Brilliant work


Do you think the dishwasher is an excess? Read this article - and perhaps you change your point of view, as well as be able to choose a suitable model and learn about the subtleties "Communication" with the device

Brilliant work 12831_1

Do you think the dishwasher is an excessiveness? We are confident that coping with soaking dishes is better? Read this article - and perhaps you change your point of view, as well as be able to choose a suitable model and learn about the intricacies of "communication" with the device.

We often do not even think about buying a dishwasher. According to statistics, among all the home appliances, the share of sales of these devices in Russia is only 5%. Such unpopularity is explained simply: most people are confident that the cost of "dishwasher" is unreasonable and such a simple matter as washing kitchen utensils, does not require special efforts. However, laundering cups and plates manually, you will never reach such high results, as with the help of the machine, the dishes will simply flash cleanliness, and not only externally. After all, at high temperatures (55-70c) microbes die, so the device distensifies children's bottles and canning cans. But that's not all. As you know, time is money, and the unit will free for you more than 200h per year. You will be able to keep the beauty of your hands, since they do not have to be in contact with detergents that aggressively affect the skin. All the advantages can be added another: with the adhesion of the dishwasher, you will stop in the family, one of the hottest household disputes will cease, whose turn today wash the dishes. Calm in the house is provided! In addition, the unit saves about 8 thousand. Lot of water per year compared with the manual sink; If you have a counter, it means that you saves money. Interested in devices? Then read on, we will tell what they happen.

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Photo 1.


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Photo 2.
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Photo 3.


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Photo 4.


1-2. The modern dishwashers are ready to wash even the most fragile glasses. There is a special program "Delicate washing" for which a low temperature (about 45 ° C) is provided and approximately 30 minutes.

3. SMARTOUCH INOX (Blomberg) is equipped with five washing programs, including hygienic. The bulk basket has a bottle holder.

Seven main letters

If you finally decided to get rid of the monotonous dishwashing process, first of all think about the type and dimensions of your future helper. Separately standing aggregate - D3120 (Asko, Sweden), DFN 1500 (BEKO, Turkey), DW7 59 Fi (TEKA), SMS 53M08 EU (Bosch, Bosch, Bosch) are suitable for cuisine. If you are just planning to start repairing in the kitchen or change the furniture set, you can buy a built-in device (along with the designer, prior to it) - ZIA 6428 H (Hansa), GVN 1380 (Blomberg), SX69T1 (NEFF, all Germany), GV63331 (Gorenje, Slovenia).

Warm work

Some dishwasher models are equipped with a heat exchanger-tank, which is located in the wall of the car's washing chamber. It serves to dry the dishes, but he has another feature - make rinsing more comfortable for dishes. After all, a significant lack of rinse in the "dishwasher" lies in the fact that cold water (10c) is served on the preheated dishes, and this is a real temperature shock for items. Of course, instantly cracks will not appear, but with constant washing, the material is becoming more fragile. To avoid this, for example, in the Bosch and Siemens, the dishes are rushed with warm water. During the washing process, tap water (10C) is poured into the heat exchanger. Quclock Cycle Water heats up to 55C due to heat exchange with the walls of a washing chamber and only after that the rinse mode turns on. This turns out a more sparing mode for dishes.

After that, it's time to go to the size of the sizes. Dishwashers are divided into standard (806060cm), narrow (width-45cm) and compact (approximately 554845cm), placing on the table. The number of sets of dishes directly depends on the dimensions, which are ready to accept the unit - 10-14, 6-8 and 4 sets, respectively. Machines of the first type are ideal for a large family, second-handed with cramped space, and the third one will become assistants in a family of two. By the way, the standard set of dishes are three different plates, a glass, a cup with a saucer, salad bowl and cutlery.

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Photo 5.


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Photo 6.


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Photo 7.


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Photo 8.


5.On models SMS 63M02EU (A) and SMS 69M08EU (Bosch) (b) The "Half load" function allows you to wash objects not only in one of the boxes. You can place a smaller amount of dishes in both baskets, water will be supplied from all rocker.

6-8. Constructed dishwashers: SX 69 T1 (NEFF) (6) and DFG 2070P2B (Gorenje) (7). The cost of this type of devices is usually 20% more than separately. They can be completely hidden behind the facade of furniture or partly (the door of the aggregate is visible).

So, with the place and the "appetite" figured out, now you can safely go to the store. Forward turn on the price tags, in addition to the very cost of the device, the three main parameters are indicated: power consumption, sink quality and drying of dishes. As in other categories of household appliances, 6 Latin letters are right here, from the best indicators to G-at the lowest. True, "dishwashers" belonging to the class below with, now no. As for power consumption, everything is clear: the smaller the car "eats", the more modest will be an electricity account that you get. Say, 1h operation of the device with a width of 60cm will cost you at 1,74 rubles. in class A and in 2,41 rubles. In class C. Washing quality indicates how well the unit copes with various contaminants. It is determined as follows: In the laboratory, remnants of various food products (egg, oil, minced meat, mulior IDR are applied to the dishes.) And then dried for 2h. After washing in the car, the surviving pollution is studied and compared with the indicators of a special reference device, which demonstrates stable results with each wash. After several cycles of the "examiner", the data averaged the test apparatus put an assessment and assign a car wash class. Everything happens with drying, everything happens similarly, only instead of pollution set the amount of water remaining on the dishes.

Rules loading dishes

Brilliant work
ASKOV The bottom basket is better to load pan, frying pan, pallets.

In the upper one should lay lightware, glasses, cups, plates.

Trays, babysitters, caps are more advantageous to place a basket on the sides, checking that they do not interfere with the rotation of the rumor.

The largest and non-standard saucepans and frying pan placed on folding shelves in the lower basket.

Pans, Saladers IT.P. put upside down.

Cutlery put into a special basket with a handle down, with the exception of knives, which should be placed by handle up or horizontally.

Glasses and glasses for their safety are installed on special holders, and knives for safety are put in the basket.

In order not to damage the glasses with long legs, they are placed in an inverted form in the basket for glasses.

Program Guide

Vannunny dishwashers are up to 10-12 different washing programs. It is believed that than them are more, the easier it is to choose the best option for each type of dishes. But in practice, as a rule, people enjoy only three: "intensive car wash" (for highly polluted dishes), "Normal washing" (for the medium-dressed) and "fast washing" (for a weakly aggregated). The first occurs at a temperature of about 70s. It is possible to wash everything, including sticking food with starch content (potatoes, pasta, cereals IDR). The second flows at 65s, it is even a burnt food. The third (at 55C) goes about 2 times faster than the second. Main help without any problems launder slightly blurred dishes.

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Photo 9.


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Photo 10.


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Photo 11.


9.The dwaround machine DW60 AES (Ardo) (a) with electronic control is designed for 12 sets of dishes. Five five washing programs. Model DW60 AEL (Ardo) (b) more "advanced". It is equipped with 10 sink programs, there is a special shelf for knives and long accessories, comfortable ergonomic handles. It is possible to make half loading and postpone the start of the start of work at the right time.

10. Models DFG 051 S (a) and DFG 050 (b) (InDesit) are designed for 12 sets of dishes, they have five washing programs, it is possible to bring hot water.

11.Shentile DFN 6832 B (BEKO) is made in anthracite color, it has eight washing programs.

In many models there is a "delicate washing", which occurs at 45s, and therefore it is ideal for washing thin glass and porcelain (they cannot withstand high temperatures). True, it does not remove severe pollution.

Brilliant work
Electrolux proliferated and "pre-wash" ("soaking"). If the dishes are substantially blocked with fat, burnt food. IT., when you turn on the mentioned program, the machine is moistened and, if possible, removes them without detergent, which as a result it is possible to save, and only after that goes to the main washing. This mode is also useful to refresh the dishes long standing in the closet.

Avtot "Automatic washing" is far from all devices. The unit independently determines the number of loaded dishes, the degree of pollution and, based on these indicators, sets the temperature, water volume, and the number of rinsings.

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Photo 12.


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Photo 13.


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Photo 14.


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Photo 15.


12-13. In dishwashers ActiveWater (Bosch), the combination detergent tablet falls into a special compartment in the upper box and completely dissolves under the action of directed water jets.

14-15. Compact models, as well as full-size, can be separate and embedded. The breast location facilitates loading / unloading.

In the early time, the manufacturers began to introduce the principle of separate washing. For example, in the DQF754xe1 model (de Dietrich, France), you can set the "delicate washing" mode for the upper zone, and for the bottom of the car wash program. Thus, it will be possible to simultaneously wash a fragile crystal and a pan. Moreover, if you need to wash only glasses, it is enough to turn on the washing only in the upper zone, then the water consumption will decrease compared to a full-fledged cycle. It is also permissible to work with the lower level.

If you forgot something to put in a dishwasher, you can interrupt its work, place the desired thing, close the door- and the device will earn again.

Water, fire and copper pipes

It seems that the most difficult behind - the car is purchased, it is in the midst of your kitchen and is waiting for connecting to the water supply and an electrical network.

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Photo 16.


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Photo 17.


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Photo 18.


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Photo 19.


16-17. Periodically, you need to clean the filter block. To do this, the microfilter handle unlock the system, pull out the block of three filters, split and wash each in warm water. All this can be done by himself.

18.The whole Miele dishwashers have a download definition function. In addition to it, the device automatically adjusts the program and as a result saves electricity, water and detergents.

19.In SMS69T02EU (Bosch) will fit 14 sets of dishes. The device automatically recognizes the type of detergent that you loaded into it, and for the cycle of the sink uses only 10 liters of water.

Here, too, not everything is so simple. Let's start in order, and first about water. The car is connected to the hoses to the water supply for the supply of cold water and to sewer - for drain dirty. Check that the water supply and drain hoses are not shifted. Usually the "dishwashers" are designed for the supply of cold water. However, water has time to spend time and spending electricity. Some manufacturers offer models - CSF 456 m (Candy), LZ 705 IX EXTRA (HotPoint-Ariston, Obaitaly), ESF 46010 (Electrolux, Sweden) - with the ability to supply hot water. At the same time, the washing occurs faster, because it is possible to save time, usually leaving for heating.

Not a drop by

Brilliant work
Boschherometric washer, a well-thought-out system of connecting to a water supply, hoses with a margin of strength and protection against water overflows - these are the main components of "protection" from leaks. Still in this sometimes in the machines install automatic protection systems: WaterProof (Miele), Aqua-Control (AEG, Germany; Electrolux), Aqua-Stop (Bosch, Siemens) IT.P. If the washing chamber lens or overflow, they will block the water supply and salt it into the sewer, saying this sound signal.

Brilliant work
ElectroluXAther, there is one clause: Connection is possible only if the water temperature in the water supply line does not exceed 60s, otherwise they do not hold the elements of the input channel. But according to Russian standards, this temperature in urban apartments is 60-75s, and therefore the unit cannot be connected. True, you can use the mixer: it will mix hot and cold water, not allowing water to heat 60s to fall into the car. However, this device will significantly hit your wallet: its cost is about 4 thousand rubles. It is likely that someone will seem attractive to use hot water in a country house, because you can connect the machine to the water heater in which it is not difficult to set the necessary temperature. There is another curious subtlety: Since the dishwasher with a hot water supply is designed for water flow 50-60s, it is capable only to heat it, but it is cool. This means that some modes of operation may be unavailable or non-standard- For example, "delicate washing" will not pass at 45 ° C, as usual, and at 55c.

The owners of country houses are useful to find out that for connecting the dishwasher, the optimal water pressure in the plumbing should be 0.05-1MP (0.5-10bar). If the pressure is less, the time the tank may not be filled to the desired level, which leads to poor wash quality.

Brilliant work
Asko. Dishwasher device:

1-top basket for plates, cups, glasses IT.D.;

2-top rocker;

3-lower rocker;

4-special basket for cutlery;

5-lower basket for large dishes

(can be adjusted in height);

6-discharge pump;

7-collapsible filter block;

8-compartment for detergents;

9-door (open)

Increased installation of the dishwasher is akin to the connection was washing. It should also be taken into account that access to water and sewage should be within 1.5 m, but some manufacturers make it possible to extend the drain hose to 3m.

Check that the wiring of the house withstand the appropriate loads. The socket to which the device is connected must be with a grounding contact, and the cable with copper cores with a cross section of at least 1.5mm2 (or by aluminum veins cross section of at least 2.5mm2). The phase (preferably zero) wire must be connected via a network protection machine, designed for a triggering current 16a (triggering time, not more than 0.1C). You should not use adapters and extension cords. It is better to entrust the installation and connection of the service center specialists who provide a guarantee for their work.


To fully use the dishwasher, you should always have a cleanser, rinse and regenerating salt at hand. The rinser facilitates the flow of water from the dishes and creates a protective film. Salt lay for water softening. Overly to explain why the detergent needs, but it is worth saying that it is impossible to use substances intended for manual washing, as they form a lot of foam. Because of it, air traffic jams may appear in the instrument pump, as a result of which the water supply to the rocker is stopped.

What is impossible to wash

In the dishwasher, you can wash almost any dishes - from fragile crystal glasses to cast iron pan and estimates. But despite the manufacturability, some things are not on the teeth.

Crystal is afraid of hot water, it can be washed at a temperature not higher than 50c. Particularly valuable and fragile specimens are better to wash manually.

Due to the contact of stainless steel with detergent, it can darken, and spots are formed on it.

For silver washing a lot of contraindications, when contact with sulfur-containing products (eggs, mustard, vegetables IDR.) This metal sometimes darkens. In addition, silver is black from contact with other metals, stainless steel is especially dangerous for him.

Only heat-resistant plastic is allowed. But it is not happy to be placed in the lower basket (the heating element is close). Plastic can change the color due to the residues of coloring food (carrots, tomatoes IT.P.).

Wooden things also do not wash in a dishwasher. They can crack and dry.

The glued handles of cutlery under the action of temperature are often damaged.

Clay unlawed dishes can not be washed, since clay microparticles clog the filters of the machine.

It is undesirable to wash the mother of pearl and tin.

Decorative dishes and artistic products are preferable to clean manually.

Painting on china can fly after several sinks if it was applied on top of varnish and without protection. It is better to set a short program with low temperatures.

  • 13 items that can not be washed in the dishwasher

The composition of the Russian water is such that it is necessary to apply various means to prevent and remove scale in the dishwasher. The most popular one is salt. It is necessary for the regeneration of the ion exchange resin, which softens the water, not allowing the scale to form. The resin is in the container, and the whole set is called an ion exchanger. The principle of action is as follows: from the water passing through an ion exchanger, the resin takes calcium and magnesium ions (increasing water rigidity), and in return gives sodium ions. So water becomes softer. It is obvious that sodium reserves are not infinite, and therefore they need to be filled as needed. Wet and will help the regenerating salt, loaded into the container at the bottom of the washing chamber. Regeneration occurs during the last rinse of the dishes. VIONO-exchanger injected the saturated salt solution, which remains there for about 15 minutes; During this time, the resin granules get rid of calcium ions and saturate sodium ions.

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Photo 20.


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Photo 21.


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Photo 22.


20. Model SF 25M250 RU (Siemens) By means of sensors, chooses the optimal wash program for your dishes.

21-22.P. Panels are hidden on the door of the door (21) and is not visible in the closed position or is on the facade (22). The display displays information about the selected mode and the current stage of washing.

The value of water rigidity can be found in the utility bodies or find out by purchasing a test indicator. Recompute with these data and stiffness table (it is in the instruction manual of the machine) should be set on the regulator the desired value so that the ion exchanger takes the number of salt. The approximate salt consumption is 1.5kg for 20 miles. The indicator will prompt when the salt will end (it will light up or shimits) so that you can replenish its reserves.

Some models provide freedom of choice: use the detergent, rinser and salt separately or buy a tablet "3 in 1" ("4 in 1", "5 in 1" IT.D.) - a universal detergent that combines the advantages of all three components . Be alerting, the tablets are allowed to upload only to those machines that provide such an opportunity. Otherwise, if the program of work does not correspond to the sequence of dissolving the three layers of the tablet, the rinser, for example, is dissolved during washing, and therefore it will be useless. Please note: if the car, gaining water, skips it through the ion exchanger, can not do without salt, and if it does, bypassing this node, then you can use tablets. When you turn on the function "3 in 1", the unit turns off the operation of the ion exchanger, and the substance that prevents the appearance of scale, is only with a tablet.

Internal secrets

The dishwasher is connected, all the necessary funds are loaded into it, and it is ready for work. But let's still look inside that the device consists and how washing is happening.

The unit washes the dishes with the help of water jets, chemicals at a certain temperature. The sink process begins with pre-soaking (if it is provided for by the selected program): The machine takes water from the water supply and supplies it into a shower nozzle and nozzles of hollow rotating rockers, which are hiding the dishes with powerful thin jets, leaning the remaining food and fat. Together with the largest particles of food, the flow rushes into the sewer. Then the machine recipes the water again, heats it and adds the detergent. This stream is sent to the dishes, flushes the remaining contamination, passes through the cleansing filters, returns to the dishes and so until it becomes clean. Taking from the water pipeline on average 10-20 liters of water, by means of pumps for the entire car wash cycle, the device pumped several thousand liters. It is this cycle that allows water to save water. The exhaust fluid pump drains into the sewer. Now the rinsing time has come. The car recipes the water again, pours into the rinser, and the water flow draws dishes, after which, in turn, descends into the sewer. The cycle of the dishes will dry.

But how does it all work? Heating is carried out by tubular (tanes) or flow heaters. The first are located at the bottom of the washing chamber under the lower sprinkler, the second is hidden under its bottom. The power of the heater can reach 2.8 kW. Water to the rocker is a pump that is under the bottom of the camera machine. The amount, the shape and location of the holes are calculated so that the jets drowning from the nozzles led the rocker rocker.

Frequent use of fluid in the instrument provides filters installed at the bottom of the waterborg. The "dishwashers" applied a multistage cleaning system with various filters: mesh stainless steel, microfilter, coarse cleaning. But for the cleanliness of the filters themselves, you need to follow-after ten washing cycles, you need to wash the entire block, and remove the remaining food particles from the first filter each time. The spent water after washing is drained into the sewer system using the pump, and it does not allow return valve to the drain tank.

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Photo 23.

De Dietrich.

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Photo 24.


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Photo 25.


23. Panel devices of embedded models de Dietrich is made of stainless steel. Machines can be practically inconspicuous, the smooth facade remains in sight, and the control panel is hidden on the door of the door.

24. PowerClean (Whirlpool) 32 Nozzles, located in the rear of the washing chamber, serve water under high pressure. This allows you to more effectively cope with strong pollution, it is easy to remove even burnt food. Since water under pressure is supplied only in one zone, it will protect the fragile dishes located in the upper basket, from damage.

25.B Dishwashers PowerClean (Whirlpool) Installed self-cleaning filter. This means that you do not have to constantly disassemble the device to ensure the functioning of the filters.

Once a professional undertook to work, he will bring it to the end. The dishwasher assembly will not only wash the dishes, but also dries it. There are three most common drying methods. For the case, dry room air is served in the machine chamber. To do not get dirty air on the dishes, air filters are installed, which should be cleaned as contaminated. The second method is using the heat exchanger in the chamber wall. After washing and rinsing, the temperature of the dishes is about 65s. The charity of the heat exchanger is poured cold water, and the wall (total for the camera and the heat exchanger) becomes cold. Moisture condenses on it and flows into drainage. Inconale, the third method is a turbosushka: Located on the rear wall of the camera, the fan creates a forced circulation of room air in it, accelerating drying.

Causes of disadvantages

Car is not working:

The plug is poorly inserted into the outlet;

Disabled electricity;

The dishwasher door is loosely closed;

blocked water in the house;

Fuse blocked.

Water does not flood:

closed water supply valve;

The bay hose is incorrectly connected or shifted;

insufficient pressure in the plumbing;

Filter is clogged on the aggregate plug hose.

Poor look of dishes:

Little detergent loaded;

Incorrectly selected dishwashing program;

clogged the nozzle of the rocker;

clogged hose filter;

insufficient water pressure;

No salt in the container.

Stains and leaks on the dishes:

rigid water;

Wash baskets of the unit are overloaded with dishes;

no rinse;

Not enough detergent.

On the whole cycle of washing, depending on the selected program leaves 0.5-2.5 hours. After the end of the work, do not hurry to remove the cooler- give it to cool for 15 minutes.


Although dishwashers are not the most popular device, yet they are in the lineup of almost all manufacturers of large household appliances: Bosch, Miele, Siemens (all Germany), Whirlpool (USA), Ardo, Indesit, Zanussi (All Italy), Asko , Candy, Electrolux, Hansa IT.D. The price is made up of many parameters: dimensions, quantities of functions, water flow level and IDR electricity. Famous brands guarantee better and reliable execution. The standard size machine and the narrow can be purchased for 10-30 thousand rubles. There are models and for 50 thousand rubles., But these are the units of prestigious brands with different additional functions. The cost of compact "dishwashers" - 10-15 thousand rubles.

The editorial board thanks the company "BSH household appliances", Asko, Indesit Compare, Blomberg, East Trading Company (Ardo), Electrolux, Miele CIS, Whirlpool, Candy Elettrodometici S.R.L., Gorenje, Dedietrich for help preparing material.

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