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Glazing of loggias and balconies: types of translucent structures and their features of their installation, coordination in hillpox, specialist advice,

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Nowadays, glazed loggia or balcony in the apartment has practically become the norm. A rigorous resident will always have good reasons for burning this territory from the street. Avtus than and how- everyone solves independently.

Fortunately, complaining about the shortage of goods and services, including in the sphere of glazing balconies, today is not necessary. The market is widely represented both special sliding systems and "general purpose" windows from PVC, wood and "warm" aluminum. There are firms that will willingly take on all the troubles on the arrangement of your loggia or balcony. However, you should not hurry to the phone and break into battle. Correctly select the type of translucent design, only on a mature reflection.

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Designer-architect E.Romanova

Photo S.I. Morgunovy

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Architect-designer T.Ivan

Photo E.Kulibaba

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Architect A.Agafonova

Photo by D.Minkina

1. Despite a small area, the loggia is sometimes possible to turn into a full room. Aesley appeal for help to a professional designer, the result can exceed all expectations.

2. Floor profiles from wood and aluminum to order are painted in any color of the RAL palette.

4. Using in the frameless design of matted glass allows you to do without curtains and blinds.

The main thing is to see the goal

One owners of apartments need to turn the loggia (balcony) in the "All-season" residential premises, a study, a winter garden or a gym. Others dream of a bright and cozy summer "veranda", protected not only from bad weather, but also from urban noise and smog. The third diverse loggia is the role of storage for storage of things that are not needed at one or another season. It is important for them that it does not shine it and did not fall asleep, so as not to fall in the burning cigarette from the top floor, the random Petard fell. Well, someone, without needing extra square meters, just wants the balcony to look no worse from the facade than the neighbors.

So, you decided for what purpose they are equipping the loggia (balcony). Now it is worth thinking about which profiles should be made window frames, what preferred filling and which opening scheme will be optimal.

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5-6. Systems of five-chamber windows plastic profiles of a 70mm mounting depth, used for "warm" glazing: 5- Select (Kve); 6- Brillant-Design (Rehau).

7-8. PVC profile systems: 7- Favorite (DeceUninck); 8- SOFTLINE (VEKA).

Please note: any option glazing must be coordinated in the hill scope. We particularly note that getting permission to attach the loggia to the main room, as well as the insulation of the balcony (not to mention its accession) it is possible quite rare. Avot to insulate the loggia, while maintaining the balcony unit, it is quite possible. Jewish such an enterprise will largely depend on which windows you install.

Digest Councils

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"Hobbit" 1.not forget to ask for workers immediately after the installation is completed from the external surfaces of the window profiles a protective film. Note that over time, under the influence of sunlight, the film becomes fragile and is firmly glued to the base.

2. and plastic, and in aluminum sliding systems, lower tracks (guides) are rather rapidly contaminated. To extend the service life of the roller mechanism, they must be washed even more often than glass. It is desirable to apply a special lubricant to each rail once a year.

3. Do you try to wash the sash of sliding windows, sticking out of the window to the street. They are not difficult to remove them, and then install in place (though, with a large width of the sash, there will be significant physical strength for this).

And we are not cold

You truly save warmly on the loggia only swing windows with double-glazed windows. You can order frame structures from plastic, wood or "warm" aluminum, there are no restrictions. The main thing is that the heat transfer resistance of the window was at least 0.55m2c / W - then the loggia is easy to dump using not too powerful electrical appliances. If you bring this indicator to 0.6-0.7 m2c / W (which is possible, for example, when using five-chamber PVC profiles in combination with two-chamber windows with a thickness of 36mm or single-chamber windows with energy-saving glass and filling argon), how practice shows The room can be heated with a room radiator of central heating through an open balcony door.

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Photo 9.

Photo V. Loginova

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Installation of "warm" glazing (carried out by masters of the company "Windows Factory"). This looked like a balcony before reconstruction (9). At first, in terms of the level, they checked the geometry of walls and parapets (10). The cocoon boxes attached an expansion profile, sealing the joints of the mounting foam (11). Attached the mounting plates by choosing the length of the screws with such a calculation so that they entered the body of the main profile (12). Installed (13) and previously recorded in the opening box of the first window (14), checked its position in terms of level (15). With the help of a connecting profile and silicone sealant, the junction of adjacent boxes (16).

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After the entire design was finally leveled in the opening and secured, the mounting seam was filled with polyurethane foam (17). They saw off the size of the emalied steel (18) and installed it in place (19). The ends of the profiles were closed with plastic plugs, and then two parts of the low tide pulled with each other self-draws (20). Covered window sash and checked the work of the locking fittings (21), they screwed the opening limiters (22). They glued on the wall with a langer tape and neatly covered outside the installation seam, using tile glue as a working solution (23). The windows are mounted flawlessly, it remains to conduct finishing works (24).

Alas, when opening the sash, the opening window "eats" the place, which is especially uncomfortable on a narrow loggia. It is necessary to either make a minimum width (because of this, light shifts will noticeably deteriorate and the cost of windows increases), or look for alternative solutions.

Not so long ago, for glazing loggias began to use systems such as "Harmonic". Special profiles for them are released by DECEUNINCK (Belgium), Gealan, Profine, Rehau, Schco, Veka, and Accessories, Hautau, Siegenia-Aubi (all Germany), Maco (Austria). True, as long as they are not too common, as they are about 1.5 times more expensive than ordinary windows (at least 12 thousand rubles. For 1m2) and also inferior to them on hermetic, despite the presence of two contours of rubber seals (after all, In contrast to the opening window, the "Harmoshk" sash can not be equipped with pressure fittings).

It should be borne in mind that any "warm" design has a significant mass, and a slim skeleton parapet cannot serve as a reliable base. It means that it will be necessary to increase the frame with additional metal elementary elements and jumpers from angle or chapellor with shelves with a width of at least 30mm. Subsequently, the cavity of the frame design is filled with mineral wool slabs (combustible materials, such as foam, cannot be applied). Another embodiment of the parapet is more common with the inner side of it is laid out the wall from part-floor foam blocks.

Note that all the fencing erected in this way (together with the windows) will put on the slab slab, which is not always able to withstand a similar load (especially if for many years nothing has protected it from moisture). Therefore, before being taken for business, order in an independent firm an examination of the state of the stove - it may be that no work cannot be carried out at all.

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Photo 25.


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25-26. Profile systems: 25-five-chamber expert (KBE); 26- three-chamber sliding 222 (WINTECH).

27-28.Systems of window profiles: from 640 (Provedal) - sliding two-tailed from "cold" aluminum (27); Innonova (TRocal) is a five-chamber 70mm mounting depth of PVC (28).

Will we not be winter!

If you do not really need a warm loggia, it is enough to make the so-called cold glazing. Perhaps the most popular profile systems of this type are made of aluminum. They are offered by Provedal (Spain), Astek-MT under the brand KRAUSS (Russia) and Glasluckan (Finland). The inventory set includes two guides (upper and lower) and the required amount of cloths with strapping from hollow profiles with a cross section of 3020 or 5020mm and filling with a glass of 5mm thick (optional or triplex can be installed). Each of the canvases is equipped with two plastic rollers, which move along the bottom guide, and the upper holds the canvas in a vertical position. Inside the contact of the seas with guides and each other there is a brush seal. Such a design helps to reduce the noise level of 8-12DB, besides, the loggia will be 5-7C warmer. If desired, the window can be equipped with a mosquito net - for this, special holders screw themselves to the main profiles outside.

The difference between the LuxSyst system (Glasluckan) from products Provedal and "ASTEC-MT" is that the first guide has four rails, and two others are only two. The Finnish design is better suitable for long rectilinear "runs": at three sash in the open position, it will free up 2/3 of the width of the opening (and not 50%, as with two-link guides), and at four or eight sash-3/4 opening.

The standard color of aluminum profile is white, but by ordering in the company they paint the powder enamel in any color of the RAL palette, and from the inside can be covered with a film that imitating the texture of the tree. The cost of sliding structures from aluminum profiles - 2500-4500 rub. For 1m2 (much depends on the configuration of the loggia, the type of glass, the presence of additional elements, for example, frying).

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Photo 29.

Photo by V. Grigoriev

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Installation of the sliding aluminum system LUXSYST (carried out by the master of the company "GLEZER"). Karapapet attached a plastic window sill, exposing it in terms of level (29). Kodoconnik vaccinated the lower guide (30). Outside, the old fence was covered with sheet metal, painted by the weatherproof paint (31). Pre-winding the hole in the slab plate and scoring the dowels in them, the brackets from the steel corner were attached to the ceiling (32). With the help of plates and screws, they collected a thickness of 20mm with a thickness of 20mm for the upper guide - it should completely repeat the configuration of the lower track (33), joined it on the brackets (34). The profile was dug into size (35) and, using a plumb, installed exactly above the lower rail (36).

Plastic compromise

On the principle of the device, plastic sliding systems for glazing balconies are very similar to aluminum. However, the guides (they are only two-barrels), and the sash strapping is performed from three-chamber PVC profiles with a steel reinforcing liner, and the brush seal makes a double row. The width of the sash profile allows you to install a double-glazed window with a thickness of 16mm. The most famous Slidors system (Hanwha, Korea). Not so long ago, Suntech 222 and Suntech 232 (WINTECH, Russia) appeared.

Due to the properties of the material itself, the presence in profiles of internal chambers and glass packages such structures have higher sound and thermal insulation characteristics than aluminum. The heat transfer resistance of such windows is 0.35m2c / W. Soundproofing tests were not carried out, but, according to experts, these systems can reduce the level of transport noise to 25 dBA.

And yet make the loggia of "winter" with the help of this type of glazing is unlikely to succeed. However, a low-power (up to 500W) included a heater will allow in the cold season to maintain the difference between the temperatures of the internal and outdoor air in 20-25c. The turret is enough to normally store banks with pickles and other strategic reserves. Already early spring here will be able to equip a homemade greenhouse for greenery and colors. True, the price of sliding systems from PVC profiles is slightly higher than aluminum, - 3500-5000 rubles. For 1m2.

Under the noise of rain

Many apartment owners with a narrow loggia makes the glazing option with the end of the translucent design for parapet on the brackets. At the same time, the loggia really becomes a little more spacious: as if the window sill appears, which does not perform in the room, but, on the contrary, it is issued beyond its limits. The IWA also should be refused to refuse such a decision - primarily because to coordinate the redevelopment in this case is unlikely to be able to (architectural supervisory authorities will be opposed). But even if you are not embarrassed by the "semi-legal" status of your loggia, note that the rain and spring droplets are badly knocking on a tin visor, which are usually covered with a remote design, and this noise is perfectly heard in the apartment.

We go beyond the scope

Frameless glazing is perfect for those who want to protect the loggia from snow and rain and at the same time preserve the panoramic view of the surrounding area. As for the indicators of heat and sound insulation, here such structures are inferior to even "cold" sliding aluminum systems.

LUMON (Finland), SKS Stakusit (Germany) and Estel-Project (Russia) are most widely in our market. Like other sliding systems, frameless structures consist of two guides (in this case are made from aluminum) and moving on them the canvas. The difference is that the glass canvas do not have a closed framing, there is only upper and lower aluminum lining. The latter are designed for fastening the roller mechanism, as well as to protect the edges of the edges of the canvases, which when moving the sesters and strong winds face guides. The glass is used not ordinary, and tempered, and its thickness depends on the height of the sash: if it is less than 2m, take the glass with a thickness of 6mm; If more than 8mm. The canvas above 2.4 m are rarely done, and for them it is necessary glass with a thickness of 10mm. Standard Width of Clauses 600 and 800mm. So that the design is less blocked and better protected from dust, brush seals are used between the blade and guide, and between the sash-transparent silicone.

Roller mechanisms of different firms differ from each other, but they all allow the canvas to move along a broken line or radius, provide their light and smooth movement. All systems provide for the movement of the movements in one direction and the ability to "refrote" them by the wall, fully open the opening. To ventilate the loggia, you can open one place-extreme. The cost of frameless glazing is from 8 thousand rubles. For 1m2.

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Photo 37.

Photo by V. Grigoriev

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Photo 38.
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The canvases were installed in place (37). The lower and upper bars of the strapping of canvases have longitudinal grooves in which rail rails come; Both grooves are equipped with a brush seal, but two adjustable rollers are located only below (38). In one place, where the guides are docked at an angle, mounted a rack from the pipe (39), and the P-shaped profiles (40) were then attached to it on both sides. WETI profiles When closing the edges of the sash, equipped with a seal, thanks to which the design is almost not blocked (41). Installation completed (42).

What to think about in advance

As a rule, the loggia is insulated and finished after the translucent design is already installed. And quite often, these works are performed by different contractors. But if you do not think about insulation and the trim in advance, it turns out that the window boxes (in sliding systems, the guide and side restrictive profiles play their role) are adjacent to walls and ceiling, that is, the thickness of the thermal insulation layer and finishing panels will not be taken into account. Away, in the process of installing windows, the necessary indent is very easy to do. To do this, in each profile system there are special expansion elements in which the profile height reaches 100mm. Of course, if you contact a specialized company, which will take over the glazing of the loggia turnkey, do not have to worry about such trifles. Something often with a comprehensive order provide a discount on materials and work.

The editors thanks the company "Khobbit", "Ruduspis Group of Companies", "PROFIN RUS", YUKKO, REHAU, STUDIO GARDA for help in the preparation of material.

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