With respect for the order


One bedroom apartment with an area of ​​75.6 m2. The created image is associated with the perfectly drawn interiors of the Late Russian Modern Mansions

With respect for the order 12890_1

With respect for the order
The hallway is connected to the living room with a wide opening. It seems more because of the verticals of stained glass and glazing at the top
With respect for the order
Most of the objects of the situation and accessories in the classic style, like this watch on the dresser in the living room, the owners were selected independently
With respect for the order
Spacious entrance hall creates a festive, a little solemn mood
With respect for the order
Prevailing in all rooms, except for the bathroom, light colors support solemnity and elevation specified forms. This also applies to the bedroom, organically continuing living room decor
With respect for the order
In terms of contrast with residential spaces, the bathroom is striking the laconism of the finish (alternation of strict light and dark tiles) and ultra-modern forms of fittings and sinks (cubism instead of familiar arcs and ovals). Unexpected and bold facing of one of the walls with dark marble with golden white streaks (imperan)
With respect for the order
The wardrobe in the hallway and the dressing room in the bedroom are equipped with internal illumination
With respect for the order
On both sides of the windows were installed cannoned pilasters. Their bases are relying on simple oak windowside boards. On the bottom of the windowsill from each end to support two short smooth pilasters. Visually load on the submap portion more: the height of the subooled pilaster - 810mm, over the windowsills - 1917mm (with a decorative jumper into a decorative jumper)
With respect for the order
Plan before repair
With respect for the order
Plan after repair

This apartment was bought by the Son for Parents. As a rule, the elderly age is associated with the commitment of space and some old-fashioned. Aesley has the opportunity to try to start a new life in a new place and resort to the services of a high-class specialist?

A gift to the elderly parents included the architect services, and therefore the image of the new housing was looking for four: the author of the project, the spouse owners and the Son, quite silent in construction business.

Square Plenter

With respect for the order

The sliding doors of the cabinet in the hallway (two to 2650800mm) and the dressing room in the bedroom (two of them, the size of 26501150mm each) are included in the wall panel pattern. Their flank pilasters, like window openings, and entrance to the living room. Pilenks allocate the base unit. The lattice intercourse of the doors echoes the one that the partition is crossed between the living room and the hallway. Thanks to the architecturality of these doors it seems that they lead to spacious premises. When the door moves, the drawing of the discharge is partially combined and it seems smaller and more elegant.

The space of free layout was only slightly delimited by the supporting structures. Single partitions made of gypsum profiled discharge plates shaped spacious hallway and the fitting bathroom adjacent to it, built two-standing closet walls-wardrobe - in the hallway and bedroom. On one side of the carrier wall staged a bedroom, on another living-dining room-kitchen. Combining, as well as the almost complete absence of interior doors, leads to savings area and a disorder, corresponds to a common elevated over the life of the nature of the interior. A series of bright open spaces appear in front of the house: the hallway is a seating area with a semi-rocker-table and "flashlight" of the balcony. This decision may seem bold for an apartment where mature spouses live. But this house is not intended for crowded fences.

Restrained geometry

With respect for the order

The author of the project decided to supplement the neoclassical scenery of stained-in compositions in Wright style. The apartment was decorated with six vertical stained glass bands with highlighted in traditional technique (colored pieces of glass in lead frames) and close to the proportions to neighboring pilasters. Perhaps the sophisticated fragility of Wright drawings seemed to the author with a related light and fractional orders to the proportions of these walls. Two pairs of stained glass windows are mounted on both sides of the partition between the living room and the hallway (their axes are shifted relative to each other); Two stained glass walls on the wall of the hallway opposite the entrance to the living room (here they are opposite their "twins" on the other wall).

The bore began it was clear that the key style of this apartment will be classicism with orders, probably, the most proven time. The charm of order decoration is that it is not a purely decorative phenomenon, but a decor that keeps the memory of the strength work of the design and this work is depicting. It does not so much decorate the architectural surface as it structures it, shows how irrevocable and carrier parts interact. Together with the order, the categories of measure and order come to the interiors. For people of the older generation, taking a calm and measured lifestyle, is the perfect version. So, the wall panels, doors and some items of auxiliary furniture (kitchenware, as well as a corner wardrobe in the living room and wardrobes) obtained classic decoration.

Balcony Flashlight

With respect for the order

Initially, the balcony was separated from the kitchen-dining room with a small segment of the wall with a balcony door and effectively, southern glazed over the entire height of the outer walls. The entrance of the reconstruction of the saint with a balcony door was removed, aligning a balcony with a dining room and thus how to attach it to the residential space. The principle of glazing from the bottom of the top retained, only a little upgraded window frames. The balcony was properly insulated and equipped with warm floors there, but in the conditions of our climate it was not enough. Then the convector was additionally built into the floor, the grid of which (its size is 1500250mm) was on the line of the former balcony door. Warm air raising from it creates a thermal curtain effect.

Extensive compositions were performed from the toned bleached oak on the drawings of the architect. The rhythm is set by numerous narrow cannhelted pilasters, difficult vertically structured (high base, a long-tier architecture and a framed part with decorative gear belts and strongly protruding profiled common crowning cornice). Sleeping between pilasters, locker flaps and furniture boxes are mostly decorated with chickens. The complex graphics of the walls, with different elevation, demanded painstaking joinery. But thanks to these things, in which there is no practical need, there is a feeling, if you can say, architectural pupil, respectful attitude towards the craft, which is associated with the beautiful interiors of the Late Russian Modern mansions, when the romance of the early period of this style changed nostalgia by classicism.

An air-conditioned antablement

With respect for the order

The classic architectural order appeared in ancient Greece, and the room air conditioner was invented in 1929. The first expressions of the first expresses itself one of the most harmonious architectural systems, while the second is known to us as a low-attractive box, which improves the living conditions, but not decorating it. There are two air-conditioned apartments. One is located on the bearing wall separating the living room from the balcony, and it cannot be hidden. The other is the niche above the door of the bedroom (where the carrier wall continues a more subtle puzzle plate). The entrance to the niche was disguised as an ordinary decoration. The gaps through which the air goes, was terminated with a rectangular framework, and inclined lamellae from wood look like profiling.

Neither the bobbing, no burden of concerns in the interior, is dominated by the mood of the incessant weekend. Such must be the apartment of people in a well-deserved holiday.

Style and game

With respect for the order

Ordraine scenery in this interior may seem relieved and fractional. But the small module is beneficial for small rooms, visually increasing them. In places the gaming character of this stylization is very obvious. Such is the beveled cornice corner over the kitchen facades; At the door of the living room in the bedroom, unexpectedly "naked" section of the wall. The element of the game is and in the desire to diversify the ore "shell" of interiors in stained-glass windows in the spirit of early Wright, because this architect was not an adherent of classicism. Thus, stylistically different details are offered to be in society each other, the postmodern, withdrawing an interior solution beyond the obedient follow-up to one style.

Tell the author of the project

Modern architecture is not peculiar to style cleanliness. With the onset of the new millennium EE, it is not just not just freedom of stylization declared by once postmodernism, but also their active mixing within one architectural object. This mixture was named fusion style, and as a basis, it is most often taken forms inherent in our days, and complement them with bold borrowings from the past. This apartment also wanted to avoid stylist unambiguity. But, given the age and traditional tastes of the owners of the apartment, decided to try to realize fusion on the contrary, a kind of antifuchery, that is, to bet on retro and only slightly "delight" with its modernity.

I can not say that classicism for me- style-favorite: quite in the spirit of our era, I work with a few interest in another stylist. Let the time brings us fundamentally new forms, but we have almost unlimited features of the game with the forms of the past. For me, this is an exciting fantasy for one of the probable topics. Therefore, in the warrant drawing of the walls, you should not search for rigid logic and careful motivation of all parts.

The same applies to stained-glass windows in the spirit of Wright. Mildly highlighted strips from stained glass (the width of them and nearby pilaster is almost the same) simply seemed relevant in the compositions of these walls.

Architect Igor Ladin

The editors thanks the Emile Marqu salon for the accessories provided for shooting.

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

With respect for the order 12890_16

Architect: Igor Ladin

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