Light Misanessen


Features of the choice of decorative lamp for different zones of the apartment, fashion trends in the world of lighting, original models of famous brands

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The king plays a sweet, the atmosphere of the room creates a good, interesting light solution. The light besides the utilitarian function for a long time already performs decorative and increasingly "adapts" to the peculiarities of modern housing, to the style of life of its inhabitants and radically changes everyday life. The center of our attention today is the light objects of the new time.

Light Misanessen
Atelier sedapic would, decorative lamp, only auxiliary element. However, the lamps of an unusual form often become an object of universal interest. Therefore, their choice should be given close attention. Table lamps with a convenient regulator of light most often carry in the interior dual load: in the evening they are needed for work, and in the afternoon they act as a bright decor element. For recreation zone, the flooring is ideal, which can be changed in the level of brightness, height and inclusion of lampshar. He is able to "correct" the proportions of a small living room, for example, lift the ceiling of small room or make a distant wall visually closer. Decorative interior lamps have not only an attractive appearance, but also the ability to influence the mood and the physical condition of their happy owners.

Lamps like art objects

Today, the fashion trend in the world of lighting is the lamps that are art objects. The original lighting device becomes a memorable design accessory. Of course, general lighting is necessary, but in residential rooms the presence of lamps, which not only give light, but are the decoration of the interior. For example, the lamps of unconventional forms (serpent, "angular" IT.P. came to replace the classic desktop lamps. The lamp can be read the book, but, in fact, it represents only auxiliary element in the overall light composition. Still in fashion glass and glass lamps handmade in different styles. For living rooms, laconic forms of stained glass in tone of upholstered furniture are perfectly suitable. As never relevant cocoon lamps, where the light element is hidden behind a translucent cloth. The materials used in their production were strongly evolved lately. So, for lampshades, high-quality fabrics are used, which, despite the apparent fragility, will serve not one dozen years. Another trend of today is an eclecticism. Mixing all styles is welcome. If you fit into the classic interior lamp in Modern style, no one will definitely condemn you for it.

Olga Levitskaya, director of the salon "Lamps. Small Ordina, 39 and Simonovsky Shaft, 15 "

Interesting effects makes it possible to achieve the use of color light. It provides various variants of color design, which determines the overall dance of the interior. Special effects, chromaticity (from the yellow-white spectrum familiar to the human eye to bright neon shades) also spread the boundaries of space and change all genuine colors sometimes beyond recognition. Including color light in the overall interior composition, you can create a wide variety of compositions by mood, turning, for example, at the request of the teenager room sequentially into a rigorous study, an incendiary bright dance floor or a relaxed bedroom.

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MM Lampadari.

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1-2.Rol decorative light - the creation of soft evening compositions and design installations, visual zoning of sites, nuance illumination of interior elements. With the help of lighting in the right place and at the right time you can "program" emotions.

3-4. Original light is doubly called a source of visual pleasure, so its functions are wider than normal lighting of the room.

On the highest level

Currently, the production of lamps and light elements of the decor came to a completely different level. If earlier the light compositions were considered as an interior component, now they make a special accent. For example, to highlight a specific detail of the design, use interesting lamps with reflected light. The light became important as the design element. At the same time, the technical component continues to be improved. Apply various lamps, LEDs and new technologies to save electricity. An ordinary consumer, of course, is unlikely to worry the technical sides of the question, he needs a ready-made result, not just practical, but unique. Manufacturers in such a situation create no conventional lamp, but a peculiar work of art using unconventional materials or, on the contrary, working with the usual raw material and making supernova forms. Need a baroque lamp from the materials XXIV.? Please, it will be easy and incredibly durable. This is the only scenario of the development of the light decor as art: competently apply the traditions and forms of the past, creating completely new light objects in the present.

Andrei Vasilyev, SKOL advertising director

When choosing a lamp, it should be borne in mind that any visual image depends on what light emits the device is warm or cold. The characteristic of the spectrum emitted by the lamp is an important element for creating a certain mood in the room. The more blue in it, the more clearly the human eye perceives objects. The same effect gives most of the fluorescent light sources. Avota at low-temperature lamps the whole interior is covered with a vague, mysterious fler.

Choice of readers

Light Misanessen


Chandelier from stained glass - fine selection for the bedroom. This is one of numerous ways to "paint" light. A small source of color lighting can be supplemented with a small decor, and sometimes it is completely changed. Flafmon Wrushinka is traced to the motifs of exquisite modern style: stylized natural forms, plants with long stems and bright flowers. Due to the simple shape and smooth surface, the ceiling is easy to maintain clean. The diameter of the ceiling - 50cm. Price: 17650 rub.

Choosing the magazine "Ideas of your home"

Light Misanessen
Tobias Grau.

Tobias Grau.

Product specificity Tobias Grau- functional and expressive forms. For example, models are ideal for the working area. Soon the Soon Soon waveform work will only be joy. The flexible design of the device made from acrylic allows you to easily change the level of inclination if necessary. Little translucent sections, of which it consists, resemble the scam, which, together with a characteristic curved form makes it similar to the snake. Price: 12700rub.

Selecting the magazine "SALON-INTERIOR"

Light Misanessen


The lamps of this company are characterized by sophistication and aristocraticness. So, the model in the classic style surprises the sophistication of the details of the color Murano glass. She will emphasize the individuality of your room. Designed for rooms with high ceilings, spreads light throughout the space room. Fan-Shui fans will be able to evaluate this lamp. It is believed that the chandelier with suspension emits positive energy. The size of the main part in the form of the cell is 303030cm. Price: 45300rub.

Choice of the magazine "New House"

Light Misanessen


Products Flos- Classic of modern industrial design. The Taraxacum Cocoon model of the Italian designer of Akille Castilloni is created from spraying plastic synthetic material, which is produced in the form of spray and freezes in the air (it is called Cocoon). The lamp looks extremely unusual, even provocatively, but it does not prevent him from being a model of functionality and practicality. Easy and airplane shaped air shape provides soft scattered light, pleasant to the eyes. Sizes - 6868 50cm. Price: 70875rub.

Choice of the magazine "Apartment answer"

Light Misanessen


Modern coverage of the lighting is such that bulky chandeliers in the living rooms go back. How to replace the overall light source with multiple horns? A reasonable choice is a lamp at which a small room will seem more, and the spacious living room will be as filled with light. The ceiling lamp made of lightwater glass creates a feeling of "air" and visually unload the space of the room. It evenly distributes the light stream. The affordable price makes it even more attractive for the buyer. Metal glass. Price: 6500 rub.

See "IVD", No. 5, p. 114, or


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