Full minced


The choice of meat grinders: mechanical and electrical models, design features of the device, additional nozzles, operating rules

Full minced 12731_1

Chopped cutlets, sausages, chopped vegetables and fruits, grated cheese, puree, fresh juice ... What device will cook it all? "Probably a food processor," you think. However, a meat grinder is capable of such feats. Modern aggregates left their Soviet "counterparts", they have a large number of functions ("with full minced meat", if using modern slang).

The main purpose of meat grinders is still cutting meat for making minced meat, from which real homemade cutlets are obtained. Only this unit will allow making mince as high quality, quickly and simple. Additional features and "bonuses" (nozzles for pressing juice, shredding, molds for cooking Idr.) Do not leave you indifferent.

Reliable past and comfortable present

Full minced
PhilipsSlove "Meat Grinder" It is often associated with the mechanical device of the USSR. They looked around the same way: the body, the mounting knot to the table, the handle, the funnel of the meat receiver, the auger and the knife, tightly pressed against the lattice (if the gap will appear between them, the unit will not chop meat, but to mive it). To bring a mechanism to action, it was necessary to rotate the handle of the meat grinder, and for this it was necessary to attach a certain effort. The housings of such devices were made of aluminum or steel alloy and even from cast iron. By the way, such Russian apparatus, for example, "Uralsochka" ("Uralsib IPK") and PM-5 can be found on sale and now (they are about 500 rubles). These meat grinders are more reliable than modern models: they are almost impossible to break, and they are ready to serve as faithfully not one decade, and the entire care is reduced only to the cleaning of the device and drainage the knife as needed. Calcuted their plus- more compact sizes and silent work.

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1-2.Mehanic meat grinders are distinguished by reliability.

3. Electric meat grinder VT-1672 (Vitek) with three interchangeable discs, three nozzles for processing vegetables, as well as a nozzle for the manufacture of sausages. The device is equipped with a reverse, its power is 1100W.

But, if you are important for you the speed and ease of meat processing, choose a modern electric meat grinder. Actually, its device has not changed fundamentally from Soviet times. Vortspus, as before, is an engine that leads to the movement of auger. He promotes meat to the knife rotating on the axis (as a rule, four-sand) and further pushes the split pieces through the grille, which is also a kind of knife.

What are the main innovations of modern models? First, they used plastic; Secondly, the knob is not needed, just press the button. Do not worry: only the body of the instruments are usually made from plastics, and all working units (knives, grids, auger IT.D.) - from steel. Automatic "chewing" meat without your participation was made possible due to the fact that an electric motor was introduced into the design. It is primarily called to facilitate and speed up the process so that a person does not have to use physical strength.

How to care for meat grinder

1. Display the device, removing the grille, knives it.d.

2. Advance the remains of meat and other waste.

3. Put the parts of the unit in the warm soap solution. Remember that chlorine-containing detergent can discolor aluminum surfaces.

4. Need the housing of the meat grinder into the water, and wipe it with a wet cloth.

5. The removable metal parts of almost all devices cannot be washed in the dishwasher.

6. Working nodes (knives, shaft, lattice) can be rusted, so after washing dryly wipe them (it is not bad and sometimes lubricated with vegetable oil).

7. If you are going to do after cooking, making, for example, berry puree, first thoroughly wash the device.

Important details

Now most consumers prefer electrical meat grinders, so we will tell about these modern units. What is it worth navigating, choosing a product? Most often in the description of the electrical meat grinder, primarily indicate the power of the device. Manufacturers call such numbers as 1,5kW and more. But this is a peak (maximum) power when the presenter shaft is blocked. In addition, the device can work literally a few seconds before it turns off the automatic protection system. As a rule, this happens if the product "not on the teeth" aggregate (for example, a bone got into it). Av normal mode, the meat grinder functions at rated power, approximately 0.5 kW. The more power, the easier the device copes with meat (you can use frozen, with cores); It is also allowed to recycle solid products (let's say, nuts without a shell). Some models are capable of grinding and small bones, but such meat is better not to recycle knives.

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4. Include with the HR2527 model (Philips) go seven different nozzles. We can prepare and spaghetti, and even cookies.

5. The PMG 0302 (Polaris) having an unusual form can be put in an angle so that it occupies as little space as possible.

6.MIASORUBKA ME 7108 (Tefal) with a capacity of 1800W.

With an increase in the power of the engine, the productivity of the device increases (the amount of meat processed per minute). This value is more indicative for the consumer. Here is a good example: at maximum power, the 1.5 kW meat grinder grinds 1.5-2kg meat per minute. However, perhaps not for all potential buyers, this parameter will become the most important: after all, 1-2kg of meat is enough to prepare a dish, and the processing speed from devices with different power differs in just a few seconds. Without a break, aggregates can work on average 10-15 minutes, and this time is enough to process meat for almost any dish in any volume, even when preparing for a large family celebration.

Subtlety of meat skill

Each meat grinder model is adapted for different working conditions, so you need to carefully read the list of products and operations that it is capable of performing. Let's say not all devices are ready to grind ice cream meat, although there are models (for example, TRIUMPH G 3000, Braun, Germany), which will cope with frozen to -5c meat. Before you run any unit, it is better to cut meat into small pieces and clean it from lived as much as possible, because they can wound on the auger and the device will stop. It should also not recycle meat with bones: the knife can be fused, and the engine is disabled.

You can skip through the meat grinder:

Meat without films, lived and bones; fish; bread, operated in water; onion; garlic; vegetables; fruits; Nuts.

Through the meat grinder can not be skipped:

Meat with films and cores; Meat with bones; crackers.

If solid products are laid in the instrument, the engine will experience significant loads and is able to overheat, therefore a fuse protecting against overloads is installed in the devices. The latter also arise if bone fell into the meat grinder or wound on the auger. Solve the second problem will help the reverse mode (if it is provided in the unit). When winding the cores, stop the operation of the instrument and turn on the reverse: the auger will start rotating in the other side, and the veins will be released through the feed hole. If there is no reverse, you will have to manually disassemble the device and independently remove the core.

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7-9. Clamps can be attached additional nozzles: for sausages, chickens of vegetables, juicer, and discs, molds for cookies and kitlet IDR.

Ask a knife, because it largely depends on the quality of minced me. Knives are forged and stamped. The first option is preferable: it is more reliable (less likely to breakage), and its thickness at the fastening site to the sleeve is about 10 mm (in the stamped - 3-5mm). If the knife fits quickly, it will not chop meat, but "chew" it. Therefore, as the knife is blunted, you will have to be sharpened (in specialized workshops it will be done about 200 rubles.). Want to avoid this- Replace the knife or choose a device with self-folding knife.

The grille (perforated disc-knife) is equally important. Before buying, look at its thickness - the more thicker, the better. AV conjuring on the holes in it, you immediately imagine the future consistency of the minced meat. The best option - when the meat grinder includes several replaceable lattices with holes of various diameters: small (3-3.5 mm), medium (4-6mm) and large (8-9mm). By the way, the lattice may need grinding.

Almost all models are equipped with a tray and pusher. The first serves to lay products, and the second (according to the title) pushes them inside. This help is much simpler, and most importantly, safer than hand. Well, if the tray is made of metal, since the plastic is more fragile and can change the color due to contact with the products. The pusher is usually made of plastic, which is quite acceptable.

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10. TriUmph G 3000 (Braun) with a self-folding knife, even frozen meat recycle (up to -5c).

11. In the presence of replaceable lattices with holes of different diameters, like the VT-1673 model (Vitek), you will have the opportunity to choose the desired minced consistency.

12. Take attention to the material of the meat grinders. The body is plastic or metallic. The second is stronger, but under normal conditions, the plastic will also last long. Working units are usually made of steel.

13. Fasader MG REP 1316 WT (Bork) and tray are made of stainless steel.

Pleasant and useful

The meat grinder is increasingly compared with the kitchen process. Iteper call the device is just a meat grinder even incorrectly, because thanks to additional nozzles, it is capable of working not only with meat and not only chop. Modern aggregates besides minced meat can make a lot: make mashed potatoes, sauce, chopping vegetables and fruits, rub the cheese, crush ice for cocktail idr. For this, they are equipped with additional nozzles. As a rule, nozzles are used without knife and lattice, since they do not need. For example, it is not meat through the nozzle for sausages-kebbe, but already minced meat, which fills the natural shell of the future sausage, bowed to the nozzle. The mold for the kitlet will help you make the same smooth cutlets, and the hands will remain clean.

But the meat grinder will cope not only with meat products, it is able to pamper you and vegetarian dishes. Extract models are provided for a press for berries, vegetables and fruits, nozzle-juicer (cytrus press). For example, with the help of meat grinders DKA213E (Moulinex, France) you will be able to prepare puree and juice from tomatoes, fruit puree and berry mousse, juice from berries and fruits. Knei also attached towers-drums with cutting holes for chopping vegetables and fruits, rubbing cheese. Aea "Colleague" MWF 1550 (Bosch, Germany) is under the power and flour: as an additional option, you can buy a mold nozzle, and then, by placing a steep dough into the device, you will get cookies with a certain form, will remain to put it in the oven. Model HR2527 (Philips, Netherlands) is equipped with seven nozzles. Main raisins for noodles and spaghetti.

Comfortable compartment for storing nozzles. Thanks to him, you do not have to constantly look for a somewhere coming extra lattice or other details. There are such compartments, for example, in the PMG 0302 models (International Concern Polaris) and ME 7108 (Tefal, France). Pro 1600 (Kenwood, United Kingdom) The nozzles are stored in the pusher.

Choose meat

Full minced
Boschnekters believe that it doesn't matter what meat use for minced meat, - the device is all grinding. This is a delusion: for making minced meal, you should choose fresh and high-quality pieces. Magazine or on the market carefully consider the piece liked the piece. If it has a red "crust", it is likely that this is frosthed meat. Underwearing "crust" pale pink, and fat soft, pinky (not yellow!). Slightly push the meat with your finger: the quality recess quickly disappears. On the cut, the muscles are visible a clear drawing of fat becks; The surface is wet, but not mucous, does not leave notable traces, for example, on a napkin. Finally, the meat must be pleasant to smell. For the preparation of minced me, it is especially important that the housing pieces are smaller.

What part of the carcass to eat for the cutlet? You can take the pulp of the neck, pasta, blades and small pieces, which remained after the cutting of the carcass. Delicate parts of the carcass are not economically processed into stuffing - of them, if you wish, prepare many other delicious dishes.

Price "Farsh"

The choice of mechanical meat grinders is small, since firms producing these devices are not enough. As a rule, they are manufactured in Russia and neighboring countries. There is such a "manual pleasure" 200-500rub. But electrical meat grinders are in the range of products of many companies: Binatone, Kenwood (Britain), Panasonic (Japan), Zelmer (Poland), Braun, Bosch, Moulinex, Philips, Polaris, Tefal, International Concern Vitek Idre. They are significantly more expensive. Prices start with 1500 rub. and increase depending on the quality of materials, power, additional features and nozzles. We will have a good meat grinder with various nozzles you can buy for 3-5 thousand rubles, and in a metal case - for 6-8 thousand rubles.

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14.Rebor MGR-3001 (Binatone) with reverse mode.

15. Model ME611 (Moulinex) Scrolls 1.7kg meat for 1min.

16. The control of the meat grinder, as a rule, no button, no display, but there are exceptions. For example, in the MG REP 1316 WT (Bork) model, the information LCD display displays the engine temperature, mode and running time.

The editors thanks the company Philips, BSH household appliances, Braun, Polaris, Binatone, Vitek International for help preparing the material.

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