

Application of Dürisol technology for the construction of a residential building (268 m2), a garage with an attic (48.5 m2), a bath (51.8 m2) and the surrounding of their fence

System 12885_1

Durisol Technology (Durisol) was developed in the Netherlands in the 30s. The twentieth century, and the widespread in the housekeeping of Western Europe received after World War II. Moreover, it is used to erect both small and multi-storey buildings. Promotable construction practice This technology is only mastered and, I must say quite successfully.

Dubisol system
Computer graphics N. The samarinaskaya market in Russia is developing intensively. This is particularly pronounced by an increase in the share of individual construction. Ito is not surprising - for most Russians in the line of values, the family, as a rule, is in the first place. Isthto is an unconditional symbol of a strong friendly family and a warm homemade spot? Of course, our own home. Ivo The name of achieving this great goal Many are ready to refuse from vacation, and from expensive things, not to mention restaurants. To make years for years, until construction end, they do not have the slightest desire. Not only to save money and thereby bringing the desired instant MiG, some are ready to carry out a significant part of the construction and finishing works with their own hands. So, let's say, the "impatient" developers "Durisol" technology is suitable as it is impossible.

Dubisol system
Dubisol system
Dubisol system

Transportation of blocks - the problem of the difficult delivery of blocks from one of the Durisol group plants, located in Slovakia, was produced in two schemes. The first parties at the factory with the help of a lift truck equipped with special "forks", which allows you to abandon wooden pallets, loaded into wagons. Proszia at the nearest to the construction station closest to the car overloaded to cars and sent to the construction site. It is clear that there are no special "forks" at our stations, resulting in quite a few damaged blocks. Customers were unhappy, and the supplier had to sort the blocks and shift them into the pallets, which, however, had little influenced the situation. Therefore, all subsequent parties by road delivered from the factory directly to the construction site, where they were unloaded manually. The number of broken blocks has decreased dramatically. Transportation of blocks for the construction site of problems did not cause - for this we used a conventional wheelbarrow.

What is Durisol?

Let's start with the fact that the Material "Durisol" in its volume by 80-90% consists of large (we emphasize this word) chips of coniferous species of trees, which has been treated with mineral additives and a bonded portland cement (M400). That is, it is an eco-friendly, lightweight, durable and durable material with a unique combination of consumer properties. Thus, between individual "sins" there are air "bags", and therefore "Durisol" is distinguished by high heat and sound insulation characteristics (the soundproofing index of air noise is in the range of 50-60db, which allows the use of material for the construction of noise protection structures). Due to the pretreatment of Düsisol chips, it has a high degree of fire safety: it is weakly thorough (group G1), we will reflect (group B1), with a small smoke-forming ability (group D1). At the same time, racks to atmospheric influences are not subject to rotting, does not absorb moisture and has high-pressure characteristics (level pH-11-12), which prevents the growth of mold and the development of fungi. Plus, the material is frost-resistant (more than 300 cycles).

Explanation of the first floor

1. Guest ................ 41.9M2

2.Kuhny ........................ 10,7m2

3.Well .............. 4.8m2

4. Hall ......................... 16,4m2

5.Tamboreb .................... 3.9M2

6.Good room .... 17,9m2

7.Babinet .................... 16,2m2

8.Pall ................. 17,8m2

9.Pall ................. 18m2

10.Pall ................. 10,9M2.

11.Vany room .... 5m2

12.Sanzel ................... 2,1m2

Dubisol system
Floor plan

Explanation of the second floor

1. Coll ............................. 3.9M2

2. Split ..................... 28,4m2

3. Sanusel ...................... 3,8m2

4. Split .................... 38,8M2.

5 Guest Room .... 28.2m2

Dubisol system
Plan of the second floor

The oxid construction technology "Durisol" is the use of hollow wall blocks manufactured in the factory conditions, when building a factory role of the so-called non-removable formwork. Moreover, plants scattered almost all over the world produce not one form, but a series that includes blocks for the construction of fences carrier walls of unheated buildings and interior partitions, as well as blocks with inserts from polystyrene foaming for the construction of external walls with high heat-saving properties - for residential Buildings (see Table. on p. 242). Language, except blocks for the formation of rows, includes special angular and capable of replacing their universal blocks, which are also used to perform jumpers over the openings.

It should be noted that in the USSR in the middle of the twentieth century. Such developments also conducted, and the material received its own name: arbolit. From it made full-scale blocks and wall panels. Avota to master the production of large-format hollow blocks used as a non-removable formwork, the matter, unfortunately, did not come. Subsequently, this technology was supplanted by large housekeeping and forgotten.

B2008g. The situation began to change: Big (Russia) acquired a license and necessary production equipment from Durisol-Werke (Austria) and in April opened not far from St. Petersburg, which began serial production of blocks.

Dubisol system
Dubisol system
B. Mechanical processing of blocks

Material is easy to handle, it can be cut with a manual saw ( but ) or mechanical ( B. ), drill and milling, drive into it nails, which greatly facilitates both the process of the construction of walls and the gasket of communications.

Montaja technology

The process of the construction of walls is simple: blocks, like with a brickwork, are installed by rows of each other, but without a binder. Mandatory condition for assembly - internal blocks of blocks of all rows of walls should be the vertical. When laying a dressing (offset by half of the unit) between adjacent rows, it is provided by applying special angular elements or halves of universal blocks. Next, in the removal, existing at the top of the short walls of each block, horizontally put the reinforcement rods with a diameter of 8mm, which sprout along the flap length with a wire cleaner. In order for the blocks of one row to be associated with each other around the perimeter, in blocks located in the corners or on the junction of two walls, the necessary grooves cut through the necessary grooves (grooves on short sides, if necessary, shuffled with cement mortar so that concrete does not flow). Then the vertical fittings are installed in the center of rectangular cavities, tied it with a horizontal wire twist (, if necessary, the reinforcement is associated with the anchors in advance in the foundation). Then they laid the second number of blocks, putting them on the vertical fittings protruding from the lower row (the length of the vertical rods should not exceed 1.5-1.8m, otherwise the work will be difficult - as the rod wall increases), and re-put the longitudinal reinforcement.

So, until 3-4 rows are collected, after which the vertical cavities in the wall are filled with concrete (depending on the calculated static load, various brands of concrete can be used: B15, B20, B25, B30). Its pouring on small objects is carried out manually (as a rule, concrete is prepared in place), on large-use concrete pump. But in any case, the concrete flooded in the cavity must be sealing: or manually, using the segment of the reinforcement (pitching method), or a deep vibrator with a diameter of the working part of no more than 40mm. An important moment: the cavities of the top row of concrete blocks are recommended to pour only to half so that in the future the cold seam between the concrete portions was inside the block cavity. The consumption of commercial concrete on 1m2 walls ranges from 0.075-0.125m3.

The following four rows of IT.d are installed. As a result, a monolithic reinforced concrete lattice with powerful vertical carrier pillars associated with more subtle horizontal rustic jumpers arises inside the created wall.

Dubisol system
Photo 1.
Dubisol system
Photo 2.
Dubisol system
Photo 3.
Dubisol system
Photo 4.
Dubisol system
Photo 5.
Dubisol system
Photo 6.
Dubisol system
Photo 7.
Dubisol system
Photo 8.

1,2. The wall is starting with the installation of angular blocks, between them stretch the thin lace, along which the ordinary blocks are laying out. At the same time, the blocks do not bond with each other (as usual are made when the walls are made of bricks) - from the displacement of the grooves and ridges available on the end planes. These compounds simultaneously perform a kind of labyrinth seals.

3-5.Universal DSS 37.5 / 14 unit divides a narrow end-to-end cavity. Slowing such a block, get two shortened, which are used to create dressings between rows

6.7. A common space of blocks of blocks form a single space, the bay in which concrete is obtained by carrying columns

8. To smooth out the irregularities of the basement of the garage basement, a cement solution was applied to their surface with a thickness of 10-20mm, which laid waterproofing tapes. The first number of DM 22/15 blocks laid on top of them in order to make sure that no non-standard elements needed, ideally blocks are suitable for projects only, where horizontal and vertical dimensions are multiple 250 or 500mm

For a private developer in the described technology, definitely attractive is that during installation, neither highly qualified workforce is not required, nor heavy load-lifting equipment (mass of one block - 6-15kg). Blocks have increased adhesion to plastering compositions, which simplifies the process of finishing the walls, reduces labor intensity and, consequently, the timing and cost of work compared to traditional technologies. Due to the porous structure of the material and the cellular concrete lattice, the wall "breathes" and the rooms are provided with a comfortable microclimate. Due to the small thickness of the blocks (maximum 375mm), the useful area of ​​interior space is released.

Now, when we found out what kind of Durisol system is, consider a specific example: construction of a complex of buildings consisting of a residential building (total area - 268m2), a garage with a workshop located in his attic (48,5m2), baths (51.8m2 ) And the surround of their fence. The construction of the complex in one of the suburban cities was engaged in a small private company. The supply of blocks and technical support was carried out by Domoekotech (Russia).

Dubisol system
Photo 9.
Dubisol system
Photo 10.
Dubisol system
Photo 11.
Dubisol system
Photo 12.

9. The first row blocks finally laid on a cement mortar layer and leveled

10,11. Developed construction went at such a pace that, having arrived at a construction site after 3 days, we saw a rafter system over the garage. The beams of overlapping were embarrassed into the wall, tied with racks with a wall-based rapid farm

12. Slept crate of OSP-slabs were protected from autumn rain by planing on it a subteracted membrane

How the foundation was insulated

The story about the construction of the house according to the laws of the genre is launched from the foundation device. But ... We are somewhat violated this rule, because they already talked about him. More precisely, they told about all four fundamentals, houses, garages, baths and fences - in the article "Floating Fundam" ("IVD", 2008, №11). Recall only that due to the problem soil, which connects under the construction site, the monolithic stove with ribbed ribs, under the garage and baths, lattice (with a distance between the ribbons about 1.5 m), and under the fence foundation. Therefore, today I will start immediately from the waterproofing device and the insulation of the foundation under the house.

Over the entire surface of the slab, the filming method was pasted Rolled waterproofing "Breppyast" ("Ai-Si-Ty", Russia), having released its ends for the dimensions of the plate at 15-20 cm. Then installed a male formwork and poured a concrete tie (the builders called it "priest", since its main purpose is to push the waterproofing layer to the concrete plate and prevent its separation even in the event of a water underwear). The tie reinforced the road grid with cells 1010cm.

Dubisol system
Photo 13.
Dubisol system
Photo 14.
Dubisol system
Photo 15.
Dubisol system
Photo 16.

13. Required walls of the house of the house were erected from DSS 30/15 blocks, internal - from DM 22/15

14. For the creation of a solid flooring formwork when pouring overlaps used fibrolite slabs

15. The base of the base was protected by waterproofing

16 The overlap of the base was reinforced

Dubisol system
Photo 17.
Dubisol system
Photo 18.
Dubisol system
Photo 19.
Dubisol system
Photo 20.

17.The at home hangs over the base of 7.5 cm- on so many insulated blocks DSS 37.5 / 14 wider DSS 30/15

18 To connect the fittings of the external and inner walls in the side walls of the outer blocks cut the grooves

19.To blocks in the openings did not move, they were brought by boards

20.Dima pipe and ventilation risers laid in blocks of blocks

Looking a little further, let's say that, after the walls of the base were erected, these ends were wrapped up and connected with them the sheets of the same rolled waterproofing, which were covered outside the base outside. Next, around the perimeter of the slab punctured grooves and were insulated with extruded polystyrene foam of its ends, as well as that part of the base, which will be covered with the Earth. The lattice plates under the garage and the bath were not insulated.

Now we can safely go to the technology of the construction ... No, not at home! Because the builders have experience in the construction of buildings on Düsisol technology, to gain him, starting to begin with a garage.

Dubisol system
Dubisol system
B. Jumpers over window and doorways

All jumpers were manufactured on the spot from universal blocks. They were poured in half, and then cut out some of the side walls, getting G-shaped blanks. The opening of the wooden strapping ( but ), To which the blanks were laid out, forming a chute. The reinforcement frame of the jumpers is placed in the walls on the walls of 35-40cm, and poured concrete. After he hardened, the strapping was shot. To save the boards on another seen object, builders in the manufacture of jumpers did without such a strapping, applying wall blocks as a temporary support ( B.).

Risk - so ... garage!

In the beloved many multi-sealer cartoon about the adventures of Captain Carrunel, there is a wonderful song with the words: "How do you call the yacht, so she sails." By the case by us, the words of the song can be interpreted as follows: "As you put the first row, you will build a house." This is not good truth, looking at the packs of blocks, the builders understood immediately. Confidence in its absolute correctness grapened after a sizes of sizes: 2mm. So, if you smooth all the irregularities of the foundation, and then lay and carefully align the first number of blocks horizontally and vertically, then everything will go, you can say itself.

Straight corners!

The blocks easily cut - of them, it is possible to manufacture wall structures of non-standard or curvilinear form, such as erker ( but ). The elements required for this were carried out on the spot from standard blocks ( B. ). To the elements that lose when cutting groces and ridges ( in ), when pouring concrete, it was not shifted relative to each other, they were brought by wooden bars and boards, which were removed immediately after the concrete hardened.

Dubisol system
Dubisol system
Dubisol system

Started with the fact that the cement solution was leveled the surface of the foundation ribbons and put the rubberoid tape from above. On this prepared basis and posted the first number of blocks, denoting future doorways. And they tried that the blocks entered into each row, as the brigadier of the builders, "to the point", that is, so that there were no big gaps between them, but nothing would have to be written. You will start it from the first row to trim or leave between the blocks of the slot in 2-3, it is unknown that you will get to the last row.

Along the way, in places of angular connections, the side grooves in the blocks were cut into blocks. Tried both hacksaws, and a circular saw, but most of all I liked working with a grinder equipped with a disk with carbide teeth. Already when tested, it became clear that a lot of dust stands out, which means that the tool is better to use dust. And the same, after the whole range was laid out, did not forget to check the diagonals and direct angles. Only after that they began to lay blocks for a solution, carefully aligning in all planes.

In general, around the first row, which is called, "danced" noon. And led by the owner (in his house to live, and therefore, it is necessary to know what and how it was built). As previous events showed, the chosen tactic turned out to be absolutely true. The film crew, after the blocks began to be laid on the solution, the construction site was completed - there were other things, and nothing to prevent serious people to play adult "Lego". (This is a comparison, we used at all in the jokes of serially manufactured blocks is a designer system, which allows you to create any configuration of the walls and build construction objects of any complexity.) Well, when we arrived in 3 days again, the builders ended the rafter system. "I spoke, then it will go further," the brigadier smiled.

Dubisol system
Photo 21.
Dubisol system
Photo 22.
Dubisol system
Photo 23.
Dubisol system
Photo 24.
21. For the creation of the first floor overlapping, the wooden lattice lattice opted on the powerful racks, on top of which she was laid with a solid flooring from fibrolite plates.

22. Hang large spans builders strengthened the monolithic overlap with steel 2-level beams - they are slightly towering above the level of concrete. Then they will hide the screed

23,24.Beton poured studs for mounting Mauerlat

Dubisol system
Photo 25.
Dubisol system
Photo 26.
Dubisol system
Photo 27.
Dubisol system
Photo 28.

25.Freight than to perform a rafter design, builders were tested from the blocks of the pipe with artificial stone

26,27. On rafters created solid flooring from OSP-plates, secured through the perimeter of the drainage and laid soft bitumen tiles

28.Electrocabels were put in the stages carved in the walls, which then sawpock

From a garage - to the house

The construction of the base was also started with the layout of the first row of blocks. But it happened not quite as usual. The fact is that the wall of the walls should have been hung over the base of 7.5 cm, and the blocks are provided different: for the walls at home, the warmer DSS 37.5 / 14 (width - 375mm), for the base-DSS 30/15 (width - 300mm ). To build walls without errors, builders put on the foundation plate first wall blocks and checked all sizes and diagonals. Agotum was replaced by the basement, by moving them into the depth of the future structure to the desired value. To be honest, the base blocks to get into the specified dimensions of the walls, it was necessary to cut it somewhere, but when the walls were built, this operation was completely excluded.

Dubisol system
Photo 29.
Dubisol system
Photo 30.
Dubisol system
Photo 31.
Dubisol system
Photo 32.

29.30. Did heated by Kermi convectors, the pipes are laid directly on the concrete overlap (the concrete tie hides). The heat source is mounted wall-mounted gas boilers, which are installed in the mixture of the house.

31,32.Sonutri walls of the house were plastered, covered and walked with wallpaper. Roofing rates

Having postponed in the outside and interior walls (the configuration of the latter completely repeated the walls of the first floor) for four rows of blocks, the builders flooded them with concrete (used cooked concrete M200 with a stone filler grain size of no more than 1/10 block width). The first row of wall blocks was then installed, while cutting part of their rear walls (the workpiece was acquired by the letter L), in order to create, first, the ledge for the layout of the ceiling plate (it should be based only on the concrete part of the wall), secondly , "insulated" formwork throughout the perimeter of the base. After that, in the space between the walls, wooden goats-backups were put on, which was laid out a 50mm thick boards with a thickness of a thickness of 25mm, and on top of them-solid flooring from the fibrolite plates. This material is the descendant of arbolit. It is made of fine wood chips (wood wool) and an inorganic binder; It serves simultaneously with structural material and insulation.

Dubisol system
Photo 33.
Dubisol system
Photo 34.
Dubisol system
Photo 35.
Dubisol system
Photo 36.
Dubisol system
Photo 37.
Dubisol system
Photo 38.

33. The hardship in window and doorways manufactured a plaster method. Seams between blocks previously passed

34.35.Okna and doors fastened in openings with long, re-concrete columns of anchor bolts, after which the walls were plastered

36. In this case, the external finish of the host facade has not finished the choice of options for the design of such durable walls. Don't want to archer at all

37. The concrete breakdown around the house was lit up by ceramic tiles. The site cut the tracks from "bricks" concrete bridge stone

38. Communities from the house to the bath were laid in advance. The same building has been built by the same technology as the main house: a high base, a little hanging walls, monolithic concrete floors ...

On top of the flooring, a reinforcement frame was laid from a rod with a diameter of 12mm with a cell size of 2020cm and cast a plate of the base overlap with a thickness of 150mm. After the concrete hardened, the backup goats were removed.

Next, again repeated a thorough preliminary layout of the blocks and began the construction of walls. We will dwell in detail only in the most significant moments and technological processes.

Insid the blocks of partition blocks to the outer wall blocks, cut-off in the side walls of the blocks to ensure the continuity of the concrete frame of the walls. At the same time, in each third row, the reinforcement frames were connected not just a twist, and L-shaped curved reinforcement rods were used, which significantly increased the design.

Dubisol system
Photo 39.
Dubisol system
Photo 40.
Dubisol system
Photo 41.
Dubisol system
Photo 42.

39.40. For the creation of a veranda of silicate bricks adjacent to the bath, posted a contour wall - a powerful steel beams are based on it. The space under the veranda was falling asleep with sand. Since there was deep autumn on the courtyard, after filling the concrete slab, her surface was covered with blocs from frost

41.Things of the locker room and oil mounted water warm floors

42. The list of external design of the facades of the bath and garage is also still to be solved.

Jumpers over the openings were performed using halves of universal blocks with cutting side walls (described in detail). Blocks under the window openings were placed on two rods of reinforcement with a diameter of 8mm, which came inside the wall at least 75 cm.

The overlap of the first floor was created by practically the same technology as the basement. The difference consisted only in the use of powerful steel 2-way beams over large rooms (44m or more). The beams are based on the walls, but at the same time they are lifted over a solid fibrolite flooring by 2-2.5 cm. After that, a lattice reinforcement frame was made, which was put into the space between the beams, and the concrete was poured with a concrete layer of 150mm (it was sealing a deep vibrator). Later, a layer of Keramzit was poured between the beams, and the concrete screed was filled, reinforcing it with a glasswork.

In order for the cast plate "dried" evenly, the window and doorways covered: large-plywood shields, small-polyethylene film. From above on concrete, a polyethylene film was also suspected, which protects the overlap of rain and snow. In the form of the house and wintering.

Dubisol system
Photo 43.
Dubisol system
Photo 44.
Dubisol system
Photo 45.

43. Sealing around the site also created from the hollow blocks of the Düsisol system: wider DM 22/15 blocks were used for columns, for a closed-narrow DM 15/9. Methods of reinforcement and concreting are similar to those used when erecting walls

44. The fence with a wall of the bath is made using the insulsion of the inner wall to the external

45.Tube pillars were decorated with garden lamps

In the spring, builders have begun to build the roof. On the perimeter of the walls, Mauerlat was laid (a timing section of 150150mm), attaching it to overlapping in advance embedded with threaded heels. The rafter design was created from the edged board with a cross section of 15050mm (step- 60 cm). The Tyvek Soft superdiffusion membrane was laid on the rafter (DuPont, USA), pressing her 5050mm counterbalances by the brucks, then across them bent the crate of 15025mm.

Little secrets of big fence

Another undoubted advantage of construction technology from Düsisol blocks is the possibility of laying communications inside walls. Naturally, it is necessary to solve this task at the stage of pre-assembling blocks, that is, before filling in their cavity of concrete. We just need to think everything in advance. Our hosts by us asked to be paved inside the fence of water pipes, an electrocable and after certain distances to install moisture-proof outlets ( but ) and fittings ( B, B. ) So that the watering hose and the lawn mower can be connected in different places of the site.

Dubisol system
Dubisol system
Dubisol system

Along the roof adjacent to the edge, as they called the builders, "dead zones" (they have a height of less than 1M and serve the living space can still not) laid insulated blocks, thus obtained the outer walls of the attic. Internal partitions - from the same blocks as the partitions of the first floor. After that, the roof was insulated with Rockwool plates (Denmark) with a total thickness of 150mm.

Here, perhaps, all that we were going to tell about the construction of the house. In the rest of the objects and the surrounding section of the fence, we will not stop in detail: the process of their construction is quite detailed in the photos and does not need additional comments.

Overall impression

Honestly, the owners and builders, and we liked the new technology. It seems to be simple and relatively quickly. The main thing is that everything is properly designed. After all, the block has specific dimensions: length- 50, height, 25 cm. Recompute with this sizes of walls in the plan, their height, as well as the size of the openings should be more 25cm. True, in this case, halves of universal blocks will be needed to create dressings. AESLI The size of the walls in the plan will be multiple 50, and the halves will not need, only entire blocks. Almost any project can be used for construction using Düsisol technology, but to trust this simple only with the form of work should be expected to specialists. It also attracts that if you have inappropriate projects of lighting, water supply and heating, the walls will not be installed, all communications are easy to lay inside them.

Dubisol system
Photo 46.
Dubisol system
Photo 47.
Dubisol system
Photo 48.

46. ​​So it turned out that after the construction of the construction was completed, a number of unused, as well as to varying degrees of unauthorized degrees of unloading and transporting blocks remained. Where are their children? Well-mastered new builders made up, and then they took up the device of three concrete foundations

47.48. In a week, two island of greenhouses erected from the remaining blocks, one of which adjoined the long side to the fence. The complex supplemented the "three-room" Hozblok, located close to the rear facade of the bath. True, the inner partitions of the last hollow blocks were not enough - they were replaced by foam concrete

In general, although we usually refrain from giving any assessments, and even more recommendations to readers on technologies that we tell, this time we will change this rule. In our opinion, the new technology is worthwhile. Try!

Some characteristics of DURISOL blocks and raised walls
Characteristics of blocks
Mark. DM 15/9 DM 22/15 DSS 30/15 DSS 37.5 / 14
Dubisol system
Dubisol system
Dubisol system
Dubisol system
Purpose Erecting inland walls and partitions, enclosing structures and fences on the boundaries of the plots Erecting inland bearing walls, external bearing walls of unheated buildings, enclosing structures and fences on the borders of the plots Erecting of the walls of administrative and industrial and industrial buildings with increased heat and sound insulation properties Erecting walls of energy-efficient residential and household buildings with high heat and sound insulation properties (polystyrene foam insert 155mm)
Dimensions (shvd), mm 150250500. 220250500. 300250500. 375250500.
The size of the through cavities, mm 18490. 185150. 184150. 171140.
Mass, kg. 6. eight eleven fifteen
Soundproofing Index, DB 52. 56. 52. 51.
price, rub. 125. 140. 255. 310.
Characteristics of walls raised from these blocks
Wall Mass Square 1m2, kg 275. 420. 440. 410.
The resistance of the heat transfer wall without finishing,

m2c / W.

0.57. 0.91 2,2 3,29
Material consumption on 1m2 walls
Blocks, pcs. eight eight eight eight
Concrete, L. 75. 125. 120. 105.
Armature, kg. 0.25. 0.25. 0,3. 0,3.
The enlarged calculation of the cost * construction of the house with a total area of ​​268m2, similar to the submitted
Name of works Number of price, rub. Cost, rub.
Laying of walls and partitions from blocks 210m3. 1600. 336,000
Reinforcement set - 37 800.
Concreting structures (manually) set - 161700.
Installation of metal structures set - 95 200.
Device of monolithic w / w overlaps 65m3 4200. 273,000
Assembling roof elements with crate device 290m2. 680. 197 200.
Isolation of walls, coatings and overlaps insulation 558m2. 90. 50 220.
Hydro and vaporizoation device 590m2. 40. 23 600.
Bitumen Tiles Coating Device 290m2. 550. 159 500.
Filling the openings by window blocks set - 33 500.
Other works set - 320 900.
Applied materials on the section
Block wall Durisol 5700 pcs. - 1 140 000
Cement 18 000 kg four 72,000
Crushed stone, sand set - 59,000
"Breplayt", mastic bituminous 42m2. - 12 180.
Armature, Wire Knitting, Formwork Shields set - 55 800.
Steel rolling, steel coarse set - 67,000
Sawn timber 14m3 6700. 93 800.
Steam, wind and waterproof films 558m2. - 19 530.
Insulation 558m2. - 59 200.
Bituminous tile, Dobornye elements 290m2. - 118 900.
Window blocks with double glazing set - 219 400.
TOTAL 3 605 430.
Enlarged value calculation * Garage with a naked area of ​​48,5m2
Name of works Number of price, rub. Cost, rub.
Laying of walls and partitions from blocks 45m3. - 81 000
Concreting structures (manually) set - 37 000
Installation of metal structures set - 24 500.
Device of monolithic w / w overlaps 9m3 4200. 37 800.
Assembling roof elements with crate device 36m2. 680. 24 480.
Bitumen Tiles Coating Device 36m2. 550. 19 800.
Other works set - 98 200.
Applied materials on the section
Block wall Durisol, silicate brick set - 243 900.
Cement, crushed stone, sand set - 49 700.
Rental of steel, steel hydrogen, fittings set - 32 400.
Sawn timber 2m3 6700. 13,400
Insulation, steam, wind and waterproof films set - 23 200.
Bituminous tile, Dobornye elements 36m2. - 14 800.
Other materials set - 173 000
TOTAL 873 180.
Enlarged cost calculation * Bath construction with a veranda of a total area of ​​51.8m2
Name of works Number of price, rub. Cost, rub.
Masonry walls and partitions from blocks, contour walls and brick pillars set - 93 000
Assembling roof elements with crate device 48m2. 680. 32 640.
Installation of floor heating system set - 19 200.
Bitumen Tiles Coating Device 48m2. 550. 26 400.
Device board coatings set - 16,300
The device walls paired and wetting set - 90 800.
Installation of the Kamenka and Chimney Furnace set - 23 000
Applied materials on the section
Block wall Durisol, silicate brick set - 264 200.
Cement, crushed stone, sand set - 52 300.
Sawn timber 3m3 6700. 20 100.
Bituminous tile, Dobornye elements 48m2. - 19 800.
Osinovaya Lining, reflecting thermal insulation set - 15 700.
Batten set - 23 400.
Set of fittings for heated floor set - 35 200.
Bath furnace set - 18 400.
TOTAL 750 440.

The editors thanks the company "DomoEkotech", builders of the brigade, which prevailing the house for help in holding the shooting and preparation of the material.

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