Slop the problem


Iron selection: design and technical characteristics of the device, useful functions, the most popular models

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Iron sincerely was indispensable in the farm. Its progenitors are considered a rod and a wooden ribbed board; Later he gained a cast iron case, where the coals were put. Let's see what progress has come.

Many companies produce irons: Binatone, Polaris (both - United Kingdom), Bosch, Braun, Rowenta, Severin, Bork (all - Germany), Moulinex, Tefal (both - France), Panasonic (Japan), Philips (Netherlands), Vitek IDR . Among the huge number of stamp editor of the ID "Salon-Press" and you, dear readers, have chosen brands Braun, Moulinex, Panasonic, Philips and Tefal, producing the most sought-after irons. We will submit a model of manufacturers data, we will tell about the most necessary functions and how to choose an iron.

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2-3. Manufacturers pay a lot of attention to the design of irons. The rich color palette, the use of different materials and forms make appliances with decoration. Do not forget engineers and ergonomics, experimenting with the handle of the device so that it is convenient to keep in hand

4. Vertical steaming perfectly refreshing

Folds - fight!

Now buy irons can almost any family. The cost ranges in the range of 300-3000 rubles., Therefore, many can afford not to save and not to look for a less expensive option, but to turn ironing into pleasure. Almost in all modern irons, even in the cheapest, there is a steam-models function. Another thing is that they produce little steam. Udaken from 700 rub., A vertical excipation appears. Per 1 thousand rubles. And more expensive you will get a device with a vapor strike, and for 2 thousand rubles. And more - iron with an extensive set of varied functions.

Couples and only couples

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Tefal Steam Station (GC6320, Philips; GV8120, Tefal; Si 9500, Braun) Very similar to the iron with a steamotrier, but the pair produces about 2 times more. In this case, the power consumption does not increase and is 2-2.4 kW. The pair generator is submitted to a separate unit, which serves simultaneously and stand for the iron. It is in it that the process of vaporization occurs. The reservoir is associated with the iron hose by which steam is served. A large separate water tank allows longer (for 1 to 3) to work without a break, without being distracted by topping the liquid. Powerful steam to the iron is constantly fed, the fabric is better moistened, and therefore it will be easier to try. The same pair power can be adjusted for various tissues. Like irons, steam stations have a "vertical pair" function. So if you are often and a lot of iron, this device is for you. Immediately make a reservation: it is more expensive than irons by approximately 2 times and slightly more in size.

The possibility of moisturizing the fabric is one of the significant achievements of modern producers of irons. After all, it is known that wet things easier to smooth out. True, the water is replaced by a hot ferry, which acts on matter better - penetrates deeper and at the same time does not make it too raw. Hot steam is fed to the fabric through the holes in the sole of the iron. In addition, in some models, such as TDA 2430 (Bosch), Si 18830 (Braun), Ni-A735TSatQ (Panasonic), in addition to the pair, additional moisturizing for hard-fabricated tissues (for example, flax) or strong folds - when pressed to a certain The button from the nose of the device splashes the water to the area of ​​the material along the way of movement of the iron. The more steam, the more thick cloth you can smooth out. Steam consumption is measured in g / min, and depending on the power of the iron, it averages 20-30 g / min (steam is constantly). Almost all models have a powerful steaming mode - a steam impact that lasts only a few seconds; At one press, up to 70-100 g / min steam is thrown. This mode is suitable for dense tissue and deep folds. Averctive sweeping is indispensable for hanging things (let's say, you can, without removing, refreshing curtains or clothes on the shoulders).

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6. Choice of readers: Tefal

In the Iron FV 5230, an improved water bay system: due to the increased diameter, pour water into the tank now right from the tap. Screwing cover provides 100% tightness. The UltraSord system allows you to hold the cord at a distance from the fabric.

  • Power - 2.2 kW
  • Steamback - 95 g / min
  • Water tank - 300 ml
  • 7. Selection of the Journal of Your Home ideas: Braun

    Iron Si 17780 is characterized by a sole design: on the spout of the model, as close as possible to the edge, 27 holes are located through which more steam is supplied than usual. This model will smooth out complex details on clothes - pockets and collars - it became much easier.

  • Power - 2.4 kW
  • Steamback - 120 g / min
  • Water tank - 400 ml
  • eight. Selection of the magazine "SALON-INTERIOR": PANASONIC

    The titanium coating of the spherical sole of the Iron Ni-U355 provides the maximum quality of ironing. Vertical evaporation will allow you to smooth out clothes that are inconvenient to have an ironing board. The self-cleaning system makes the model as convenient as possible in circulation.

  • Power - 2.1 kW
  • Steamback - 70 g / min
  • Water tank - 300 ml
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    nine. Choice of the magazine "New Home": Moulinex

    One of the main advantages of the IM 2045 model is that the cord rotates 360, and its length is 2.5m. This gives greater freedom of movements, makes great easier and simplifies the use of the device. The sole is made of stainless steel, and the steam supply is adjustable up to 25 g / min.

  • Power - 1.8 kW
  • Steamback - 70 g / min
  • Water tank - 230 ml
  • 10. Selecting the magazine "SALON-INTERIOR": Philips

    In the GC 4420 model, the Double Active Calc Double Active Calc is preventing the iron to be clogged and allows you to use even tap water. The system works in two directions: a built-in cassette with a special "tablet" provides water mitigation, and the Calc Clean button allows you to quickly remove scale.

  • Power - 2.4 kW
  • Steam kick - 100 g / min
  • Water tank - 350 ml
  • Pay attention to the volume of the tank that is filled with water. His value indicates how often you have to be distracted from ironing to replenish water reserves. The convenience of her pouring also plays not the last role: for example, in the FV 5257 (Tefal) model, the water bay hole is increased by 2 times (about 3 cm in diameter) - not exactly notice.

    Still, the main thing in the iron is the heating element. Hot coals went into the past, and now the heating is answered by the Ten. Consumable power of modern irons can reach 2.4 kW. With the operation of such a "strong" device at maximum power, a lot of electricity will be spent, which will affect electricity payments. But with a high power of the Iron sole quickly heats up, and therefore you will leave less time to smoothing even the most complex folds on things.

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    Iron PIR 1018 (POLARIS) (11) with heating indicator; at the model VV-1710 (UFESA) (12) sole with a non-stick coating; Device MT-1131 (Marta) (13) with vertical steam impact

    Fast and easy sliding on the fabric, and therefore simplicity and the quality of ironing in many ways depend on the sole of the iron. Our soles such as aluminum and stainless steel are most familiar to us. The first is cheap, it works well, but it is not difficult to scratch it. The second is durable, not exposed to scratch, but it heats up longer and cools, besides, it is heavier. Manufacturers are developing their own patented coatings to ensure better slip, strength and excellent non-stick properties. The combination of these and other materials (titanium, metal ceramics, aluminum IT.D.) gives excellent results. In addition, sometimes the soles cover superhard enamel, treated under high pressure and offer protective linings. I am in your pleasure!

    For details, see "IVD", N 4, p. 136, or website

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