Multician apartment


Two bedroom apartment with an area of ​​79.2 m2. Each room presents a self-sufficient decorative story, and they all distinguish from each other.

Multician apartment 12725_1

Multician apartment
The main mood of the living room was created by an abundance of reflective and lacquered surfaces
Multician apartment
Color and textured contrasts, height differences, bright lighting give design living room severity
Multician apartment
The door frames of the wardrobe, as well as the mirrors have a barely noticeable shade of bronze, which makes reflections more natural
Multician apartment
Bed frame with Ikea mattress is supplemented with a high classic back, attached to the wall. Based on the panno, covered with velor with the addition of natural silk and framed by a polyurethane foam profile with a wood thread imitation. Rama painted and gave her aged look
Multician apartment
Photo V. Ismieva

The main highlight in the kitchen is "Apron": under transparent tempered glass - photo with patterns of stone threads of the medieval cathedral. Increased kitchen design very restrained, and this contrast enhances the impression

Multician apartment
Photo V. Ismieva

Handles "Noses" in the dresser in the living room, just like "shoes" on the tables of tables in the girl's room, overflowing handles with layers pledged on the cabinets and couches in the bedroom, made in the Fresh Design workshop according to the author's sketches

Multician apartment
Photo V. Ismieva

Behind the windows of the cabinet door in the maiden - enlarged and specially treated photos of the hostess of the room playing on the saxophone. Five times repeated photo creates rhythm and illusion of reflections

In each room of this three-bedroom apartment, a self-sufficient decorative story is presented, and they are all straightened from each other. So unlike the interiors combine non-standard solutions and artistic atmosphere.

Modern design is usually eclectic. But usually, when mixing styles, solutions of various zones are echoed with each other. In addition to the apartment, everything is different: in each room we get acquainted with a completely special story built in our laws, color, forming. The wishes and nature of the owners of the housing couple with a daughter schoolgirl are fully responsible originality, brightness, liberty. At first glance, these qualities were poorly combined with a single categorical requirement: the former layout should remain unchanged. But a clear distinction by carrificities for individual premises made it possible to authors of the project not to take care to build a single concept of the interior and organize smooth transitions from one zone to another.

Destroy barriers

Multician apartment
Six round mirrors in silvery frames are attached to the end wall of the living room above the chest of dresser in two rows. The repetition effect not only transformed them into a kind of ornament, but also created an unexpected visual effect: the wall lost the monolith and turned into a partition with round "holes". Fooling is so convincing that a person in the living room seems to seem to be visible in these "windows". The location of the mirrors on the end wall allows you to see them almost from all the points of the living room. They bring an unusual plot into the overall composition and complicate a decorative game.

Blow Up (photo ending)

Multician apartment
Behind the glass of Kitchen "Apron" placed photographs made by Irina Goncharova on a conventional digital camera, with fragments of the stone decor of the facade of the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. With their multiple increase, color shadows and stains appeared, attached to the plot of sharpness. The bends of fantastic plants resemble live objects with powerful vital energy. This property of gothic patterns is obvious in large architectural forms, but it is rarely found in such "secondary" details. The effect of Blow UP turned the part of the kitchen for the art object.

All this jazz

Multician apartment
Thanks to the unusual atmosphere, the daughter's room resembles a club or theater. "Dangerous" in terms of the ratio of the scale, a large round bed (it is a sofa) in the center of a small room, balanced by planning and a pioneering flavor, creating a feeling of spatial depth. The visgoles built a partition that repeats the outlines of the bed. Her upholstery imitates the skin of the crocodile and painted into a rich raspberry color. The back side of the partition and the wall - dense-blue. On both sides of the bed, two compact tables made to order are inscribed - toilet (right) and for classes (left, at the window). Both stools are covered with a cloth under the skin of the zebra, on the half the same rug. The entrall structure under the ceiling was mounted a pair of point lamps - these parts, especially above the dressing table, are associated with artistic grimatic.

Multician apartment
Guests meet a long M-shaped corridor, whose width in a narrow place is only 1.4 m, and at the protrusions of the bearing walls, even this modest distance is reduced almost twice. The space was transformed due to the built-in wardrobe: along the entire passage there is a storage system with sliding mirror doors, the wall opposite is decorated with tiles under the brick and "street" lanterns. Thanks to this, the corridor turned into a street of the Old Town, and each of her turn sulls unexpected discoveries and new impressions. Thus was found by the leitmotif of the project: a fascinating journey. The rotation of the corridor leads to the sliding door of the living room. Its modern design is built on sharp color contrasts: black, white, silver, bright red. Gentle creamy and silver with the addition of golden tinting prevail with the living room bedroom. A composition focused on the axial symmetry, the color palette and the detail decoration appeal to the classic topic. The catchy design of the maidy reminds about the aesthetics of the nightclub, but at the same time the layout is quite comfortable and coat. Outflows of the color of the daughter's room are present in the kitchen. Moroccan bathroom blinds the golden-orange flavor on the walls, and the mosaic of coconut shell on the substole resembles aged gold and bronze.

The solution of each room gives bright emotional impressions and awakens fantasy. You can be sure that the routine will never settle in these walls.

Tell me the project manager

Multician apartment
Plan before the repair office is located in the panel new building. Such an unusual combination of various premises in the decor is by no means our aesthetic credo. Alpopped apartments, over the design of which we worked simultaneously with this project, on the contrary, withstand the integrity of the stylistic concept. But in each interior, we try to find a completely new image, to the greatest degree reflecting the individuality of the owners.

Multician apartment
The plan after repair so we not only deal with the overall stylist and layout, but also take responsibility for what is considered to be trifles, invent the original details. So, in this apartment on our sketches made a coffee table in the living room, and all the curtains and covers are stitched in our studio. A number of decorative elements also performed our masters in copyrighted drawings and sketches. In addition, part of the interior design was artistic photos: panel over a sofa in the living room (photosports of the hostess, printed on the fabric), a photo on the doors of a wardrobe in the girl's room, a kitchen "apron", small pictures on the walls of the kitchen, hallway, toilet. Of course, on the way of finding nontrivial solutions there are surprises. The spouses were afraid of dark flowers, so only the daughter's room is distinguished by a saturated hand-haired flavor. The result was it that she turned out to be the most beloved by all family members of the territory.

Architect Irina Goncharov

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Multician apartment 12725_15

Project Manager: Irina Goncharov

Designer: Evgenia Ustimenko

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