Mansard windows: types, features of structures, installation order


Overview of the market of attic windows: ways of opening and types of windows, design features, installation order. Manufacturers, prices.

Mansard windows: types, features of structures, installation order 12881_1

Nowadays, private houses with a cold attic are rarely elevated. Why in vain to lose tens of square meters of useful area? The norm has become a residential attic, almost an indispensable attribute of which - on-site windows. They supply rooms with light and retain heat.

In the northern countries, the roofs of single-family houses are customary to do with a slope of at least 30- Such a roof is better withstanding snow loads. The result is a spacious and sufficiently high room under the roof, but, unfortunately, cold and dark. For a long time, our private developers with difficulty found him use. In the right case, the summer rooms were arranged there (however, on the sunny days they were hot!), In the worst, they used as a warehouse of unnecessary things. To adapt the attic for year-round accommodation was not possible, there was no affordable and efficient technology of insulation of the roof (together with which a few later came to us the concept of "roofing pie", "ventilated roofing" IDR). When such technology and the appropriate materials finally appeared, the future owners of the houses quickly calculated that the residential attic will cost 30-40% cheaper than the total building of the upper floor (the term "complete building" here means that the walls are asked to the height of the ceiling). Yochen soon the symbol of this new approach was the mansard windows.

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1. Mansard windows equipped with an electric drive can be connected to the Smart Home system. At the same time, from the remote control, they control not only sash, but also with curtains, blinds, vents of Ventclapan

2. Windows mounted in the roofs of the most bizarre form, you only need to consider the nuances of their installation when designing a rafter design

3. In winter, the snow, as a rule, slides from the translucent part of the window (especially if the roof has a big bias). Snowflowing structures put at a distance of at least 1m from the windows

4. Highly located windows better illuminate the room, but to control their sash, you need special devices

On special territory

The attic windows conquered us not only by their excellent technical characteristics, but also the ability to change the appearance of the building (they make it more modern), to give an inception interior (thanks to them in the house there is a special coziness atmosphere). The popularity of mansard windows in our country is growing steadily. Today they are equipped hardly every second house under construction. Of course, the attic can be illuminated by traditional ways: with the help of frontal windows or building one or more lug-free. However, the windows in the frontons are far from always give enough light. On the same advantageously, there will be only curly structures here, which are much more expensive than classic rectangular; Among other things, they are not always able to make opening. Well, the cost of the device is luxurious sometimes 2-3 times higher than the cost of the roof window.

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5. VELUX offers the original solution of vertical and horizontal windows with a balcony. Vertical windows sash open a sideways, and the flaps of oblique-up, forming the roof of the balcony

6. Curisa windows are both deaf and opening

7. Model FW (FAKRO) - Swinging window for residential premises equipped with a gas elevator

8. Model 735 K WD (Roto) - a window with a shifted axis of rotation and locking at three points

So, the mansard window is the optimal version from many points of view. After all three companies, Velux (Denmark), Fakro (Poland), Roto (Germany), FAKRO (Poland), Roto (Germany) are presented in the domestic market. Immediately, we note that the windows for the roof are used not only in the attic. They are no less relevant as the second light in a one-story house, especially if it has residential mezzanine. There are designs and for unheated attics that serve both for lighting and to access the roof (often they are located near the chimney). The windows for the roof will decorate both a half-gang, where they can be installed in combination with the so-called cornice windows produced by the same manufacturers.

Together more fun

Ploying attic, proceed from the following calculation: for every 10m2 space area should account for at least 1M2 translucent part of the windows. To illuminate the middle size room, at least two windows are needed. They are located at a distance of each other or group. The latter option in many cases is preferable from the point of view of the architecture of the building and interior design. When creating vertical groups (such in which the windows are one above the other) there are no problems: as well as a single window, such a group can be placed between rafters. (Note that installing windows, if the distance between the rafters is greater than necessary, is easy; worse, if it is not enough.) But for horizontal groups, it will take a stepil step with high accuracy to the width of the windows. For this, the lumen between the rafters (H) is calculated by the formula: H = A + (N - H), where the window of the window box, N-width of the connect element of the salary (usually equal to 100mm), the thickness of the rafting leg. If the rafters are already installed and the value of N-H is less than 20mm (minimum width of the mounting clearance - 10mm), you will have to buy windows to "size" less and order non-standard salary that will cost about 30% more expensive than serial.

Models: Top and not only

Mansard windows have only standard dimensions. Uvelux and Fakro The dimensional rows of the most popular models almost coincide, the Roto line is somewhat different. Wasil operating conditions (during the hail, the glass is experiencing a real bombardment) and mounting features (installation between rafters) Attic windows can not be very large: all manufacturers have the maximum useful glazing area is limited to 1-1.2m2; One of the rare excluses is the GPL (VELUX) window with an area of ​​translucent part of almost 1.5m2. Special-purpose models (for example, window-evacuation hatches) make only one or two sizes.

As for the opening methods, the attic windows are significantly superior to their vertical "fellow". They are:

Medium-turn (sash rotates on friction loops around the horizontal axis passing through the middle transverse axis of the window);

the axis of rotation (friction loops are located at 2/3 of the window height);

Combined opening (the sash rotates around the central and upper axes);

Swing (the sash opens out, turning on ordinary loops relative to the top, side or bottom axis).

At the same time, each of the ways have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the selection of a window of one type or another is largely determined by its purpose. The most popular mid-speed windows are the GGL, GGU and GZL (Velux), FTP, FTS, FTL and PTP (FAKRO), 4th series (ROTO). The sash of this window can be deployed by the outer surface to yourself (the angle of rotation, depending on the model, is 135-180), so that the street dust is easy to washed directly from the room. Accessories allows you to fix the sash in almost any position. The only disadvantage of this method of opening, in the open position of the sash partially enters the room, limiting access to the lowered window (it will be possible to look out on the street, just bent bent). A much more comfortable window with a shift axis (they only produces Roto-7th series) and with a combined opening - model GPL, GPU (VELUX), FEP, FPP, PPP (FAKRO), 8th series (ROTO). True, the first is more expensive than the average mode of approximately 1.5, and the second is more than 2 times.

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9. SP model (FAKRO) - emergency smoke-making window

10. VASSTUMENT VELUX has a balcony window, the lower sash which is equipped with folding railings

11. The glued timber from which the box and sash are made are impregnated with an antiseptic under high pressure, and then coated with three layers of polymer varnish. Treated in this way the tree practically does not affect fungus

12. Plastic windows perfectly suitable for wet rooms

Swing windows play the role of a technical or evacuation hatch. Sometimes they are supplied with a smoke sensor and automatic opening mechanism, so-called smoke-making windows, such as FSP models (FAKRO) and GVT (VELUX) with the lower axis of rotation. Most often, such windows are installed in non-residential premises and do not even always supply with double-glazed windows; Let's say Fakro in its WSS, WSZ and WSH models applies a single-layer plexiglass (polycarbonate) with a thickness of 6mm. But there are swollen models for heated rooms, such as GTL and GXL (VELUX), FW (FAKRO), WDA (ROTO) - with a sash hung on lateral loops (you can choose the right or left opening) equipped with an energy saving double-glazed window and gas Elevator facilitating smashes. These models combine the functions of the usual window and the hatch (the sash opens at an angle of at least 90). However, to wash the sash outside, special devices will be required or you will have to get out of the roof. It is worth such a window as much as the design with a combined opening, or a little more expensive.

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Photo V. Kovalev

13. The profile for attic windows has a special shape and location of the internal cameras.

14. Glass with pyrolytic coating (self-cleaning)

15. NEW FAKRO-FACTEKLOPATION with stained glass

16. Energy saving glass windows

The principle of "swollen" is used in the cornice windows - VFA / VFB (VELUX), BDL, BVL (FAKRO). They are designed to be installed in the tribe (vertical part of the wall adjacent to the roof), but, unlike windows mounted on the skate, open inside the room.

From all the victims

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Roto manufacturers of mansard windows produce for them and protective lamella (roller shutters). The guide and box of roller blinds are attached to the sash (instead of protective linings), which allows you to swing the window even with the linse. The roller shutter drive is manual (gate) or electric. The lamellas are mainly made of aluminum profiles filled with polyurethane foam with a thick polymer coating that muffles the noise of rain. Extracting systems of lamellas can rotate around their axis, opening access to light. Note that roller shutters are not only able to protect your home from the penetration of intruders, but also are the most effective protection against sunlight. The only trouble is in the ice to raise the cloth will succeed, only a good rusting of it (for this you have to open the window). Roller shutter price - from 8 thousand rubles.

Material values

The traditional material for the box and sash of the attic window is a tree-glued bar from northern pine. It is from the tree that makes windows the oldest manufacturer Velux. In this company, this company also produces windows from a special (glued like plywood) timber with a solid polyurethane coating of white 5mm thick. They are installed in wet rooms either if the designer of the window should be white. Roto products presented in our market is the windows from the specially developed PVC profile of Aluplast and Rehau companies (both Germany). For sash, a three-chamber profile is used, for the box - four-chamber. In this case, the latter width reaches 130mm (compare: the usual profile for vertical windows is 60-80 mm). A wide box is needed to ensure the depth of the window "landing" window to the roof (by the way, the wooden windows of the VELUX is still wider than 168mm). The sides of the profile can be laminated, but only one type of film - under the pine. Fakro manufactures windows of all three listed types, but the PVC profile does not laminate, but under the order tinting wooden windows in almost any color.

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17. Window box attach to rafters or brushes of crates with special plates

18-19. For high-quality installation, the underpowering waterproofing and the system of slopes will also be required.

20. Roof incision with the installed window:

A- salary;

B- insulation (mineral wool);




Outside, the box and strapping of the sash always protect aluminum overlays covered with a very rack of polymer paint. This is necessary: ​​neither a tree nor plastic is capable long to withstand the effects of direct sunlight and atmospheric precipitation. For the roof of copper and zinc-titanium, the lining makes the same materials (in order to avoid electrochemical corrosion).

Figure glazing

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Veluxwear the facade of the house or create an original interior will help the decorative upper elements of arched or triangular shape. They can have any standard width, but at the same time they make them only from the tree and only deaf. The pine window is joined on the principle of "box to the box". Figure elements are in the range of companies VELUX and FAKRO. The price of them is very high, from40 thousand rubles., Including the salary, which in this case is one with a single window.

Emergency importance package

Most often, single-chamber windows (SP) are inserted into the attic windows, but the maximum efficient-filled with inert gas, with energy-saving (low-emission) glass and a warm (steel or polymer) remote frame. This approach allows you to bring the heat transfer resistance (R0) to 0.73-0.78m2c / W, without increasing the mass of the sash (for comparison: R0 vertical plastic window with filled air two-chamber joint ventures from conventional glass does not exceed 0.7 m2c / W). By the way, the low-emission layer not only helps to keep heat indoors, but also significantly reduces the heating of the room in sunny summer days, reflecting part of infrared radiation.

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21. Salary for profiled roof (natural and metal tile, Ondulin Idr.) It has a plastic lead "apron"

22. Walklada for smooth roofing hard aluminum "Apron"

23-24. Special salaries to install groups of two or more windows into a broken roof, as well as in the area of ​​the skate, are much more expensive than usual, from 8 thousand rubles.

With the glazing of the attic, the safe tempered and multilayer glass is widely used. So, today FAKRO installs only the joint venture with an external tempered glass, which provides additional protection against hail, increased snow loads. Velux and Roto have retained the usual exterior glass in "Economy" products. Book a complete set of some models, such as GGL3073 and GGU0073 (VELUX), FTL-V (FAKRO), includes joint ventures with a multi-layer (triplex) inner glass. This is understandable: if in the window, literally hanging over your head, the usual glass breaks, the probability of suffering from fragments will be much higher than in the case of the window vertical. Accompliant, experts strongly recommend for windows in children's use joint ventures with internal glass-triplex (which will increase the cost of the window only 1.5-2 rubles.).

Over the past 2 years, the assortment of the joint venture mounted in the attic windows has noticeably expanded. So, since 2007 All manufacturers began to establish along with single-chamber double-chamber joint ventures. They are also filled with argon and use low-emission glass, thereby increasing the R0 windows to 0.88-0.91m2c / W (which corresponds to European requirements for the "passive house" windows, that is, an energy-saving building). Alas, windows with two-chamber joints of the road: Roto has from 23500rub., Velux- from 37900rub.

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25-27. Ventilation valves are arranged so that the street air flow into the room purified from dust and heated

By order, manufacturers put special soundproof joint ventures made from a special triplex with an epoxy resin layer with a thickness of 0.5mm (FAKRO) or of two triplexes (ROTO). The insulation index of the air noise of these windows is about 40 dB (in the usual single-chamber joint venture it is 32-33DB). Such a joint venture will add to the cost of the window 1.5-3.5 thousand rubles. Several more expensive antivandal joint ventures manufactured using high-strength films - 3-5 thousand rubles. But such a glass is withstanding the fall of the steel ball weighing 4kg from a height of 9m, that is, it does not break it with a stone, and it's quite difficult to smash with a hammer or other tool. But on this, the range of double-barakers is not exhausted: if desired, you can order a window with a relief (Velux), tinted, reflective mirror (FAKRO), so-called self-cleaning (Velux, Roto) and even stained glass (FAKRO) glass.

A light in the end of a tunnel

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Velux connected to the roof windows are capable of supplying light not only attic. At the same time, they "work" as part of a structure called a light tunnel. The latter is intended for premises where outdoor glazing is impossible. The tunnel is a window or dome on the roof, connected by means of a rigid or corrugated pipe with a ceiling ceiling flap, in front of which the diffuser is installed. The inner surface of the pipe has a reflective coating, so that the light can be "broadcast" to a significant distance - up to 6m. That is, in principle, you can not only highlight the upper floor, but even a basement. Light tunnels produce Velux and Fakro. The cost of the standard kit (with a length of the pipe is 1.5-2m) is 10.5-15.5 thousand rubles.

Not at all the little things

Ventilation. Rooms in the attic, as a rule, less by volume than other rooms. In addition, their location itself implies large temperature differences and a higher level of humidity than on the lower floors. To regulate the "climate" of the attic, make it comfortable help the slotted ventilation valves embedded in the windows. They have all the windows of Fakro and Velux. Ufakro Ventclap is a channel in the top bar of the box, equipped with a membrane or damper. Moreover, the first one opens and closes, reacting to the air pressure drop in the room and on the street, and the second has manual control, which allows you to adjust the volume of incoming air in the range of 16-38m2 / h. Velux valves placed in the top of the sash have only manual adjustment or remote control (as in the "smart window" integra), but are equipped with a removable detergent filter. Wanning Vento Valves Networks are not allowed only slotted ventilation.

Furnitura. Each mansard window manufacturer uses original locking devices. Most products FAKRO and ROTO are equipped with a rotary handle located downstairs in the center of the sash, and the velux-upper "pressure" window.

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28-29. More expensive models of sunscreen marquise are equipped with an electric drive, their cloth slides on the guides. Until buddes of the bottom of the canvas pull out of the box with hand and fasten on the outer side of the sash

30. If there are small children in the house, it is advisable to install a special handle equipped with a lock for the key (locking devices of different types are in the assortment of all manufacturers) so that the child can open the window in the absence of adults

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31-32. Ordinary handles (one locking point)

33. Window handle with two or more locking points

The location of the handle is usually taken into account when determining the height of the window installation. The Velux windows having an upper handle are recommended to mount in such a way that it is located 2-2.2m from the floor (middle-height person can easily get it hand), and FAKRO windows with a lower handle so that the average axis of the window is At an altitude of approximately 1.8m (otherwise, to turn the handle, you have to bend).

However, these are just the recommendations of the manufacturers, and not tough rules. After all, it is necessary to take into account other nuances. So, the higher the window is, the better the room is illuminated (it should be noted that there are special rods and cables to control the sash; if the means can be allowed, you can equip the window with an electric drive). But low windows are allowed to admire the scenery, besides, it is easier to wash them. Much depends on the downhone roof, the presence or absence of tensile and the height of the latter, finally, simply from the preferences of the owner and his family members.

If you have any doubts when determining the installation height, you have doubts, it is necessary to discuss this issue in detail with the architect. Sometimes to take the right solution helps the model of the part of the wall, created with the help of obliquely stretched cords (they mark the position of the handle, as well as the upper and lower boundaries of the light opening) or the large sheet of cardboard with the "window" cut in it.

Salary. For all mansard windows, you need to purchase a salary box of painted aluminum profiles. (For copper and zinc-titanium roof, salaries are produced from the same materials - they are roughly twice as much aluminum.) Flares are installed on top of the window to ensure the sealing of the junction of the box and roof. We have already written in detail about these structures ("IVD", 2007, No. 6), so we will dwell only at the price aspect. The cost of the conventional salary intended for mounting the window into the roof with an inclination angle of at least 15 is 15-30% of the window price. At the same time, the salaries for the wavy roof is about 2 times more expensive than for flat. There are salaries to install vertical and horizontal combinations of two or more windows. The price of such a design is approximately equal to the total value of individual salary. There are salaries and for a combination of an inclined window with a cornice (from 4 thousand rubles). The most expensive salaries that allow you to increase the angle of inclination of the window (from 14 thousand rubles.).

Opinion of a specialist

Mansard windows have excellent moisture and thermal insulation characteristics. However, the violation of the manufacturer's recommendations when installing is able to reduce all their advantages. Among the largest troubles that may occur - moisturizing the materials of the roofing "cake" (for example, insulation) and, as a result, the loss of the main properties. The worst option is to post the adjacent wooden roof designs.

List the most rough mistakes:

Incorrect preparation of the opening. The window box is tightly "planted" between the rafters or the mounted gap is minimal (10mm and less). In this case, the window will not be able to adjust. But it is most dangerous because it is not possible to fully insulate the side slopes;

Filling the mounting clearance by polyurethane foam. Household foam when expanding can put pressure on the box, thereby affecting the tightness of the waterproofing circuit with salary;

Installation of the window without top drainage gutter, which is included in the package. Such a omission can cause the incorrect flow of condensate from the surface of the waterproofing, because only the chute is able to take moisture from the box. This is especially dangerous with fluctuations in the temperature and humidity regime in the room.

Avoiding these and other errors will be able to use the services of experienced installers, as well as apply a comprehensive solution that includes all the necessary elements.

Andrei Kuznetsov, Design Engineer CJSC Velux

The goal is close!

Install the attic windows into the finished roof is difficult, as for this you will have to partially dismantle the roofing coating. Otherwise, it simply will not be able to put the salary and ensure waterproofing. Therefore, as a rule, the attic windows are mounted when the roof is erected (during this seasonal restrictions, there is no work of work in winter).

The usual order of mounting the attic window is such. First, the slings using special mounting corners or plates fasten the window box. Then, on the crate lay a vapor-permeable waterproofing membrane. After that, the salary, sash and protective pads are set, fill the roofing material. The internal finish of the opening includes filling the mounting seam insulation, its vapor barrier and the decoration of the slopes. For these purposes, mineral wool, vapor insulation film and special panels made of laminated chipboard are intended for these purposes.

Inconcluded, we note that, providing in advance some nuances of installation, you can save considerable tools and time. For example, if you immediately adjust the step of the rafter under the size of the window or slightly increase the angle of inclination of the roof, it will be possible to do without acquiring special salaries.

Model Manufacturing firm Material/

Method of opening

Double glass * price, rub.

Dimensions of windows, mm

780550 (540) ** 980550 (540) 1180660. 1180780 (740) 1400780 (740) 1400940. 11801140. 11401400.
GZL. Velux. Wood/


4-16A-4I. 8200. - 9300. 9900. 10 500. 12 300. 12 300. 12 700.
GGU. Velux. Acrylic coating tree /


4H-16A-4i 11 500. 11 800. 13 300. 13 900. 14 800. 14,900 17 600. 18 100.
GPL Velux. Wood/


4H-16A-4i - - - 17 500. 18,700 22 400. 22 300. 22 900.
FTS-V. Fakro. Wood/


4H-16A-4i 8050. 8900. 9250. 9050. 9650. 11 450. 11 450. 11 850.
FTP-W. Fakro. Acrylic coating tree /


4H-16A-4i 10 700. 11 700. 12 100. 12 400. 14 200. 16,700 16 800. 17 000
PTP-V. Fakro. PVC /


4H-16A-4i 9800. 10 300. 11 700. 12 700. 13 800. 15 200. 15 300. -
439 K. Roto PVC /


4-16A-4I. 8400. 9000. 9700. 10 200. 11 000 13 000 12 900. 13,400
735 K. Roto PVC /

with a shifted axis of rotation

4H-16A-4i 11 200. 12 400. 13 200. 13,700 14 800. 17 400. 17 600. 18 100.
847 K. Roto PVC /


4H-16A-4ZI 14,900 16 250. 17 700. 19 850. 21 450. 23 600. 23,700 25 200.
* - 4mmm thickness of the inner glass; 16mmm, the distance between the glasses; A- filling argon; 4mmm thickness of the outer glass; I- soft low-emission coating; Z- tempered;
** - in brackets indicated the standard width for windows Roto

The editorial board thanks CJSC Velux, Fakro for help in preparing the material.

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