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Designs of multi-level ceilings: core, stretch and suspended systems, advantages and disadvantages of each system, approximate cost

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Architects Y. Mikhailova, A. Kucenko, A. Korolkov

Photo V.Nepledov

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Saros Design
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"Karee Noir"

"Waves" of the glossy PVC film is experiencing effectively only in narrow rooms: by virtue of the material properties, peak height differences are at the walls, and to the center the surface is noticeably aligned

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Architect N. Startsev

Photo R.Shelomentsev

Provide a uniform flow of fresh air to the room of a large area will help channel ventilation channels located in the prescription space. Lattices are embedded in the ceiling

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Architects O. Lucky, A. Gazaryan

Photo S. Morgunov

Wires, pipes and air ducts can be paved inside the jumpers of the caisson ceiling, and in the cells to place original lamps

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The canvas with the photo printing highlighted from the cornice side is a bright accent in the interior.

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Architects M. Zvondkov, P. Sudnyna


Zoning with a multi-level ceiling in combination with podium is often used in studio apartments

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Photo 1.


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Photo 2.


When finishing the ceiling first, the frame was built from bars, attached to it and to the walls of baguettes, and then mounted holders for lamps (1). After that, it remains only to pull the PVC film, install the lamps and the ceiling are ready (2). Fully hide the bagent profile in such a design is impossible, but its visible part resembles the ceiling plinth and does not strive

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Architects V. Skardana, E.Vitkov

Photo V.Nepledov

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Often, the levels of levels are accompanied by original color solutions. At the same time, a figured protrusion can contrast with walls and ceiling and harmonize, for example, with curtains, furniture IT.D.

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Saros Design.

Photo printing on PVC film and polyester canvas are performed using a widescreen printer. At the same time, you can choose a drawing from the manufacturer's catalog or provide your own (VTFIFROM)

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Photo 3.


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Photo 4.


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Photo 5.

From the PVC film, it is not only a wavy ceiling (3), but also curly cornices (4); For such elements, a special flexible baguette is used (5)

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Photo 6.


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Photo 7.


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Photo 8.


Suspended systems allow you to create curvilinear surfaces. For this, special modules are used (6.8), as well as conventional flat panels, which are mounted on curved guides (7)

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The front side of the extruded fiberglass panels are covered with painted polymers. In this case, the number of colors ranges from 1 to 10-12, depending on the model of the ceiling

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Photo 9.

Architects N.Mat, P. Tolstoy

Photo P. Lebedeva

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Photo 10.


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Photo 11.


Almost indispensable attribute of multi-level ceiling-point lamps. They can be an addition to chandelier (9), LED "Star Sky" (10) or play an independent role (11)

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"Karee Noir"

Glossy PVC film reflects light, which reduces the power of the lighting device

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To embed a point lamp in the stretch ceiling, requires at least two fluoroplastic thermal insulation rings of the corresponding size

To transform the inner space of the room, sometimes it is enough to change the design of the ceiling. At the same time, with the help of the "Step" above the head, you can solve and purely utilitarian tasks, in particular, to hide the newly paved communications and mask the defects of the overlap.

Most recently, the multi-level ceilings were at the peak of the interior fashion. They were an indispensable attribute of most author's redevelopment projects, and not only luxury apartments, but also ordinary apartments in typical houses. Such a constructive ceiling solution remains popular today, but it has become more prudently to use it. After all, in our "odnushki", "doubles" and "treshki" The height of the ceilings is initially small (2.55-2.75 m), so an additional decrease in their level justifies itself not always. A complex multi-level ceiling as a product of "pure art" is unlikely to be appropriate in the standard planning and dimensions of the apartment. There are other pitfalls that we will definitely tell you in this article.

If the drop of levels must be arranged for technical reasons, this is another matter. Then the opportunity appears, as they say, combine pleasant with useful. The key to success in creating such structures is a carefully thought-out designer solution and its competent technical implementation.

Comments on the fields

1. The approach of the additional ceiling construction does not apply to the discharge of redevelopment and formally does not require coordination. However, today, many specialists of construction organizations beat the alarm, since numerous holes for fastening the frame of a bevel or suspended system weaken the slab of the overlap. To understand how much the carrying capacity of the slab will decrease and such a decrease is permissible, in each case the calculation is necessary. Therefore, we advise you to show the project for the reconstruction of the architect and, in any case, place the attachment nodes more often than 600-800mm.

2. Agree to SNIP 21-01-97 "Fire safety of buildings and structures" The frame of the suspended ceiling is performed only from non-combustible materials. At the same time, the fire resistance of nodes of fastening of any construction design should be no lower than the design itself. Accordingly, it follows to mount the frame to the ceiling plate with only metal dowels, and not plastic, which is found quite often.

3. Clamps of the overlap in our homes are by no means uncommon. They are eloquently testifying plaster out of seams. So that these shifts do not affect the tail structure, it is necessary to thoroughly consider the fastening scheme of the carrier frame and, if possible, reduce the number of hard ties with overlapping. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the angular joints of the sheet material using perforated plastering corners, and flat- necessarily damage the sickle grid or, which is even better, with a special reinforced scotch, which is, for example, in the assortment "KNAUF GIPS".

Beauty and not only

Using suspension systems, in the space between the slaughter of the overlap and the ceiling, you can place the power and telecommunications cables, plastic heating pipes and water supply. The main advantage of such a method of gasket is safety: since the ceiling is almost never driven nails and the holes are not drilled in it, there is no risk of damaging the communications. As for the air ducts of exhaust and supply ventilation, they sometimes simply cannot be hidden in any other way. The multi-level ceiling is capable of serving a good service and with serious defects of the upper overlap (for example, if the height difference at the junction of reinforced concrete slabs is 1-2 cm) or in the presence of protruding riglels (carrier beams), as in Stalin's houses.

Of course, to disguise communications and construction flams, you can use a stitched or suspension design on the entire ceiling area, but this will lead to the fact that the size of the room will significantly decrease. The aznoral ceiling will reduce these losses to a minimum. Moreover, with a successful design project, thanks to the game of lighting room, the room will be visually spacious, and the ceiling is higher.

It is very important that the recovery of the ceiling levels does not look like an artificially introduced element, and was inscribed in the overall interior solution. It is easiest to do this with a design that we can call cornice. It is a box of arbitrary shape, width and thickness, located on the ceiling along the wall (two, three walls, either around the perimeter of the room). Such a box will not only help disguise communication, but also will create a new light design, as well as beneficially emphasized the separable functional zones. With the help of a wide carnis, it will be possible to distinguish between the working and dining area in the kitchen, highlight the dressing room in the bedroom, designate a corner for relaxing in the living room IT.D. In addition to this wide cornice along one of the short walls of the "Penal" room, it is sometimes able to adjust its disproportionately outlines. At the same time, if the finish of one of the levels will be harmonized with the walls adjacent to it or the floor fragment located under it, the effect of the "room in the room" will arise, that is, highly accented zoning.

But architectural forms of multi-level ceilings are not limited to rectangular cornices. The designer will offer you and "island" installations, and various fantasy curvilinear elements, and multi-level structures of complex geometry. Knespertarial ceiling solutions also include fabrication facilities (including caisson type), inside which wiring or other communications can be laid.

What opportunities we have today to implement all this variety of ideas?

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Variants of the device of multi-level ceilings

a-stitched with fake balks;

b-kented with a drop of heights equal to 30mm;

1- Suspension straight;

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2- Ceiling profile,

3-profile guide;

4-connector profiles in two levels;

5-HCCV 9.5mm

Material base

When the device of multi-level ceilings can be used any of the modern tail, stretch and suspended systems. Architects often combine materials, applying two, and sometimes three different technologies.

The most versatile custodial structures from GLC. For trimming ceilings, the sheets are usually taken with a thickness of 9.5mm (if it comes to a country house or "wet" rooms - necessarily moisture resistant). For frames, ceiling profiles (PP) of 6027mm sizes and guides (PPN) 2827mm, as well as fastening brackets that allow you to lower the ceiling by 40-200mm. Vasserized companies "Belgips" (Belarus), "Knauf Gyps" (Russia) and Saint-Gobain Gyproc (France) there are also suspensions, their length is permissible to adjust within 250-500mm.

Calcuted indisputable advantages of drywall is comparatively low cost and the ability to create with it the most complex architectural forms. A zealous drawback is, first of all, the need for putty and painting works associated with additional time and money costs.

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One of the options for creating a multi-level ceiling design from GLC: The slab of the overlap was trimmed with sheet carcart sheets on a metal frame and the curved regional profile of the future figure element (a) was launched. The suspension was screwed to the ceiling and strengthened with their help additional carrier profiles with a pitch of 600mm (Gd). Having a frame of GLC, closing the angular joints with a plaster profile (D, E). It remains to sharpen and paint the ceiling.

Photo R. Shelomenseva

Sometimes instead of HL, the extruded polystyrene panels are used. Their main advantages are increased moisture resistance, small mass and outdoor reinforcement with fiberglass, facilitating the shtocking of the surface. Hospital, such panels are more than 2 times more than GKL. Another alternative to drywall sheets (SML) size 24401220mm and 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12mm thick. They are almost 2 times easier than GLK, stronger on bending, more moisture resistant and at the same time cheaper by about 20%. The technology of work with this material is almost the same as with GLC. There is only one exception: to create curvilinear shapes, sheets of 4 and 6mm thick bend in a dry state (GCL for this is wetted, pre-"nasty" with a special roller). However, the radius of the bend of the SML even with the minimum sheet thickness cannot be less than 2.5 m, that is, only smooth curvatures are available.

The construction of multi-level structures also use the currently stretched system Barrisol, Carrnoir, Extenzo, Grupa Dps, Newmat, Prestige Design, Skol, Versailles, Deckenfest, Decomat (Oba Germany), Avanti (Italy), Mondea (Netherlands ), CLIPSO (Switzerland) IDR. We wrote on the on-site ceilings repeatedly (see "IVD", 2006, №8; 2008, №9). Now only recall that they are divided into two main types: from PVC film and polyester nonwoven canvas. The first are perfect for complex curly structures with curved lines, as the properties of the material and the technology of its installation (using the heat gun) exclude the appearance of folds and wrinkles. The same glossy PVC film has a high reflective ability, thanks to which the ceiling is visually lifted. However, note that, in contrast to the polyester cloth, this material cannot be used in seasonal residence homes: at negative temperatures, it becomes fragile and destroys the slightest mechanical effects (including air fluctuations). The minimum level of lowering the stretch ceiling depends on the mounting system: with a harpoon method (PVC film) - 30-40mm, with cam (polyester canvas) - only 8-10mm. Amaximal can be chosen arbitrarily, as the baguette is attached to the walls. To strengthen the guides at the location of the level of levels, it is necessary to make a frame of bars and plywood.

Against natural disasters

In case of leakage, which occurs due to the fault of neighbors from the apartment, located on top, first of all suffers from the ceiling. If it is made of plasterboard sheets (no matter, ordinary or moisture-resistant), most likely they will have to be replaced, as they will be swore and drying out, they will not be able to acquire their original form. Accessary suspended ceilings from fiberglass, like a metal rush, moisture does not hurt. Interest will withstand a similar test and stretch ceiling. Moreover, the PVC film, according to the manufacturers, can save the flood of your home. True, to merge the water from the "bubble" formed, it will be necessary to cause masters whose services will cost at least 10-12 thousand rubles.

Sometimes modular suspended ceilings involve in multi-level structures. They are a component of the facing modules a prefabricated frame, which is attached to the slab overlap on the suspension (the length of the latter can be adjusted, and it reaches 500mm). Suspended systems produce ArmStrong (USA), Ecophon, Parafon, Rockfon (Denmark), AMF, ILLBRUCK, OWA (all Germany).

Modules are of different shapes (plate size 600400, 600g 600, 1200600mm IDR.; Panel 300-400mm wide and length up to 2m; rails width 30-300mm and up to 6m long). They are manufactured from various materials: extruded fiberglass, gypsum, foamed melamine mass, metal (galvanized steel and aluminum). The advantages of such systems are ease of installation and an unusually wide selection of colors and textures of modules. It is also important that the plates and panels are almost always removable, and therefore they are easy to replace them with damage; In addition, access to the prescription space is maintained, which facilitates the audit of communications.

Some manufacturers of suspended ceilings (for example, ArmStrong and Ecophon) offer ready-made solutions for smooth transitions between the levels of the design - special curved panels and special framework elements. True, they are delivered only to order, and the term of its execution will be more than 1 month. Only among modular suspension systems can be found such exotic products such as mirror or translucent polystyrene and polycarbonate ceilings. Thanks to the luminescent lamps located behind a sheet of matte plexiglas, you can create "glowing" ceilings. However, any stepped structures provide the widest opportunities to reorganize top lighting in the room.

Variants of the device of multi-level ceilings

(using Knauf Gypsum components)

a-combined (from plasterboard and nonwoven polyester cloth);

b-kented with a cornice, equipped with hidden illumination;

in-core with a rounded transition to the eaves;



3-profile guide;

4-profile ceiling;

5-suspension straight;

6-HCCV 9.5mm;

7-suspension adjustable;

8-suspension adjustable with a pull (stud);

9-G Clac 9, 5mm in two layers;

10-connector profiles in two levels;

11-connector corner;

12-corner plaster

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Festive illumination

The multi-level ceiling is almost always equipped with built-in luminaires. They not only adorn the interior, but also more evenly illuminate the room compared to the central chandelier. The same appears the ability to arrange light sources exactly where it is especially necessary (for example, above the working countertop in the kitchen). True, in order to install such lighting devices, it is necessary for a level of levels equal to an average of 120mm. With a small thickness of the design (40-60 mm), you can use LEDs. However, in this case, it is not necessary to do without transparent inserts into the surface of the ceiling (they are made, for example, from stained glass or matte plexiglas). The author's ceiling will be very impressive, the body of which can be made almost from any material, metal, wood, plastic, sheets of plasterboard IT.D. It is not bad to install elegant mini-spotlights and overhead "plates" - for this you need only a cable stretched over the ceiling.

If the lamps are mounted in the stretch ceiling, for each of them it will be necessary to create a base of plywood or bars. It is removed on stretched cords to the level of the future ceiling so that the surface of the film (web) remains perfectly smooth. Spotlights of light are embedded in a stretch ceiling, making thermal insulating rings between the rim and the web (film). At the same time, the power of halogen lamps should not exceed 35W, and the incandescent lamps - 60W (otherwise the preheated metal will pay the ceiling material).

When the top lighting is reorganized on the electrical wiring device, it is necessary to take care in advance before the construction of the ceiling structure (but in the presence of its finished project). When electrotechnical work will be performed, do not forget to ensure that the wiring for unsolved steel ceilings made from non-combustible materials was performed from cables in non-combustible insulation or in isolation that does not spread combustion (with the notation "H" and "NG"). If you plan to make a ceiling of combustible materials, the wiring will have to be carried out inside the steel pipe (the flexible sleeve of PVC is not suitable for this purpose), the thickness of the walls of which depends on the cross section of the cable lived. The pipe is fixed with clamps to the parts of the frame or to the slab of the overlap.

We are actually acting

Repair of a complex ceiling structure (if defects are subsequently found in it) - the case is troublesome and expensive. At the same time, it will be necessary to endure the furniture from the room, to cover from dust and dirt and save the floor, walls, doors and windows from possible damage. Therefore, instruct the device of the multi-level ceiling follows only to proven firms providing a guarantee for materials and installation. The easiest way to deal with manufacturers of tension systems, giving a comprehensive guarantee on the canvas, components and installation work (usually 10 years). However, the two-level stretch ceiling is 1.6-2 times (and in the presence of curvilinear elements, 3 times) more expensive than the flat ceiling of the same area. This is due to large difficulties when measurements, making patterns and installation.

A guarantee for a lifting drywall and modular suspended design should be 2 years old, such a term is enough to make any hidden marriage. If you use a combination of two or more systems (for example, a tail and stretch), it is necessary to perform work with a general construction and architectural supervision. And it is better if not separate contractors provide a guarantee, but a firm exercising this supervision.

Exemplary calculation of the value of a sewn two-level ceiling area of ​​18m2 from GLC

Name of works Number of price, rub. Cost, rub.
Plasterboard and painting work set - 14 500.
Applied materials
Profiles guides 3040mm. 20 pound M. 90. 1800.
Profiles ceiling 4040mm 32 pog. M. 110. 3520.
Suspensions for profiles 44 pcs. 25. 1100.
Plasterboard sheets 10mm 21m2. 140. 2940.
Self-checked Serpenty Tape 1 roll 180. 180.
Mix Spike Vetonit KR 10kg 23. 230.
Paint Polymer Beckers Nondrop 6l 70. 420.
TOTAL 24,690.

Exemplary calculation of the value of the stretch two-level ceiling area of ​​24m2

Name of works Number of price, rub. Cost, rub.
Building wooden frame set - 4000.
Installation of baguette and canvas 24m2 410. 9840.
Installation of lamps 6. 700. 4200.
Chandelier installation 1800. one 1800.
Applied materials
Bagetny profiles 21 pog. M. 190. 3990.
PVC glossy canvas 26m2 740. 19 240.
TOTAL 43 070.
Supplement for the complexity of work 14,000
TOTAL 57 070.

Exemplary calculation of the cost of the suspended two-level ceiling with an area of ​​18m2 from acoustic panels

Name of works Number of price, rub. Cost, rub.
Framework and installation of panels set - 12,000
Installation of lamps eight 400. 3200.
Applied materials
Suspended system set - 8600.
OwaSoustic Smart 60060012mm panels 50 pieces 120. 4500.
TOTAL 28 300.

The editorial office thanks Karee Noir, Knauf Gypsum, Mal-C, Saint-Goben Construction Products Rus, "Stringer", "Ecosil" for help in the preparation of material.

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