From the depths of centuries


On the example of the restoration of the dilapidated armchair and the "grandmother" chest, we will show how to extend the life of old furniture

From the depths of centuries 12896_1

The interior of the house filled with old things is very peculiar. This is the island of the past in the ocean of our time, where you forget about bustle and as if you fall out of the rapid flow of life. Such a feeling appears because the collected items have their own history, their destiny. Today, on the example of the housing, the hostess of which collects and restores the old furniture, we will show how to extend its existence.

It is no secret that the thing made manually becomes the object of pride of its creator. The product made or delated by its own products acquires artistic value, while in the material plan it costs much cheaper than purchased, and the most expensive thing is idea. The passion of Lyudmila, the hostess of the house, which is spent - antique furniture. She is a designer, and in his free time restores the vintage interior items, giving them a new appearance (maybe more modern), but at the same time it tries not to destroy the charm of the past. The spokest of the grinding machine and the paints of Lyudmila seems that an old unsightly wardrobe again appears in all its magnificence and is ready to serve as faith and truth, perhaps not one century. It is completely natural to its decision that the only modern thing in the dwelling will be washing machine. The Country House of Lyudmila is fully furnished with the previously preserved furniture, recreated by it, and the indescribable atmosphere of comfort and peace reigns there. Massive round tables, puzated dressers, servants who are older than the owner for several centuries, wise and unbridled. They seem to know something that has not yet been able to comprehend. These things have gained their special character and seem to emit warmth and kindness.

From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
Photo 4.

The folding staircase, which was hidden in the ceiling (1, 2), does not degrade the face of the interior (3), besides simple and quite convenient for use. This is an excellent functional solution that facilitates quick access to the attic, where you can store the necessary in the farm, but not often used things. The ideas of rational use of the entire area of ​​the house are always relevant, because, as you know, there is no many space.

From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
Photo 10.

1. This chair with rotten filler and upholstery fabric seems absolutely unsuitable for further operation. But, putting efforts, you can make a wonderful comfortable piece of furniture.

2. First of all, you remove all the layers of old paint and varnish with an abrasive sponge.

3. Then is covered with a caloring veneer in a suitable color scheme (the color of the baked milk is chosen).

4. After full absorption of the veil, the abrasive sponge is slightly cleaned with the edges and bulges to create the effect of scuffs and the composition of the chair.

5. With the help of an airbrush, the wooden surface is covered with matte furniture varnish.

6, 7. Put "Pie" filler, stretch the tissue, the edges of which are filled with inside and secure brackets and stapler.

8. On the perimeter of the trim attach plates or decorative cord. To do this, it is nailed to the edge of the sheath with thin furniture nails.

9. That's ready real interior decoration!

10. Required materials: Building stapler, furniture nails, hammer, upholstery fabric, abrasive sponge, bay or decorative cord, airbrush.

Second life of a grandmother's chest

Hearing the word "chest", many recall the exhibits of the local history museum or the detail of the situation, seen in the film about the village life of the year before last. Few who was lucky to see live ancient grandmother's chest, where "treasures" were kept. Sometimes the grandmother took them and showed to grandchildren, it was accompanied by a fascinating story (almost a fairy tale) about her youth, which was difficult to believe ...

Most of us have grown surrounded by faceless industrial production furniture. But, fortunately, these times passed. According to famous designers, it is desirable that the furniture in the house has its own story. This does not mean that only antique things should be used. Any item turning into your family from generation to generation helps to keep traditions and lifestyle. Traces of past years not only do not spoil it, but also give a certain charm. Iteper will not surprise anyone with a combination of ultra-modern and old or intentionally made things. Such a chest is able to become a highlight of the interior, even a certain styrene-forming element of modern design. Especially since the excellent quality of wood is advantageous of it from modern products. It is well preserved, only over the years sweating and the paint placed in places and the rust handles were covered. However, if he has a non-prostate view, it is worth a little over it to put up, turning into an unusual decorative component of the decoration of the house, and it will task the tone in the design of any room (depending on your desire). Painted by royal symbols (lily, monogram or coat of arms), this subject converts children's children into a small princess. A real pirate chest will bring the romance of marine adventures into the room of a young lover of noisy games. Pressurely aged, give the foundation of the hallway and will create a certain mood at any person in the apartment.

What application can be found old grandmother's chest, extinguishing his life and having having a convenient and multifunctional thing that will certainly decorate your accommodation? If you put it in the living room, it will serve as a comfortable coffee table or a storage location of anything, from toys to bed linen, blankets and pillows, in the bedroom will become a compact chest, and in the orphanage original table for drawing. Without a doubt, such a universal object is able to fit into any interior and become its genuine highlight.

From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
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From the depths of centuries
Photo 18.

1. Initially, the chest was covered with oil paint, which began to peel, and the knobs were covered with rust.

2. First of all, the grinding machine is removed with rust with metal elements.

3. To remove the first, the worst layer of old paint, put the tool on the car first with a coarse sandpaper, sweat, with the side of medium grain, to remove what remained in the pores of the wood, and finally with fine-grained grungeery.

4, 5. The result is a restored subject becomes smooth.

6. Skashing tree is covered with mold and rotting.

7. After the composition is absorbed, the chest is painted in the desired color of the water-soluble acrylic paint Pika-teho (Tikkurila, Finland).

8. Scribed using a thin brush and acrylic paints.

9. Screws screw the handles- and the updated thing is ready.

13. To create an internal decoration of the updated item, a dense fabric will be required (in this case, allay), thread, needle, a small slim piece of soap with a sharp edge, a ruler, pins, thick braid and a construction stapler.

14. First, from dense fabric, the suitable color makes the pattern and cross the case in accordance with the inner size of the chest.

15. Then the finished cover is placed in the chest.

16. Carefully placing the case, it is attached to the inner surface with a construction stapler.

17. Now it remains only to add a small decorative detail golden braid, which is counted to the cover on the upper edges.

18. YV End, using a construction stapler, attach a wood-based braid, laying it with the waves. Now the art facility is fully completed and can serve you faithfully.

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