Spring apartments


3 options for birds for birds: simple and complicated designs, description of the technologies of building the Bedniks "Chalash", "East" and "Stanny"

Spring apartments 12914_1

As soon as it becomes in the spring, we immediately have to demonstrate our hospitality to birds and hang birdhouses on the trees. With a sinker, we are waiting for the funny bird from a multi-voiced twitter, remembering that in the spring and summer in the spring and in summer it is very difficult to do without singing "drugs".

Spring apartments

Spring apartments

Spring apartments

Spring apartments

Spring apartments

Spring apartments

Spring apartments

And why do we love birds so much? Because they are "a pleasant whistle enjoy the Human hearing," as they said in the old days. Asseta because they benefit the garden: insectivore feathers feed on larvae, eggs and insect dolls, most of which are harmful to plants. The directions of the birds nest in the wrappers and cracks on the trees, as well as in those places where large branches are adjacent to the trunks. The finished bird house is attractive for them with its safety and reliability, so they will so happy to respond to our invitations.

The usual birdhouse is actually a dwelling for quite specific birds. Here are the size of the house, convenient for this type of feathery: bottom-about 1515cm, altitude, approximately 30cm, the diameter of the flyer ("entrance door" in the birdhouse) is approximately 5 cm. The nestings and for other birds, sparrows, wagtles, flourish, even dyatlov are built. A competently constructed sinker is less than a birdhouse: the bottom-1212cm, height, about 25 cm, the diameter of the flyer is about 3.5 cm. Tits are familiar to the twilight, so their home from the inside is recommended to process the versa (although for most birds "interiors" advise to leave unexpected).

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Blanks for "Shalash": plywood circles, bars, planks, veneer, twine ( 1-3. ). Cylindrical body of time consuming in the manufacture: Planks of screws are fixed to false and rashes, the diameter of which is 18cm ( four ). The roof support is a pyramid of different diameter circles, small brushes-riveting cross section of 2218mm are fixed between them ( five ). The spokest of the abrasive head walls give the ribbed texture ( 6. ). Then the housing is painted with core antiseptics ( 7. ) And rub the grinding skirt to better show the texture. The roof is "dressed" in the "skirts" from the veneer ( 8, 9. ), glue the fence ( 10 ), nourish the decorative door and platbands ( eleven).

Whatever birds you call on the guests, be sure to take care that the inner side of the panel with the flyer was rough. It is not so important if the natural roughness of the needed boards will be or specially made by jar. They need them for chicks, and adult birds, clinging to the clawboard, could get out.

The simplest bird housing design is as follows: four boards-walls, relying on the bottom and crowned roof. It is often done folding, it is easier to clean the house after the departure of chicks.

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For the birdhouse "East", a furniture shield will be required with a thickness of 1,8 cm, plywood, rails. Sizes of side walls - 25.513cm, front-2617cm, rear- 3217cm ( 1-3. ). Walls fasten with screws ( 4, 5. ). On the inside make notches for chicks ( 6. ). From the furniture shield, plumbing for the roof ( 7, 8. ). Falxt will not miss moisture inside the birdhouse ( nine ). The roof itself consists of 18 peeks with a length of 23cm each, nailed close to each other ( 10 ). After assembly, the house is painted: Case - colorless antiseptic, roof, bottom and angular rails - brown ( eleven ). Several decorative strokes will support Japanese flavor ( 12-15).

Variants of the form of bird housing is a set. In Russia, convocils from Berestov built; Flemishmen were famous for birdhouses in the form of a jug, flat on the one hand (they were made from burnt clay). Windows is used by a dry bottle pumpkin-lagnure. Unas today is the most popular material - a tree. A bird house can be made like a fabulous hut on curious legs or Ukrainian mazanka, on a barrel or slag. More difficult in the production of a round-section model.

Fix the houses aluminum wire or durable caproic thread (so as not to damage the bark). For convenience to the back of the nesting the pole, horizontal rails or hinges. Then find a shady, covered by predators a place to which you can fly freely. To protect the birds from cold winds and oblique rains, for the location of the fly, you should not choose the north-west direction.

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"Stanny" is a relative of the southern Mazanoca. Walls cut out of the furniture shield. The width of all is the same one- 13cm, the height of the side - 21cm, front and rear- 28cm. Roof slope angle - 45 ( one ). The "entrance door" can be made perfectly round or in the form of the arch. In addition to the walls, the house will need two parts for the roof, fence columns and staircases ( 2. ). Forward the queue of the framework ( 3, 4. ), the roof is fixed to it ( 5, 6. ). For the color of the fence, a salad acrylic paint is used ( 7. ), for the roof of a dark antiseptic ( eight ), for the hull - white acrylic ( nine ). When the paint is driving, stick the fence ( 10 ), fasten the staircase and flower ( eleven).

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