Than cut siding


Methods and methods of cutting vinyl siding. Testing Tools, Practical Recommendations, Manufacturers Tips and Expert Conclusions

Than cut siding 12928_1

It would seem, the situation is just enough to open the instruction that each manufacturer supplies its products, and act. In practice, everything turns out to be much more complicated. In this article we will tell about what difficulties arise when performing non-hard at first glance at cutting of vinyl siding, and we will try to give practical recommendations.

As was promised in the article "

There was a cottage "(" IVD ", 2008, №9), today we answer for many readers of the magazine and visitors of the site the question of the methods of cutting vinyl siding.

It is clear that when choosing a finish for the exterior walls of a newly built or restored house, you want it to be not too expensive (this applies to both the price of material and labor costs). But at the same time, the facing should look good and do not need careful care. All specified requirements for the maximum extent correspond to siding, primarily vinyl. Perhaps it is precisely this that explains it not only not weakening, but also ever growing popularity.

Increasing demand, as you know, gives rise to an increase in supply. As a result, only in the last 2 years, the number of siding manufacturers presented on the Russian market has increased (we think that it's not too mistaken) in 1.5-2ruses, and the number of firms taken for its installation (and far from all of them relate to high-end professionals), - in 3-4rd. Well, how many private owners are self-sided with siding walls of their own homes and cottages, we do not even predict. But for sure (this is confirmed by the personal experience of numerous trips to construction sites) we can say that all of them face problems when installing) when they don't pick it up) when cutting panels. The source of these difficulties is single-thought-out and frankly weak instructions on the installation, which is not surprising. Any major western manufacturer firmly confidently, siding must and will mount professionals who are on this, as they say, a dog ate. Is there any specialists in detailed instructions? And the fact that somewhere in Russia siding will be personally to sow the walls of the houses of his owner or the brigade of migrant workers, seeing this very siding (as, however, the owner) for the first time in life, he never comes to mind. The domestic manufacturers take an example from Western, they do not publish detailed instructions, and we have nothing ...

Than cut siding
Photo by D.Minkina
Than cut siding
Photo 1.
Than cut siding
Photo 2.

Cutouts on the ends of the panels for connecting them in length: in the upper (1) and lower (2) parts. Difficulties in obtaining the first of them creates a multi-layer hook of the castle

To help understand what is better to cut siding, we did not ask for any of the firms producing it, but decided to refer to the manufacturers of cutting power tools that dismantled in various methods and methods of cutting (as they say, and cards in hand). Companies specializing in power tools in the Russian market are presented in abundance: AEG, Bosch, Kress, Metabo (all Germany), Black Decker, DeWalt, Skil (All United States), Hilti (Liechtenstein), Hitachi, Makita (Oban, ), "Bykovsky ElectroCretory Plant", "Izhevsky Mechanical Plant", "Interskol" (all- Russia) and many others. The editors stopped their choice on Bosch, manufacturing the widest range of power tools. The reason is simple: a group of so-called demonstrators has been operating in the representation of this company, whose duties are just entering the virtuoso possession of any instruments manufactured and visual display of their capabilities to buyers of any category, including professionals. We decided to attract these specialists as independent experts.

They brought sample samples and on a specific example explained that it was necessary to cut and what result should turn out. In addition, they provided them with excerpts from installation instructions from several manufacturers, and then offered to try to fulfill the requirements of these guidelines. Of course, along the way, they had to choose the most suitable tool for cutting.

What and where to cut?

Made of polyvinyl chloride by extrusion of the panel can have a length of the 2-6m- single standard here does not exist. The gentle part of each panel is a lock-latch, in the upper-perforated edge for mounting to the wall with nails or self-tapping screws and the response part of the latch lock. On the side ends of the panels and from above, and from the bottom at the factory there are a certain form of cutouts, thanks to which the panels when connecting an inch with an adhesive enter each other and due to this are held together.

Therefore, you can create a section of any length, but the multiple length of the panel. If the length of the wall is not coincided with this step, the extreme panel of the section is cut across the desired size. AESLI is trimmed at the house, it is not just across, but at an angle corresponding to the corner of the tilt of the roof of the roof. Together with the cut part, the panel is deprived of both end cuts that have to play on a new end. In this case, the neckline is easier to create in the lower part, in the upper due to the multi-layerness, more complicated.

Cut siding is also in the situation when the width of the panel is too large, - when connecting the side wall with the sink of the roof and under the windows. Moreover, in the first case, the panel is simply cut along, and in the second, it is necessary to make "drank" in it in the width of the window. For this make two transverse cuts and one longitudinal.

So, there are three tasks: cut the panel across or across the angle, restore end cuts and cut along.

Than cut siding
Photo 3.
Than cut siding
Photo 4.
Than cut siding
Photo 5.

Use for cutting of vinyl panels of the saber saw (3) Even when applying clamps (4), success did not bring. With the help of electric scissors for metal (5) the result turned out to be a little better

How to cut?

Let's start this section by quoting one of the instructions: "To install siding, you will need the most common hand tools, such as hammer, square, chalk, level and roulette. For eye protection, we recommend special glasses. For cutting panels, you can use: an electric saw or a jigsaw, a hacksaw for metal, scissors for metal, knife. "

Well, let's try to deal with each of the tools in the order of enumerations in the instructions.

Than cut siding
"Western Roof Center"

Photo 6.

Than cut siding
"Western Roof Center"

Photo 7.

Than cut siding

Applied for edging windows (6) and angles (7) Special profiles can be cut in the same tool as the wall panels


Having at hand in abundance, various tools, neither we nor the experts could deny themselves in pleasure to fantasize and test equipment for cutting panels that are not listed in any of the instructions. For example, a saber saw and electrical scissors for metal.

Sabelnaya saw, even equipped with a special plastic blade, cut siding is difficult, as it is necessary for this that its playground be restricted into a hard surface, for which it was necessary to attach a sample of the slab panel to the surface of the table. Terms of construction sites create such conditions can not always.

The electoral helps were very convenient to make longitudinal and even curly cuts. But as soon as the cutting edges of the tool fall on a curved surface, it becomes impossible to work, because it is not always possible to put the scissors parallel to the surface. Well, about cutting the multi-layer top of the panel lock, do not even say.

Electric saw. And immediately, two quotes from instructions from different manufacturers.

1. "Stationary or manual radial electric saw can accelerate the cutting of siding. A panel with thin teeth is suitable for cutting (from 12 to 16-tiping 2.5 cm), while the cloth must be installed in the opposite direction."

2. "When working with a circular saw, install a cloth with thin teeth (for plywood) in the opposite direction so that the cutting is softer and cleaner ... cut slowly."

Than cut siding
Photo 8Whlls everything would be clear. That's just done ... with difficulty. To begin with, I would like to know where to take a disc with such small teeth? For example, in the assortment of Bosch, as in other large companies, there are no such. But even if you still be able to find this, difficulties will not end. With the help of manual circular, it is problematic to make even a transverse or longitudinal cut, not to mention the end cuttings. Using a stationary saw, the panel can also be cut across and along, but the end cutouts will have to be forgotten, to get them, the panel is required twice, and then it's still to trim the "influx" of the upper lock with scissors. Fully made drank under the window either will not succeed.

Than cut siding
Photo 9 What an error took up, it's hard to say, but during the study of the instructions the following assumption appeared: in the picture (and she, apparently, one and travels from one instruction to another) Cutting siding using a manual circular saw looks beautiful only because the artist violated the ratio Between the sizes of the panel and saws. In practice, you simply do not see what and how to cut, since the surface of the panel is closed with a metal reference platform of a saw (photo 8). In addition, if there is no support under the cut part, in the process of operation, the weight of the saw bends the panel and the line of the cut goes to the side. During the experiment, we were convinced: a saw with large teeth cut cannot be cut off. (Photo 9) Cracks will certainly grow from these chips.

Lobzik. And this tool for cutting siding is applicable only in part, in which they were unanimous and we, and experts. For normal operation, at least under part platform, the tool must have a solid and preferably even support. It is not enough that the siding panel itself is neither solid, nor a flat support is not, and under the zone of embedding the teeth in the hook loop, it does not relieve anything, and when cutting off a small part, it hangs in the air.

Than cut siding
Photo 10Working two dozen different canvases, experts picked up needed, T101 with very small teeth (intended for cutting laminate). The remaining vinyl was not cut. Popper cutting panels Our experts have been relatively easy, but cutouts on the ends along the curved edge even for them turned out to be difficult (photo 10). True, they coped with this task, but repeating such a "feat" does not advise, it may be sad. Despite the selection of the web, the cut turned out to be torn, so if you still need to work in warm weather, it is still possible to forget about it.

Metal hacksaw. According to general recognition, a hacksaw is a universal tool that can be boldly to cut siding and in the heat and in the cold. This help it is easy to create end drank, but ... provided that you are not in a hurry. The processing of each end takes 5-6min, and during this time you have to turn the panel at least twice.

Than cut siding
Photo 11Walls For transverse cutting panels, the knife is suitable only partially, its working fabric is too small length. Therefore, if the wall panel at a right angle is across you, courageously overcoming the difficulties created by exactly the small length of the canvas (it is necessary to cut short swings, which slows down the process significantly), even cut, then there is no across the angle. Well, Sofit (a light panel with perforation, commonly used to cover the sinks of the roof), even at a right angle, it will not be cut across (photo 11). It does not have to talk to the optic cutting at all.

Scissors for metal. Suitable for cutting siding only in warm weather. It is not recommended to use them into the cold - in the place of closure of the ends of the blades in the cold, the crack will definitely appear. By the way, with a certain thickness of the cutting parts (the design of the scissors there are different) such a crack may occur both in the warmth. In the installation instructions on this issue there are, for example, such instructions:

"When cutting panels with scissors for metal ... Avoid a complete closure of cutting edges of scissors." "... Use scissors blades only on 3/4 of their lengths so that the cutting is more accurate and clean. Start cut off the panel from the top, fastener."

Than cut siding
Photo 12Whll everything is clear. Only it seems that the instruction wrote a man, siding himself did not cut. At the top of the panel there is a "hook" of the castle for which the lower castle of the superior panel is clinging (photo 12). This hook has an S-shaped configuration and is formed by three layers of vinyl; To cut through it, you have to lean on the scissors with all the body. And when he finally will be cut, the movement of the scissors is no longer able to stop the ends of the blades clog and ... the crack turns out. Save may except that rich practical experience, multiplied by the honed coordination of movements and the non-real power of the muscles of the hands. And where to take it all? But if you start cutting from the bottom (photo 13), there will be less problems.

Than cut siding
Photo 13Rext Add that when cutting in places of bending panels, siding is froze, and in cold weather, or with insufficient plasticity of the material (alas, not all manufacturers of the material properties are equally good) cracks. Is it worth saying that for the manufacture of end cutouts, you need to show a mixture? But the cutting along the panel does not cause any problems, if, of course, the cut line icon does not pass through the bending of the panel.

Knife (Photo 14). And again, let's start with the quote: "Using a knife cutter, spend a deep furrow on the panel, then bend a few times / break the panel, until it breaks on the planned line." Written valid only with the unusted cutting of a smooth area of ​​the material. For example, two transverse cuts are made to obtain under the window opening (Fig. 1), apply a ruler and the knife is performed on the panel long incision, and then flex a cut side to the side opposite to the cut. A click is distributed, and the cut part drops to the ground.

The transverse cutting panels, as shown in Figure 2, taken from one instruction, should not even try to perform with a knife. How not to use it and to create end cuts.

Than cut siding
Photo 14.
Than cut siding
Fig. one
Than cut siding
Fig. 2.

A corner car, simply speaking, Bulgarian. This tool is also mentioned in many manuals, but very peculiar. The reinforcement is written about the following. It is not recommended for cutting vinyl siding (in some cases it is categorical, "prohibited") to use the grinder, since the cutting circle places the edges of the cut, which causes their embrittlement and as a result, the appearance of cracks. I found my phrase in one instruction in one instruction: "For cutting of vinyl siding, you can use hacksaw for metal ... and a grinder (at low speed)."

Than cut siding
PHOTO 15 When you try these words, our experts thought about, and then brought the necessary tool-cutting machine GWS 14-125 CIET (BOSCH) with a capacity of 1400W (photo 15), having six speed control speeds (2800-11000 B / min). Potted series There are less powerful devices, for example V-6 (GWS-6-115E) (670W). The winding of the electric motor in any of the Bulgarians under consideration has a special protection against dust damage, in large quantities of the panels generated during cutting panels (by the way, the instructions are not mentioned).

Than cut siding
Photo of the engine of the engine from dust is not an unnecessary function for the grinder. The experience is checked (see the article "I lived - there was a cottage") that there is a lot of dust when cutting siding, and small and very exhaust. It settles both on clothes and on the tool, penetrating any gaps. As a result, the inclusion button of the grinder began to run after 2 hours of work, and after a week it in the "Inclusive" position had to hold the finger (photo 16). Without failure, the engine cost, but his dust scored thoroughly.

The tool proposed by experts approached as it is impossible. If you set a thin (thickness of about 1.5 mm) the cutting disk with a diameter of 125 mm and select the appropriate speed of rotation, you can cut the panel and along, and across. Some problems arise except when performing end cuts. It is necessary to perform an operation while holding the panel on the weight, besides it is difficult to cut off the "hook" -napper in the upper part of the panel: a little glanced, and the panel canvas turned out to be cut, and the part is hopelessly spoiled. And in general, work with a grinder on weight (and this tool is quite voluminous and heavy) - the matter is unsafe.

Than cut siding
Photo 17. DREMEL 400 DIGITAL (BOSCH). This compact tool appeared on our market relatively recently and therefore has not had time to acquire sufficient fame. It also relates to grinding machines, only not a corner, but straightforward. The device is compact, easy (550g), power is enough (140W) and is convenient in operation. It has a stepwise adjustment of the engine speed (5-33 thousand), which is reflected in the electronic scoreboard. It is the compactness of the device that attracts first of all - they can safely work
Than cut siding
Photo 18Dell holding the panel on the weight. Equipping the machine with a small and very thin cutting disc (35mm diameter), experts manufactured both end cutouts in just 1.5 minutes. The resulting resample rested with DREMEL was accurate, clean and in appearance is indistinguishable from the plant made at the factory (photo17). If necessary, this, as it is often called, you can cut the borders and already installed details (photo18).

If the Dremel operations are suitable for the listed operations, then for the longitudinal and transverse cutting of the panels, it is necessary to prefer the usual grinder on these operations, it has a performance above.

What did the experts solve?

At the request to comment on the work with the tools used by our experts reacted very peculiar. Long silent, and then the head of the group somewhat offendedly stated: "After all, you knew in advance that Bulgarian is the best tool for cutting! So you are so much time ... read the instructions? " I had to honestly admit: "Yes, knew! Because, contrary to the instructions tried it in practice. But after all, personal experience can sometimes be biased. So we decided to reinforce his opinion of experts and only after that publish the results so that our readers had no experimental experiments. "

The editors thanks Bosch's company for help in preparing the material.

  • Installation of vinyl siding: step-by-step instruction

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