To curb the flood!


Protection protection systems: system components, device performance, installation options in the apartment and country house, manufacturers

To curb the flood! 12664_1

In case of accidents associated with the bay of residential premises, the perpetrator in addition to the repair of its own apartment has to pay for the costs of neighbors. Is it possible to protect against such troubles?

Bulips invariably occupy the first place in the statistics of insurance claims, and the damage caused by the property is more than 3 times higher than the loss of apartment theft. Equip your own housing from such an accident, and in the city also below the apartments are designed widespread sets of special devices. Manufacturers call them leakage protection systems. Each of such systems can independently detect the leakage and respond to it in advance specified in a given way: to submit a warning beep, send a voice or SMS message, to overlap the arrival in the apartment (house) of hot and cold water. At the modern domestic market of leakage protection systems, Axico (Germany), SCIENTECH Electronics (Taiwan), Visonic (Israel, TM HomeIpoint) are offered, and Aquarisphect (TM "Aquava'ell"), "Complex Security Alliance" (TM "H2O-contact"), "Hydroresource" (TM Gidrolock), CST (TM "Neptune"), "Termolux" (TM "Ark") (all- Russia) IDR.

System components

The composition of the leak protection system includes three main components:

1.Dackers (one or more) that should detect leakage and submit a signal.

2. The electronic control unit (controller) is a device receiving a signal from the sensor and the "steering" operation of the actuator.

3. The values ​​of the electromechanical or electronic device directly reacting to the controller command.

Communication between devices can be carried out either by wires, or by radio channel operating at 434 or 868 MHz (for more details about this "IVD" 2009, No. 4 and 2009, No. 9). Ateper We will tell about each of the components of the system.

To curb the flood!
Photo 1.


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Photo 2.

"Akvilon and security systems"

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Photo 3.

"Akvilon and security systems"

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Photo 4.


1-4. Producers give contacts of the sensor element of the leakage sensor, the type of plates (1), tubes (2), pins (3) and coins (4) - an increase in the contact area increases the sensitivity and probability of the device.

Sensors leaky

It is the sensor that detects the occurrence of an emergency situation and gives an appropriate signal warning about it. Usually, the device is a small hermetic plastic (less than metallic) container, on one of the surfaces of which there is a simple sensitive element - two contacts with an anti-corrosion coating applied to them. The principle of the sensor is as follows. When the contacts are closed by a layer of any liquid with electrical conductivity, primarily water (except distilled), resistance changes and, it means that the current between them changes. The latter and is the primary leakage signal. Install the sensor in the places of the most likely cluster of water during accidents.

Subway systems Sensors are connected to the cable controller (standard length - 3-4m, but if necessary, it can be increased to 100m). On it, the devices are served safe voltage 5-24V. When the sensor of this chain is triggered, the current occurs to which the controller reacts. The advantage of such a system is that the controller can easily "find out", in what state is the sensor. The presence of ever-preserving and capable of breaking the wires at any time.

To curb the flood!
Photo 5.


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Photo 6.

"Alliance" Complex Security "

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Photo 7.


5-7. Water leakters are usually quite compact (their magnitude slightly exceeds the size of a five-tone coin), because when placed in the interior they are not striking.

The subsystems on the radio host power source (AA type batteries, AAA or batteries-tablet, which is enough for 1-2 years of continuous operation) is inside the sensor. The main advantage is the latest autonomy: they can be placed almost anywhere, and you will not depend on the wire tent to the controller. When the sensor is triggered, the radio signal is transmitted to the controller (the range is up to 150m under the conditions of direct visibility).

To curb the flood!
Photo 8.

Photo V. Kovalev

To curb the flood!
Photo 9.

Photo V. Kovalev

To curb the flood!
Photo 10.

Photo V. Kovalev

To curb the flood!
Photo 11.


8-10. The extensive leakage protection system consists of a compact siren (8) and leakage sensor (9, 10) connected by radio channel or wires (9, 10). Such a system can also be successfully used to track water levels in the drainage well or the bath in you.

11. Replacing the leakage protection system in a country house: when you trigger any of the sensors, the control unit gives the command to overlap the water supply to the house, and if the water supply system is individual- turn off the pump installed in the well or well.

There is a radio system and cons: the controller provided only by the receiver cannot automatically check the performance of the sensor. Therefore, your hopes for the impeccable work of the leakage protection system may not always be justified. True, there are sensors that regularly automatically transmit information about the battery state information controller (Lifesos). But they also have a disadvantage: if you did not respond to a signal on time, warning about the need to replace the batteries, with a critical low charge, the sensor gives the command to overlap water. This can be an unpleasant surprise for family members who returned in the evening from work. Significantly more reliable than the radio device, providing a bilateral connection between the sensor and the controller. But they, with rare exceptions (Neptune), are mainly offered as part of the Smart Home system. No wonder some manufacturers (such as Axico) provide their wireless sensors with a so-called dry contact, allowing you to use them as wired.

We place leakage sensors

To curb the flood!
There are two possible options for the location of water leakage sensors. The first-sensor is cut into the floor in the place where water is likely due to leakage, water will accumulate. The device is installed with contact plates up so that they protrude above the floor by 3-4mm. This allows you to significantly reduce the possibility of false response (for example, after floor washing). The main systems mounting wires are placed in a concrete screed in a corrugated PVC tube. It is clear that this can be done only at the stage of repair.

To curb the flood!
The second option - the sensor is placed on the floor with contact plates down. But thanks to the point protrusions on the housing, its sensitive element does not come into contact with the floor, which also reduces the likelihood of a false response. The mounting wire in this case is paired on the floor and try to disguise with its furniture, plumbing it.d., or if the wire is quite thin, it is laid in the gap between the tiles. The advantage of this method is that installation can be carried out at the end of the repair. Choosing an option to place the device, remember two points. First, it is necessary that if necessary (breakage, replacement of the IT.P.) system, it was possible to dismantle the wires and the sensor. Secondly, the method chosided should allow regularly cleaning (wipe) sensor contacts.

Control blocks

These electronic devices are placed in a moisture-proof protective housing. Control blocks, as a rule, are installed near the leakage sensors (which is especially characteristic of wired systems) and placed so as to provide free access to them for maintenance. Usually they are connected to power supply from the mains (the voltage to the control unit is supplied from the power shield through the device of the protective shutdown of 30mA). The block operation scheme is approximately such: the signal from the leakage sensor enters the built-in controller. The latter processes the signal and gives the appropriate command to the built-in relay that controls the operation of the actuator.

What are the controllers

To curb the flood!
To curb the flood!
CCTV sales You can find controllers that differ in both the number of inputs for the sensors (from 1 to 10) and by the number of built-in control relays of actuating devices. The device in the minimum configuration (one input for sensors and one normally open relay), as a rule, is mounted in the wall not far from the leakage sensors; In the maximum (up to 20 inputs and several rejuvenable control relays of actuating devices) - on the wall or DIN rail in the power closet. Among both types of controllers can be offered devices that allow no problems to integrate a leak protection system with other complexes of home automation, "smart home" IT.D.

Executive devices

It is possible to conditionally distinguish three types of devices that respond to emergency situations (Flood): feeding sound (light) signal sending a message about the incident and overlapping water supply to the house (apartment).

Local alarm. Application as executive devices devices capable of submitting a sound or light warning signal (sirens, buzzers, emergency lanterns IDR), the simplest and cheapest, but far from the most effective way to combat the beginning flood. It is suitable only if there are people in the dwelling, and it is not always. Imagine: You are at work, and only one female of the revered age is at home (for example, your grandmother). Are you sure that she will react to an unexpectedly sounding the siren signal and independently will be able to overlap the flow of water in an apartment or a house? After all, an elderly person can be confused, and the flood will not wait.

To curb the flood!
Photo 12.


To curb the flood!
Photo 13.

"Akvilon and security systems"

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Photo 14.


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Photo 15.


12-13. Controllers of the Aquastoxt (12) and Lifesos (13) systems (13) are equipped with backup systems operating from batteries.

14-15. Elektro motories of shut-off ball valves can be powered by both network voltage (220V, 50Hz) and safe voltage (12 or 24V) via a network adapter (14) - such a system can be equipped with an uninterruptible power supply. There are also drives operating from batteries hidden in the case (15).

Devices sending an external signal. Here you use a telephone (wired) modem or the so-called GSM module used for data transmission and SMS messages in the GSM 900/1800 standard (it can be equipped with a built-in phone or connect to a mobile phone). Any of two types of modems must be equipped with a uninterrupted power supply so that it can perform its functions if the voltage in the power grid will disappear. Device device lays out a list of phone numbers. For each of them, the type and content of the message is determined in advance (it is voice or written- in the form of an SMS), which the device must send to this number if the leakage is fixed.

Devices overlapping water supply. Most effectively prevent the starting flood allow special adaptable taps equipped with electric drive, and electromagnetic valves. It and others should be designed to operate in rooms with high humidity. By input apartments such devices are mounted at the inlet of hot and cold water pipes at the input manual valves or ball valves (in no case cannot be installed instead of valves and cranes).

Electromagnetic valves Consist of damper (chiebers) and electromagnet or solenoid. Release devices of two types: normally closed and normally open. It is difficult to say unequivocally, which of them is better to use in leakage protection systems - each type has its own characteristics. Thus, in case of leakage, a normally open valve, with the disappearance of nutrition from the network, will open Sewber, and hence the flow of water in the house. (If the power supply is disconnected due to a short circuit caused by a flood, the latter will continue.) Normally closed - block the flow of water, even if there is no bay, but simply lost the voltage (this is also not always convenient). Therefore, experts recommend using only valves operating from voltage 12B, and the system must be equipped with a backup power source. So that foreign particles do not fall into the damper of the electromagnetic valve, the mechanical water purification filter must be installed between the valve and manual valve. The listed features of the operation of electromagnetic devices forced many manufacturers of protection systems to abandon their use in favor of ballcases with electric drive.

To curb the flood!
Photo 16.


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Photo 17.


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Photo 18.

16. For a ball valve control in Gidrolock systems, a high-generable electric motor with a torque over 50kgsm and the function of its dynamic increase when turned on is used.

17. Vigorous apartment Ball cranes with electric drive or solenoid valves are installed on hot and cold water pipes (only after the inlet ball valve) in places, convenient for installation and maintenance.

18.Roda apartment or country house leak sensors are mounted in all rooms where equipment uses water and, it means there is a chance of leakage: bathroom, kitchen, bathroom, shower IT.P. It is believed to be placed on one sensor under each "water" device.

Electric Ball Cranes Water will not resume when it turns on, nor when the power is disconnected, since only the controls of the control unit are observed. The housings of these devices are made of chromed brass or stainless steel, and the crane itself is able to withstand pressure to 16bar. The drive is a compact uniform electric motor with an IP67 protection degree. It is equipped with a gearbox that allows you to reduce the opening / closing speed (the time of operation is no more than 28c) to prevent hydrate. Digid expectations The drive does not need energy, and during operation (opening / closing) it consumes only 4-8W. Lord There are drives that run from voltage 220V and connected with wire controller, as well as models that function from the built-in power supply and controlled by radio channel (Aquaston, Neptune).

According to experts, it is especially convenient to operate devices that have a visual indication of the position and equipped with the "Manual Management" option. The latter makes it possible to control the ball valve if there is no electricity in the network. Such devices are equipped, for example, Neptune system.

GIDROLOCK protection enforcement is one useful feature. With long-term inaction on the surface of the working bowl, salts may appear and the so-called zaking occurs on the surface of the working bowl. Vgidrolock control unit 1 time per week gives the drive to the command to turn the ball on 3-5, which completely prevents "zaking". A similar function is also provided in the protection systems "Aquastoxt" and "Neptune".

To curb the flood!
Photo 19.


To curb the flood!
Photo 20.

Photo V. Kovalev

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Photo 21.

Photo V. Kovalev

To curb the flood!
Photo 22.

Photo V. Kovalev

19-22.gsm controller (AxiCO) (19) and wired modem ("tranquility technology") (20-22), equipped with an uninterrupted power supply. Through the built-in relay, these devices can switch the electrical chains by the command of the owner (DTMF signals).

Where to apply?

As in the urban apartment and in the country house, the protection systems under consideration can be installed everywhere, where there is a risk of leakage of tap water: in kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms, shower, ware, boiler rooms. By vigorous housing, their installation, in addition, is also possible in the flooring level of the technical premises of the pools. Here the system will have to turn off not only the water supply, but also the circulating pump of the basin, and also to generate a preventive signal in such cases.

To curb the flood!
Photo 23.

Photo V. Kovalev

To curb the flood!
Photo 24.

Photo V. Kovalev

To curb the flood!
Photo 25.

Photo V. Kovalev

23-25. AQUE-L ("Calm Technologies") There are no leakage sensors, but there is a controller and two ball valves with a radioclete. Going to work, click the button on the keychain, and the ball valves block the feed and cold water in the apartment. Think just nothing!

How to create a system

If you decide to install a leak protection system in the apartment (house), you can go three ways. The first is the simplest: to purchase a ready-made set in a large construction supermarket, consisting of one or more sensors, a controller and one (for a private house) or two (for the city apartment) with electric cranes with an electric drive. The main thing is to buy a set that matters exactly as possible to your operating conditions. To do this, it is necessary to thoroughly think about it in advance what should be logged in, where and how each of its elements will be located. If, for example, the number of sensors included in the kit is not enough, they can be purchased.

The second way: Calculate how much you need sensors, controllers, etc., and purchase them in a specialized store (the latest addresses, as a rule, are indicated on the site manufacturers sites). By the way, it is this way that some manufacturers of systems operating on the Radioshine are proposed.

Third Way: With the help of professionals, create your own protection system. For this, one company will have to separately order the required number of sensors (for example, "Alliance" Complex Security "), in the second standard controllers (for example, Siemens, Germany), in the third standard ballcases with electric drive or electromagnetic valves (for example, Honeywell , USA). Which of the three ways you are closer to you yourself. Liker actions The system should perform: to issue a beep, send a message or block water supply - this is also to choose yourself. Professionals are recommended to acquire equipment able to do both , and third. Only in this case you are, being anywhere, you will certainly learn about the emergency, and you can successfully resist her.

Who must send an accident message?

Of course, first of all, the owner of an apartment (at home) should receive information about the throat. In addition, the message must be sent to those who can quickly (naturally, according to prior arrangement with you) or simply obliged to respond to the incident, - individual people or organizations that are in close proximity to your home. This, for example, a dispatch or emergency service, whose activity includes your home; on duty in the stairwell concierge; Protection of the village; non-working neighbor on the landing or owner of the neighboring cottage IT.d.

Not everything is so smooth

On the pages of our practical magazine, we will not follow other publications and advertising leaflets to repeat: "Install the system of protection against leaks- and no longer threatens the flood!" We are obliged to tell the reader the truth - the system of protection against leaks by panacea from the bay is not. Yes, it will protect from the flood caused by the breakdown of pipes, fittings and flexible hoses located in the apartment (house), that is, behind the entrance valve, it will simply block the flow of water. Akak can be protected from breakthrough pipes of risers that permeate the apartment building from top to bottom? I will answer honestly, because only a locksmith can overlap the riser. So, the installed protection system will only be able to send an SMS message warning that you have a flood house. A similar message you will receive in the breakthrough of the sewer riser or leakage in the apartment above.

To curb the flood!
Photo 26.

"Alliance" Complex Security "

To curb the flood!
Photo 27.

"Ayotink MapKE"

To curb the flood!
To curb the flood!

26-27. In the modern Russian market, the device necessary for creating a system of protection against leakage of the device can be purchased both alternately and in the form of a set. The recruitment of the TM "H2O-contact" devices (26) and the Ready set of TM HomeIpoint (27) are acquired by the element.

Almost all manufacturers on their sites argue that the protection device from leaks will save from the breakthrough of the heating system. However, this is also not quite consistent with the truth. In order for the system to be able to protect the apartment from a similar mischief, it is necessary on each of the two pipes (removing the heat carrier from the rising and returning) to mount on the ball with the electric drive, and under the radiator, the metal tray in which the leakage sensor would be. But who will decide on such transformations in the interior? And on the risers of heating any valves, no one will allow you at all. Consequently, in this case you can only get SMS with the fact of the Fight Fact.

Avot in private houses The picture is quite different, here the protection systems from leaks may well be saved from the breakthrough of the heating system. The Iinterrier they will not spoil the overlapping devices can be installed on the heating risers, placing in the attic or in the basement (the heating boiler must be equipped with a reliable overheating system).

Specialist advice

The main complexity of installation that determines the reliability of protection is as follows. The leakage sensor needs to be placed not just on the floor near the device guarded by him, namely where water must appear during leakage. Choosing a place, we must take into account the gender of the floor, the presence of deepening IT.P. Special attention should be paid to the sanitary tranquenk, in which water and sewer risers are held in the old building panel houses. These weiglocks are usually placed in the perimeter of the waterproofing floor of the plumbing cabin, and there are gaps around the ceiling and flowing into the "floor" of pipes. Cabinets should create a solid concrete "floor" with a bias in the direction of the bathroom (so that with leakage water flows on it to the sensor mounted for the toilet) or to arrange a pallet, tightly embracing the pipes of the risers, and put a separate leakage sensor in it. If this is not done, there is a risk that water flowing from the burst inside the tilching of the pipe or flexible hose is poured into an apartment located below. Ava will discover the flood only when the neighbors come with claims. A similar pallet is to install in the locker located under the kitchen sink. In the opposite case, during an accident, water through the pipe cuts made in its day will flow to the floor (that is, it will pass by the leakage sensor in the locker).

Alexey Corgeshabin, General Director of Evika


The bay is always better prevented than to eliminate its consequences. The appended systems are quite able to save from the flood caused by an accident in an intra-quarters of the water supply network. JSC leaks from which they could not protect (broke through the sewer or riser of heating, the neighbors of IT were filled.), Devices can at least wait for an SMS message or voice message in a timely manner. Aeto a lot. Who are warned, he is already a bit armed.

Some characteristics of leakage protection systems
System name (set) Manufacturing firm Communication method between devices Type of locking device / count, pcs / diameter of thread, inch Number of leakage sensors, pcs. Type of controller /

Built-in signal

Availability of UPS *** price, rub.
Gidrolock "Apartment 1" "Hydroresource" Wired Shk. * / 2 / 0.5-1 3. Monoblock / +. +. 8900 (in charge)
"Neptune" CST Wired Shk.K. / 2 / 0.5-1 2. Monoblock / +. +. 7760 (in charge)
"H2O-contact" "Alliance" Complex Security " Wired K.S. ** / 1 / 0.5-2 or shk. / 1 ​​/ 0.5-2 (2800 rub. / PC.) 1 (350 rub. / PC.) Monoblock / + (1400rub / PC.) +. Visits elements
Lifesos. Scientech Electronics. Radio K.S. / 1 / 0.5-2 (1940rub.) Shk. / 1 ​​/ 0.5-2 (2690 rubles) 1 (1647 rub. / PC.) Monoblock / + (7800rub.) +. Visits elements
"Akvasto'k" - "Reasonable Choice" Akvarisk-Proteection Radio Shk.K. / 2 / 0.5 3. Monoblock / +. +. 8500 (in charge)
"Kit for protecting against leaks" Axico. Radio K.S. / 2 / 0,5-2 2. Monoblock / - - 13 498 (in charge)
HomePoint. Viscic Radio Shk.K. / 2/0.5-2 one Monoblock / - - 10 990 (in charge)
"Aqua-L" "Calm technologies" Radio Shk.K. / 2 / 0.5 -Radobrachok Monoblock / +. +. 8500 (in charge)
Set "Ark" "Termolux" Wired Sh. / 1 / 0.5 2. Monoblock / - - 9300 (in charge)
* Shk.-ball crane with electric drive;

** K.S.- Solenoid valve;

*** UPP is an uninterrupted power supply.

The editors thanks the firm "Special Systems and Technologies" (CST), Ayotink MapKE, Akvilon-Akvilon-A Security Systems, Alliance "Complex Security", "Hydroresurs", "Termolux", "Tranquility Technologies", "Evika" for help in preparing the material.

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