All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice


Ceramic sinks are a popular solution for decoring the kitchen. Are they practical? What is worth considering when choosing? They answered these and other questions in the article.

All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice 12830_1

All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice

Traditionally it was believed that plumbing from ceramics is intended only for bathrooms. However, with the advent of ceramic miles for the kitchen, it became clear that it was not. They are not inferior to the counterparts of stainless steel and stone, and in something and noticeably surpass them. We will tell about the features of the equipment and what to pay attention to when choosing.

All about washes from ceramics

What are manufactured from

Pros and cons

Criterias of choice

- Method of installation

- Dimensions

- color and form

- Accessories

Ceramic shells are made of

Ceramics are clay products, which added various mineral fillers. The mixture is formulated, then burned in the furnaces, cooled. Depending on the composition of the raw materials, several types of material are distinguished. For the manufacture of plumbing, three of them are most often used.

  • Faience. White clay is mixed with chalk and quartz sand. From such raw materials, a porous material is obtained, which is necessarily covered with glaze. This is the cheapest variety of ceramics. Over time, covered with a network of cracks, which spoils the type of equipment.
  • Porcelain. It is made from a mixture of kaolin clay with sand and fieldspap. It turns out very dense material with a vitreous smooth surface. It does not need additional coverage. It is easy to wash and serves a long time. The disadvantage is considered a high price.
  • Porcelain stoneware. The composition of raw materials is introduced granite crumb. This significantly improves strength, wear resistance and other performance characteristics. Porcelain stoneware is similar to a natural stone, can be painted with special enamels in any color.

All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice 12830_3

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Pros and cons of ceramic sinks for the kitchen

Ceramic bowls have many advantages.


  • Ecology. In the production process, only non-toxic natural components are used.
  • High reliability and long service life. If we exclude mechanical impact, they will serve decades.
  • Attractive view that they retain throughout the operation. An exception is an inexpensive faience, which over time is covered with thin cracks.
  • Resistance to moisture, aggressive chemistry and temperature drops.
  • Good noise absorption. Ceramics muffles sounds. Therefore, there is no annoying ring from a jet of water, such as in stainless steel.
  • Simple care. The coating is easily washed away from contamination. They are not delayed on a smooth surface.

Ceramic bowls are not perfect, they have and cons.


  • The massiveness is due to the high density of the material. Significant weight makes it difficult to transport and install. Furniture design should withstand massive sink.
  • Fragility. A strong blow can split the product. Therefore, it should be carefully handled in the process of operation, and especially when installing.
  • Repair is impossible. Cracked bowl can not be repaired, just replace.

All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice 12830_5

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Criterias of choice

It is easy to choose a ceramic shell, but you must take into account four important criteria.

1. Installation method

The sink can be embedded in the tabletop or installed on it from above. Describe each option.

Overhead design

It received its name for the feature of the installation. The bowl is literally superimposed on the end, completely closes it from above. It is usually a rectangular shape, dimensions correspond to the size of the base. From one or on both sides there may be "wings", so called corrugated surfaces for drying dishes or vegetables. The invoice equipment is easier to install. Access to all design elements is not complicated, which facilitates maintenance and repair. The disadvantage is the disaster design and the possibility of leaking water between the Tumba and the sink when using poor-quality sealants.

All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice 12830_7

Curling system

The bowl is inserted into the hole prepared in the worktop. At the same time, its sides may be closed with a working surface or be below it below. The plus is considered a variety of forms, versatility, since the insertion is possible in furniture of any type. Curling equipment is convenient to use, it is very functional, because it can additionally be equipped with various accessories: with a grid for drying, cutting board. The most significant lack of mortise structures is considered complex installation.

All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice 12830_8

2. Dimensions and number of compartments

The first thing to determine is the depth of the bowl. The standard size is considered to be 15-18 cm. It will fit enough enough dishes, but it is inconvenient for washing pallets and large saucepan. If in the kitchen is often preparing a lot, it is better to buy a deeper wash. The depth is less than 15 cm. You should not choose - the water splashes will fly throughout the work area. Product dimensions are selected based on the size of the kitchen and the activity of its use. For small rooms, compact options are approximately 45 cm. For more spacious kitchens - standard 55-60 cm models and more. From how active you use the sink, the number of compartments will depend. One is enough for those who prepare rarely and use the dishwasher.

If there are often a lot of dishes prepare and accumulate, the design with two bowls is suitable. They are usually the same in dimensions. There are still "one-time" models. They also have two compartments, but the second is twice as smaller. It is used to defrost products, washing vegetables. Models are manufactured with three branches. Bowls compartments are not always located straight. There are constructions with an angular location. In the photo - ceramic sinks for a kitchen with several bowls.

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All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice 12830_10
All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice 12830_11

All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice 12830_12

All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice 12830_13

All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice 12830_14

3. Color and shape

Traditionally, ceramic shells were white. Now there are products of different shades on sale. The pigment is added to the raw material, then the material is completely painted, or the layer of color glaze is superimposed. The mixer is selected to the tone of the plumbing or choose a model in a metal version. Very beautiful ceramics with painting. These are exclusive models. They are hand-made manually, then cover with icing and re-burn. The process is very laborious, therefore the price of painted products is high.

Bowls and shape differ. Describe possible options.

  • Rectangular. Convenient for narrow countertops. Due to the elongated form, the capacity of the equipment is preserved.
  • Square. Suitable for any furniture. According to reviews, a plus of square ceramic washing for the kitchen is considered compactness. At the same time it is very roomy.
  • Triangular, or in the form of a trapezium. Used for angular headcards. Compact, but not always convenient for the hostess.
  • Round. Suitable for headloves of any size. But at the same time it is necessary to take into account that its capacity will be less than the square.

Shells are manufactured by an individual project. It is important that the attractive design does not prevent functionality.

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All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice 12830_16

All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice 12830_17

All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice 12830_18

4. Additional accessories

To make the sink, it is convenient to use, manufacturers produce various additions. For example, additives. They can be smooth or corrugated. They are convenient to dry the dishes or clean vegetables. The platforms can be a single integer with the sink, in this case they are called "wings", or fixed on the bowl. Washings are released without them or equip one or two additional elements.

Practical cutting boards inserted into the grooves on the sink. They can be moved along the groove, choosing the most convenient position. On such a board, it is good to cut fish or meat, chop vegetables. The basket-colanterer is another useful device - designed for defrosting products or drying of washed fruits and vegetables. Its dimensions correspond to the sink. It is fixed on the facet, but it is in the sink.

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All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice 12830_20

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All about ceramic sink for the kitchen: pros, cons, species and rules of choice 12830_22

Ceramics is beautiful, reliable and serves decades. All this is subject to compliance with the rules of operation and a properly made choice. It is important to pay attention not only to the design of the model, but also on its technical characteristics. It is better to choose famous manufacturers. You can expect compliance with quality and safety standards.

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