Delicious solutions


Seven design options for food reception area. Architects offer to stay under the table separate room or combine it with a living room or kitchen

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Photo by Chernyshova

Delicious solutions

Joint trapeza - real home ritual. Inhemalous, where exactly she passes. Do I need to take a separate room under the table or better combine it with a living room or a kitchen? Is it worth limking to the table in the kitchen? This question will be easier to reply if you remember the last visit of the guests, present the traditional family dinner in all details.

Magic Circle

The round and mysterious symbol. He combines people, helps them to make up and make friends. Important negotiations do not accidentally lead around the round table. Adeti from different countries will be happy to drive away rounds. It can be remarkable to help this magic of simple things can any of us. Remember the unusual sensations that have arose in the center of the park rotunda or the round hall of the old mansion, and you will understand how powerful exposure has space on a person.

This bright ultramarine kitchen is another example of a positive circle magic. The round wall of the glass blocks, the round table and the seat seats, finally, the multicolored balloons of the ceiling lamp ... I wonder how many sharp corners of family life can smooth out such a friendly, peaceful atmosphere.

1. Thanks to translucent glass blocks in the kitchen pours soft light. Mysterious radiance behind the wall creates a sense of the holiday.

2. Rotten, along which kitchen furniture is installed, perpendicular to each other. To round the line and "support" thereby the curved wall of the glass blocks, used the corner base element of furniture. It is also convenient because the entire internal volume is available for storage - no dead zones.

3. Hipsokarton ceiling above the table fills its outlines, like the suspension design of bright ultramrices, located above kitchen furniture.

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Photo Z.Razutdinova

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Contrast accents

The design of the united dining room and the kitchen is built on the principle of contrast. Big surfaces are made in gentle sophisticated tones: Walls of a rare greenish gray shade, golden parquet floors. Avot Accessories (frame, sofa pillow) - dark brown. The same color furniture (closed shelves, table and chairs). She is finished with veneer toned under Wenge.

The backs of chairs, made in the form of a frame, echo with a baguette, which framed a huge leaf of an exotic plant. The sliding glass door is also emphasized the motif of the frame.

These wide doors combine the dining room with the kitchen. Thanks to the unity of the design of two zones using a contrasting color scheme, one looks like a logical continuation of another. Especially since the kitchen is no less elegant than the dining room.

1. The dining room is separated from the magnificent hall with two rashlocks. They stand on the border of parquet and marble floor. Glass shelves for graceful gifts, souvenirs are placed between the rafts. Over time, when accessories becomes more, the decorative design "will work" and as a peculiar shirma that gives the camera to the open space.

2. The bastile for breakfast and the working surfaces of the kitchen constitute a single integer, they are made of Coriana. The crumbs do not accumulate at the junctions, the latter is simply not. Astolenitsa can be wiped with one movement of the hand! So modern technologies facilitate the life of the hostess.

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Photo V.Nepledov

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Solar fairy tale

In this unique apartment found an unusual solution, which, however, corresponds to the style of life of the family. Here the dining room and kitchen are combined in one room, although more often the dining room is located near the living room. The space is designed as original and tasty, which does not arise any questions, why the front zone has placed in the kitchen. Spracecess for the repair of St. Petersburg apartment in the revenue home of the beginning of the XIX. The picturesque brickwork was revealed, which was decided to leave in priority. The beauty of the old material texture gave a special warmth of the interior.

Command do not reach the top of the window, thanks to which they look easier and "theatrical".

2. The video pipe, painted black, stretched along the wall. It resembles a forged product and looks like a peculiar arch.

3. The historic brickwork is covered with white paint, but some terracotta fragments are left. This combination looks pre-troves solar and festively, causing a picturesque image of a flaming focus.

4. Forbeep. There is a shelf for a microwave oven and sections closed by door-blinds. For them, a variety of dishes and utensils are stored.

5.Shink T-shaped tabletop with a cooking panel is based on the wall and a column in which all the wiring is hidden. The second table top is located along the wall. Both are made of drywall and lined with tiles. The angle of the working table, addressed to the aisle between the kitchen and dining areas, is smoothly rounded and therefore much less effortful.

6. The private zone is near the two wrought iron tables of IKEA (Sweden) with glass countertops. When a lot of guests come to the house, the tables shifted with short sides, one, large and long.

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Photo V.Vasiliev

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Material effects

This small project of the famous architect is a reflection of his love for constructive materials: wood, metal. In fact, they are the main "acting persons" of a unique residential space (an apartment area - only 84m2). The floors are eliminated by a pine board, which is considered cheap and not sufficiently beautiful outdoor coating. Interestingly, in the hands of a skillful master, insufficient knots, which are given honeycomb boards, give special decorativeness. The author as if admires the texture of the tree. Dogton she chosen chairs with perforated seats. The same role is played by embossed rivets on metal sheets (by the column of the column separating the living room and the kitchen). Wkolonna, introducing the power and energy of the material to the interior, is hidden a refrigerator, also from metal.

Spacious main wishes of hosts regarding their new housing. This determined the architectural solution. Free layout allows the view easily to penetrate into different corners of the interior.

1.Kukhonic table is made of metal corners, and chairs from tubular steel. The energy of the "strong" materials is as attractive as the power of the athlete.

2. Circulatory radiators honestly set off - they are not hidden by the curtains, nor for special screens.

3.Potors, as well as partially walls in the combined zone are trimmed by plywood. It is another material, the beautiful finishing properties of which few are noted in our country. Such inattention is unfair, confirming that this project is also served, and the long successful story of Finnish design.

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Photo by E. Lichina

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Courage in Cuba

Very bold decision - to conclude a kitchen in a glass cube. Thanks to him, he managed to visually combine the kitchen not only with the dining room, but also from the living room. After all, glass planes protecting the living room from odors when cooking, at another time you can raise. If desired, the studio space is easy to transform into the cinema, office and even bar. However, the one who is in the kitchen has never been raised or lowered by "shutters" - does not feel isolated from guests and has the opportunity to admire the scenery outside the window, especially since the kitchen cube is placed on a small podium. The rigor of the unusual design and the "coldness" of the material soften the organic shape of the arcuate arch connecting the studio with the corridor, and the oval stretching fragment of the ceiling above the living room area.

1. Diseases of wavy outlines echoes with an oval stretch ceiling fragment in the living room. Next to the very "serious" minimalist cube, his bionic forms cause a smile. In addition, it is convenient because the bends of the countertops suggest guests where their places are.

2. Lots in this project: a kitchen fence, a large table, aquarium in a steel frame. I am a single unexpected development of theme door with a mirror facade.

3. The area of ​​the living room is bounded by the P-shaped sofa and is highlighted with saturated colors: blue, red, yellow ... A high scale rack equilibrates a huge mass of a glass cube. Its facade is divided into multi-colored squares with transparent plastic door doors - here again there is a re-drawing of geometric forms.

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Photo V.Nepledov

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Flight into the village.

This rustic kitchen "In the attic of the old house" is located in an area of ​​48m2. The bevelled roofing, the darkened "from time" wooden beams actually perform an exclusively decorative function. A mansard roof mimics the plasterboard attached at an angle, and the tree is carefully made up. Rustic theme continues kitchen furniture. Its facades are made of foam concrete and decorated with tiles with natural stone texture. "Apron" is lined with the same ceramic tiles, but a smaller format. Wooden doors toned the color of the beams and also aged. In addition, two lockers (one under the sink, the other, for the washing machine) curtained with tight flax curtains. Complements the situation deliberately rough furniture from an ash with a bright texture.

1. The apartment is small, so so as not to clutter it with excess furniture, the books placed on the cantilever shelf under the kitchen ceiling.

2. The attached balcony is a miniature office. Blinds instead of curtains and painted white lining on the walls on country.

3. Interesting decorative move: radiators are covered with curtains, but not completely.

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Photo E.Is. Morgunovy

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Tart taste

In this kitchen, modernity and old man are wonderful, creating a special, tart atmosphere. Aran's kitchen furniture (Italy) was chosen due to an interesting combination of walnut (facades are made from it) and steel (countertop). Round white plastic table bought in IKEA. ABSE The rest is the result of thorough searches. Wooden chairs in the spirit of 60-hgg. Hchw. Brought with cottages. An old tulle and a crochet lace tablecloth, found on the "flea" market in Izmailov, forged chandeliers in one Moscow workshop, and antique silver-in antique shop.

Contrary to the existing opinion, decorators resorted to the dark color precisely to "push the walls of a small room. The brown-cherry tone gives the space depth. Dark walls are balanced by white furniture, light floors, transparent textiles and prints adorning the "apron".

1. Project autors made prints from vintage engravings on cooking theme with images of dishes, various evaches. Then they were glued with a water-based glue and covered with protective varnish. Bright print spots diluted with dark wall color.

2. The heating radiators are painted in the color of the walls with a special heat-resistant paint. It is present in the assortment of any solid producer.

3. The final texture of the walls was obtained by the Relief Coverage of Iris Decor (Russia). The walls were covered with acrylic paint Dulux (United Kingdom) color rotten cherry and then slightly tinted with a small amount of silver paint in the "dry brush" technique. Thanks to the skill of decorators, it was possible to achieve the effect of flickering.

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