Door Biennale


Selection and installation of interroom doors: how not to be mistaken with the dimensions of the door block, what kind of constructive type is preferred which doors are better is the sound, which fastener is better to use when mounting the door block

Door Biennale 12718_1

Practice shows that the replacement or installation of interior doors always requires significantly more forces, time and means than expected at the beginning of the repair. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance to solve this serious problem and learn about the existing pitfalls. After all, who is warned, he is armed!

Italon / LanFranCouchpouch and the installation of new interior doors compared to redevelopment of the apartment, plumbing works, floor decoration, walls and ceilings are often presented with simple events. Now, judging by the abundance of letters coming to our editorial board with requests to help figure out the "door" problem, it is often becoming a real stumbling block. How not to make a mistake with the dimensions of the door block? What kind of constructive type preferred? How should the wooden surface be treated so that scratches do not appear on it? What do the doors are better is the sound? What canvases to buy for giving? What fastener is better to apply when mounting the door block? We will try to answer these and other frequently asked questions to answer this article, and at the same time I will introduce readers with the innovations of the door market. Since we have recently wrote about the doors with non-standard opening, in detail (see "IVD", 2008, No. 2 and "IID", 2008, No. 10), now we will stay within the framework of a classic "swing pattern".


In case of major repairs, the doors should be purchased at the end of all "wet" processes, since the exact dimensions of the openings become known only after the correction of the geometry of the walls, the castings of the floor screed and laying the floor covering. Either it is necessary to lay the standards of the selected doors manufacturer in the project. If the doors were bought in advance, and there were changes in the project (for example, installed a warm floor system in the bathroom, not provided for later, or lay a layer of additional noise insulation), saw the web and the box is hardly worth it. Such an operation most likely hurts the appearance of the door and affects its strength, because the linen will suffer. It is better to maintain a check and in this case agree on the exchange.

Task without unknown

The size of the door block is chosen on the basis of the dimming size. If old doors are not yet dismantled, when buying new, they are sometimes focused on the width and height of their canvases. However, in this case, the likelihood of an error is great. After all, you can never know absolutely exactly what is hidden behind the platbands. Perhaps a thick layer of crashing plaster, which will have to be deleted, which means to inevitably expand the opening; Or, on the contrary, the opening will be too narrow: the vertical bars were triggered or written to squeeze the standard door block into it.

Photo 1.

Union / Barausse.

Photo 2.


Photo 3.


Photo 4.

ITALON / Vera Porta

1. Pulsar Solk (Barausse) - Foil Coated Doors (Bronze, Silver or Gold). Price, from 89 thousand rubles.

2-4.Modes of doors: IDEA ROSE (LANFRANCO), from 20 thousand rubles. (2); GRAFFIATA (Barausse), from 34 thousand rubles. (3); Uniqa v 1000 (Vera Porta), 31 thousand rubles. (4).

Meanwhile, the openings under the interior doors in our homes are not the same. Even in typical buildings, they may differ from the "nominal" (2050/2150700/800 / 900mm) by 10-30 mm both in the greater and in a smaller side. The same applies to the door blocks of different manufacturers: with the declared size of the canvas, say, 2000800mm variating the real external dimensions of the block is 2030860-2060890mm.

Full harmony

Ideally, all doors in the apartment, including the entrance, must be sustained in one style. You can achieve this in different ways. First, choose from the range of steel doors manufacturer an inner finishing panel, which would be combined with color, design and material with interroom doors (which is possible, alas, not always). Secondly, it is permissible to install two doors in the opening: outside, the folding on the wall is steel, and from the inside interior. However, this is not the best solution, since the burglar resistance of the overhead structure is low. The optimal option is to purchase the interior door with the interior door, the finishing panel of the desired size and negotiate the manufacturer of the entrance door about its fit and installation. Such products have Barausse, Vera Porta Idre. Their cost starts with 1,2 thousand rubles.

Isv and the ability to install the standard door almost always. In the current case, it is permissible to increase the width of the assembly gap to 30-40 mm (optimal width is 10-20mm). When designing new openings in the walls and partitions, it is important to remember that the doors of non-standard sizes will cost much more expensive, and not all manufacturers will take over to perform such an order.

Photo 5.

Union / Barausse.

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Photo 6.


Photo 7.


5-7. MODELS: OPEN V (Barausse), classic frame frame, lined with veneer or painted (from 40 thousand rubles) (5); ORIONE (Ghizzibenati) with matted glass (from 63 thousand rubles) (6); 02.01 (Sophia), laminated under aluminum (from 14 thousand rubles.) (7).

At the crossroads

The designs of modern interroom doors are quite varied. Most of the Italian models are Agoprofil, Barausse, Bosca Arredi, Garofoli, Ghizzibenatti, Dila, EffebiQuattro, Impronta, Pivato, SJB, Tre-P, Tre-Piu, Vera Porta-Shield Tambourate, that is, filled with cardboard cells. Another common constructive type - frame door with a strapping from an engineering array and fillets from MDF thickness 16-22mm (at the same time, to get a perfectly smooth surface suitable for finishing cladding, glued bars frames with a 4mm thick mdf). This scheme is used by "Alexandrian doors", "Master Wood" (both- Russia), Mario Rioli (Italy- Russia) IDR. Many Russian enterprises ("Volkhovetz", "Freedom" IDR), as well as Spanish Factories Jhera, Portadeza, Puertas Castalla, Sanrafael make doors from one-piece or void chipboard (Milling curly grooves can be used to simulate sealers). Significantly more often there are shield structures from a solid set array with a cover from MDF. The canvas of all listed types have a stable geometry and reliably hold fittings.

In the field

For a long time, a classic cottage door was considered a product from a pine array or ate with a pollen panel structure. Such doors are inexpensive (especially if sold without paintwork), and it is easy to repair during damage. But the moisture drops of a canvas of porous wood tolerates badly, its linear dimensions increase or decrease by 4-6mm. Ima have become accustomed to the fact that, coming to the cottage in the "non-timing" time (for example, for the New Year), we cannot open or close the doors. The dimensions of the contemporary structures are practically not changed by increasing humidity. It is also not necessary to be afraid that in extremely dacha conditions, the thermotransmissible and two-component glue compositions of the moisture and heat resistant are lagging behind the leading manufacturers.

As for the option of finishing, it does not depend on the constructive type: any door can be lined with veneer, laminated, coated with texture composition based on acrylic resins and wood fibers (CDS), painted enamel. Thanks to modern technologies, laminated and trimmed by veneer doors of leading producers distinguish each other almost impossible. The durability of both coatings is also about the same. At one time it was even believed that laminated doors are resistant to mechanical damage and easier to care. But this cannot be agreed with this, since there are polymer parquet varnishes in the veneer for veneer, forming a very durable film. There is no significant difference between laminated and lined veneer veneers and price: high-quality products that are distinguished by unassuming design are 12-17 thousand rubles. As for the ecoshpon, it is a beautiful and practical, but quite expensive coverage: the cost of the doors trimmed by it is from 18 thousand rubles. The price of a high enamel-colored canvases is usually even higher, from 35 thousand rubles.

Photo 8.


Photo 9.


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Photo 10.


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Photo 11.


8-9. The lines of molding (8) and on the joints of the frame and fillets (9) on the coating should not be facing defects.

10-11. Door models: Dada Noce (GHIZZIBENATTI), from 37 thousand rubles. (10); IDEA P (LANFRANCO), from 13500 rub. (11).

Entry collection of doors is usually represented by several models, among which are definitely glazed. A transparent insert is replaced with a sealer or manufactures a special shield with a reinforced frame and "opening" under glazing. Installation of safe decorative glass increases the cost of the canvas 1.3-1.8 times.

Photo 12.


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Photo 13.


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Photo 14.

"Wood Household"

12-14.DVER ECONOMCLASS: "Santa Maria 737" ("Freedom", a trademark of Valdo Puertas), a web-based panel design with a fililene simulation, lined with a toned oak veneer (from 7200rub. Taking into account the cost of the box and platbands) (12); "Pint 152" ("Freedom"), a frame of a frame design with a decorative layout, trimmed with a glass of red wood (from 10500 rub.) (13); "Retro 130" ("Woodwood Plant"), a combined design fabric: parts have cellular filling from MDF and spruce bars (from 8500 rub.) (14).

There are in the market and products from the array of alder, oak, beech. They are manufactured mainly to order, such firms as Junda (Lithuania), "Andor" (Russia), as well as many small furniture enterprises. The cost of such products varies in the range of 25-40 thousand rubles. Prices for doors made of massifs of the tree of wood (they are traditionally produced by some Italian factories - for example, Flex, Legnoform) start from 90 thousand rubles.

Caution, edge!

When buying a lined veneer or laminated door, it is necessary to pay attention to the method of finishing the ends of the canvas. The risk of damage is especially great here. On the same basis, it is often possible to conclude about the quality of the product as a whole. Most often, even the edges of expensive doors are separated by a laminate or veneer ribbon. At the same time, the gaps between it and the facing plate should be visible to the eye. If they are well noticeable and the finishing material manages to pose a nail-in front of the production of semi-pedago production.

It happens that during the operation of the door, the edge tape is peeling. Sometimes it happens even with the products of famous factories, no one is insured against marriage in production. In addition cases, do not be afraid to present claims to the manufacturer, it is obliged to replace the defective product new.

Mame Turendesign (Germany), Barausse (Germany), Casali, Foaporte, Henri Glass, VERA Porta (Wella Collection) (All-Italy), Academy of Glass (Russia-Italy) are manufactured by Mame Turendesign (Germany). In the manufacture of the canvas use tempered glass with a thickness of 10-12mm, which decorate with patterns made in fusing techniques, sandblasting, cutting. Such doors are beautiful and perfectly suitable for interiors in Modern and Art Deco styles. They are absolutely not afraid of moisture, and due to the presence of rubber seals on the box, the contour of rubber seals are an effective obstacle for sounds and smells. Therefore, the doors made of tinted or matted glass is an excellent option for the bathroom. The cost of the door blocks Mame Turendesign- 20-27 thousand rubles. Italian doors are more expensive - 37-65 thousand rubles. and more.

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Photo 15.


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Photo 16.

Master-Lock /


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Photo 17.


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Photo 18.

Master-Lock /


15.Tevere Pia B (Barausse) is finished with leather. Price, from 88 thousand rubles.

16. Crash (Mame Turendesign) includes three-layer tempered glass cloths with an aluminum box. To create a special effect, in the process of manufacturing the door, the middle sheet is broken, affecting the edge. Price, from 49 thousand rubles.

17.Dvere BOSTON (from 34 thousand rubles) (left) and Dallas (from 43 thousand rubles).

18.Forge Keramika (Mame Turendesign) from colored glass 12mm thick (from 34 thousand rubles).

Neither sound!

One of the important criteria for choosing the interior door is its soundproofing ability. Noise of water or washing machine in the bathroom, talking on the phone in the corridor or musical exercises in the orphanage, it would be good to limit the spread of all these sounds of the outside of the premises in which they were born ... And I would like to do so that no outsiders penetrate noise in the bedroom

Private case

It should be borne in mind that in the presence of a threshold sound insulation will be unsatisfactory, if marriage is allowed when making or mounting the doors- for example, it is prevented by the canvas or there is a blocks of the box. We conducted the simplest test panel door from the oriented chipboard (OSP) with a double-sided mdf cover (total thickness - 40mm). The lower corner of its canvas lightened to the box (the gap width was only 3-4mm). It turned out that it is capable only slightly muffle the sound of calm speech. Acrief, the clearance was eliminated by laying from Penorezine, the words became practically not audible at a distance of 1m from the door.

But if the door has no threshold and the seal around the perimeter of the box, it so much reduces its soundproofing ability that the difference in the material, the design and thickness of the canvas almost does not play the role. According to the specialists of the company "Acoustic Materials and Technologies" (Russia), soundproofing of any door, under which the clearance is 10mm, is not more than 15 DB (for reference: the washing machine "gives" 30-40db, blender- 50DB, vacuum cleaner to 80dB) . However, if these gaps are not, the natural ventilation of the room will violate. Find a compromise solution is very difficult, and in each particular case it is individually.

Invisible fasteners

If you want the mounting nodes to the wall to the wall completely inconspicuous, the mounting plates should be used (6-8 pieces). They are screwed to the "back" side of the racks and a wall, cutting into it a shallow groove, which is then attached. After filling in the mounting gap of polyurethane foam, the door installed in such a way securely holds in the opening.

As for the platbands, they can be knocked off with finish nails (on a dark tree, the outlined nails, on light-brass) or glue with silicone sealant or "liquid nails", fixing the painted scotch at the time of curing the composition. True, in the latter case, dismantle the door without damage will not be possible.

Significantly reduce the soundproofing of doors Thin fillets and glass. Fully glazed (with a glass of 4-5mm thick) door- bad barrier on the sound path. Angol inserts from thick (6-8mm) glass almost do not affect sound insulation. Effective in the fight against noise Tambult doors: Sheet covering partially reflects the sound, and cardboard cells play the role of a damper that quenching sound waves in the thickness of the canvas. The doors made of solid chipboard or engineering array of coniferous rocks with MDF trim on soundproofing properties are comparable with Tamburatnate, but a little better cope with high-frequency noises.

Allow your handle ...

Each buyer of the doors is to be very pleasant, but at the same time a responsible event: to complete the design of the door cavers, choosing a handle for them. Wasing of any major door seller dozens of handles models. They are made of brass and stainless steel, but there are accessories from copper, bronze, acrylic glass, stone, wood, trimmed with pearl, pearl. Handles - a fairly substantial article of consumption when purchasing a door: Products of famous factories (Colombo, Linea Cali, Manital, Mariani, All Italy) cost 1-5 thousand rubles. However, there is no point in saving. There are many cheap products on the market, but due to the simplified technology of applying a protective and decorative coating, after 1-2 years, scratches and chips will necessarily appear on their surface.

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Colombo Design.
Door Biennale
Colombo Design.

The door of the home theater or room, where they are engaged in music, is obliged to meet the highest requirements for sound insulation. Here it is necessary for a canvas made of three layers of chipboard of different thicknesses, between which there are damping gaskets from rubber or technical traffic jams (this is the design of Doors Hormann, Germany). The index of the insulation of the air noise of this product is 45DB (that is, it is almost not inferior to a brick wall with a thickness of 250mm). Sound insulation (they are fire-stop) doors are also in the assortment of Finnish and Italian factories. Alavus (Finland) with sound insulation of 30 DB of the canvas filled with mineral wool, and at the IMOLA EI 30 model (Union, Italy) - pressed flax. The framework of the frame in the first case serve puff panels from gypsum fiber sheets and plywood, in second-panels from HDF (wood-fiber plates of increased density). The mass of these were pretty large (from 80 kg), so it is necessary to strengthen the loops and the box (the latter has to be made from the wood or HDF). The cost of sound insulation doors, as well as ordinary, depends mainly on the design. For example, the Alavus block covered with white soil will cost inexpensively - 9750 rub., IMOLA EI 30 block (veneer walnut) - 33 thousand rubles, and the price of Hormann doors can reach 80 thousand rubles.

The process of knocking loops

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Photo 19.


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Photo 20.


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Photo 21.


19-choose a hand milling groove;

20-modify it with a chisel;

21-screwed loops.

The same operations are carried out on the box.

Barely in battle!

The set required for the installation of the interior door includes a canvas, box, platbands, loops, lock or latch, handles. If the thickness of the wall exceeds the width of the bars of the box by more than 15-20mm, the expansion (or enough) strips will be required. The difference to 20mm is easy to hide with the help of telescopic platbands, which today have in the assortment of most manufacturers. When ordering, they definitely stipulate the direction of opening, left or right.

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Photo 22.


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Photo 23.

"New Interior" /

Onda Largo.

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Photo 24.

"New Interior" /

Onda Largo.

22-24.Modes of doors: 06.02 ("Sophia), lined with a veneer of colors of Wenge (from 13500rub.) (22); 2B1V (23) and 2B2V (24) (Onda Largo), the parts of the frame are covered with ecosphon (from 20500 and from 17500 rubles, respectively ).

Hospital, Russian doors are mainly sold in the form of "semi-finished products": before fixing the box in the opening, it should be collected, having stabbed (on the "Us" or on a straight spike) bars in places of angular connections, and later make a sample under the loop and the lock. These noisy and dusty works of the brigade will carry out at home. Irazumen, you will have to ensure that new wallpapers and flooring are not affected.

Stages of mounting door block

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Photo 25.
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Photo 26.
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Photo 27.
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Photo 28.
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Photo 29.
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Photo 30.
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Photo 31.
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Photo 32.
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Photo 33.
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Photo 34.
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Photo 35.


Screw the mounting plates to the box (25). Made the spacer, which is necessary in order for the distance between the racks at the bottom and above the same (26-28). Exhibit a box in terms of level (29), temporarily fixing it with wedges (30,31). Make a sample in the wall under the plate (32) and fasten the box (33, 34). Seam (35).

The box is attached to the wall, as a rule, frame dowels (2-4pcs. For each rack), pre-exhibiting in terms of level. Holes for fasteners in the bars of the boxes are usually closed with plastic plugs included in the package or purchased separately. The gap between the box and the wall is filled with mounting foam. In cases where the wall thickness significantly exceeds the width of the bars of the box, the door block is most often shifted toward one of the rooms. If you want to locate the door around the middle of the depth of the opening, make sure that the bars can have a groove to a fast bar on both sides.

Without a single nail

In chopped houses, doorways are not simply separated in the walls, but also be sure to plant, that is, in the construction process, supply a special black box. It is necessary in order for the logs (bars), the ends of which go into the opening, did not learn (then the wall can be twisted), and the crowns were freely sitting on, while putting pressure on the first box. The cocks are made from bars with a cross section of at least 7050mm, they are inserted into the grooves done in the ends of the logs overlooking the opening. Another option is to use a cross section of 150100mm, choose a groove in them and put on the thorns, arranged along the side ends of the opening. The jumper is installed on top (with a support on the racks), leaving the clearance over it (5-10% of the opening height), which is filled with pacles or another frightening insulation. All puzzle compounds are also compacted.

Installation of doors with an aluminum duct runs through a similar scenario. The only subtlety: if the block is mounted without platforms, like some Lualdiporte models (Italy), Barausse, Garofoli, the wall with opening should be perfectly aligned, as any defects of plastering work at the place of the junction with the box will be well noticeable.

Sound insulating door properties *

Constructive type of web Soundproofing Index, DB
Glass (safe glass of 12mm thick) 22-25
Frame (Filenka- MDF thick 16mm, strapping- engineering array of ate) 20-24.
Shield tambular (total thickness - 40mm) 26-28.
Whole chipboard shock with MDF (4mm) (total thickness - 35mm) 27-29
Of the three chipboard (total thickness, 42mm) 40-45
* The data for the door block with a box equipped with a threshold and a seal circuit is shown.

The editorial board thanks Barausse, Union, Italon, Master-Lock, the Grand Furniture Center for help in the preparation of the material.

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