptance of deliberately large decorative elements is makes you forget about the household side of life, distracts attention from the functional purpose of the room. Walls and floors of this kinder bathroom decorated with impressive mosaic panels Bisazza (Italy). The increased scale of images of flowers brings down the memories of the fabulous adventures of Alice in Wonderland. The hostess of this room is a little transformation expects every morning.

one. The motive of roses dominates in the design of this room. Even the porcelain chandelier ISA Corsi (Italy) is decorated with a wonderful flower booth.

2. It is imputed to the interior door having the shape of the arch, a large mirror is built into.

3. An openwork sawdow of the Devondevon shells is covered with white paint, harmonizing with a common creamy color gamut room.

four. Walls to which shower adjoins, decorated with mosaic panels.

Colored mirage
Photo P. Lebedev


The interior of the joke created the authors of this unusual project, making up a small (just 1,5m2) and a narrow toilet in an apartment located in the Stalinist house. "Save" a tiny room undoubtedly could only some brave and non-traditional reception. The tip came from classical theatrical scenography, where often drawn furniture is used instead of real.

With the help of plot wallpapers, with the image of the book shelves, technical and mounted cabinets for the toilet were turned into a "Bookcase" -Bmanke. Similar wall coating is intended for decorating doors leading to auxiliary rooms, or narrow simple. Designers successfully found them a different application.

Thanks to the original workout, the interior, which became elegant and ironic, does not cease to surprise the owners and their guests. Moreover, the illusory bookcase deepens the perspective, masking the true size of the room. Now it does not remind close pencils.

one. A complex pattern on the wallpaper, which is saved by the mounted cabinet, is fitted very carefully, so there is a complete illusion of the "book storage". It is no less convenient to use furniture than before decorating.

2. The side walls of the toilet are placed by the cabinet wallpaper in a strict strip, which, like "bookcases", increase the status of the room.

3. The illusory effect enhances a comfortable glass shelf, which is attached to the wall on simple metal brackets. It contains real books and candlestick, as well as different artifacts.

four. The inner windows in the upper part of the side walls were laid with bricks, shuffled and sailed with wallpaper. The result was formed niches used for the "picture gallery".

five. The plunths are provided by plinths, as in the living room, bedroom or office.

Colored mirage
Photo by E. Kulibaba

Colored mirage

Colored mirage

Colored mirage

On the verge of reality

Do not everyone know that the ancient Greek sculptures were painted in different colors. However, any of the modern masters does not occur to paint the statue of the Millenniums of white forms, which became exemplary for European culture. In general, monochrome coloristic gamma refers to the category of harmonious, and it is of particular importance in any interior solutions. Being in a holistic space, not "broken" various color spots, a person feels a peace.

With a valuable bathroom, this feeling is enhanced by choosing an unusually beautiful natural shade, resembling a stone-mated sun. The idea of ​​the architectural deception created in the art of Griezaili, carved stone borders suggested. Through the "Rift" in the wall, antique ruins can be seen. A skilled facet between the illusion and reality was carried out with the help of a relief border, repeated in painting. Fooling is performed by acrylic paints.

one. The bathroom has an incorrectly elongated shape. The painting depicting the architectural landscape in the future, "leads" a glance in the depth, psychologically expanding the space.

2. The author of the project chosen extraordinarily thin coloric gamut, resembling a bright Mediterranean sun, under the burning rays of which everything fades and fades.

3. The shower compartment is located in a peculiar niche, arranged in the depths of the bathroom.

four. The entrance to the shower is decorated with a strict exquisite portal, which is framed by a ceramic border with a vegetable motive. The elegant embossed pattern of the rizuyu swears, the second theme of ancient ruins.

five. The aesthetics of archaic and noble antiquity is perfectly combined with simple impeccable forms of modern plumbing. Contrast emphasizes the originality of the other.

Colored mirage

Colored mirage
Photo by E. Kulibaba

Colored mirage

Between the cloud and cactus

The modern interior does not have such strict rules, mathematically described proportions, recognizable repetitive motives, as traditional architecture and historical styles. It is known that the classicism rules the balance of the balance. The pores are calculated by the harmonious ratio of the width of the trunk column and its heights. AB layout is invariably used by the spectacular principle of anfloit (premises "Nanisans" on the axis, symmetrically passing through the doorways), which creates a sense of perspective and depth of space. Take days so clear and simple principles have not yet been formulated. What, in this case, designers and architects are guided in their work? Only an individual taste, a sense of composition, with difficulty formalization. All this simplifies and at the same time incredibly complicates creative tasks solved by designers, architects, decorators.

IVOT is one of the successful examples of the free composition. The border of different floor coatings is carried out along the left edge of the French window, and not in accordance with any rule. The floor is lined with materials, at first glance, not harmony with each other, - a motley mosaic and a wide massive board. On the walls you can also see a random combination of white painted and mosaic planes. The author of the project is guided by a non-general law, but by the situation: the concrete size of the elongated room, the position of the window IT.D. Unpredictable and unexpected design solution enhances the aesthetic impression produced by the interior. In the intake of work is especially valuable surprise, and not recognizable beauty, the need to look for meaning, and not simplicity and accessibility to understanding.

one. The wedn room used mainly natural materials, boards and ceramics on the floor, a massive stone countertop. All this along with the openness of the space and the abundance of light contributes to relaxation, gives a feeling of freedom and ease. It is such feelings and moods that should cause this room.

2. There is no central light source. A large ceiling lamp Taraxacum hangs over the bathroom (Flos, Italy), distinguished by avant-garde design. Its soft scattered light resembles a daylight. Above sinks - a series of lamps in simple beams that give a functional directional illumination.

3. The mirror in the form of a cloud and a hanger in the form of a huge cactus create an atmosphere of naturalness in the interior and ironic ease.

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