Spring in the house


Multiple interior design techniques and home decorations on the eve of the romantic and bright spring holiday - March 8

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The cultivation of homemade ornamental plants, compilation of compositions and collections from them is an exciting, although sometimes quite time consuming. Proper selection of plants, their location in the house is an important component of decorating the room and even sometimes forming its style. On these pages we want to show several interior design techniques and share the ideas of home decoration on the eve of the romantic and bright spring holiday - March 8.

One of the most spectacular ways of the "Spring Approximation" is considered to be distilled in bulk plants (this direction of the room flower growing was fashionable at the beginning of the HC.), After all, the bulbs can be "to make wake up" and blooming almost at any time of the year, and the number of their species and varieties is large enough And allows you to choose the necessary instances of color and "drawing" for any artistic experiment. Very harmonious compositions from primroses look in country style interiors. Strict volumetric "bouquets" of tulips are good in combination with coarse, like manually molded with clay pots and plates, and "old loud paint" on the tables emphasizes glossy shine and freshness of flower petals (photo 1, 4). At the cottage, even in the office, a saucepan with a motley "flower" from dwarf irises, tulips and hyacinths (photo2) is appropriate. Aacius stairs leading to a cold attic time can become shelves for colors (photo3). Juicy blue color of irises, muscari and hyacinths, a warm tree tone, a cold white porcelain will remind you about the approaching spring with the remnants of winter snowdrifts, protanes and a bright clean sky.

Spring in the house
Photo 1.


Spring in the house
Photo 2.


Spring in the house
Photo 3.


Spring in the house
Photo 4.


Spring in the house
Photo Garshblovsky

Architect V. Hapkinavatat Strict monochrome interior made in the style of minimalism, designers were "cut the window into the forest" with the help of photo wallpapers. The Anebol Oasis among the stone "desert" of the floor is conveniently located in the "dead" space under the stairs. This very spectacular intake of the device of domestic gardens in the deepening of the floor requires good waterproofing and (preferably) eyeliner systems for watering and removing excess water (due to the absence of such a good drainage layer of clay). The location of such flower beds is still determined at the design stage of the interior.

Come to us from European countries for "White" monochrome interiors requires a special approach. Clarity, cleanliness and light, brought into placing with white, with insufficient attention to details can turn into a coldness and ability to be light. To create a home heat and comfort atmosphere, a special elegance is needed and even ingenuity in the selection of accessories and vegetable design. The green color of the leaves is very brightly distinguished on the background of white surfaces, causing attention, so even very small plants in size will be a kind of dominant. Instozits from large white VAZ (photo5) are especially good muscari (Musari pale, white-colorful form is a rather rare species and variety with bell-shaped perisheries, gear on the edges and not tied at the oz, like most of the species). In the case, these nonsense primroses with straight rocky leaves and small inflorescences look absolutely harmonious. "Turkey" made of snow-white paper boxes, an elegant kettle and a cup with a bow attributes of the maiden room ... It may be a tender "bouquet" of white crocusement, the wake-up nature and adolescence (photo6). The emphasis on the form of items is spectacularly looking at hyacinths lined in a flat wide plate (photo7). (With this method, the bulbs are placed on a thin layer of gravel, and close on top of the stones on half of the height. Pour water so that it almost reached the diagram of the bulbs, otherwise they can be dried.)

Spring in the house
Photo 5.


Spring in the house
Photo 6.


Spring in the house
Photo 7.


Spring in the house
Photo K. Manko

Designer A.Levitin

Architect O. SteewnitskayaTot. The type of composition can be called a landscape miniature. Dry Japanese reservoir with small boulders, reed and frozen sculptural caravracks are placed in a strict rectangular design, the low side walls of which serve as benches, and an end-container for plant landing. The anthurium exotic form and flowers planted here supports the eastern topic, but they would have looked at this composition well in this composition and "thickets" bamboo, and indoor cereals, such as reed, ostroane, short-sighted, narrow-barbecue.

When the bulbous plants are forceding, you can use any containers. The nature of the interior, the specific tasks set in front of the decorator - everything can serve as a source of inspiration. For example, with a serving of the table, large glass glasses with low-voltage tulips are suitable as the original decoration (photo8) (flowers can be simply transplanted on the eve of the holiday, however, in this case, flowering time will be significantly reduced). It is rarely rarely found in the pasture of a chess, although minor bulbs allow you to plant it in quite small cups (photo9). The input "tea" composition is thin leaves and gentle flowers of the Ryabchik look very elegantly and organically. Favorite daffodils are comfortable feeling in large containers. Their "character" is more suitable for "rustic" compositions - wicker baskets (photo10), wooden plates. In cases where a hermetic container is placed in the usual household capacity, it is very easy to "return to the previous economic duties", because the time of the "decorativeness" of plants with a distance - no more than 1 months (they usually bloom 7-15 days depending on the type and temperature of the air indoors: the more cooler, the longer the period of flowering). Dwarf tulip - a universal flower for complex compositions, he has a small bulb, which is easy to hide in any art object (photo11).

Spring in the house
Photo 8.


Spring in the house
Photo 9.


Spring in the house
Photo 10.


Spring in the house
Photo 11.


Spring in the house
Photo K. Manko

Architect Ya.Berzinshvnebolom houses and apartments often there is no place for plants. But you can use the old English method (the so-called floral chandelier) is to hang cespets with flowers to the ceiling. Now there are convenient devices that allow you to easily lower the plants for watering and raise to the original place. In the indifferent case, the upper tier was easier to use, it was only necessary to fasten the porridge on the beams, and ferns with their elegant long leaves turned the room into a cozy jungle. (In the soil mixture, with such a placement of colors, you can add special granules to hold moisture, as watering plants are more difficult than usual.)

Very interesting and original idea - the use of a collection of bright cups with the author's "manual" painting (photo12). Dwarf tulips, muskari and anemones in such festive "pots" make up an optimistic life-affirming composition. Similar funny ideas usually appear in children who are easy to teach "wake" flowers when the street is still lying on the street. (For pastures you need to take the most healthy and heavy and heavy bulbs in the fall, plant them into the right "pots" in wet ground with a large sand content and keep in the dark under reduced temperature (4-9C) in the cellar or refrigerator until They do not form a full-fledged root system: for different species - 11-16. Then, when the sprouts reach the size of 2.5-7cm, they can be transferred to a light and warm room where they will flourish through 2.5-3 weeks. To increase the term The flowering of the plant is better to put on the night in a cold place: on the veranda or to the open window.) Of course, not everyone will risk using a favorite service, but for sure there is in the attic of the grandmother's enameled basin or an unnecessary soup (photo13, 14). Everything with a juicy spring freshness of primroses, old things will form you with their beauty, because they were once made with love. A good helper will be collected in the autumn moss: he will close the earth and will retain its humidity.

Spring in the house
Photo 12.


Spring in the house
Photo 13.


Spring in the house
Photo 14.


The editorial board thanks the Netherlands Bureau for the support of agribusiness for the provided illustrations.

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