Beyond Real


Various types of sheet glass: low-emission, tinted, laminated, tempered, corrugated and painted glass

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Do you know that modern leaf glass is an extremely multifaceted material? The various types of it are protected in winter from the cold, in the summer - from the heat, if necessary, it is cut off extra noises, stand on the way of fire during a fire, a house is fencing from attack and hacking, bullets and explosions, while making it not only safe, comfortable, but also Beautiful.

Beyond Real
Architect A. Argal

Photo K. Mankochelovka is a delicate creature. In winter, many complain about the cold and steadily growing heating prices, in the summer they complain about the heat, spending electricity and money for the cooling of the housing. Although the first step towards the energy saving of us has already been made. Due to the massive installation of hermetic glass windows, heat leakage was ceased due to the high thermal conductivity of glasses and the natural air permeability of windows, and simply speaking, many apartments got rid of the drafts and became warmer. The following task is to reduce heat losses from heat radiation, can be solved using low-emission glasses used in double-glazed windows.

Time to store heat

Conventional glass has a low heat insulating ability. In this winter and late autumn, cold zones are formed near the windows. Progressive thought to the surface of the glass is thin (practically invisible) layer of metal oxides, which poorly misses heat (long-wave or infrared) waves, was embodied. This led to the fact that such a glass of more than 60% of heat transmitted on it from heated air heated air began to reflect back to the room, while almost freely passing the solar rays into the house (short-wave radiation).

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1-3. Detaratives transparent or painted in the mass of glass Imagin (AGC) with a volumetric pattern applied to one or both sides, which is selected from more than 30 options. Glass can be subjected to hardening, lamination, sandblasting, and also use in the glass package. Thickness varies within 3-19mm.

4. Lacobel (AGC) with a colored moisture-resistant paint coating on the reverse side is attached to the walls of silicone or tiled glue.

Glasses with such useful properties are called low-emission or energy saving. To obtain them, two types of coatings are used: solid and soft. The first is applied at the time of the manufacture of glass to another hot softened surface. Under the influence of high temperature, the coating literally sinters with the base and in the finished form differs in high mechanical strength. So produce K-glass. However, experts believe that the future is not behind him, but for I-glass produced by less cost technology. Soft coating based on metal oxides using the magnetron sputtering system is applied to the already ready glass placed in a vacuum medium. The resulting layer is much thinner, less resistant to mechanical impacts and moisture. But this is not so important, because I-glass is installed only in the sealed designs of double-glazed windows, coated inside. But its energy-saving properties are 2 times better than K-glasses.

Our certificate

Floth-glass is the most common type of sheet glass. The process of its production, which later became the world standard, developed the Englishman Alaster Pillington in 1952. Such a process: from the melting oven, the glass mass is poured into the bath on the layer of molten tin. It is evenly poured, forming a smooth surface of the glass. The thickness is determined by the amount of mass poured into the bath and is 0.4-25mm. The maximum size of the sheets obtained by this method is 63.21m. Today it produces glass size 93.21m, but so far it is difficult to process, store and transport. Float glass has an ideally glossy surface that does not need to be polished, high light-resistant ability, excellent optical properties that exclude image distortion.

The tests confirm that a single-chamber glass glass with I-glass has better thermal insulation than two-chamber with simple glasses, the inner glass of which in winter, when on -25С, and in the house + 20c, has a temperature of only 5C and often fogges. Vanalogy conditions The temperature of the internal low-emission K-glass will be about 10C, and I-glasses - 14C, which completely eliminates the formation of condensation.

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Jennifer Howard

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ABC Goldfields WA.

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5-6. Value images on glass improve mood.

7. The loweamice coatings on the glasses are delayed in the room, making more economical building heating.

8.Multi-function glass Activ Suncool (Pilkington) has sunscreen and energy-saving properties, as well as self-cleaning.

An interesting fact: manufacturers the difference in the price of simple sheet glass and low-emission is only 45-135 rubles. For 1m2, whereas for the end user the difference in the cost of two-chamber glass windows with simple and low-emission glass sometimes grows to 600 rubles. For 1m2.

Single-chamber glass glass with efficient energy-saving glass Planiterm Futur N

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9-glass with several layers of metal oxides deposited by cathode spraying in a magnetron field in a deep vacuum. Features high light light (79%);

10-ordinary single-chamber double glazing;

11-double-glazed glass with energy-saving glass that reduces heating costs, which provides comfort in the area near the window.

On the sunny side

In the summer, completely different problems are worried. Due to the long daylight, the active sun of the room, the windows of which come to the south and southwest, often overheat. The simplest solution to the problem is to apply tinted glass: Planibel Coloured (AGC, Japan), Optifloat Tint (Pilkington, United Kingdom), Parsol (Saint-Gobain Glass, France). What it is darker, the less natural light will penetrate into the dwelling. In addition, dark glass actively absorbs heat, reducing the heat flux falling into the room. But if the colored glasses on the summer veranda of the country house are quite appropriate, none of the residents of the apartment building can no longer afford a similar design if its neighbors are transparent. According to the new rules, the facade glazing of houses should be unified. And it is right. Agree that the multicolored windows do not adorn the architectural appearance of the building, as, by the way, and chaotic outdoor blocks of split systems and distinctly decorated balconies and loggias.

If the in the summer is the principle: the darker glass, the way it is comfortable, then in winter, on the contrary. How to be? Owners of urban apartments, especially with windows that are coming south, it is worth using selective glass. Due to the special spraying on the surface, they skip most of the visible spectrum so that the rooms are light, and it is cut off its invisible part of infrared waves or heat radiation. That is, they strive to be as long as possible, but "work" as the darkest. Sleeping windows even in the hottest time of home air conditioner is required to include much less often, and with "moderate weather conditions, they will support the optimal balance of protection against the Sun and the required amount of light. Moreover, a person who is located in the room and looks outside, will not notice the difference between the usual and selective glass. An even more comfortable habitat will help create a multifunction glass produced using i-glass technology, operating simultaneously on sunscreen and energy saving: Stopray (AGC), Suncool (Pilkington), Cool-Lite (Saint-Gobain Glass).

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12-14. Polyted glass, painted in mass, can be subjected to various types of processing, use to decorate interiors, manufacture of tables, racks, doors IT.P.

15. Tsvette and sunscreen properties depend on the thickness of the glass.

Shootly Ramysh

Now let's talk about the problem with which one of us has come across, noise. The level of sound that can catch our ear fluctuates from 0 (threshold of hearingness) to 130db (pain threshold). The rustle of foliage is 10dB, the usual conversation is 40-50db, the root of the pneumatic jackhammer is 100DB. Screams of children, barking dogs, howling automotive alarms, sounds near the enterprise, construction sites, railways, airports can adversely affect the human body.

One of the ways to reduce the level of noise entering the apartment from the street - a combination of glass windshop of different thicknesses (with a difference of at least 30%). Such a "sandwich" is much more effective than a package with ordinary glasses. Judge for yourself: the level of noise insulation of the two-chamber glass glass from three glasses of 4mm is 26-28DB, and a single-chamber glass glass from two glasses thick 6 and 4mm- already 32DB! Another option is to vary the distance between the glasses. So, the air layer more than 60mm significantly improves the acoustic characteristics of the structure. A typical example of a window with wooden frames in old houses, erected in Stalin's times and a little later, where the glasses will take apart from each other by 15 cm. However, the interconnect distance in modern double-glazed windows is selected, focusing on the improvement of the heat insulating properties of the structure, and not acoustics. At the same time, an increase in glass thickness or the expansion of air sucks is often undesirable due to the increase in thickness, weight and cost of glass.

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Photo V. Nefedova

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Photo V. Kovalev

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16.The discharge panels are highlighted by ring fluorescent lamps. (Chief Architect N. Chernyshev, Architect A.Kislev, Decorator Y. Patrikova)

17.Attility glass will enjoy the painting by painting, regardless of the angle of view. The surface does not be glare due to not visible to the eye or thanks to a special coating that minimizes the effect of reflection and glare. Price 1M2 (thickness - 2mm) - 900 rub.

18.Tello-safe triplex.

19. Polypropylene film on the painted side of the glass will help to avoid cuts if the panel breaks down.

It is possible to reduce the noise by including laminated glass or triplex in the glass. These are two (or more) glass connected by a special resin or layer (several layers) of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) film. At the same time, today specialists are able to pick up a certain type of sound procurement triplex in accordance with the nature and frequency of sound interfering with a comfortable existence.

Fire does not burn

What danger can come from glass during a fire? Yes, it is a non-combustible material. But when the temperature difference at two different points of conventional glass reaches 30s, it bursts, opening the path of flame, smoke, hot gases. In this case, in the range of leading manufacturers there are fire-resistant glasses: Pyrobel-Pyrobelite (AGC), Pyrostop (Piltington), "SPM" ("Potus", Russia). In case of fire, they are isolated a burning area, reduce thermal radiation and remain as possible 30, 60, 90, and even 120min, during this time, people can safely leave the building. Price of multilayer fire-resistant glass thickness 7-17mm- 7-20 thousand rubles. For 1m2.

The fire-resistant material is a design of colorless glass sheets and transparent polymer layers (from one to several depending on the value and degree of fire resistance). In the inevitable conditions, the product from it externally does not differ from ordinary glass. Fire protection properties are manifested only in a critical situation. When heated to 120s, the polymer begins to foam, expand and more turbulent, turning the design into an opaque protective screen, which reduces the risk of panic. Of course, such products are more often used in public premises, but is something preventing something from separating the fire houses with a transparent door with a garage or storage room, where different combustible substances are usually stored?

BIL, BIL- did not break

In private interiors, more and more glass furniture, doors, partitions appear, and the glass itself is increasingly used as a finishing material. So, in addition to the decorative qualities of this material, security requirements are issued. It should be noted that the concept of "safe glass" is very wide. For example, thermal glass windows are 2 times more stronger than ordinary, and tempered - 4-5 times. The difference lies in the fact that with a significant load, the thermopropenne glass is split into fairly large fragments, and tempered turns into a safe small crumb. It is its applied for doors, countertops, walls of shower cabins, kitchen "Aprons" IT.P. It is important to remember that after hardening the glass is impossible to cut or subject to any other mechanical processing, for example, sandblasting patterns or matting. Therefore, all the necessary manipulations, including the drilling of openings under accessories and fasteners, should be performed in advance. Large producers have tempered glass, but if you are planning a glass "apron", you should contact the company that are engaged in various glass work. Their specialists will make accurate measurements, will indicate the optimal number and location of the holes under fasteners, cut out a piece of the desired size from the workpiece, drill, edges will handle the workpiece and install it. The price of the manufacture of one hole ranges in the range of 30-240 rubles. (The greater the diameter and the thickness of the glass, the more expensive), hardening 1m2 glass on average is 400 rubles.

The most secure is the laminated glass, or triplex. When hit, it cracks, but fragments will not fly into different directions, but remain on the adhesive layer, reducing the risk of injury. Suvent of the number of layers Glass design from just a safe, preventing people's wound with glass fragments, turns into a protective. Glasses, stable to strike with a stone or other mechanical impacts, protect against hacking. The same than the layers, the longer the attacker will be required to penetrate the house, and above the likelihood that he will generally refuse his venture. Punchy glasses resist the destruction from a certain number of bullets (according to the degree of protection). Explosive cracks are cracking, but remain in place after passing the shock wave. However, these materials will rather attract the attention of collectors of art objects, IT.P.

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Photo V.Rachila

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"Satellite Style"

20-21. The placed glasses are afraid of a concentrated (point) load (20), but steadyly transferred distributed (21).

22. The decorative glass partition can be moving around the bar counter racks by special rails. (Architect G. Climavichus)

23. There is an original application of glass stained glass windows in the role of doors of mounted kitchen cabinets. Colored motifs complements the backlight curb.

With benefit for business

Modern technologies give glass and very "peaceful" properties. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle will delight antibacterial glass AGC company with silver particles embedded into the surface. As is known, a silver-strongest natural antiseptic, therefore bacteria falling on the surface of antibacterial glass, die in the bulk. Sashes of shower cabins in bathrooms, mirrors, kitchen "apron" - the use of this material a great set.

Many will like the ability to shift some of the concerns to clean the window glasses on nature. The self-cleaning glass Activ (Pilkington) with a special coating on the outer surface will help this seemingly intolerable dream. The mechanism of its action is: when on the glass of daylight, the coating destroys all organic pollution, and rain water, staining down, flushes them without leaving the flows. The coating does not contain harmful substances and serves as much as glass itself. It is incorrect to think that greenhouses, transparent roofs, attic and other windows installed in hard-to-reach places, after equipping self-cleaning glass, do not need to be washed at all, it is simply a need for this procedure much less often, and the process itself occurs easier and faster.

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Ray Collins.

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Armstrong Glass Company.

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24-25.Dective elements: bent (molded) glass and tile-insert.

26-27.In (26) and painted (27) glass.

Fighters of the invisible front

Sheet glass on the domestic market is represented by many companies, including Guardian (USA), AGC, Pilkington, which are producing in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as "SaratovstroyTeklo", "Salavatteklo" (both- Russia), Yildiz Cam (Turkey), Rider Glass ( China), Saint-Gobain Glass. Prices for foreign products are usually higher than on domestic, but quality often varies. The requirements for it defines GOST 111-2001. In addition to optical distortion and permissible vices, glass is divided into brands (M0-M7). The final consumer assess the quality of even ordinary window windows, if there are no visible extraneous splashes, and the birch trunks per open and closed window remain equally smooth, difficult. Avot marriage of low-emission glass can be noticed. It is manifested in the inhomogeneity of the coating or in the occurrence of the barely noticeable iris film on the glass, which is a consequence of corrosion of low-emission coating. Shades of the color of inexpensive tinted glass from different parties can sometimes differ, which is undesirable with a large glazing area.

An important nuance: after the production of flat glass can handle (paint, striving, apply color films IT.D.), cut, harden, laminate, collect in double-glazed, and then - in the window design. The culture of production at each stage affects the visual and operational properties of the finished product. The complaints about low-quality glass sometimes should be addressed not to manufacturers, but companies that are engaged in its subsequent processing. Thus, the energy-saving effect of the use of low-emission glasses can be reduced to no neglect of the mounting seam. To prevent possible trouble, you should contact well-known, well-proven companies.

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Photo E.Kulibaba

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28-29.Consters and stools, unusual tables made of curved glass of the Italian company FIM will undoubtedly become a decoration of the house. At the peak of fashionable tendencies, glass furniture items with floral patterns.

30. The pattern engraved on the surface of the glass was glued with a glass crumb and baked a sheet in a special oven. Glass fabric size 3.52,50.001m is fixed on four rods in the ceiling plate. (Architect R.Knivienne)

31. POLE from tempered glass with a pattern made by silk-strapparet printing.

Color and light game

Some time ago, the glass was perceived only as a building material. Today, the diversity of his decorative properties inspires designers to unexpected and risky experiments. Saturated colors, unusual reflections, prospects, the game of light and shadow fill the interior of the atmosphere of the holiday.

Patterned glasses of different shades with a relief pattern applied to one or both sides are skipped into rooms at home and at the same time create a sense of privacy. Mate glasses have a similar effect, the opacity of which is a consequence of acid etching. From this material often make partitions and doors, since we do not always use handles, and on the matte surface fingerprints are invisible. Figures and patterns on a glass surface are obtained by silk-profile printing or laminating with color films. Painted on one side of the glass is a real find for interiors, where the main role is given to color. Not so often found in the design of dark tones in this case will add a perspective, they will create a sense of depth.

Even the mirror is also a glass with a special coating. If the usual, colorless, in which each of us is familiar to peering in the morning, replace the bronze, then the vital tone will noticeably increase: no bruises under the eyes, beautiful complexion, and everyone understands that life is getting better ...

The editorial board thanks AGC Flat Glass Russia, Saint-Gobain Glass, Pilkington Glass for help in preparing the material.

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