In a quiet harbor


Registration of a room for a boys in the marine style. For this interior, they did not buy new furniture, but reworked the one that was already acquired earlier

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Often parents are equipping children with one thought about savings. The child grows, besides, the misunderstanding can spoil furniture ... as a result of these reasoning, children are often dying. Avteda so wants the young years of our offspring in the atmosphere of happiness and joy! Please note: even using an economical project, you can easily make a bright and alive room.

This children's created for a five-year-old Boy Vanya. He is a very movable, frisky child, but loves and read, draw, play chess. When the designers came to the apartment for the first time to perform the storage measurements, they saw a collection of books about pirates, beautiful shells, decorated the room, a boat in a bottle, bought during a family trip. After that, there was no doubt about choosing the topic for interior design, it, of course, should be marine. After all, pirates, treasures and travels have always been the favorite Items of fantasies of boys, and the last few years in connection with the adventures of Jack Sparrow, especially.

In a quiet harbor

In a quiet harbor

In a quiet harbor

In a quiet harbor

Internate 14m2, it was necessary to highlight the traditional zones: working, bedroom, game, as well as a place for storing clothes, books and toys. The hosts asked to place in the children's and folding sofa for her grandmother. Sometimes she stays sleeping, visiting loved ones. Vaby project authors used only natural materials: linen textiles, oak parquet, paper wallpapers, water-based paints, pine furniture, sisal carpet. WeTh showed their responsible position of professionals (as, however, a personal maternal experience).

In a quiet harbor
Photo 1.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 2.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 3.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 4.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 5.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 6.

The horizontal band is painted around the perimeter. For this, the wall in height was divided into three parts and with the help of the level he spent two lines (1-2). Alonga they were glued with greater tape (3), then the paint was covered the selected gap (4). To paint the upper and lower parts of the wall, including those sites that were closed with scotch, the tape was pasted again on the strip itself, having gone to dry (5). The horizontal strip resembles at the same time about the vests, and the waterline. This decorative detail is so well beaten in accordance with the marine theme, in addition, solves an important task. The wide band (85cm) is a spectacular architectural element separating the plane of the walls (6). It visually expands the room. Designers advise to acquire the paint with the lighter planned shade, because the color looks rich on a large area than on the probe.

For this interior, they did not buy new furniture, but reworked the one that was already purchased earlier. Even the ceiling lamp, bought on the occasion of a vanine mom for giving). He wonderfully approached his stylist. Significantly saving in this way at cash, designers generously applied their fantasy, skills and skill. In fact, to each element of the interior, to every detail, the hand of the real artist lovingly touched each thing in this room.

In a quiet harbor
Photo 7.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 8.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 9.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 10.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 11.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 12.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 13.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 14.

Pine bed (Belarus) (7) turned into a real ship. The side parts were closed with plywood shields with a thickness of 1 cm. Previously, the window-portholes (8-10) were cut out in them. The furniture was sandwicked and painted in the same special shade of blue as the walls (11). He seems to be "burnt" and reminds of southern sun. After the artist Lilia Treaschaeva inflicted painting, the whole bed was covered with colorless varnish (12-14). Inside the "house", or "cabins", stretched the string and hung the curtains.

For example, in the design of the bed, the functionality is successfully combined with elements of the game. Sleeping place is located at the second level. The apodia is a space for fun and wonderful transformations: it is enough to delay the curtain to get a "house" or an improvised puppet theater.

The central part of the ceiling is saved by interesting wallpaper with the image of vintage cards. It is assumed that a little boy, lying in bed, looks at their drawing, gradually calms down and falls asleep. Since light wallpapers were chosen, the ceiling was caught as they seem lower.

In a quiet harbor
Photo 15.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 16.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 17.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 18.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 19.
In a quiet harbor
Photo 20.

The wardrobe (Belarus) was in a deplorable state, it was all in scratches and stickers (15). The cabinet was cleared, sandwicked and painted. Used Matte acrylic paint Dulux (United Kingdom) on a water basis. Pilenki was covered with wallpaper carved (16-18), the same as those that decorated the ceiling. Inspection, the cabinet was covered with colorless varnish Dulux (19). To hide the edge of the wallpaper, they attached a jute rope with a furniture stapler (20).

Averty pine chest designers were covered with a mahogany alley color. In adult language, this is a great place to store toys. In fact, a real treasure chest!

Tells one of the authors of the project

We are incredibly glad how Vanya took the relocation to the renovated room, as he belongs to it. The most important result of effort is that the child loves his room, feels his owner in it. This confirmation in this case is that the boy independently, without reminders, supports the order in the room, which was never before! And you can only imagine what kind of joy for vanisa parents! Sometimes right on the bed he draws sailors, then erases their eraser and depicts pirates. In general, dreaming ... Perhaps this is the best assessment of our work!

Designer Valery Korisnichny

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