Homemade subtropics


Winter garden in the city apartment created in the Chinese style, taking into account the main traditions of oriental landscapes. 5 Florist Master Classes

Homemade subtropics 12915_1

Oasis, about which we will tell, is a winter garden in Chinese style. As prescribed the tradition of creating oriental landscapes, the garden image is made up of the harmony of three elements: stone, water and plants.

The Chinese theme in the design of the Winter Garden was not chosen by chance. The hosts lived for a long time in the Far East, and now they are engaged in Chinese medicine in Russia. For them, winter garden is a resting place. Usually in the center arranges chairs and a table: here they arrange tea drinking. In terms of its climatic conditions, the garden refers to the so-called subtropical winter gardens, that is, those that in winter need special "weather", copying a soft subtropical winter. The air temperature should be reduced to 10-12 ° C (for some plants even up to 5-7c), and irrigated. The rest period lasts from November to February, and the growth of plants slows down. What are these growing? All that in vivo grow in the zones of subtropics: in the Crimea, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in Southeast Asia and South America.

Homemade subtropics
Photo 1.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 2.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 3.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 4.

1-2. A round "window" in the lattice helps to draw the attention of the viewer and strengthens the sensation of perspective

3.Night waterfall

4. Gorged bridge, leading to wooden flooring

Subtropical garden in urban apartment - rarity, and explain this pattern easily. Creating an artificial winter is a troublesome business. On the same, during this period, the garden becomes not too friendly for the owners: when cool (10-12 ° C), they will not sit here and do not rest. Therefore, tropical gardens are more popular, living at a temperature of 20 ° C or slightly higher. However, in recent years and subtropicals become more and more familiar for citizens: they have their own charm.

Opinion of a specialist

When designing, first of all, the following task was solved: the winter garden was small, but I wanted to create a feeling of a large space. On the right and on the left there are windows, for the numerian species. But the owners, being in the winter garden, prefer to lower the blinds and be separated from the outside world, so we came up with a landscape panel, whose goal to increase the garden volume, to become a continuation. A landscape copy of the Chinese XVIV graphics. Here there are front and rear plans: the picture itself creates a sense of perspective.

The planning is thought out so that the visitor can discover the winter garden twice. First, at that moment when the door swinging: the look is found with the landscape sketch, it beckons to go ahead. I look at a very different way he inspects the garden when it sits down tea: now you can see the back wall with a murmur waterfall and hibiscus.

Tatyana Sadchikova, director of ILBOSCO

The house, in one of the apartments of which created this garden, is two towers, at the level of the 10-12th floors, connected to each other with glazed transitions. Everyone was divided by half a plasterboard partition, thus the residents of six adjacent apartments obtained additional rooms with an area of ​​about 14m2, glazed from two opposite sides. One of them is oriented almost strictly to the east, and the other is west. The abundance of light immediately obscured the owners for the idea to arrange a green corner in this zone. By the way, balconies, glazed from three sides have similar illumination.

Homemade subtropics
Photo 5.
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Photo 6.
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Photo 7.
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Photo 8.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 9.
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Photo 10.

5. Mountain, good material for both single bonsayev and group landings. It is characterized by bush and sharpening forms, as well as strong branches. Short needles (up to 2.5 cm long), dark green, slightly twisted

6-7. Signpers (6) and saws (7) are often planted next to the trees and liaans as directed upwards, so that in the pricing region there was more green mass. Pastener leaves are oblong, carved, and pyli-round, similar to coins

8-10. For a compact root PIL system, a potty is enough about 10 cm (7). Pill sucks thick, one bush close to another, as soil ribs (8). Already soon after the transplantation in the pot will not be visible to the ground it will hide a dense green rug (9)

Water, stones and ...

When they decided that the sample would serve as Chinese landscapes, it immediately became clear which elements should be attended to be present in the garden: water, stones and plants. Element of water is embodied as in a small waterfall, falling with a low cliff, so also symbolic - in a dry stream. It is laid out by the sea pebble of small and medium size, scattered along three walls and two lateral windows. Stones here are also a lot: there are real, and artificial. Sandstones were deliberately chosen the wrong shape, nozzled, with pro-Mine and silicon nate, and boulder-cropped moss. The bed of the waterfall is made of foam concrete under the sandstone. Externally, it looks like a stone and a cream-beige tile with hieroglyphs, which was tested below the windows below the windows and part of the wall at the door.

Homemade subtropics
Photo 11.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 12.
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Photo 13.
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Photo 14.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 15.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 16.

11.Stelli Liana attach to a grid fine wire

12. Bonsay - Pine Mountain

13.Gibiskus planted in a stationary niche container

14-16. When transplanting Anthurium, carefully inspect the root system: rotting and dry roots are removed (14). The volume of the new pot must be a little more than the previous one. If you choose a bright pot, on his background and leaves, and inflorescences will look more juiced (15, 16)

The central part of this almost square room occupies a wooden flooring (its area is about 4m2). It imitates the walkways, built over a dry stream. Knastil leads a humpback bridge.

Vimnia Garden can be hit from the living room. Opening the entrance door, we see the decorative panel size in the entire end wall. It is printed on silk and hidden for a wooden lattice - also typically chinese. The round "window" in the center of the lattice helps to attract the attention of visitors, focusing their views on the central part of the plot of a pan-courtyard, drowning in greenery. Thanks to such a lattice design, a flat image causes a sense of perspective.

Silk canvas stretched on a plasterboard wall using a stapler for fasteners. The grille was recorded using self-soles.

Opinion of a specialist

Garden palette is traditional for landscapes, "framing" Chinese temples. Color of wild stone-beige. Therefore, tile for walls also chose a light beige. The pebble in the stream is also bright: white, pinkish. Light tones - a good background for greens. Almost all plants here have juicy leaves of saturated shades of green. Perhaps only the bamboo foliage is brighter, pale. All wooden structures - dark brown, to tone window frames. We followed the national tradition: in Chinese gardens a lot of brown, reddish-brown, cherry blossoms. Coloristic gamma painting - pastel, unobtrusive: grayish blue, soft shades of green. Color emphasis in the garden is the red inflorescences of Anthurium and Hibiscus. Red paper lanterns decided not to hang up not to switch attention from plants on things. However, the tea drink time can be decomposed on the table red napkins, it will be quite appropriate.

Svetlana Rudaya, designer

Green neighbors

So that there are no additional hassle with the drainage system, all plants decided to plant in portable containers with pallets. Placed them around the perimeter of the room, groups, among the stones. The apack stones symbolically depict water, plant groups can be associated with the islands in the creek.

Homemade subtropics
Photo 17.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 18.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 19.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 20.

17. Padones under the pots are placed on the floor and surrounded by stones that simulate the drone of the dry stream. Plants and stones - Like Islands in the Creek

18-19.Mo on the stones indicates that the garden is alive. Every time during watering plants moss recommended spraying so that he does not fall

20.Nastile is equipped with LED illumination of blue. When it is turned on, the feeling that under the flooring is water

When selecting plants, it was important to settle near the views of different heights: and growing under the ceiling, and peeling along the ground, and average-eligible cultures. This principle of the selection allowed to make a multi-tier garden. Most of the plants settled here in vivo grow in Southeast Asia: geographical accuracy was valid for designers, and for hosts. Bonsai is perhaps the main actors in this garden. They bring Eastern flavor to it: the tradition of growing miniature trees is characteristic of China, and for Japan.

Homemade subtropics
Photo 21.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 22.
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Photo 23.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 24.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 25.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 26.

Earthwoman adult bamboo, taken out of the container, is braided with roots (21). On the bottom of the new, larger in size of the container lay a layer of drainage-cleaner with a thickness of about 5-7 cm (22). Under the ceramisite, soil poured (23). Complets place in the edges of the pot (24, 25). The remaining cavities are filled with soil, tightly ramming it. The larger land should not remain air cavities (26)

The central place near the end wall with the panel is allocated with a pine mountain, inscribed in the "window" opening. Assistance with her painting seems more embossed. This bonsai is formed in the style of the Money, which is characterized by a trunk bending in different directions. The overall direction of growth trees is vertical. The needles, as if clouds, surrounds every branch. The second large bonsai ficus, grown in the style of Naagari (this means "tree on the roots"). The barrel relies on the powerful, protruding roots, as if in a stuff. Also there is also the third, small bonsai-erection of self-colutive, and other plants will appear in the future.

Homemade subtropics
Photo 27.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 28.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 29.

Before transferring a plant, it is not recommended to water the plant, it is easier to remove the earthen com from the pot without damage (27). Spatifylum should not be seated in too large containers: when this plant is closely, it blooms better (28, 29)

The right of pine mountains, also near Panel, put a bamboo container, which is "gripped" with thickets of the same bamboo in the picture, thereby bringing the plants alive and drawn. The sid side in the grid is Liana Tetrastigm. There are nothing bright, catchy; Large leaves are not decorated with no bizarre ornament. But this liana is able to quickly form a huge mass of greenery: there will be a little more time - and it will fall in a magnificent arch over the "window" of the lattice and help make the image of the "melting" in the garden perspective alive. Next to the tetrastygma is a bright green ball from the leaf of an anthurium crystal, attracting decorative coloring leaves with silver streaks.

Homemade subtropics
Photo 30.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 31.
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Photo 32.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 33.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 34.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 35.

Tetrastigms are capable of growing up to 3-4m in height, living in a pot capacity of 2-3l. After that, they should be transplanted into a large dishes. For drainage usually use fine clay fraction 5-10mm (30). Through it poured a thick earthy pillow (31). Supports to which Liana is tied before the transplant is better not to remove: they will help to remove the plant from the pot (32, 33) and put it in a new one (34, 35)

More thermal-loving cultures placed closer to the warm wall adjacent to the apartment. To the left of the entrance door was settled Hibiscus (Chinese Rose). The period of his flowering is very long: during the apex, on the background of dark green leaves, here, then the large red flowers of the funnel-shaped flames are flashing, in the center of which the golden yarns are drawn. To the right of the entrance door, next to a waterfall with a closed water circulation system, is located Anthurium Andre and Spatifylum, who is pleasing to white fragile exotic flowers: thin patch on the background of the coated in the form of an ellipse. UANTURIUM Flowers are red.

Homemade subtropics
Photo 36.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 37.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 38.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 39.

36-37.patilum and anthurium have a similar structure of a complicated inflorescence, which consists of a custom and covered. The successifillaum (36) coat the elongated shape fit close to the cob. UANTURIUMA (37) bedspreads more rounded and further comes from a long custom

38-39. After each plant in the East gives a symbolic value. Evergreen Pine embodies longevity, fern branches, clean, fertility

Opinion of a specialist

Soil can be selected individually for each plant, we used universal. Its composition: 1/4 of sand, 1/4 chernozem and 1/2 dark peat. It is dark, since the redhead oxidizes the earth, it falls for a long time and keeps moisture for a long time. It is necessary to water the plants when it makes a earthen com. In the summer, of course, watered more often than in winter. Azalea and bamboo-desiccided plants are not cut, so they are watered almost daily. Avot Hibiscus loyal to drought: he is enough one or two irons a week. In addition, almost all cultures need both in spraying. And in feeding: fertilizers are brought in a liquid form (1-2 times insteps) or in the form of granules (about 2 times a year, they will dissolve for a long time). The inhabitants of the subtropical winter garden also become subtropical palm trees, azaleas and camellia, bougainvillery, ballane, from coniferous-araucaria. You can create a garden of fruit trees, inhabiting it citrus (oranges, tangerines, lemons), grenades, figs and fahua. Most of the cultures are exported from the Netherlands, a peculiar transshipment point, where copies from all over the world are brought. Some plants are grown in our nurseries. We advise you to buy them in proven firms, more than one year working in the market and caring about the health of goods - such as "Green Line", "Red Niva", "Star Light".

Vyacheslav Demchenko, gardener

Weiring the weather

In winter and early spring, the temperature in the garden is maintained on the upper permissible boundary, about 12s. Summer plants are comfortable at 20-22c. What equipment helps to manage the weather? The influx of fresh air into the room, as well as its heating (in wet weather), provides a system of supply and exhaust ventilation. All its channels are located behind the suspended ceiling. Drying weather The room is heated using a 1.5 kW wall electroconvector. Most of the winter room of the air in the room heats the convector (it is not recommended to place plants above it). If the owners have a desire to sit in the garden, at the time the temperature is raised to 18c. Air humidity even in winter should be quite high, more than 50%. In the summer it is maintained at 60-70%. Essential assistance in this is provided by the diffuser, which is equipped with a waterfall.

The basis of the design of the suspended ceiling - a wood grid with cells 6060cm. They are closed on the sides with plexiglass, externally resembling translucent rice paper. Ayackers located on the axial line are sewn with plasterboard: there were air distributors placed here. Light the daylight lamp room, which, like ventilation equipment, is hidden behind the suspended ceiling.

Homemade subtropics
Photo 40.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 41.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 42.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 43.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 44.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 45.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 46.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 47.
Homemade subtropics
Photo 48.

40. Such a waterfall is made of foam concrete, imitating the sandstone, imitating water and "suspended" winds

41.Specialists recommend using pots from an unlit, not covered with glaze ceramics: they "breathe". True, with time, saline divorces can sharpen on them

42.Sad is planned so that every corner can be considered as a picture.

43-44. The process of the birth of words and meanings from the plexus of lines of hieroglyphs Europeans seems to be an incomprehensible miracle

45-48. The joints are fixed in a standard way: holes (45) are made in the window aluminum frames, which are used to fix fasteners (46). Then the blinds are hosted, assembled from horizontal bamboo lamellas (47, 48). Lovely Lamella Lamels in such models are collected in the "Pack" upstairs

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