The principle of contrast


One-bedroom apartment with an area of ​​48 m2. The interior solution is built on a contrasting flower combination of wood-brown and creamy white

The principle of contrast 12726_1

The principle of contrast
Walls and ceiling in studio- white with barely noticeable golden tint (absolutely white would be perceived as gray)
The principle of contrast
Two small segments of the walls were enough to place a kitchen cabinets along them and built-in technique. The border of the kitchen "Apron" is significantly shifted up compared with the standard height, which led to the integrity of this zone

The principle of contrast

The principle of contrast
Interesting decorative emphasis in the living room brings a panel of artificial stone marked with local illumination
The principle of contrast
Width of the hallway is 1.3 m. In order to view it to visually, to the left of the entrance to the dressing room, the mirror was attached to all saint (1m). The second mirror in the interior of the studio appeared later on the wall closing the ventilation box
The principle of contrast
Corian's countertop combines work surfaces and a bar table (8060cm), adjacent to the rustle of the loggia
The principle of contrast
Plan before repair
The principle of contrast
Plan after repair

The house where this small apartment is located in a wonderful place. From the windows of miniature "odnushki" there is a magnificent panorama of the capital with all seven Stalinist heights, and it was this circumstance that became decisive when choosing housing. However, the owner dreamed of completely different intonations in interior-connected and peaceful, reminiscent of life in nature. These associations became a leitmotif of the main decorative reception-contrast color combination of wood-brown and creamy white.

Work on the project was quickly: Architect Tatyana Zabivuopeova was for Alexey, the owner of the apartment, several sketches of redevelopment, and the option chosen by it was finalized in a total of 2 weeks. The main wishes of the owner: housing should be spacious, certainly need a large bathroom and a separate dressing room. What aesthetics concerned, Alexey was inclined to minimalism: strict lines, functional feasibility, two colors - brown and white. Understanding between the owner and architect arose quickly - only one amendment was made to the approved project: an additional outlet in the kitchen.

Loggia: Additional features

The principle of contrast

In a small apartment, it is always difficult to carve out a place for the working area. We have a dwelling after coordination disassembled the bottom block and equipped the mini-office on the loggia, besides with good natural lighting. The length of the loggia was more than 5m, the width is about 1m. Heated outdoor walls, it was narrowed to 80cm. The protrusion of the walls between the loggia and the living room was adjusted with the help of puzzle blocks on 25cm (the total width of the partition was 50cm) and in the resulting pocket placed the custom-made computer table. The edge of his countertops from an artificial stone performs at 10cm abroad of Niche and, rich, goes into a decorative shelf.

Integration of the expansion of modest space (the total area of ​​the apartment is only 48m2), the bottomroom block disassembled, attaching the loggia, and demolished the non-intercommunal partition. To visually increase the room, the architect has successfully used the principle of contrast. The windows of the apartment are south, and the housing insolation is very intense, which visually makes a small volume "flat". Therefore, individual zones, especially remote from the windows, being decorated with dark materials, as if departed deep into, the interior becomes more cozy, and small dark details on the background of light walls make a variety.

Decor on the ceiling

The principle of contrast

Studio ceiling area - 24m2. The question is whether the ceiling decor is needed in a small room, perhaps it is impossible to solve unequivocally. The argument in favor of the architectural scenery in this apartment was a small initial height of the premises - only 2.7 m. Of course, one of the ways to visually increase the ceiling - use a tension glossy, which is particularly suitable for the setting of A la Classic or Art Deco. In the same case, it was necessary, on the one hand, to withstand modern aesthetics, on the other, to smooth out the difference between the ceiling and input openings (their height - 2m), and besides, bring intrigue and add speakers in a simple structure. So there was a "track" under the ceiling - in the zone of the hallway, the backlight was mounted in it: halogen light bulbs. The ceiling above the openings leading to the loggia, as well as in front of the entrance to the hallway, lowered 25cm, building suspended structures from drywall with a surplus illumination. Thus, they created the imitation of natural upper lighting, blurred real boundaries, and the contrast with a dark path strengthened this impression. Plafones on long suspensions complicated the light script. At the request of the owner, the lighting is connected to the "smart light" system, which can be controlled from the remote, in particular by changing the brightness of the suspended lamps.

The planning of the updated housing is characterized by logical clarity and on axial symmetry. The movement line, passing from the entrance door to the rustle in front of the loggia, separates the square in terms of the apartment to almost equal halves. On one side of the hallway is the square room of the bathroom (6.2m2), on the other, the same form of a dressing room (4,4 m2). Their walls are given the boundaries of the input zone, which overlooks the entire studio space, which combines the living room (its corner sofa also serves as a sleeping place); Cabinet located on the loggia (right); and kitchen-dining room (left). These pairs of grouped zone shares a wide spatial "cesura", which allows you to save "light breathing".

The axial construction of the composition is focused by the ceiling decor: from the entrance door to the rustle between two inputs on the loggia stretched painted in a dark brown-colored "track" from plasterboard. She divided the space above his head into two halves, decorated with ceiling lights ceiling lamps.

The principle of contrast

The principle of contrast

Square in terms of bathroom is expanded at the expense of the former shopping room. Each corner is a separate functional zone. The rejection of the bath in favor of a spacious shower with transparent doors helped unload space. The sizes of the tile creates a decorative effect.

Kitchen modules in the form of the letter "L" are inscribed in the boundaries set by the width of the ventilation box (1.9 m) and the size of the simpleness between this box and the protrusion of the carrier element next to the window opening (2.3m). The contrast of only two colors in the decoration of the apartment gave wholeness in the interior. An unusual porcelain tile (12019.3cm) imitating wooden boards with a characteristic texture, the floor and walls of the hallway are lined, floor of the loggia, a kitchen "apron". Golden brown veneer on kitchen facades softens this contrast slightly. The same key is decorated and bathroom. Facing the walls and floor as the same tile, as in the hallway, made an organic transition from one room to another. The selected material became the optimal background for snow-white plumbers of exquisite forms: resembling a huge pebble washbasin and egg-shaped toilet.

Thus, the competent architectural approach in limited expressive means allowed to create a comfortable and extraordinary space.

Tell the author of the project

The apartment, which was to turn into modern comfortable accommodation, was in a deplorable state: uneven walls and "killed" floors, chaotic built-in furniture, cluttering and without tight space, is a typical "grandmother's apartment", which has not repaired not one ten years. All partitions we dismantled and during these works found that the ventilation shaft was partially built up with previous tenants. Therefore, during the repair, the technical channel was given the sizes provided for by the initial plan of BTI. All internal partitions were performed from oxide blocks. Walls leveled plasterboard plaster cuts would reduce the useful area. Bar rack is resting on a folded puzzle block of a support, to which the base frame is attached. One of the radiators is suspended by the same support, the second is located in the softenness of the sofa. When the repair was in the stage of finishing, the owner was lit up: Is it too monotonous to look like an apartment? To dispel his doubts, I added a few details into the interior: a mirror in a ram of dark brown skin and the same color shelf for souvenirs above the chest.

Architect Tatyana Zaglavupav

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

The principle of contrast 12726_14

Architect: Tatyana Zagivuopeova

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