Mansard artists


Apartment in a house of historical building area of ​​70 m2. From the abandoned attic it turned out a cozy studio for spouse artists

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Mansard artists
The walls of the living room decorate the paintings: to the left of the entrance to the office and over the sofa- painting R. Catylute, to the right of the door - the graphic work "Don Quixote" (author- V.Valus), on a partition-colored lithography T. Mesh, Pastel A. Persellis , etching R. Kalezhinskas
Mansard artists
On the walls in the dining area of ​​the composition of the vintage nails of Laysvid Schalchut, the graphics AY-O (Japan), the XIX folk sculpture. (Crucifixion in niche)
Mansard artists
The dining group is the antique Lithuanian furniture from the oak of the beginning of the last century. Table table and chairs were carefully renovated
Mansard artists
The unique doll on the dresser in the office, connecting the figurative expressiveness and the finest verism, was created by artist from Kaunas Yurate Kazakevichut. The body on a wire frame is able to take any pose, knitted "shell", hand-knitted and naked with phlizelin, seems warm, like live skin. Even the direction of the view is able to change: the eyes from the papier-mache can be rotated in any direction.
Mansard artists
Sleeping between the cabinet windows decorate the facsimile impression of the "Melancholy" A. Dyurra and the picture "Martyr Christ" (Peru)

Mansard artists

Mansard artists
Wooden details (glass frames, beams) give home heat. Over Fisharmonia- Painting Matrov: Gudaytis, Petrolys, Kisarauskas, Stasyulyavichus
Mansard artists
Former fireplace was impossible to renovate. The new fireplace was built by using the French furnace, and all the old ceramic details of Skopiro-Vali from the old and ordered Dvacioniu Keramika. Details of the crown, crowded former fireplace, attached a dining room over the window
Mansard artists
On the walls near the staircase in the attic of Japanese, Chinese and Indian authors. Kopelka next to the cabinet is suspended "Sheet" from felt with print photography - work Diana, presented to salyus
Mansard artists
From the windows of the attic you can see the roofs of vintage houses and churches on the hill. On the surface of the wide desktop Saulyus-sketches, photos, picturesque miniatures - like milestones of thinking artist about the connection of the historical environment and modern life, life and art
Mansard artists
The working area of ​​the kitchen resembles a picturesque fabric: on narrow shelves, a set of bubbles, jars, bottles of colored glass, some of them are antique, part-modern. "Aprons" from glass helped save airiness even in this small corner of the interior

The combination of historical and cultural contexts, the ability to breathe new life into antiquity items, to identify the beauty of the items, connect the works of art with everyday functionality - today these features are becoming welcome in almost every private interior. Artists, about whose apartment we are going to tell, managed to create in our home the environment, where all the listed advantages are brightly represented.

Artists are creative, unusual people who can surprise us with a non-standard vision of the surrounding world and familiar things. We can be seen by visiting Diana and Saulyus's apartment, famous Lithuanian artists and designers. Both spouses - active participants in regional and international exhibitions, spend a lot of time outside the house, far beyond their country. Therefore, your own nest, in their opinion, should have embodied the most intimate dreams about the native home-cozy, lively, close and dear heart in any trifles. I want to return like a reliable harbor, to fit the energy, chat with friends and restore forces for new achievements and wanderings.

In spirals

Mansard artists

A spiral staircase on a metal frame leads to the attic. It fits into a cylinder with a diameter of 1.9m. In order for the design to save its "transparency", they did not make the risers. But the proportions of the maple steps are very convenient: the length is 55cm, the width is 25 cm, altitude, about 20 cm. Thin railings do not interfere with considering numerous graphic work and interior. From the living room, the ladder partially separates the partition 1m width. From the side of the recreation zone in it, shelves for books are arranged, in the end-door for storing fireplace accessories and firewood.

Designers chose an apartment in the famous area of ​​Old Vilnius - Outupis. He fell in love with the representatives of Bohemia, architects, musicians, artists. The Jupis is located on the hill, at home here is low- as a rule, no more than four floors, and with the upper, the exciting panorama of the city and the surroundings opens, and the crucible streets keep the aura of past centuries ... Such an atmosphere reveals on the connection of temporary and cultural contexts. This topic is one of the main in the work of Diana and Saulyus. The apartment has become a kind of three-dimensional reading, wanted joking and seriously, with attention to everybody details and signs of eternity that attached behind the usual canva.

Repair did not rush, thoroughly. Former communal, located on the top floor of a three-story brick house, consisted of several close rooms and a long corridor. The interiors were a spectacle depressing destroyed: a dilapidated walls, a kitchen without a window, a tiny toilet, the absence of a bathroom, a fireplace, almost turning into ruins, old parquet floors covered with worn linoleum ... But the artists did not bother. "To entrust the creation of your own residential space to other specialists, we did not want, and therefore they did everything themselves. We were interested to solve constructive tasks, adjust the functionality of the premises for our requests. The new apartment has become a kind of provocation, testing, checking our creative design abilities.", - tells Diana.

Traces of Time

Mansard artists

The studio specifically left an open ancient masonry: "Brings" above windows and niche in the kitchen. In the last Diana created an aircraft composition from the painted Easter eggs, fixed on thin threads and spokes: the trained bricks and traditional man-made attributes of the festive-exciting symbol of the fragility of being. Above the dining table - lampshade, also made by the hostess: coil threads with braces from texture paper are stretched on a metal frame. They were pulled out with their hands, so the edges are slightly uneven and soft, just blind from snow.

The repair had to be carried out on the full program: first demolished all the dilapidated partitions, made a new screed (taking into account the future parquet floor), the partition was made of brick between the current studio space and the office, moved the kitchen to the window, and at her place staged a bathroom, strengthened ceiling Overlapping. After examining an abandoned attic in the attic, discovered that it could be converted to a residential premises. The old ceiling was removed, and there was quite enough space under a single-sided roof to organize a studio in the attic: an altitude is 3.5m at the highest point and about 2,4m- in the working area. Wooden overlaps between the former attic and the main floor of the apartment had to be replaced by reinforced concrete plates (engineering calculations were performed).

Now on the first floor of the apartment there are studio space (entrance hall, kitchen, living-dining room) and office. The latter is also multifunctional: under the window- desktop, the wall is a high rack with books, and in the depths of the room - a wide mezzanine-bedroom with a dressing room under it.

Cabinet Bedroom

Mansard artists

Since the owners really did not want to reduce the studio space at the expense of a separate bedroom, they decided to place the latter in the office. For this, it was built anezol measuring 2.82.5m. Metal supports on which the design rests, hides the sheathing. Paul, staircase and book racks are made of ash as a designer drawings. The visgoles are arranged rack with shelves for books and storage boxes. The sweeps of the sleeping place is protected by low (25 cm) fence from the boards. The height of the space "mini-bedroom" - 1.4 m; Wardrobe under it is about 2m. To the office does not look close, the door on the metal frame leading in the dressing room made a mirror. Next to the Watercolor Watercolor Family friend, Breedhen artist Byroma Bradstorma "Forest". Near the window across the entire width of the simplest is a roomy floor-to-ceiling book rack, made according to the drawings of the owners to order.

From a modest hallway, you can go into the studio or climb along the screw staircase to the second floor; Here is the door leading to the bathroom. The attic serves and the working room of artists (each of them has a large table and chair), and a place to relax with cozy sofas, book racks, ancient phasharmonium. For the ladder, the entrance to a small bathroom, located just above the bathroom.

Mansard artists
Plan before repair
Mansard artists
Mansard Repair Plan
Mansard artists
Plan after repair of the main floor

What is the main advantage of this interior? First of all, the atmosphere in which antique furniture, fragments of the former environment "grow up" into modern life and coexist with artworks. It is noteworthy that the spouses did not want to arrange a separate bedroom: a sleep zone is combined with the workspace, since creativity is a part of a vital process. It is just as difficult to carry out a line between the relaxing zones and work in the attic: everywhere of books - on the shelves, racks; Art objects surround and wide tables under the windows, which offer a beautiful panorama of the city, and sofas, and walls next to the staircase. Even the staircase itself is quite functional element - serves as a platform for a creative game. So, the metal risers in the hallway die in the texts: the owners are laid out wishes every day, white poems, joking comments using letters with magnetic inserts.

Decoration and function

Mansard artists

The slope of the roof, under which the attic is located, cuts a piece of space from the ceiling to the floor under an acute angle. This feature took into account when planning. Under the ceiling along the entire room, a carrying metal beam was placed, a trimmed with a tree. She was supported by decorative transverse beams and attached sophod lamps to them. The beams and the lighting scenario are optimally combined with atmosphere saturated with raritets. This is an Fisharmonium Ernst Hinkel (Netherlands, 1898), Persian antique carpets of handmade, paintings of famous Lithuanian artists, painted chest 1863g.

All settings are planned based on optimal functionality. For example, the kitchen front is autonomous outdoor modules- if necessary, they can be changed in places. The shelves with most of the kitchen accessories are located in the "pocket" between the refrigerator and the stove, it is convenient, besides, they are not visible from the living room. One of the floor cabinets is equipped with wheels - it is shifted and turns into an extra table.

"Features of each house depend primarily from people living in it. Without this unique living impulse, the interior is only a cold architectural layout, even if it is done very professionally, Diana and Saulus say. - We created our unique world in our hometown, in Beloved country - and for us it is much more than just an apartment. "

Tell the author of Project

A few years ago, Saulyus and I decided that we want to settle in the old town. Aesi is there to live there, so to enjoy it every day. After long searches, we chose an apartment optimal for us in a reconstructed old house. Our house is built of brick in 1890. It is very well located, to the most important cultural centers and our workshop can be reached on foot. We also thought that if the housing would be able to adapt to the attic, out of its windows a stunning view of the old Vilnius. This idea was able to implement.

We dreamed of a bright, functional, cozy and simple apartment without contrived sings. It was tried to pick up low furniture to furnish the walls to place the expensive works of our friends on the walls, the pictures of your favorite artists who were now classic, art objects brought from different countries. There are no random things in the apartment, we did not want to adapt to the trendy directions: the fact that today is popular, tomorrow is not interesting to anyone. But the apartment is not an exhibition pavilion, everything should delight the eyes in it, to be relatives and loved ones, to cause pleasant tactile sensations. As artists we work with the most different materials and textures and know how it is important to create a living environment, so the materials in our apartment are mostly "live": wood, wool, cotton. During the repair, every problem we solved slowly, as we arrive. We were not afraid to abandon the selected moves, if a more successful idea arose. Sometimes work had to be suspended until the best option was found. Now we know about your home all before the last brick and change nothing about nothing, everything suits us.

Designer Diana Radavichu

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

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Designer: Saulyus Valius

Designer: Diana Radavichut

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