I want a chopped home!


Breeding technology. Discussion of the order and the subtlety of drawing up a contract concluded with the executor

I want a chopped home! 12764_1

Visiting several production sites on which the firebits of future houses are made, we decided to tell about the processes there, and in terms of specific examples, about what problems related to the technology of cutting, it is necessary to think in advance to then reflect the ways to solve them in the contract concluded with Contractor.

Handwood-traditional, tested way of building buildings. Interest in it is not at all decreased, despite the presence of modern materials and technologies, on the contrary, they open up even more opportunities. But at the same time, construction techniques and architectural forms of the created structures, determined by the properties of the material - log, as a whole remain almost unchanged. Long straight trunks, as the centuries ago, are racas, combining in the corners in different ways, and as a result, a log house is obtained. The best breeds for the manufacture of log cabins are still considered pine and fir. True, it should be noted that the cedar and larch are conquered now and larch (earlier the last due to high resistance to loading and high hardness was used mainly to create a latter-religative lines of the church). Having a tree breed brings its special, wonderful aroma to the house.

I want a chopped home!
I want a chopped house!
I want a chopped home!
I want a chopped home!

Where to begin?

Of course, your communication with the chosen construction company should begin with a conversation with the architect specializing in the log structures. You will discuss the configuration and stylistic solution at home. He will definitely express their wishes: the required amount of bedrooms (and on which floors), the approximate size of the living room and the kitchen (the need to unite them in the studio), the number of utility rooms, bathrooms and their equipment IT.D. Jew on the basis of these wishes, the designer will offer several possible options for future housing, well, you will have to choose and approve one of them. But before you do this and the specialist will start developing a project, a number of issues directly related to the technology of logging techniques, and then reflect everything you need in the concluded contract. Consider these questions detail.

How to list the straight line on the log?

On not very flat on the nature of the surface of the log, it is not very simple. Therefore, despite the existence of laser and other ultra-modern techniques engaged in the manufacture of carpenter log cabins to spend a straight line on the log, prefer to use proven in centuries, and possibly thousands of years, the method.

Out of the ends of the log, a suitable measuring instrument (as a carbon, level, line of IT.P.), there are corresponding marking, and two "points" appear on the surface. Then they take a thin durable twine and fix with a sewn or nail one ending on the first mark (a). They rub the head of the head, and then fix its other end in the second mark. It remains hand to pull the twine from the log surface (b), and then dramatically release, and the black straight line is ready (B).

I want a chopped house!
I want a chopped home!
I want a chopped home!

Roll or strict?

Abroad to remove the bark with logs today use the latest and very expensive hydraulic or hydroabrasive equipment, Russian carpenters are still used to achieve the same goal two tested vintage reception times. Forward the case of the Cora is removed by an ax or a pointed scraper (shovel), in second-hand, with the help of a man. Both methods are good in that it allows you to preserve the outer protective layer of wood, the swamp, but the processing of the rigine is about 15-20% more expensive than stripping ax. But the appearance of the logs is completely different: white, clean. (With coarse cleaning, the lower thin layer of the barbell can remain on the log, the well believes everything, up to the layer of alive cells-cambia located under the liberty.) But in that and in another case, the logs remain, say, natural irregularities. What is the way to choose to you. It all depends on what processing you plan to subjected the walls after assembling the house you have on the plot. If you plan to grind from the inside and outside (the cost of the operation is 500 rubles. For 1m2), it is possible to limit the rude ham. If you can immediately paint, it is worth choosing a processing with a breakfast. But it should be very high-quality: on the preserved Cambia (it is almost transparent and therefore, when driving it is bad, it can grow a thin layer of the crust, this process continues in a speiled log. Otherwise the walls will have to either grind (it means "crying" saving!), Or painting in the dark color, which is not like everyone.

I want a chopped house!
Photo 1.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 2.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 3.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 4.

1. The cruel of the log house, as hundreds of years ago, is made far away from the place where it will later be installed. Works lead at the production site, where dozens of different log cabins can simultaneously collect.

2. Sustained shovel - a very convenient tool for cutting small bitch and bark removal. But it is impossible to achieve the perfect cleanliness of the log surface with it.

3-4. Driving a log ham. Babel gender gently remove the upper, the most dense layer of the crust. Drying out, such a log can purchase Pegoy coloring.

The logs with the uneven owners remaining on them are also not satisfied. Yes, and carpenters with such logs it is harder to work, so a number of firms offer to shoot logs to the grazing of a church of the Rubankov, then externally they will be similar to rounded, but do not lose the ability to withstand atmospheric influences (only the upper layers of Collot are eliminated. Such logs are more expensive by 20-30%, but the log house acquires an aesthetic appearance, and the walls can be painted immediately after the assembly. Well, those who can make it possible, they can additionally polish them before painting, giving even greater similarity with the roundabout.

Please note: with an increase in the cost of the log, due to its processing, it is likely to increase the cost of building a log building, since it is determined by the generally accepted rule of manufacturers as a percentage of the material.

I want a chopped house!
Photo 5.
I want a chopped home!
Photo 6.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 7.
I want a chopped home!
Photo 8.

5-6. The strict log on the rules, remove natural irregularities, and wood does not lose the ability to resist atmospheric influences. The planed surface is not perfectly smooth, but in principle it can not be processed additionally.

7-8. The breakdown of different diameters and the bitch specifically left on their surface will give the walls of originality. But such a "technologically-formed" reception will like not everyone.

How to make grooves?

So that the logs are firmly lightened to each other, the grooves (chute) are chosen along one of the conjugated logs. An old way to create it is as follows. A new log is placed on the wall and with the help of a special tool - "features" - on both sides the edges of the future groove are planned. The "feature" looks like a circulation: one leg with a markup slides over the surface of the lower log, the second sticks the line on the top. The tool is many centuries, and today carpenters are often slightly improving it, attaching a bubble level to one of the legs.

Next, across the groove make suns of chainsaw, and then a special topoper (its blade is located not along the axle, and across and has a kind of gutter) from the groove along the fibers choose wood. At the same time, the fibers are frozen, blocking the so-called smallest pockets, which reduces the ability of wood to absorb moisture. What do you think, why do we tell us so in detail about it?

The fact is that some companies have simplified the process of manufacturing the groove. Take chainsaw: Vzhik, Vzhik- and ready. But the consequences of this are very sad. Firstly, the log can split along the groove (the sharp stage of the groove is a voltage concentrator). Secondly, the triangular groove compared with semicircular has much lower heat and sound insulation indicators (but it is about 2 times cheaper).

I want a chopped house!
Photo 9.
I want a chopped home!
Photo 10.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 11.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 12.

9-10. Modernized "Damage" ("Drawberry") with a bubble level.

11.classical process of manufacturing a semicircular longitudinal groove with a special axle axle.

12. The corolted longitudinal groove, made using chainsaws.

Ishche is one associated with a longitudinal groove an important point to which the closest attention should be paid. The width of the groove is the thickness of the wall in a narrow place. So than the groove is wider, the warmer wall and the house as a whole. According to the theory, the required width of the groove must comply with the climatic conditions of this region, and calculate it, based on the middle winter temperature. For example, at -20c, the minimum width of the groove must be 10-12 cm; at -30c- 12-13cm; at -40c- 14-16cm. The width of the longitudinal groove, in turn, determines the thickness (diameter) of the used logs, but it should not exceed 2/3 of the log diameter. The magnitude of the gaps between the crowns should be not more than 1mm, and in the bowl - 3-5mm. Such a gap is easy to close the insulation laid in the groove.

So, it is recommended to make a groove to 2/3 log diameter. But let's take a look at the problem on the other side. What the groove is wider, the smaller the height of the crown, and it means that the number of crowns in the Siruba will increase. The height of the loss of a huge volume of wood, pay for which - you. Specialists surveyed by us, having extensive construction practices, gave us such advice: the minimum width of the groove for the middle band - 140mm, and it should be no more than 1/2 diameter of the log. Consequently, the diameter of the used logs should be 28-35 cm.

I want a chopped home!
Photo 13.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 14.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 15.
I want a chopped home!
Photo 16.

13-14. Just connect the logs in the corners "in the Obloman" issues may have both the same and different length (13). It is possible to fill them in the line invented or architect (14). This question must be specified in advance.

15-16.Erker protrusion on the plan is one of the most illuminated places in the house, and the windows in it should be wide. Long editions of the logs will block part of the window outside (15) or make it reduce its size to a minimum (16).

"In the edge" or "in the paw"?

The logs into the log cabin are stacked alternately by comulas in different directions to withstand the overall horizontal of the rows. Their universities are connected in two ways: with the residue ("Woblo") and without a residue ("in the paw"). Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. When slaming "in the edge", about 0.5 m on each log is lost due to angular residues. But the angle looks beautiful, and most importantly is warmer. If the house is subsequently from the outside, the issues will cause difficulties on the way to the target target.

The cut "in the paw" is more economical in terms of wood flow, but requires more qualified and neat work. This connection is not so warm, and therefore the angle is outside, you want not want, you have to sneak. However, it will be possible to do this only after 2-3 years, when the log house completely falls, otherwise there is a risk that when shrinking between the logs will appear.

I want a chopped house!
Photo 17.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 18.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 19.
I want a chopped home!
Photo 20.

17.Glose connection logs "in paw".

18-20. Connection of the inner walls is usually carried out "in the paw" (18). Using special wrists, it is possible to ensure that the logs of one wall do not flash another through (19.20).

What bowls choose?

Variants of the forms of cups used when connecting logs on the corners "in the region", it was an excellent set in Russia. All of them are rational, but not all are simple. What an inquiry: "in the cooling", "in overt", "in dir"! Most of them modern carpenters did not even hear. Some odd variants, unfortunately, turned out to be wounded forever. But the most used species lived safely to the present day and successfully used is the usual bowl and bowl "with Kurdyuk". In love, a semi-cylinder is cut down in one of the logs, repeating the profile of the logs conjugated with him. The surface of the usual bowl is smooth, and in the center of the Bowl "with Kurdyuk" there is located along the axis of the spike ("Kurdyuk"), which is included in the groove made in the mating log. The bowl "with Kurdyuk" is more laborious, and therefore expensive, but gives the compound significant strength.

Bowls can be cut down both down and upside down. At the same time, the bowl down, as less labor, is almost twice as cheaper than the same, but the bottom up. But in a cup of bottom, rainwater can accumulate, but in the bottom of the bottom it will simply do not fall, so such a wrist will live much longer.

It should be noted that the feasibility of applying the corks "with Kurdyuk" (they are performed only at the bottom) when the logs are connected at a right angle, many modern manufacturers of wooden log cabins challenge: they say, expensive and therefore disadvantageously. Yes, and do not need such a high rigidity to the direct corner of the church. Avot in the archer structures is precisely such a word is indispensable, since, according to general recognition, it is the only way to give this polyhedron (it is geometry and its higher mobility is explained) increased rigidity.

I want a chopped house!
Photo 21.
I want a chopped home!
Photo 22.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 23.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 24.

21-23. Classic Genre: The future bowl is placed with the help of "features", then roughly decorated with an ax (21), the final shape is given by applying Tesl (22.23).

24.communication propyl should remove the stresses in the outer layers of the logs arising during its drying, and thereby prevent multiple cracks.

Compensatory propyl

Since there are mainly logs that have a natural humidity for the manufacture of a log in the wood as the voltage increases as drying. The result is often the break of the fibers, and cracks arise on the surface of the log. To reduce the likelihood of the greatest amount of cracks on the visible part of the log, many manufacturers are offered to arrange along its crest so-called compensatory propyl with a depth of 5-7cm (similar to the propyl, manufactured at the factory in the logs). Make it, applying a chainsaw, and so that it does not reach the end of the releases and was not visible from the outside (from above, it covered the next log in the srub).

It must be said that the opinions of the experts responded by us regarding the rationality of the implementation of such a propyl separated: they are alone, others, categorically against. Who is right, do not judge. Also, we will advise only one thing: if you still decide to make a longitudinal groove at the bottom of the logs with chainsaws, from compensatory feeding on its top should be defused. Two hubs in one log is, believe me, too: the log when drying just splits in half.

I want a chopped house!
Photo 25.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 26.
I want a chopped home!
Photo 27.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 28.

Types of connecting bowl: normal bottom up (25); Normal bottom down (26); Bowl "With Kurdyuk" for the traditional compound (27); Kosya Bowl "With Kurdyuk" for Erkers (28).

When to do a protest?

When designing interiors in homes built from a bar or boiless, difficulties are not easy to spread or cheer the parallelepiped furniture. Avt If the walls are log, problems with furnishings arise often.

The solution to this task is our ancestors even in the XVIV, starting to protest the walls indoors. But the protester collected into a single whole log procedure is time-consuming and therefore quite expensive. Professionals are advised to specify the need for this operation when designing, and then it will be performed at the stage of gram assembly.

It happens so. As soon as the log with a cut-off longitudinal groove and connecting bowls are installed in a log cabin, a carpenter produces the necessary measurements of its thickness, it scrolls along the future plane on the log directly, and then the chainsaw creates this plane. Guaranteed savings compared to the protesting wall is approximately 200 rubles. on 1m2.

I want a chopped house!
Photo 29.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 30.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 31.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 32.

29-30. The modern technology of manufacturing an angular connection is somewhat different from the classical: pre-decorate the bowl using chainsaw (29), and then it is finally adjusted with the help of an ax and tesla (30).

31-32. Work on the creation of a log in production sites, where there is no lifting crane, continues until the height of the cage does not reach human growth (31). Then the carpenters begin to assemble the next cage. Fully log house will be assembled only on the site of the owner. If the lifting crane is, there are no such problems (32).

When and how to carry out antiseptation?

Mandatory and very important stage of logging - this is an antiseptation of a log. Experts argue that already after 20 minutes after the spill of the tree, a fungus appears on its cuts, and the disputes of molds are settled on the surface, IT.P. They fall onto the production platform. It is always that, if you don't apply, say, the proactive blow, the whole "bouquet of diseases" will flourish on the surface of the cut into a lush color. Therefore, the log on the production site needs to be antiseptrate, and more than once. The first antiseptation experts are advised to exercise immediately after the barks were removed from the logs (it should be done at production sites, since there is a long time between the operation of the ham and entering the log on the assembly). Repeated processing of each log in which the grooves and connecting bowls are cut down when it is installed in a log cabin.

Later, when the log logs will be transported to the owner's site, when assembling it is necessary to complete the third antiseptation.

I want a chopped house!
Photo 33.


I want a chopped house!
Photo 34.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 35.
I want a chopped home!
Photo 36.

33-36. Nights from a round log like not all, besides, it is impossible to put furniture close to them. Therefore, many prefer to protest the walls from the inside. Only, unfortunately, remember that it must be done when the house is already built. Azry! It is possible to give walls to the walls at the cutting stage, using ordinary chainsaws, which is cheaper than to test already collected.

What will happen if you ignore this recommendation? The author of these lines was only one time a chance to visit the construction site, where the house was already assembled, the logs of which were never treated with an antiseptic. Whether with the weather, this house "from birth" was not lucky, whether the carpenters were laundered, only the moisture of wood exceeded 70%. The logs in the Siruba were all colors, except natural: gray, black, blue and even green. Isaoy scary - from under filling the longitudinal grooves of the wet insulation crawled mold and fungus. In general, the film of building horrors. Well, those heroic efforts that subsequently undertake the owners of the house to save him, deserve a separate detailed story. This struggle for the health of the dwelling lasts for 1.5 years, and the end is not yet visible.

I want a chopped home!
Photo 37.
I want a chopped home!
Photo 38.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 39.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 40.

I want a chopped house!
Photo 41 37-41.Freight than to establish a log on the place allotted in a litter, a longitudinal groove (37) and connecting bowls (38) should be treated with colorless antiseptic composition. After the log will take its place (39), its surface is covered with the same antiseptic composition (40).

One crate or a lot?

Russian carpenters who did not have heavy lifting equipment were erected by log cabins (more precisely, cells), each of which was height into human growth. This method is called logging with subsequent shock, and it consists in the fact that with the finished tilt, the upper crown is removed and lay out on the ground on the backups. On this basis, create a new crate. In addition to the height of the house, the smoke operation is sometimes repeated several times, but the masters produce all the work on the construction of a church standing on the ground. Actually the tilt is ready, they are disassembled and transported to the site of the owner, where they are collected on the foundation in a single log house.

The movement of the smoke and today uses many companies, but not all. Production platforms of large firms are often equipped with powerful cranes, and the log house is collected from the first to the last crown in one place.

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Photo 42.
I want a chopped home!
Photo 43.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 44.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 45.

42-43. The installed on the place and the processed antiseptic log is attached to the underlying crown with wooden brazers only in the connecting bowls.

44-45. Grebks, mold, blacks that appeared on wood due to improper storage or transportation, should be destroyed using a bleach for wood. These photos are made with an interval of only 5min.

How did we tell you about this? Each of the methods has its drawbacks. There is a chance that when the smoothing is not very experienced carpenters, it is not entirely complex to be removed from the finished crate of the crown, and then problems may arise when assembling a log. The way to combat them, according to specialists, one: who chopped a log house, he should collect it on the site of the owner (who created the problem, he must decide it).

Its underwater stones and in the method of performing a cut with a crane. These are forests that are necessary for carpenters to work at height. Their cost, even if partially, will definitely be added to the price of a church. In other words, pay for them.

Reflection of quality problems in the concluded contract

I want a chopped house!

Whatever fairy tales tell you a negligent supplier that all Gosts and Snaps have long been outdated and therefore do not act, do not believe. Such documents as GOST 9463-88 "Timber round conifers. Technical conditions", GOST 8486-86 "Timber of coniferous rocks. Technical conditions", GOST 2140-81 "Visible wood definitions. Classification, terms, definitions", GOST 6564- 84 "Lumber and blanks. Acceptance rules, control methods, marking and transportation", and no one has canceled a number of others. Ivprom is not going.

Only the requirements provided for by them are so high that there are some firms that are able to execute them. But this does not mean that all construction companies work without recognizing norms and rules. Each of them is obliged to have such an internal document as "Technical Conditions" (TU), and in the contract with you, this document should have reference. It is authorized before you sign the contract, you should carefully read the content of that, because you have to take a log house on the basis of the requirements set out in them. Jicky references to GOSTS and SNIVA in the event of disagreements will not help, only the standards specified in the contract are subject to compliance. Therefore, if something does not suit you something, you may require their revision or introduction to the contract of additional conditions. For example, you have the right to put the requirement in it so that the quality of the wood corresponds to not the one, but the aforementioned gtostas or a bit. But ... At the same time, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that the performer will introduce a more rigorous selection of wood, and therefore, the final cost of the cut will increase, and it is very significantly. Is it worth it, as they say, the sheepskin is selected- to solve you.

Vyacheslav Kukelev, director of the company "Monolith",

Sergey Zelensky, Director of the company "Independent expertise of construction quality"

When and how to build a porch and / or veranda?

It is clear that a beautiful porch and / or a veranda, made in the same style with the house, make the entire building more attractive. But unfortunately, architects are not yet accustomed to designing these structures, such as balconies, laying them on elongated log issues. Yes, it is quite clear: the "binding" of the veranda or the porch to the facade of the house already built by an indestracting problem is not.

Amezhdu Topics The historical practice of wooden house-building suggests: the porch and the veranda is better to design in advance so that their framework makes a single integer with the design of the walls and overlap of the log house. It is authorized, such a frame should be made of the same material as the walls - from the log. Such a scheme involves the lower log horizontal strapping in one, two, three or more crowns, which carry the round in the cross section of the rack. These racks on top are fixed with top strapping into one or more crowns, which simultaneously serve as a roof support. The lower fence (parapet) can be solid or made of carved associated or accurate balasine.

Surprised? In vain! The scheme under consideration is not a fruit not to measure the fantasy of the modern architect. It is described still in the works of Academician of the Russian Academy of Architecture A. V. Polyovnikov, with the name of which the very concept of ancient Russian wooden architecture is inextricably connected, as well as the revival of his traditions.

I want a chopped home!
Photo 46.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 47.
I want a chopped home!
Photo 48.
I want a chopped house!
Photo 49.

46-47. The modern chopped house is often designed with balconies. For them, architects provide in the project elongated log issues that turn into carrier cantilever beams. The balcony is obtained firmly "tied" to the cutting structure (46). Avot built in this way the veranda is still rare (47).

48. Balkings of the log cement will become an element of the interior.

49.Created, "attached" to the elongated release of a log log, will not "emit" from him even if it is relying on the columns that are not related to the foundation of the house.

What design of overlappings to prefer?

Interlated overlaps in a chopped house are usually made from wooden beams, inserting them into the grooves cut into the walls. The beam section is determined, based on the width of the overlapping span, the distance between the beams (it, in turn, is associated with the thickness of the flooring boards), the floor area and the calculated load on 1m2.

The optimal width of the overlapping span for wooden beam overlaps is 3-4m. With broader spans, the beams cross-section increase or use logs instead, which are installed in one or even several steps disposed perpendicular to each other. This design is called cross-beam. When the ceiling device for a similar scheme, the lower row of logs (and sometimes two) remains visible in the interior, it should be remembered, negotiating the planning of the house and the design of the premises. To improve the appearance of the design, this technique was used: the laying was carried out so that the secondary beams located between the main, the ceiling from the side form regularly alternating geometric shapes. The execution of such overlapping will certainly lead to some higher prices of the cut, but subsequently created on its basis the ceiling will become, which is called a highlight of the interior.

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Photo 50.
I want a chopped home!
Photo 51.
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Photo 52.
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Photo 53.

50-53. There are two main principal architectural and design schemes for the construction of the second floor. The first-carcass (50), thanks to it, it turns out a lightweight modern facade (51). The second-sample (wedred): Frontons are collected from the same logs as the walls (52), and connect with powerful conclusions (53).


A rare modern country house costs without attic - it improves the appearance of the building, gives him a completeness. The frontones and walls of the attic floor can be erected in two ways: collecting from the same logs as the walls of the first floor (the so-called samptic frontones), or manufacture frame design.

Samtant design is usually more expensive by 10-30%. In addition, she, let's say, more capriciously behaves with shrinkage at home and, therefore, requires a careful relationship, especially in the initial period of operation. The frontones and the inner walls adjacent to them here are significantly higher than the outer, and the higher the wall, the greater its overall shrinkage. If you use the sleeve rafters (namely, such a design is most often used, not wanting to see powerful tightening in the interior), which are based on one end on log walls, and the second-skate bar, and rigidly tie them with walls and skates, the attic floor can Start fall apart.

The laws of geometry will work: when one end of the rafter "leg" sinks together with the skate resting on the frontoths, the second is put forward towards the street (the length of the rafter during the shrinkage does not change) and pulls the top log in Watch out. At the same time, the beams of overlapping, firmly "tied" to the inner walls, can start to get out of their nests in the outer walls, and as a result, the overlap can simply collapse. Other finals are possible: the rafter beams will break away from the wall or skate bar, and the roof will start breaking. That this does not happen, it is necessary to apply moving elements both when connecting rafters with each other over the skate and in the places of their support on the walls. And the same, intently follow the process of shrinkage of the house as a whole.

A frame construction from the same logs will not only reduce the cost of construction, but also completely relieve from the problems listed above, because it is practically not exposed to shrinkage.

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Photo 54.
I want a chopped home!
Photo 55.
I want a chopped home!
Photo 56.

54-56. When the log house is completely assembled, the crowns are labeled, and then the carpenters begin to disassembly. It is manually produced (54), at the same time brazening, connecting the crowns in the bowls, climb (55) - their remnants will be drilled when the log house is assembling on the owner's site. The logs are placed in the stack and prepare for shipping (56).

When and how to take a log house?

In most cases, the owner first sees the log house already in the site. True, disassembled. But here, unfortunately, it is possible to check far from all the requirements of those that we suggested contribute to the contract when it is conclosed. It is possible to check how the bark is removed than and how the longitudinal grooves and bowls made, whether there is a compensation propyl, there is no black on the logs. Ski-measuring wood moisture. And it's all. The rest you can see only after the log house is collected.

Acto do, if something does not suit you in the finished fire? Honestly, at this stage it will be possible to fix everything. Therefore, experts advise: do not regret the time and means and move to the reception of the cut there, where it fell in (for loyalty to invite an expert). There you will see the finished log house in all its glory and you will be able to check any of its parameters.

Enlarged calculation of the value of the * log cabin for a single-storey house with a total area of ​​140m2

Materials and work Volume price, rub. Cost, rub.
Breeding pine 200m3 2000 rubles / m3 400,000
Removal of the crust 200m2. 300rub. / M2 60 000
Processing logs Rubank 200m2 450rub. / M2 90,000
Manufacturing a logging (chopped grooves, connecting bowls bottom) 500m2 1000rub. / M2 500,000
Operation of the car 30 shift 4000rub. for shift 120,000
Total 1 170,000
Disassembling a log and transportation to the customer's site 150m3 25 000 rub. For the car (5 cars) 125,000
Unloading and assembly 150m3 3000rub. / M3 450,000
Consumables set - 50 000
The woods 5m3 6000rub. / M3 30,000
Overlapping beams 6m3 7000rub. / M3 42,000
A truckra work 15 shift 8000 rub. for shift 120,000
Total 817,000
* The calculation is made without accounting of overhead, as well as profit firms.

The editorial board thanks the company "VladimirStresiz", "Monolith", "Northern Architecture", "Independent examination of the quality of construction" for help in the preparation of material.

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