Holidays in the arms of nature


Five design gardens. Each of them is original and represents a successful combination of practical and decorative solutions.

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We will tell about five small gardens. Each of them is original and represents a successful combination of practical and decorative solutions. The acre of that, any of these gardens corresponds to the main purpose that is intended to perform a man-made landscape: to give a man peaceful peace and emotions - joy, surprise, admiration.

Vegetable tango

Decorative Grokes is one of the most fashionable trends of modern landscape art. Designer Paul Stone offers its own garden vision created mainly from useful cultures. Keeping the traditional ordinary planting of vegetables and dining herbs, it divides the plot into several green islands, each of which is planted with its range of plants: in one place "solorate" candles of blooming corn, in another, air translucent cloud of dill, in the third cabbage leaves and Beet's top. Vankover from vegetables and greenery places are engaged in blooming plants (Geikhera, Geikhella, Fuchsia, strawberries Pineapple), fragrant herbs (sage, Balzamin, Oshinitsa) or other cultures, relevant here in the stylist (Kochesky, Kovyl, Korovyak). Each garden around the perimeter is limited to a wooden border that does not allow the earth to stir with chip on the tracks.

Mixed vegetable landings are a coloristic game on the halftons: the eye enjoys the transitions from a salad to a saturated green, from burgundy to dark purple. But in such a practical garden, there is always a place of experiment, there are several avant-garde solutions at once. It is the vertical wall of containers with tomatoes, covered with a glass visor, and "Shirma" from massive wooden pillars, an increasing area of ​​recreation, and the arch in the depths of the garden, seized with cucumber weaves.

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Opinion of a specialist

The principles of the combination of vegetable crops are generally the same as in the design of flower beds: high species are combined with low, compositions are made of plants with contrasting color and different incision of the sheet. Of course, at the same time take into account the growing conditions of each species, its need for sunlight and moisture. On decorative beds are grown both ordinary vegetables and exotic. You can, let's say, place the cucumbers in the center of the garden, raising them to the trellis, and at the edges put onion or carrots. Or vice versa, "spread" cucumbers around the perimeter, and in the central part there are pyramids from the rails for which beans or beans will be. The bean's pyramid is also born onion, carrots, beet. By the way, the onions and carrots are useful to plant nearby - they protect each other from pests. There are good vegetables defenders and among colors is a calendula, velvets. A lot of exotic varieties, which are beautiful and in themselves, and in various combinations are derived, and in various combinations: eggplants Eggplant c Pestro painted fruits, Romaneso broccoli cabbage with nochangs-asteristers IDR. Tomatoes are bred not only on the beds, but also in vases (Tumbler varieties), and in suspended porridge (Tumbling Tom Yellow, Tumbling Tom Red). Care for vegetables with your children so that they know that the products grow not in the store, but in the garden. Together with the child, take a fairly large seed (pumpkins, zucchini, cucumber, sunflower), put it and tell me together, as the sprout appears and will gain the power of the sprout, and when the time comes, remove the harvest.

Vera Khmeleva, Landscape Designer of Flora

Harmony of opposites

Holidays in the arms of nature

The garden designed by Swedish designer Ulf Nurdfiell is strict, male in nature, aesthetic and aristocratic in spirit. Such a landscape is appropriate to organize near the house of modern style, devoid of abundance of the decor. After all, and in that and in another, the main role will be played first of all combinations of various geometric shapes, color, contrasting collisions forms and colors. Actually, in contrasts, the garden and built: on the background of light-silver pillows of the purity of the woolly Silver Carpet, the dark purple vertical vertical of the Tropic Night chalf, and Iris of Siberian Tropic Night, as well as the so-called black shape of Iris Golden-painted. Catheric inflorescences of Ereurus, a cowboy and Veronica contrast with a thick carpet of low plants (violet horned Alba and Belmont Blue, the sector is brilliant, the cat's feline foot.) And at the same time echoes with vertical lines of the arbor in the garden. Plants with glossy foliage "polar" species with rough, squeezed leaves, and strictly decorated with "loose" flowers, scattering. The fixed massiveness of granite blocks is opposed to water flow. The chaotic location of these pieces of stone, which for their outlines resemble the breakacies of the rocks of the rocks, violates the rigorous planning of the garden, introduces movement. Energy center Garden-black ledge from wood, elegant, air.

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Opinion of a specialist

Monochrome, two- or tricolor gardens always look spectacular. The neighborhood of a white and black-classic contrast combination, restrained and noble. The range of landings for such gardens must be chosen especially carefully. White gamma plants suitable for growing in the middle strip of Russia, quite a lot: it is a consistent decorative agent (Rock Roll, Weisse Gloria, Deutschland), white phlox, liatrix spiked Alba, White Temptation Lyupin, Noble Maiden. Soft white verticals "draw" the inflorescences of Veroniki long-dollar schneeriesin; Solemn accents are placed using the Irisov bearded Lady SnowFlake (inflorescence height - 1m) and English Cottage, as well as Iris Siberian Snow Queen; The ease of perception introduces the Forest anemone. Forest and dwarf, Klopogon Kishoid White Pearl and Klopogon Brunette are planted on the shadow sectors. White flowers are especially shrill on the background of dark green leaves with a burgundy tint. Plants setting dark purple and dark burgundy, almost black tone, - Black Stockings, Gaikher Hybrid Amethyst Myst and Small-Degted Regina, Liberty Cleansing Black Scallop, Hybrid Purpur Emperor and Chocolate, Dark Vortestyanki and Sage. Among the gray stones can be planted by officerhon (cerebral, which in our conditions winter is bad; it needs to be covered with leaves or grow as an annals) - he will bete and emphasized the texture of stones.

Elena Sedova, Head of the Landscape Construction Department "SK Sadko", teacher of the Higher School of Landscaping Architecture and Marha Design "Sogets"

Forest echo

Holidays in the arms of nature

The prototype of Adam Frost's work served as a forest lawn with her lush dispersion in the openwork trees shade and running among the herbs with a stream. However, inspired by forest paintings, the designer creates its own, in which natural viability is adjacent to the order, primarily with the geometrically strict garden layout. On the perimeter of the site, fenced with a solid wooden fence, maples are planted. The lower tier under the shag-shaped crowns of trees is occupied by the place of the blooming sparkle in the purple Pam's Choice and the tubercotor. Among them are suitable benches for relaxation, each with a view of the channels stretching through the entire garden. To the center - a recreation platform, a stained stone: there is another bench and a place for the hearth. Mitigate the rigor of the planning helps green plantings, imitating communities of plants on the shores of streams or forest lawns. Waters solo the Iris Siberian - Papillon and Sparkling Rose, in other geraniums - Brookside, Acexian Lace Time, Dark Buuray Album. On stone parapetes, containers with fragrant herbs - Rosemary, Sage, Lavend, Timyan are placed on the garden. They fill the garden with a variety of flavors (spicy, spicy, sweet, bitter) and attract butterflies, bees and bumblebees.

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Plexus culture

Holidays in the arms of nature

Modern landscapes are difficult to attribute to one or another style, since they often have a harmonious interaction of several traditions at once. Such, for example, this garden of Kay Yamada, where the nature attitude towards the Japanese is connected to the ideas about the classical English landscape and at the same time as the most avant-garde landscaped ideas. On the shores of the water branch of the free shape and the streams in it, shrubs and flowers growing in Japan are planted in Japan: Maple Dlanoid, Rhododendrons (Schlippenbach Kurofune and Pointed Genkai), Kizyl Cone Satomi, Iris Movidoid Shoubu. However, plastic jellyfish, inhabiting the reservoir, fastened in the shores of transparent bubbles and scales on gravel, look much more exotic.

Since there is a reservoir that occupies most of the garden, the main range of plants make up the inhabitants of coastal zones: reed, cream, ferns, AIR. In the background, the picturesque wall of shrubs lined up quite tightly to each other: Wright's Kalina, Skyman Japanese, Furious Beeskeleton, Banks Rose, Largeland Rosa ... For those who are not capable of wintering in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia, as a rule, There are traditional analogues: winter-hardy rhododendron varieties, low-spirited shapes of bamboo sauze IDR.

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Mini oasis

Holidays in the arms of nature

A separate "garden room" can be broken even on a very tiny plot of land, for example, in the backyard of a country house or near the townhouse. If you want to rest in such a "room" is truly comfortable, try to apply mainly natural materials, a stone. From the tree make benches and other furniture, build walls and partitions. There are many options for their designs. So, the boards can be placed stackingly, with a small gap between them, "Having driven up" their ends on steel pipes. In order to maintain more free space and not to "crush" it, the main mass of plants is compactly placed around the perimeter of the site, planting a piece of them on raised flower beds. The King Of Hearts "See" even under the bench, because on such a small territory in the literal sense of the word roads every centimeter. The green wall is decorated with ferns and clarota Beacon Silver, but you can use traditional climbing plants (Aktinidia, grapes. Devichi IDR.). The real king of green landings here is a maple-maple. His retinue is the beckletta winged, burning and multicolored, burning, snowy, Rogers, BUZINOLATE IDR. All these plantings are designed to soften the common urban character of the "garden room".

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

Holidays in the arms of nature

The editors thanks the Gardruda Garden Art Center for help in holding filming.

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