Practical basis


To furnish the bathroom is more difficult than it seems. Wet microclimate dictates its criteria when choosing materials from which furniture is made

Practical basis 12808_1

To furnish the bathroom is more complicated than any other room. Wet microclimate, temperature differences, violation of natural ventilation, contact surfaces with water, all this should be considered when choosing materials from which furniture is made.

Practical basis
Laufeno furniture for the bathroom, about the feasibility of "winged" countertops, chitfully organized from the inside of lockers, Tumb, penalties and other items, we wrote more than once. Today we will talk not so much about their aestheticism and functionality, how much about practicality. Apretetic furniture in the "wet" zone is the one that is protected from the destructive effects of water and steam.

Practical basis
Photo 1.

Jacob Delafon.

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Jacob Delafon.

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Objects from the presented collections are characterized by harmony of lines, minimum decorative parts, functional self-sufficiency. Podstoli from the Sequoia series (1,2). Mobile stands from the new coordinated collection for the bathroom Roca- khroma (3) are ideally connected to color, texture and comfort.

The breeding of bathroom furniture use a wide variety of materials, among which the most common MDF, chipboard, plastic, glass, metal, wood massif (including veneer from it), natural stone, composites. Imagine each of them, and you will do the choice yourself.

But first about the size of the room. This factor has to be taken into account when furnishings of any room. The advanced is not only no exception, but in general there is a special case. It is asked, what is the connection between the materials and dimensions of the bathroom? Straight. After all, the conditions for using furniture in compact and spacious rooms are unequal. A steady, well ventilated (possibly with the window) room, where all products are at a respectful distance from each other, and the furniture is inappropriate for splashes, you can afford almost any materials, even the most "capricious" in operation. Implement a competent alignment of things and the correct selection of materials in a small space. It is more difficult: here plumbing devices are located close to each other, and the podstole washbasin (the main subject of furniture in limited volume) is usually placed in the immediate view of the bathroom or shower.

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Photo 4.


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Antonio Lupi.

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Photo 6.

Arte Linea.

4.Yarco-pink penalty for juicy colorful solutions.

5-6.The set Top from the Materia collection (5), cast countertop from crystallized glass (SIMPLE AL 241 series (6).

As a rule, European manufacturers in the design of furniture take into account the most common in the old world size of bathrooms - on average 4-9m2. Russian measurements other- The area of ​​our bathrooms is most often up to 4m2. Therefore, many leading factories not only produce a collection of furniture, in which natural materials are represented, but also work with artificial materials, as they are often practical and longer.

Plates for every taste

From the slab wood materials, MDF and waterproof chipboard (VDSP) - produce a lot of furniture both European and domestic factories. For the manufacture of the front panels of cabinets and Tumbers, MDF is more often used, for which several layers of primer are initially applied, including polyurethane (it is considered to be more waterproof). Then they are separated by glossy enamels (several layers), resistant to moisture, mechanical damage and abrasion.

Drying using ultraviolet rays makes the surface flawlessly smooth, and the facades are better protected from moisture. At painting, they recently used mainly acrylic paints. However, as in the case of primers, today manufacturers prefer coatings on a more expensive and plastic polyurethane basis. Their advantage is a high degree of gloss and water resistance.

The main approach

As a rule, the furniture for the bathroom consists of separate easily component elements (modules) - with their help, the user builds its own living space. Modularity and variety of formats (especially in European manufacturers) provide limitless possibilities. Almost any of the package of furniture produced by modern factories, you can choose individual elements and place a room in any style: classic, modern, minimalism, high-tech. Spacious bathroom owners have the opportunity to resort to comprehensive solutions in which ceramics, furniture, accessories are widely represented. This allows you to achieve organic interior integrity.

The active use of MDF is explained not only by considerations of practicality and accessibility. This is a good material for designers. From durable and homogeneous plates, it is possible to make parts of different forms (for example, curvilinear) and sizes. But MDF slates are silent, the housings of them make mostly Europeans, therefore the price of such furniture is significantly higher than the domestic.

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Photo 7.

Arte Linea.

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Arte Linea.

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Ideal Standard.

7-8. Writing on glass: Collection of Simple Al 242 (7) and the Simple Al 243 collection (8).

9-10. CENTRAL LINE (9) and IMAGINE (10) - Comfort with any forms and sizes. Competently organized space of drawers allows you to accommodate everything you need in the washbasin zone.

In Russian factories, the body is often performed from the VSP, lined with waterproof melamine. The edge (in the elephant) is closed with a ribbon from PVC so that no gaps remain through which the moisture could be leaked inside the stove. But she still penetrates there. Therefore, in more expensive models, the joints are separated as well as the facades, that is, the layers are missing. From the closis, not only the housings, but also the facades with laminated coating (budget versions) and veneer veneer venerable wood (such as wenge, tick, cherry, zebrano, nut) - in a higher price segment.

The price of furniture from MDF depends on finishing, design, configuration, sizes and manufacturer. There is a decent set of two or three items made at a well-known domestic factory, costs about 25 thousand rubles. For example, a compact substole (plus shell) GEMELLI (Russia) will cost approximately 20 thousand rubles. The cost of European products is different. For example, for the Universal Kit Aktion 811 (Artiqua, Germany) 130 cm wide, including a mirror wardrobe, a washbasin and an end, will have to give 83 thousand rubles.

Plastic is a sign of time

One of the most universal, and therefore popular materials used in the production of furniture for the bathroom, plastic.

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11. Compact substreet attracts at first sight. Practical surfaces can be combined.

12-14.Things of impeccable design (12, 13) and harmony of textures: table top-natural Lava Stone, veneer base-veneer (14).

It is not afraid of water, it is easy to care. The same modern plastics on the aesthetic qualities are not inferior to many other materials, and also serve them by an alternative (first of all they replace the glass). A number of leading European enterprises are working as a gun, it is very fond of famous designers. Spectacular furniture for a bathroom from translucent plastic releases Duravit (Germany). Telma factory (Italy) uses high-strength DURALIGHT-exclusive synthetic material for the manufacture of furniture, the main characteristics of which are durability and simplicity of cleaning. Antonio Lupi (Italy) takes into service high-strength plastic of the new generation CristalPlant. EUROLEGNO, RIFRA (OBTAL) IDR furniture are made of it. The unique technology of applying images on plastic facades is distinguished by the Branchetti furniture (Italy). You can transfer any drawing or photo from rain tropical vegetation to the type of night metropolis.

At the peak of fashion

Practical basis
ArtiquaOd from the most fashionable tendencies of the last summer-worm-table-tops from concrete. Turkish bath (Hammam), thermal sources of Roman emperors or personal baths Naturally, traces of the legendary Roman concrete remained everywhere (Opus camentitium). The practicality of products made of it is amazing. Coody concrete acquires traces of time, he "lives and breathes." Divorces, aging is its characteristic features. Isv and it only paints a thing! The composition of the modern material is not secured: the reinforcing mesh, fiberglass and concrete with additives and plasticizers. Products are cast into rubber forms, grind and covered with special wax, which penetrates into the pores and provides water and dirt-repellent properties. It is enough once a year to wipe their wax to get the effect of the actions. With external brutality, concrete items by weight almost do not differ from ceramic analogues.

Invaluable gift of nature

An array of wood with his "alive", inhomogeneous, always unique texture remains one of the most desirable materials in the interior of any premises, in particular the bathroom. However, it is here that the attitude towards it is just a respectful, howle and wary. Ine is random.

It can be recalled that the first vessels, the furrowing seas and oceans were wooden and what is not exotic material in the bathroom. Finally, it is enough to say about the tree in the interior of the Russian bath, Finnish sauna ...

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Photo 15.


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Ideal Standard.

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Photo 18.


15.Contential SMALL SMALL kit with a ceramics tabletop.

16. The X-Large Solve is wide opportunities for the choice of dimensions in the range from S to XXL, stylish natural colors, milk glass, internal illumination, finishing.

17.Module IMagine program.

18.Fast emphasis quality materials (natural stone, wood array).

It should also be noted that modern manufacturers are trying to manufacture furniture from less hygroscopic wood, which are not so actively absorbed by moisture. For example, it is believed that the oak after staying in water becomes unusually durable. Exotic Tick, Wenge, Zebrano, Iroquo differ in resistance to moisture. Jacob Delafon (France) applies French ash high-strength joinery; ROYO (Spain) - Pine, beech, cherry; Svedberg (Sweden), IDO (Finland) - hardwood wood. But all the firms working with an array must necessarily take into service with the old, time-tested, as well as new moisture protection technologies: the right drying of the material, the coating of the oil, special primers, special paints, ship varnish, wax, or IDR oil.

In the years, the years have received widespread varnishes on the basis of non-polyester, but polyurethane (known, say, two-component polyurethane varnishes voteller, Germany). They have high chemical resistance, wear resistance, capable of extracting wood, are not subjected to scratches and exposure to water vapor.

Practical basis
Practical basis
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Jacob Delafon.
Practical basis

Most often, only the facade and countertops are made from the massif, it is used as a finish. A more popular than an array today is the waterproof multilayer plywood (the number of layers, for example, in table tops for the sink can reach 20), which consists of special varnishes and resins. Objects made of it look very impressive. From this material, some firms, such as Agape (Italy), Eurolegno, produce not only countertops, but also whole designs - sinks with a worktop. The furniture decorated with veneer is relevant. They are facing the array (in order to "reflect its appearance"), and MDF, and the VDSP. Naturally, the veneer is also needed to soak waterproof. Specially selected glue compositions, substrate material. From above, veneer can be covered with varnish, as in the Edition Atelier collection (Keuxo, Germany). As for fashionable areas, it is a pronounced texture (suggest, oak veneer, ebony). The original models lined with a veneer, causing associations with land, stone and sand or creating the impression of touching the skin or tissue.

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Photo 20.

Jacob Delafon.

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Photo 21.

Jacob Delafon.

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Jacob Delafon.

21-22. The revefon collection is a comprehensive solution for bathrooms. The combination of various ceramics and furniture allows to achieve organic integrity of the interior.

It is also the use of furniture from an array, plywood, as well as a trimmed veneer, justified in the bathroom with an area of ​​about 15m2, with good air circulation and the level of its humidity, not exceeding 75%. Practice shows that it is often even a good treated tree sooner or later "pulls" moisture, and when drying it can be "a story". The same different facades have a different drawing, and the selection of the latter makes the furniture more expensive.

For furniture in the bathroom generally needed an eye yes, and for the objects of the situation with elements of wood, as well as the veneer, especially. Furniture with details of the array produce manufacturers of high price segment - CRG, EURODESIGN, LINEATRE (all - Italy), Gama Decor (Spain), Villeroyboch, Keramag, Ideal Standard (all Germany), Antonio Lupi, Artiqua, Duravit, Keuco and etc. Furniture set price for washroom zone - from 130 thousand rubles. Whitalian and German manufacturers are sometimes one subject (in expensive versions) costs almost as much as a whole set. So, the sink with the podstole (Villeroyboch) will cost approximately 100 thousand rubles. Aza Kit from the Massif Factory "Two Aquarius" (Russia) (Podstole, Pencil, Mirror in the frame) you need to post 50 thousand rubles.

Glass, circle glass ...

Among the natural materials used in the bathroom, the glass plays a special role. It has a unique ability to fit all styles, easy and unobtrusively to serve as a shelves or doors, decorate the interior, be relevant both in small and in a spacious "wet" zone. AV plane of water resistance glass is perhaps out of competition - water and a couple it is not afraid at all. Curious solutions - monolithic countertops-shells (they are interesting and from the point of view of hygiene), as well as whole sets of glass, including cases, cabinets, hinged lockers. The choice of models from this transparent material, both compact and impressive dimensions, is huge.

Practical underground, made, for example, from lacquered MDF or vengeated VDS, completely covered on top of a glass worktop, and glass designs consisting of sink, countertops and underpants.

The combined products are attracted by extensive color gamut, airiness and transparency. The furniture for the bathroom is made of a special safe (self-skametry) tempered glass with a thickness of at least 15mm, which provides a long service life. Antonio Lupi factory uses DUROGLASS-resistant glass scratches, on which there are no marks from water at all.

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Photo 23.


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Photo 24.

Jacob Delafon.

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Photo 25.


23-25. Distributed underground and table top - a practical approach to the arrangement of a washbasin area.

To take care of the glass is easy: it is enough to wipe it with a dry soft napkin and it will shine, besides there are a lot of money to care. However, it is worth remembering that the broken restoration surfaces are not subject to. Aesley table top is part of a single design, you have to change all. Glass Countertops are produced by Fusing Art (handmade art glass), Metalkris (glass in combination with metal or MDF), Tecni.Reflejos (all-Spain), Decotec (France), Arte Linea (cast countertops), Gruppo Tremese, Rapsel (All Italy), Elita (Poland), Ledeme, Rassland, Senli (all-China) IDR.

Natural or composite?

None of the building materials, except natural stone, cannot claim the title of "eternal". Not in vain, it is considered a symbol of strength, and over time it becomes even more beautiful. Improduction of furniture Natural stone (marble, as well as granite, basalt, onyx) mainly use as a large table top. It is fixed to the sink to it from above, which eliminates the need to polish the end of the holes drinking under the washbasin and drill those for mixers and fasteners. All this makes the tabletop less expensive, but the table top with a sink attached from below is more convenient and practical.

Natural stone, like any other material, requires care and careful relationship. Kschastina, there are a lot of products for the care of natural stone products and maintaining its natural beauty: soft shampoos, special poly rays, giving glitter polished surfaces, all kinds of oil and water-repellent compositions, cleaners, universal fluids that serve simultaneously and for protection, and for Polishing. All of them do not change the color of the stone, do not form a film and do not leave any traces with proper use.

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Photo 26.

Arte Linea.

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Photo 27.

Arte Linea.

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26-27. Makel Arte Linea from crystallized glass approaching the properties to natural crystal, beautiful and practical. There are unique casting technologies and subsequent glass processing. Suspended substole Diva from an array with a glass countertop and an integrated ones of the original form (a) integrated into it; Collection of MetaFora (b) - a modern look at the classics.

28.The composition from the Evolution 211 series, which is characterized by harmonious rounded shapes, granite, crystal glass and ceramics are combined. The beauty and nobility of natural materials are emphasized by the glitter of glossy facades.

29.Complek "Premier" is made in the style of Deco. Complex facades and graphic image of palm trees complement the expressive design of the novelty.

Table tops made from natural stone placing from plates (Slabov). The price depends on the quality and variety of stone, the thickness of the plate, design. Wasting 1pog. Marm Slab costs from 10 thousand rubles, granite - from 4- 5 thousand rubles. But it is approximate numbers. Salmon with a stone when working a lot (you can ruin all the stove).

Increasingly, composite materials appear in the interior of the bathroom. The beginning of them was put by Corian, created by DuPont (USA) and perfectly proven himself in all respects. Today there are other types of artificial stone: Antracite, Avonite, Geta Core, LG Hi-Mass, Montelli, Polistone, Staron, Tempest. The artificial stone is resistant to water, is able to imitate the texture of any natural stone, is easily processed, and the coating with a gelkuty makes it antibacterial and resistant to stains. True, there is an artificial stone almost as expensive, as well as natural (from 10-15 thousand rubles. For 1m2).

Russian manufacturers offer more affordable analogs- for example, injection marble, consisting of marble crumbs or quartz sand and polyester resin, at a price of 5 thousand rubles. For 1 p. m. One of his dignity is an unlimited choice of colors. The use of various types of fillers and dyes allows to obtain a complete imitation of natural marble, malachite, jasper. Square "Color and Style" (Russia) There are not only countertops, but also the entire plumbing from molded marble.

Artificial stone is the optimal material for the manufacture of furniture intended for the bathroom. Monolithic seamless countertops-shells are presented in the collections of many European manufacturers, such as Hafa, Westerbergs, Keuco IDR.

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Photo 30.


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30-32.Rerous glass Rapsel (32) and its substituent polycarbonate in the aluminum frame - in the stylisticly desposed CASE collection (Laufen) (30, 31).

Podstole with such a countertop is one of the most practical options. The sinks with a tabletop of any sizes are a universal solution for the bathroom: they are well combined with the substrem, but can be used without it. Countertops made of artificial stone make to order. The properties of the material are such that the finished product can be trimmed even at home. This makes it possible to embed the shells with countertops in a niche. Care for surfaces from molded marble is simple enough soapy solution and sponge. Water leaves no deposits on their surface.

Production of composite materials is improved. Abroad, the technology of Solid Surface is widely distributed, the technology of the original composite material with a solid blurry surface is widely distributed, which makes it possible to refuse to coating with gelcoat. Products released on this technology have unique properties: they are durable and easy, beautiful (with the effect of monochrome marble, granite, suede, gold, bronze, silver), hygienic, maintainable, non-flamns. Iikal restrictions in design and finishing!

Around countertops

One of the most active dots of the bathroom-zone of the washbasin. Therefore, thinking on the organization of space around it, you should take care not only about the place for all sorts of little things, but also about the choice of materials, especially for the table top. Because, for example, mounted lockers can be isolated from the immediate effect of water, and there is no tabletop.

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Photo 33.

Jacob Delafon.

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Photo 34.

Jacob Delafon.

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Photo 35.

Jacob Delafon.

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Photo 36.


33-35.idol- New collection of Jacob Delafon- geometric shapes, massive handles and real rainbow colors: white matte, chocolate, dark blue, gray, pink and turquoise.

36.QUEnted podstol with comfortable handles and "winged" Mounted granite countertop create in the bathroom atmosphere of comfort inherent in residential premises.

The most convenient option is a table top with "wings" or at least with one small (right-or left-sided) "wing", on which, as on the shelf, it is easy to decompose everything that I would like to have at hand. Ideal seamless casting table top of a ceramics, molded marble, glass. The remaining materials suggest reflections. Here everything will depend on the degree of operation, accuracy of users and size of the room. Supply bathroom is advisable at all to abandon the table top and install a washbasin with protruding sides on the prestole, towing it to the spray, and to storage use the mirror locker and the substole. Supporting precautionary measures and for reasons of hygiene is better to purchase a wall model. Well, the choice of dimensions and materials of lockers is determined by their necessity, the presence of free space and layout of the room.

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Photo 37.

Arte Linea.

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Photo 38.


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Photo 40.

Arte Linea.

37-39.Fantas of designers are inexhaustible: Arte Linea (37), Rapsel (38), Villeroyboch (39).

40. In the production of furniture Arte Linea uses innovative technological developments, not forgetting traditional skills, about the elegant design of the whole composition, high quality materials and components.

The tendency of the layout of furniture elements remains unchanged over the past 10 years. This is minimalism, easy, open, not loaded, but at the same time functionally organized space.

The editorial board thanks the representative offices of Ideal Standard, Roca, Villeroyboch, Royo, Sanitec, Koller-Rus LLC, the company "Color and style" for help in the preparation of the material.

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