Parquet combinatorics


Parquet Market Overview: Material Characteristics, Difference from Parquet and Massive Board, Classic Playing Methods, Parquet Compositions and Decorative Inserts

Parquet combinatorics 12748_1

All known parquet pictures with uncomplicated names: "Christmas tree", "Rhombus", "Square", "Braided" - have a centuries-old history. Its annual These patterns, folded from the planks of the piece parquet, serve as the main decoration of the floor thanks to the unique game of light on the surface of the tree or original color combinations of different breeds and saws.

Parquet combinatorics
Photo P. Lebedeva


N.Matv and P.Tolevstuchnaya Parquet, outside of Russia, revered as a jewelery, which is the subject of pride of aristocrats and millionaires, in our country for a long time was a long-fashioned heritage. For parquet floors, floor rooms for Soviet new buildings, none of the owners of apartments paid specifically, and they were perceived as something of granted. Of course, they are far from the magnificence of Peterhof's parquets, the Winter Palace, the Grand Kremlin Palace, the Ostankino Palace-Museum, which are real works of art. Isvs the same fact that at the end of the XIX., With the beginning of mass production, the manufacture of parquet from art for a while turned into a craft, rather pleases, rather stalling. Thanks to the technical progress, the parquet has become one of the most common and favorite flooring. Yes, and we gradually comes to understanding what value we possess or ... we want to possess.

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Photo 1.

Photo S. Morgunov

Architect A.Kaprov

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Photo 2.


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Photo 3.


1. Installation in the nursery is changed often, so when choosing a picture of laying and color of parquet, you should give preference to calm backgrounds or compatible with interior solutions, different in shape and color. On the floor of the room, teenage girl- Classic parquet laying "Double Christmas tree".

2. Parquet laying - "Square". A cork compensator is laid through the connection of the parquet and ceramic tile. Its appointment is to limit the possible "movement" of the wooden floor when changing humidity and temperature in the apartment. After all, the bar strip 10mm width is easily compressed to 5 mm and is returned to the original sizes.

3.Parquet modules allow you to quickly and with small labor costs to assemble an elegant pattern on the floor.

Take the bar

The main element of a piece parquet is a rectangular plank, made of a solid piece of wood. To reliably connect the planks with each other on their sides there are grooves and ridges. Such connections are not only absent from the elements of the artistic parquet, borders, sockets. Requirements for the characteristics and quality of parquet sets Russian GOST862.1-85 "Parquet piece". But, according to many specialists, he is hopelessly outdated. In the same time the thickness is indicated: 15mmm - for parquet slats from hardwood, 18mm- for softer, made of conifer. But the latter are practically not found, with the exception of larch products. Now the time the market has long been proposed not specified in the mentioned Guest parquet of 22mm thick, designed for rooms with high shock and mechanical load.

The length of the parquet planks presented in the domestic market varies within 200-900mm. GOST limits this parameter 500mm, and all that is longer refers to a massive board, accordingly increasing the tolerances to deviations of the required geometric sizes from 0.2-0.3 to 1 mm. But there is no rules without exception. According to the internal regulations of the company "Parquet Hall" (Russia), a parquet is considered to be a strip length of up to 900mm, while maintaining all parquet tolerances. The company's specialists argue that modern wood drying methods, technological production, high selection criteria are able to provide the desired characteristics.

Parquet combinatorics
"Parquet Hall"
Parquet combinatorics
"Parquet Hall"
Parquet combinatorics
"Parquet Hall"
Parquet combinatorics
"Parquet Hall"

The width of the parquet plank (60-90mm) most often make it a multiple length. That is, 4, 5 and more elements form a square, since it is the basis of many drawings. The square is obtained by adding four slats 30075mm, six planks 42070 or 45075mm. In this case, the ratio of the ratio of length and width should not be too large. Allone long and narrow planks look ugly.

In general, the size of the parquet strip is "tied" to the physical parameters of the person. Its length defines a well-distinguishable visual module. The small module of short elements is poorly visible from the height of human growth. In addition, disproportionate increases in the number of joints between them leads to a decrease in floor strength. Floors with a pattern formed by long straps, decorated with large-scale ornaments, are characteristic of palaces and temples in which a person feels like a grain of the universe. However, the floor of the apartment should not every day and an hour to remind about it. The optimal is considered the length of the bar 25-45cm. However, this does not apply to the deck laying, where the size of the plank at first glance is not impaired and difficult to determine. There is a different selection criterion here: the longer the parquet planks, the faster work goes. The price of 1M2 high-quality parquet begins with 500 rubles.

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Photo 4.

"Parquet Hall"

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Photo 5.

"Parquet Hall"

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Photo 6.


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Photo 7.


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Photo 8.

"Parquet Hall"

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Photo 9.

"Parquet Hall"

Interesting combinations give a plank of wood of different breeds, such as dussie (4), Sukupira (5), larch (6, 7), Karelian birch (8), Paduk (9).

From simple to complex

The main difference between the piece parquet from the parquet and massive boards is the possibility of creating a set of combinations. Agree, it is unlikely that anyone will occur to lay out patterns of one and a half-meter boards. While parquet variations have hundreds of unique design patterns capable of identifying or maintaining the stylistry of any interior. It disades only the fact that the addiction of compatriots are limited to a small number of so-called classic solutions: "Deck", "Christmas tree", "Square", "Braided". Of course, and in these figures there are ample opportunities for design, and in addition, the more simple the laying option, the easier it is to work the parquet and less customer costs.

Difficulties docking

Sometimes it is difficult to combine parquet strips of one thickness from different manufacturers. Such situations are not necessary when the art decide of the floor involves a combination of wood of various breeds. It occurs due to the unequal arrangement of the ridge and the groove. For example, with a total thickness of a 15mm parquet strip in some manufacturers of the top layer of wood (up to the groove) is 7-8mm ("Parquet-Maikop", Russia), and from others, 5mm (Junglewood, Indonesia, Brazil, Portugal). It would seem that the parquet is thicker, the greater the number of grinding it can withstand. But the closer to the facial surface there are grooves and a comb, the tougher and the monolithic design of the floor. Modern parquet technologies can solve the connection problem, but in each case individually.

So, the simplest drawing of the flooring of the parquet- "deck". In this case, the planks have parallel to each other on the principle of the endless board. Such a reception has long been used in shipbuilding and when styling ancient flooring. Direct "deck" when the planks go along the walls - almost an irreplacement option. It is recommended for it to acquire a minimum of elements about the reserve - only 5%. However, this pattern is quite monotoned. There are several simple ways to revive this gender: use wood with a pronounced pattern and inhomogeneity of the color, combine the regular and irregular shift of the planks or spread them diagonally, due to which the room is visually pulled out in this direction. Much more interesting, floor with alternating - regular, random or on a given pattern, several species of trees, especially contrasting color. These techniques at the deck laying approach the parquet to the artistic. However, it is the "deck" serves as an excellent background for elements of the art parquet: borders, sockets, decorative modules.

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Photo 10.

"Mir Parquet"

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Photo 11.

"Mir Parquet"

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Photo 12.

"Mir Parquet"

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Photo 13.

"Mir Parquet"

Examples of popular Parquet Masonry Drawings:

10- "deck" with an irregular shear of parquet slats, so that the floor surface does not look too monotonous;

11- "Braided" complicated, made of two parquet slats;

12- "Christmas tree" single, the planks are located at an angle of 90 to each other;

13- "Rhombus": the drawing is created from several slats. When set, they are cut, which increases parquet consumption. Visually diamonds are the same size after laying formed hexagons. This type of parquet masonry belongs to artistic.

Where was the Christmas tree born?

Incredibly popular in the days of the Soviet Union "Christmas tree", it turns out to be used in Europe in the XVIV. Extremely interesting double, triple laying. The "French Christmas tree" made of cropped and connected to each other at an angle of 45 slats is characteristic of Loire locks built in France in the XVIV. Now this drawing is very in demand when creating vintage compositions, interior designs in vintage styles. To enhance the effect of the parquet, the parquet is subjected to brash (with iron brushes to remove soft tissues from the top layer). To facilitate the work of stackers, individual manufacturers, such as "Zarya" (Russia), produce parquet strips with an end part, cut under 45 specifically for the "French Christmas tree". After all, the trimming on the object is additional waste and reduce strength due to the violation of the comb-pump compound.

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Photo 14.


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Photo 15.

"Mir Parquet"

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Photo 16.

"Mir Parquet"

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Photo 17.

"Mir Parquet"

Separate parquet modules play the role of decors in combination with a background of piece parquet. The bright compositions of the art parquet forms solid flooring. Modules can consist of a very unusual combination of wood and stone (14); From the wood array - in them, the drawing is composed of a contrasting color of wood oak, walnut, ash (15); Merbau, Tika, Maple (16); Merbau, ash, oak (17). The beauty of the tree will emphasize the treatment with oil or varnish.

Chess laying is called alternation of squares with transversely and longitudinally laid planks. Even formed from one breed Figure is clearly visible due to the game of light on the straps with a mutually perpendicular arrangement of wood fibers. When walking on this floor, the feeling arises that it is constantly transformed, changes the color, "lives" ... the more difficult, the parquet pattern, the more speakers he brings to the interior.

Opinion of a specialist

Particular attention to the arrangement of the parquet floor should be paid to the quality of the base. Chatting from cement-sand mixtures or draft flooring on lags should provide an even horizontal surface in accordance with the requirements of SNIP3.04.01-87 "Insulating and finishing coatings". Permissible surface deviations from the plane for the 2M base should not exceed 2mm, bias- up to 0.2% of the corresponding room size, but not more than 50mm. The humidity of the enclosing structures and the base should not be more than 5% by the start of laying of coatings.

Stacking technology of a piece parquet provides for the formation of a multilayer parquet "cake". From the base it separates the waterproofing layer. Then the waterproof plywood is placed sliced ​​with squares 5050 or 7575 cm. They are placed with seams and fasten with self-drawing or (using a special pistol) with steel dowels to the screed. A glue is applied to Phane to fix parquet strips, which additionally, using a pneumatic pistol, attach nails to the edge along the edge or in the groove.

Mikhail Sorochkin, Head of Special Projects of the Company "Arkheg-Parquet"

As a rule, firms selling parquet and providing services on its laying are offered to select a parquet pattern by directories or contact a regular specialist, which using computer graphics will develop an individual design project. Obviously, creating a unique sex is more expensive. Judge for yourself: the cost of simple flooring of the parquet (on the finished base) - "deck", "Christmas tree" - starts with 600 rubles. For 1m2, more complex drawings, "Braided", "French Christmas tree" - increases to 1230 rubles., And the artistic parquet starts with 2 thousand rubles. But in this case, in addition to creating the original artistic composition, professionals will help with the help of parquet laying visually smooth out the design flaws of the dwellings: the wrong shape of the room, non-parallelity of the walls, asymmetry of the protrusions of IT.P., if any.

Patchwork from wood

Parquet compositions, more complex than the "Christmas tree", "square", "Braided" are made up of modules. These are made in the production of small decors, most often in the form of squares (500500mm, up to 1200 mm). The modules play the role of ornamental inserts in the frame of a simple parquet masonry or are the team of the figure of the so-called typical or mosaic parquet, in which they are repeated with a certain frequency and order. The combinations of one, two, three modules form dozens of versions of mosaic structures. If we use different colors and texture of the wood of wood, the number of patterns increases significantly. Moreover, 1m2 of the oak parquet from the standard modules of domestic production is only 10-20% more expensive than 1M2 piece parquet, although 1 m2 exclusive copies can cost 5, 10, 20 thousand rubles.

Parquet combinatorics
"Mir Parquet"
Parquet combinatorics
"Mir Parquet"
Parquet combinatorics
"Mir Parquet"
Parquet combinatorics
"Parquet Hall"

Decorative sockets are located in the center of the room or in a specific functional zone. They help perform the decoration of the floor in accordance with the common interior style. Floral and plant ornaments of the decor emphasize the tenderness of the AR Nouveau, strict geometric patterns - an affiliation to Art Deco, religious images.

Parquet combinatorics
The Karelia tab of such structures is less labor-intensive and passes faster in comparison with a piece parquet, but under one condition: ideal design geometry. Tolerance for square modules with a length of 400-650mm-, respectively, 0.4-0.8 mm. Significant deviations in length and width lead to the fact that the figure is shifting, and it immediately rushes into the eye, while the differences in individual parquet slats (within the limits specified by GOST) stacked on the facility are practically invisible. It is not by chance that at the flooring of the modular parquet there are the highest requirements for the preparation and leveling of the foundation, the quality of the module itself and the professionalism of the stacker. The cost of laying a modular (typical) parquet - from 900 rub. For 1m2.

We put accents

Classic Parquet Masonry Patterns Announced Art Elements: Decorative Inserts, Borders, Sockets. They not only adorn the floor, but also help to adapt it to a variety of interior design styles, create harmonious colorful solutions.

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Photo 18.

"Mir Parquet"

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Photo 19.


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Photo 20.


18. Cordur is an ancient element of artistic decoration.

19. Original parquet imitation chalkboard from the array. Two rows of slats laid by a deck mode form a wide "board". A monophonic wooden "resident" of a contrast color of 5-10mm width of 5-10mm is laid between them, and its wood is harmonized with the color of furniture and doors.

20. Creativity by K. Malevich will please the Suprematics drawings.

Unusual decorators in the form of parquet slats with curly inserts offers the company "Ark-parquet" (Russia). Flowers, coffee beans, figures of people and animals are made of several tree breeds and embedded in a parquet bar in Marquetry technique for the entire depth. A similar decor will be a highlight of any premises, make an element of the game in the nursery. Price of one plank (4507515mm) from oak - 318 rub. One of the most common elements of the parquet decoration - border. He leads its origin from the pagan lines, outlined the parking of an ancient person to protect him from evil spirits. The magic circle, within which the prayer read the character of the story of Gogol "Viy", can also be considered a kind of border. Forming a comfortable habitat, the same principles, most often unknowingly, follow our contemporaries.

Opinion of a specialist

Many exotic wood species, such as Amaranth, Balsamo, Dussie, Ipe Lapacho, Tick, - contain a large amount of oils. If the Parquet drawing includes the planks from these or similar types of wood, we strongly recommend after laying and grinding parquet slats to apply soil on solvents. It will close the pores of the tree and provide high-quality grip with varnish. If you do not fulfill this operation, the oil that spoke out of the pores of the wood can cause the appearance of defects on the lacquer coating. True, you should know that the soils on solvents slightly "ignite" wood, make her color more saturated. Let's say, light oak acquires a honey-brandy hue.

When slats from exotic breeds in a parquet picture of little or their wood is not too oily, you can use water-based soils. But independently make such decisions you can not, only the specialist will take into account all the nuances. Thus, the presence of elements from "capricious" rocks (beech, ram, Kempas), quickly responding to changing moisture and temperature, makes undesirable to use water-based soil.

Mikhail Durov, training manager

Corporate University of Parquet Hall

The border will help to highlight the functional zones of the apartment, designate their borders. A wide ornamental edging orders the placement of impressive sizes, a narrow strip with a frieze along the contour of the walls, on the contrary, visually increases the small room. At the same time, a border can even be a contrasting parquet packet plank, located around the perimeter of the room. Without a doubt, difficult ornamental compositions that support the style of the interior are much more interesting: the right geometric patterns are classic or AMPIR, Floral-Art Nouveau. Akrasota, as you know, requires victims: the variation of the price is 300-5000 rubles. For 1 p. M Bordeur (without laying).

Multicolor artistic composition included in the circle, and sometimes in oval, square, rhombus and other geometric shapes, with a pattern scored from different wood species, called a socket. It is the most colorful, bright element of the parquet floor, and placed it usually in the central part. The price of sockets begins with 10 thousand rubles., But maybe much higher.

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Photo 21.
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Photo 22.
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Photo 23.
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Photo 24.

"Parquet Hall"

Parquet combinatorics
"Parquet Hall" Parquet Hall exclusively represents exotic breeds in the market: follow (21), pink tree (22), lemon tree (23), snake tree (24) - for the manufacture of piece and artistic parquet.

Borders and outlets make to order. Just like parquet pictures, they can be selected by directory or order individual design, and the thickness of the decor must match the thickness of the background flooring slats. The manufacture time on average is 2-4med. The cost of jewelry is influenced by the size, complexity of the pattern and the price of the tree species used. So, light elements can be made of maple or Karelian birch, which is 30-40 times more expensive.

It would seem that the fascinating creative task of choosing parquet floor patterns, borders, sockets and other artistic elements, many perceive as an additional complexity that increases the time of laying and its cost, which makes you go along the path of least resistance. Apparently, for this reason, the manufacture of decorative elements is approximately 10% of the total number of orders. But is it an extra repairs and increasing cost of 5-10% - the reason to abandon the beauty that natural parquet floors can be given to you, your children, and perhaps grandchildren?

Opinion of a specialist

A parquet board, in contrast to a piece parquet, consists of three layers. Upper-from solid wood of valuable rocks, medium and lower coniferous rocks. Wood fibers of each of the layers are oriented perpendicular to the previous one. Such a structure minimizes the designing of the structure when the humidity and temperature changes. However, the finished coating from parquet boards is not distinguished by a special variety of drawings, most often it mimics a piece parquet of deck laying or a massive board. The exception is the designer collection of the SAIMA parquet board (Karelia-Upofloor, Finland). It includes parquet boards of different textures and sizes (1200/600/30015014mm), which can be freely combined with each other. Strict geometric patterns of classical laying - "Christmas tree", "Square", "Feed", "Dutch" - will make a variety of any interior, bring a new feeling of space.

Artem Kanshin, Commercial Director of Karelia-Upofloor

The editors thanks the company "Parquet Hall", "Ark-Parquet", "Mir Parquet", Karelia-Upofloor, Finex International for help in preparing the material.

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