Cantata in the style of mocha


Four-room apartment with a total area of ​​92 m2. The hostess was required to interior in which everything connected with the routine home affairs could be minimized or simply to derive for braces

Cantata in the style of mocha 12794_1

Cantata in the style of mocha

Cantata in the style of mocha
Framing of the stained partition, part of the rigleel on the ceiling of the living room, the plinths coincide on the tone with carved panels of the fireplace and niche is achieved by a decorative and composite unity of all diverse studio setting elements
Cantata in the style of mocha
The heavy silhouette of the massive dining table maintains the monumental rhythms of the seating living room compositions. Next to the floor partition from the floor to the ceiling separating the cabinet from the dining area. Its sliding sections (width each- 80cm) is supplemented with a fascinated static width of 40 cm. Artistic stained glass windows with abstract pattern made Catherine Brooke
Cantata in the style of mocha
Part of the wall behind the headboard was covered with wallpaper from straw - it turned out this decorative panel
Cantata in the style of mocha
With the help of a sliding door, a small office can be easily combined with the front part of the apartment, its neutral setting is designed in the colors of the living room. The setting is the table, the working chair and two small bookshelves on the walls. Eliminated is a convenient folding sofa with a white upholstery - a guest room can serve as a guest room.
Cantata in the style of mocha
Plan before repair
Cantata in the style of mocha
Plan after repair

The apartment, not burdened with household details, leaves space for a coast of creative thought. But fate infrequently makes the designer such gifts. In the case, the hostess just required a variant in which everything that is connected with the routine home affairs could be minimized or simply derived for the brackets. Thus, the items included in the "Mandatory Program" received the right to "self-expression".

The subtraction method is to characterize the method by which the designer program of this apartment has been built. The hostess is a modern business woman, a lot of time spent on business trips in Tallinn, - did not need an analogue of the "family nest". This meant that the kitchen will not serve for constant culinary experiments, there is no need for a traditional dining group, you do not need to paint the children's and additional bathroom. Asa, the mainstream for storing things, which, under normal conditions, are sometimes paid to a quarter, and even a third of free space, a solid hand has been crossed out of the list (exception, a small cabinet for the outerwear and two wrapping sections in the bedroom).

By the fireplace

Cantata in the style of mocha

The fireplace seems monumental, although it is relatively small: the depth is 60cm, the width is 120 cm. The magnifier of the whole composition gives a decorative portal. Its facade, the base and floor facing before the furnace are made of travertine, the facade along the perimeter turned the horseshoe wooden carved panel from an oak about 15 cm wide. It is tinted with bronze and attached to a plasterboard frame. Depotations under Art Deco was created by the artist Alexander Litvinov. Niche is nearly framed by a carved panel in the same style as the fireplace decor, and its entire inner surface is lined with traverse. Dark panels do not reach the level of the floor, and as if so far over it, so the composition looks easy and elegant. Niche was created not only in addition to the fireplace, but also to hide the pipes behind it.

When choosing a decorative, the energetic modern owner of this housing has decidedly abandoned any "ladies'" landmarks ": sentimental ruffles, ornaments are not for her. Connected connection with the elements of the deco (during his heyday, the house was built) gave the desired result. The apartment combined historical and aesthetic contexts - for example, arched windows, high ceilings and bearing columns that decided to leave as it is.

Artistic kitchen

Cantata in the style of mocha

Although the hostess is extremely rare in the kitchen, there are necessary equipment here. In order to support the aesthetics of the studio, they chose the kitchen with facades and a "apron", trimmed with a whip of white oak and metallized plastic. There is a lot of glasses, not very practical, but elegant: hood cap; The screen softening the sharp light from the lamps above the bar counter; Doors on her facade. Very beautiful gamma walls: two planes are painted into the muted dark pink color ("old rose"), and niche is covered with wooden panels toned under Wenge. We work easily!

Cantata in the style of mocha

In order to visually "unload" a small cabinet (area- 9m2), the designer found a witty solution, moreover, facilitating cleaning: a venged tabletop with a length of 280cm and 75cm wide with a windowsill level to the opposite room walls on special metal fasteners. Outdoor stands were replaced by pairs of hinged drawers at both ends of the table. Each decorative niche on the wall is equipped with an autonomous backlight, and it seems that these glowing spots, separated by the pattern of window bakes, projected the sun on the wall.

After the demolition of partitions who divided the apartment to four rooms, composed on a dull "corridor" principle, there were four bearing columns and a small protrusion of the wall between the kitchen and the bathroom. The bedroom and the office located in the opposite parts of the apartment became autonomous, and the corridor, the living room and the kitchen turned into a representative zone of techniques and recreation. All memorable decorative solutions are focused here, the brightest of the trained travertine of the exquisite fireplace and a decorative niche in Pandan to it, as well as the stained glass partition. The powerful vertical rhythm of the living room enhances the narrow tapestry panel-curtain, the drawing of which reminds brown with a gold tile, not a fabric (it panels covers the heating pipes between the windows), and even the massive column in the center of the room does not disrupt the composition, but turns on to the overall rhythmic pattern. The integrity of the interior is achieved not only by introducing strict forms, but also by the unity of the color scheme: light, cocoa colors with milk wall, the bronze tone of decorative elements, plinths and the floorboard in the living room vary in all other rooms.

Cantata in the style of mocha

Cantata in the style of mocha

Flaming the living room accents (two bright red chests covered with varnish) are compensated by pieces of private bathrooms and bedrooms. In the end, the main decorative role is assigned to textiles: the pattern on the curtains and a wide range of bedspreads causes a carvings association on a fireplace portal, which, in turn, is an interpretation of Ar Deco.

In the living room, the restrained flavor "blast" bright red accents. Their "reflections" appear in the details of the decoration of the bathroom and kitchen. Sacrifice the height of the ceilings (3.1m) did not, and the main role in the lighting of the apartment is played by the ceiling (mostly suspended) lamps that allocate the basic elements of the situation. Thus, in the theatrical environment of this apartment, the convenience and elements of the interior performance are combined.

Tell the author of the project

The apartment in the brick "Stalinky" in the center of the city looked just terrible: shuffling with ceilings and curvatures of plaster, broken parquet floors, pipes in emergency condition. Freeing the premises from the rubble, we made a new screed, leveled the walls with plaster, replaced the window frames. Swimmed, kitchen and hallway equipped with warm floors. The windows overlook the north, and we wanted to let into the house more light, so we chose an open layout in the front zone, mounted a stained glass partition between the office and the studio.

Since housing is located on the top floor, we have received permission to create a real fireplace, whose chimney has brought to the roof. The bathroom and the toilet combined, but between the toilet and the sink made a partition with a sliding door, fully separating these zones. The corner bath model was chosen very large (1.41.2 m), but with a concave front wall, and it does not interfere with the movement.

Designer Anastasia Myllson

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Cantata in the style of mocha 12794_14

Designer: Anastasia Myllson

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