Unstead gardens


Creation of a garden on the roof is one of the options for designing the so-called roof exploited. Modern technology makes it possible to implement a variety of projects

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Creating a garden on the roof is one of the options for the design of the so-called roof exploited. Landscapes ascended to heaven everywhere organize in Europe and America. But for Russia, they still remain something exotic, although every year the idea of ​​roof gardening is becoming increasingly popular and in demand.

Unstead gardens
Photo O.Voronina can lead many arguments confirming the feasibility of the device "high-altitude" gardens. Such oasis increases the heat-protective properties of the roof of any building. The result is also changing the temperature regime on the top floor: in the summer there will be a slightly cooler, winter is a little warmer. The populated "green" roofs are easier in care: if the materials are competently laid and the plants are correctly planted, they are less likely to repair and serve longer than the flooring made using bitumen and polymer coatings. The vegetable layer protects waterproofing from heat, cold, temperature drops and UV rays, and also prevents mechanical damage. In addition, you get the opportunity to push the borders of the house and create another "room" outdoors, where in the warm season you will have to relax among the greenery, giving coolness. Finally, planted at the height of the garden is an additional source of oxygen. It absorbs dust and harmful substances, which is relevant even outside the city, where the environmental situation is better than in the megalopolis. After all, often the hosts of small sites store their possessions almost completely: the house, household buildings, a garage and a vehicle platform. Vitoga for green plantings remains not so much space as I would like, and sometimes very little. Of course, break the garden to the roof is quite expensive, however, the diversity of modern technologies allows to implement a variety of projects, including budget (from2.5 thousand rubles. For 1m2).

Unstead gardens
Photo 1.

Broens Park

Unstead gardens
Photo 2.

Photo M.romakina

Unstead gardens
Photo 3.

Photos / Gap.

1-3.Luggage grass (1), curly lianas (2), cereals (3) - many plants are able to grow, breaking away from the ground and moved to the roof. It is important only to provide them with comfortable conditions for the "high-altitude" life.

Lawn or garden?

Depending on the load on the roofing construction and the range of plants of plants, specialists are divided into two groups-extensive and intensive gardens divided on the roofs of the gardens. For the next case, only low perennials with a compact root system are put on and create a grassy roof like a lawn. She does not need an additional watering- as a rule, enough rainwater. Extensive gardening is used on different roofs: flat, lowered single and double, with an angle of inclination to 45, concave, cylindrical, terraced type. The thickness of the bulk soil for a similar garden is small, about 6-10 cm. Load on the roof - from 70kgs / m2. Punching of the soil is used by the "Easy" substrate designed for Roofing. Perennial plants sitting in it, unpretentious in care and resistant to the lack of moisture: various types of semisses, meloded, coxy, cuffs, carnations, as well as cereal herbs. Most often extensively garden garages and household buildings.

The gardens of intensive type are richer along the assortment of landing: they are "sewn" and herbs, and blooming perennials, and shrubs, and even high trees - up to 10m. Roofing systems for intensive landscaping should be more reliable: here the load is 200-2000kgs / m2. They are made only flat, and from above pour a substrate layer with a thickness of 5 cm to 1m. Externally, such a garden is similar to the usual "earth": you can break the flower beds, lay tracks and paths for walking, make a patio to relax, put a gazebo and poured it with Lianami, finally arrange a small reservoir. Therefore, choosing between extensive and intense options, you actually choose between the lawn and a full-fledged garden, where there is an opportunity to spend time. The second, of course, is more complicated in care, and it is not easy to create it. After all, here planting plants - a more laborious process. The same it is necessary to take care of them regularly, and for this, first of all, provide a watering system (portable or stationary spins).

Unstead gardens
Photo 4.

"Zinc Rus"

Unstead gardens
Photo 5.

Photo M.romakina

Unstead gardens
Photo 6.

"Zinc Rus"

Unstead gardens
Photo 7.

Broens Park

4-7. Extensive gardening is suitable for roofs with a bias up to 45. More often in this case, surcharges (4-6), less often cereals or mosses (7). Succulent cuttings after a while they grow up and form a thick carpet.

Roofing "Pie"

It is assumed that with the "green" roof load on the supporting structures are always increased. Therefore, the solution to organize a roof garden is better to take at the design stage of the house. WTO time is the ability to calculate and schedule future loads and create suitable conditions for plant development. "High-rise oasis" can be arranged on different overlap, wooden (in this case, lightweight variants of the extensive garden are usually planned) made of reinforced concrete slabs or metal beams. Like any roof, "green" needs steam, hydro and thermal insulation. The vapor barrier layer is usually laid first. For it, modern bitumen-containing materials are used, for example, weaving rolled with the reinforcing base of fiberglass or synthetic fibers. Thermal insulation provides various slab insulation (from foam, extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool, on cement, bituminous or synthetic ligament) and flowing materials (clamzit, shungizite, perlite, vermiculitis). Reliable waterproofing - the next important component of the roofing "cake". The waterproofing material is placed over thermal insulation - it is precisely this, reverial type of roof over the heat insulation - for landscaped roofs, because the inversion is obtained more expensive. In addition, anti-coronary protection of waterproofing, draining material, a substrate layer (plants are planted), as well as filtering material, which will prevent the penetration of its particles into the drain layer.

Unstead gardens
Photo 8.

Photo M. Romakina

Unstead gardens
Photo 9.

Photo M. Romakina

Unstead gardens
Photo 10.

Photo M. Romakina

Unstead gardens
Photo 11.

Photo M. Romakina

Gardens can be broken on the roofs both with internal and outer drainage, and the bias of the roof can even be zero. The "green" roof is not tied to the location of the waterproof points, since the area of ​​the catchment of one funnel with a diameter of 110mm- to 400m2. In one place, where it is located, in "Pie" necessarily embed the observation well. With the normal operation of the system, it needs to be inspected only 2 times in the year and autumn. For external drainage, both open (8-10) and closed gutters made of galvanized steel or PVC are used. Water is sent to a storm sewage system, an underground drainage system or even constructed on a water reservoir, pond, decorative containers (11). In the event, the case of the gutter must necessarily be closed so that the water, passing the waterproof filters, is not contaminated with garbage particles.

Specialized materials for "green" roofs produce Flordepot, Zinco (Burgher), Imperbel (Belgium), Index (Italy) IDR. Many of them produce ready-made systems for landscaped roofs. At the same time, manufacturers do not recommend replacing individual components with products of other companies, even if they look like each other.

The most modern version of the specialized system for the "green" roof includes four main components (it is believed that steam and thermal insulation already exist). This is a waterproofing anti-corpus film, laid on already disposable heat insulation; Protective water cast (it finally filters water before it is descended into the drainage); Drainage-accumulative element (for example, FloradRain-cellular design, resembling the shape for eggs, it adjusts the water current, allowing you to simultaneously solve two opposite tasks: save as much moisture as possible in the root zone of plants and remove excess water); System filter, on top of which the substrate is falling asleep. Such systems produce Flordepot, Imperbel, Zinco. Some of them are designed for extensive roofs, others for intense.

Opinion of a specialist

The garden image dictates "Engineering" of the building: when creating a landscaped project, the bias of the roof, permissible weight loads, the ability to build a particular drainage system. The lawn in the generally accepted sense of the word on the roofs is not planted, replacing it with a carpet from Sedumov or meadow disintegration. You can create a "suede" garden from moss, succulents, Sedumes, mounted, "intelligent" in the carpet of stones and forest squigs. The classic "blooming" garden is reproduced by shrub planting of rosehips, spirits and caragans or compositions from Sparies, Chubuschnik and apple trees (use different varieties: Everest, unzoretsky, Rudolph, apple tree recycling). The image of the Northern or Alpine landscape is recreated, planting the pines of mountains in the neighborhood with creeping juniper. In love case, the range is selected so that the care of the garden on the roof was minimal. For irrigation of the intensive garden, it is necessary to schedule the irrigation system. It usually builds it like this: in the substrate there are pipelines, withdrawing them to the surface not in the form of sprinkles, as it suggests a standard system of automatic irrigation, and in the form of hydrants ("water outlets"), which are located every 20-25m. Czgidrans connect hose or portable sprinklers. The stressful time for the gardens on the roof is early spring, when during the daytime the sun blends enough and dries snow, and freezes are still possible at night. That is why it is important to plant resistant plants capable of transfer such stress. Special coverage for this period they are not required.

Ilya Mochalov, Chief Landscaping Architect of Broens Park

Systems are working like this: water passes through the substrate, filtered and begins to fill the Floradrain cells having the form of an inverted pyramid with cutouts at the top. Separate FloradRain mats (their size is 21m) laid with a gap relative to each other. Therefore, when the water floods the cells about 2/3 of their height, it shifts across the edges and goes downwards, first in the protective water machine, and then in the drain. Vrolley of the latter is a funnel or an external drainage system. The upper part of the cells at least 1/3 is not filled with water, but by air, which contributes to the growth of the roots. The same in the mats of the roofing "pie" there is always a reserve stock of water, and in the event of drought the roots of plants take it from there.

Unstead gardens
Photo 12.

Broens Park

Unstead gardens
Photo 13.

"Zinc Rus"

Unstead gardens
Photo 14.

Photo M.romakina

Unstead gardens
Photo 15.

"Zinc Rus"

12-15. The area of ​​plants for the roofs is diverse: cereals (12), perennials (13,14), surcharges (15).

Instead of natural soil for systems with Floradrain mats, a lightweight organic substrate is used. It is produced on the basis of a recycled clay tile, which has high hygroscopicity; In Russia, on the basis of volcanic tuff. The total number of components reaches 15-20. The substrate provides plants with all the necessary nutritional elements, it is not susceptible to wind erosion, has a high porosity and is able to get air and water not only from above, but also to pull them from the bottom of the cumulative capacity, from Floradrain mats. The faded period of plants ascended to height is easier to winter in such a substrate than in the usual natural soil. After all, here all the water goes down, so water bags are not formed, which are exploded and destroy the root system. The mass of this substrate is about 1100kg / m3. Price 1m3- about 9.5 thousand rubles. For an extensive garden planted with surcharges, a sufficient substrate with a thickness of 6cm, for shrub landing, about 25 cm, for trees - 60-100cm. On the pitched roofs additionally install the grille with large cells, where the substrate is falling asleep so that it does not slip. Axesta is protected by a jute canvas.

Systems differ from each other with the characteristics of each of the components. Protective mats, for example, are not reliable. So, Zinco is made from a single or two-layer artificial felt or from felt and rubber. Thickness - 4-15 cm. The thinnest suitable for extensive gardens, the rest, for intensive gardening. Various strength and cell size have drainage-accumulative elements. Ufloradrain 40 The height of each cell is 40mm, moisture- 4l / m2. Ufloradrain 60 The size of the cells is greater (altitude, respectively 60mm) and the higher the ability to moisture: 8l / m2.

The device of roofing "cake" company ZINCO

Unstead gardens
1- concrete base;

2 - steam and thermal insulation;

3- anti-corporal waterproofing;

4- protective water combustive mat;

5- drain-accumulative element;

6- system filter;

7- substrate

Device of roofing "Pie" company INDEX

Unstead gardens
1- concrete base;

2 warehouse;

3- thermal insulation with waterproofing coating;

4- anticorn waterproofing;

5 - drainage canvas;


Green Residents "Heights"

Roof plants are found in a few other conditions than on Earth: limited life space, sharper temperature fluctuations, wind loads, reduced humidity level in summer (15-20%). Experts believe that such an environment is close to the climate of the mountainous area. Based on this, choose squat plant species with a relatively compact root system, not very demanding of the care and, of course, adapted to habitat in one or another region.

Unstead gardens
Photo 16.

Broens Park

Unstead gardens
Photo 17.

Broens Park

Unstead gardens
Photo 18.

Broens Park

Garden in the Moscow region, created by the project "Bruns Park" (16), - Live illustration to the manifesto of the Austrian architect Friedrich Hundertwasser, writing: "We must return the nature of the territories that took it illegally. This is our debt: the nature that we are ruin In the fact that we build a house, rearing the roof again. " The project was created taking into account the fact that the load on the roof should not exceed 150kgs / m2. Most of the garden covers the coating of cereals and soil plants. Substratus thickness under these landings - 10 cm. By the same places where the support columns are located, the building structure made it possible to pour a layer of a substrate with a thickness of 30cm- on these elevations, tree-shrub groups are planted: spire spires adjacent to yawa and spires (17), and rowan, with yawa hybrid, spirits and pine mountain (18).

For roofs with extensive gardening, high ability of plants for regeneration is important. Succulents are planted as the finished seedlings or scatter the cuttings along the surface of the substrate, and then they are mounted. Conditions of the middle strip of Russia are capable of wintering, many surcharges (caustic, Kamchatka, false, Evers, bent) and two types of MEDICAL (roofing and offspring). Sentums are white and spanish well to put in the spring - they quickly grow up and dragged the required after winter are properly. Stirring various varieties of succulents, create colorful live carpets. The color of the inflorescence depends on the variety: the seeding of the caustic, they are bright yellow, in false white, pink or purple. Most Sedumes bloom in June - july, some a little later, in July (for example, Seduum bent and Evers). However, they are decorative not only during flowering, but throughout the honest season. Oatman, from the flowering perennials, and a carnation (herbal and cruciform), camnooks, eggs are used from cereal herbs. In order for the roof lawn to be more decorative, experts recommend not to do monoposoda, but make mixtures of 15-20 species and varieties. At the same time, it is good for sample natural communities. So, in the suburbs there is a sufficiently stable natural cover from Miloda, the siblings of the caustic, the shine of sand and oatmeal. It can be taken as the basis, creating a mixture for an extensive roof. If you plan to carry out the irrigation system on the roof, it is permissible to evincate the turret - from the clover or consisting of a mixture of herbs (for example, wildlife and exolition).

Unstead gardens
Photo 19.

Photo E.Sedova

Unstead gardens
Photo 20.

Photo E.Sedaya -experimental Succulent Garden 5 years in the Tarasovka near Moscow, created by landscape designer Elena Sedovoy. The garden is broken on the roof of the construction of the building: a metallic corrugated film, a waterproofing film, a drainage element, geotextile in 2 layers and a substrate with a thickness of 5 cm, was laid on top of it. The area of ​​the roof is divided into separate cells (19), in which the seed-caustic, Kamchatsky, Zibold and Camery (20) are planted.

For the gardens of intensive type, the assortment of wood and flower fittings is quite wide. It is important that they can develop on artificial substrates, because most of the modern gardens on the roofs are planted on them, and not on natural soils. (However, plants that are not able to settle in the substrate, which gives a complete set of necessary nutrients, a little.) From trees in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia, a pine and ordinary, rowan, ordinary, IRGU round-hearted, Canadian and smooth, low-spirited apple trees, larch, birch Hurry. The latter often grows on abandoned buildings - its seeds can independently root even in the laying of dilapidated walls. The shrubs are used by the turpes white and Siberian, Barbaris (Tunberg, Ottavsky), Spiraei, Juniper Cossack and horizontal, Chubuschnik, cornpiece. Many projects are appropriate to landing the Karagans of a tree-sided shrub.

Unstead gardens
Photo 21.

Broens Park

Unstead gardens
Photo 22.

"Russian lawns landscape"

Unstead gardens
Photo 23.

Photo by A. Medvedev

Unstead gardens
Photo 24.

Photo O. Voronina

21. It is necessary that on extensive roofs people will appear only a few times a year, conducting a technical inspection.

22. Container garden on the roof of a high-rise building in Moscow.

23-24. Container landings are comfortable for their mobility.

The feature of the roof of the roof is that all trees and shrubs viewer perceives from close range. After all, the area of ​​such a green corner is usually small, and this is necessarily taken into account, designing landings and constituting decorative groups. To create vertical scenes, liana-virgin grapes and sodoggers are used, for flower beds - a variety of perennials and textiles. The rotation of the roof and the spring was elegant, and molars and crocuses and drugs, and muscari and muscari are often planted.

Unstead gardens
Photo 25.

Photo E.Lichina

Unstead gardens
Photo 26.

Photo O.Voronina

Unstead gardens
Photo 27.

Photo O.Voronina

Unstead gardens
Photo 28.

Photo O.Voronina

The territory of the rooftop garden does not necessarily happen to solve the "green": here you can pave paths, smash the platform for rest, such as, for example, in this project of the Baltic company Tagete (25). The device of roofing "pie" has features: on top of the hydro-insulation, the protective membrane is spread, and all other components of the system are missing. The wooden flooring is laid on the lags and are output with the substrate, separating the perforated corner from it, so that the substrate does not reflect under the flooring (26). The blocking is put on the "substrate" from gravel, leaving the decree 0.5-1 cm (27). When the pedestrian tracks on the roof is not recommended to do the base from concrete or on the cement binder, and only sandy or rubble - it will ensure the care of the water immediately down, on the drainage layer, and will prevent the appearance of the puddle, the tracks will not be slippery (28).

Opinion of a specialist

Alternative to the full-fledged garden on the roof composition of container plants, which can be placed on any operated roof, and it is not necessary to carry out special materials and fall asleep soil. Such landings are extremely mobile: they are updated several times per season. If necessary, for the winter, the containers are descended to the ground or enter into a cool room - to provide plants more comfortable wintering. For a romantic sketch, a relative landscape, choose types of soft shape, and the composition is so that its overall silhouette is smooth, "fluid." Plants are placed by tiers. For example, the kindergarten in gray-bluish tones are organized as follows: in the background there are all -oletifying IVA Hakura Nishiki, in front of the Neva Glauka Globosa, below the Blue Chip or Blue Star jinner, separating it from the spruce "Wall" from ivy volatile, and Festivant to the SIZY. Brightness will add several containers with purple flowers: spring- with tulips, in summer, with endless geranium and begonia, the tube, and the vertical emphasis will be Iris Siberian. A composition assembled from plants with a clear geometric crown is perceived in a completely different way - in the form of a bowl, pyramid, rectangle. Here is an example of one of them: in the background there are a sharp-hearted Globosa maple, in front of the nominal extended container with a cut-off barberry Atropurpurea Nana, to the right of the maple-pyramidal Smaragd. Against the background of the hedge, there are Tyu Western Golden Globe with golden yellow cheese, and in front of the container with soil.

Veronica Believ, Landscape Designer of Russian Lawns Landscape

The editors thanks Bruns Park, Zincko Rus, a landscape designer Veronika Bellev (Russian Lawns Landscape) and Landscaping Designer Elena Sedov (SK Sadko) for help in the preparation of material.

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