Expanding horizons


Overview of the doors market for wide openings: swing, folding and sliding structures, features of products, manufacturers and prices

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Exclude the backlamp of the sliding door can help the lower guide, in the groove of which includes a ledge on the canvas. However, the threshold disrupts the integrity of the flooring

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Classic wood swing doors will fit almost any interior
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Original glazed Wippro doors created specifically for wide arched openings

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In the exquisite Sige Gold series (SIGE) combined the luxury of Baroque, the grace of ampira and English classics

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Unusual arched door intended for installation in rectangular opening
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ATLANTIS CLASSIC model (Wippro). Double swollen doors with glasses decorated with colored inserts

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Mario Rioli.

Strict and elegant wooden doors with matte glazing will be best looking at the library or office.

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The door with a white matte glass mate can close a wide opening, visually disseminate the space and protect against excess light. But it should be borne in mind that even the most nice sliding design will not be a serious obstacle for sounds and smells, which, for example, from the kitchen

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Mounting diagram of the door block:

but - mounting foam;

B. - Door box;

in - Doblyar Planck;

G. - Calicar

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Translucent Longhi doors in a dark frame resemble their progenitors - Japanese partitions Sedzi

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Sliding partitions series Prestige (Mr.Doors)

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"Union. Italian doors"

Laurameroni furniture factory doors seem very massive, but it is not necessary to manage

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MBTTI (Chizzi Benatti)

The strapping of sliding doors was made mainly of aluminum, wood array. Wood looks more spectacular, but when the moisture drops, it is prone to warp

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Porte Ambientate.

Porte Ambientate offers doors with colored strapping

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The Antha (G`idea) model can be sliding, and swing

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Device of a glazed panel tambular web:

but - strapping (array of wood coniferous rocks);

B. - Testing (MDF);

in - cladding (veneer or laminate);

G. - filling (cardboard cells);

D. - glass;

E. - Stocker

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Scaffolding device:

but - composite strapping;

B. - trim;

in - decorative cladding;

G. - Pilenka (three layers of MDF)

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Henry Glass.

Some Doors Henry Glass Complete Panel for Montage "In the Wall"

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Sliding door from the Plaza series (ASTOR MOBILE) with a three-step guide and three canvases, the width of each of which varies in the range of 600-900mm

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"New technologies"

DSP plates with tubular cavities ( but ), unlike monolithic ( B. ), can be used for door canvases, the dimensions of which exceed the standard

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Henry Glass.

In some cases, glass doors canvas make without strapping

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Wide glass flaps of the Elegy door (Doka) are decorated with a stylized image of branches in the wind applied using a sandblasting machine

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Arturo Forasacco.

Artwork Options (Arturo Forasacco)

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Design Studio Elitel

Radio door-partition with stained glass

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Fitting details with veneen wenge ( but ), whiten oak ( B.)

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MBTTI (Chizzi Benatti)

Door block diagram:

but - horizontal bar of the door frame;

B. - telescopic platbands;

in - seal;

G. - Stand of the door frame;

D. - Pilenk;

E. - Strapboard;

J. - the strapping of the canvas;

Z. - Podflavol

Wide opening are found in the inner partitions apartments are not so rare. They are provided for by the project of the house or created when re-planning. We will tell about what options doors for wide openings offer the modern market, and the features of these products.

Examines are widely considered, which cannot be closed with a standard single diminished door block of maximum dimensions - 2100970-980mm. That is, taking into account the assembly gap and the possibility of using a draft box wide opening has dimensions of more than 22001100mm.

Urgently required Spacious

Expanding horizons
Mr.DoorShir the openings not only visually increase the size of housing and give space for the embodiment of a wide variety of design ideas, but also carry a functional load. They facilitate movement around the apartment, ensure the penetration of daylight into devoid of the windows of the corridors and the hallway, allow you to unite two separate rooms during family celebrations, getting one large.

But simple, it would seem, the task of registration of the opening turns into an equation with many unknowns. What should be the canvas (canvas) and framing? Are the seals, the guillotine, castle, are needed? The most difficult, as a rule, decide on the way to open the door. What preferred is a classic swing door, a light design of the "harmonica" type, elegant folding door- "book" or sliding system? It is from this decision that will mainly depend on the achievability of the transformation of the inner space of the apartment.

Soul Naraspyu

It is unlikely that it is necessary to talk in detail about the advantages of the hungry, well known to all. They are reliable, easy to operate, with their complete set and the installation is extremely rarely arising.

Wrick openings most often set standard double door blocks. According to the design of the canvas, the size of the cross section of the box bars, type and location of the loops, they do not differ from the single-signed, since the load from each web and in that and in another case is distributed in the same way to the vertical beam of the box.

Note that the size of the blocks from different firms, and sometimes even in various collections of one factory are not identical. Therefore, to avoid errors when choosing a door block for a finished opening, the first dimensions must be clarified by the manufacturer, while taking into account the width of the assembly clearance, which is 10-30 mm.

Very large canvases (width to 1100 mm and up to 2700mm) produce some leading companies mainly foreign, however, the price of such products is high enough, since it is often necessary to make changes to their design and, accordingly, technology. For example, the Tre-Piu (Italy) company used to strengthen the shields tambular (with filled with cardboard cells) of large-sized steel cables, stretched into the thickness of the canvas, and later the company's engineers went along the way of strengthening the frame and the use of particularly durable thermal adhesive adhesives.

Steel doors

A few words about the entrance doors. Input openings were calculated on the input openings of Stalin's and pre-revolutionary buildings, often with Framuga. Amenities are obvious: large-sized furniture and equipment can be carried in the apartment without problems. Wide doors are installed in new buildings, when entering a common corridor or in an extended apartment opening. Many domestic steel doors manufacturers to order produce door blocks up to 1100mm wide and up to 2200mm high. WHATS without a narrow side sash and framuga sometimes it is impossible to do. Note that only the leading companies ("Barce Steel Doors", "Gardian", "Esta", Leganza, Union Porte-di. Bi. Idr.) Made these details on the same technology as the canvas: enhance ribbed ribs, insulate And narrow flaps are also supplied with anti-blank devices and conversions of seals. The same major firms have the opportunity to bind additional designs with the same panels, as well as the canvas, while retaining the single style of the door block.

For a wall opening in a typical building apartment, it is almost always possible to choose a standard door block. The same who independently sets the dimensions of the doorway, it should be borne in mind that not every manufacturer will take to make non-standard doors, and if it happens, the price of the product will increase at least by 30%.

We will easily "intermediate" width (1200-1400mm) sometimes makes sense to install the one-and-a-half door block. The blades of such a block have an unequal width (usually 400-450 + 800-900mm). The narrow sash can be opened, but usually it is fixed by spiveps. The solution will be whether the one-and-a-half door will be more convenient than the usual, accept the planning, arrangement of furniture IT.D. Designers prefer "one-weeks", if two identical narrow sashs are dissonied with other interior doors of the same collection due to changes in the proportions of the canvas pattern (mainly it refers to the panel doors). Some domestic manufacturers, such as "Alexandrian doors", "Arboled,", "Volkhovets", but the choice of the proposed models is small.

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GrauthOff Sandblasting glass options: Chaotic drawing ( but ); Geometric ornaments ( B. ). Such a decorative finish does not degrade translucency

The diversity of structures and options for decoration of bivalve swinging doors is such that will satisfy the tastes of the most demanding buyers. Pilented and shield doors lined with veneer of valuable wood and laminated vehicles offer companies "Alexandrian doors", "Volkhovetz", "Dera", "Optim", "Sophia", "Yukko" (all- Russia) IDR. A very wide range of Italian doors presented in our market with such major importers companies as the "Academy of the Interior", "New Interior", Italon, "Union. Italian doors" IDR. Almost every year leading manufacturers produce new collections. One of the latest new products was the collection of Masai (Union-Barausse, Italy) with a veneer of black oak and curly inserts from white matte glass, as well as the classic ARBOREO series ("Mario Rioli", Italy- Russia), in which the design "Pilenka is applied in Pilenka. "

Opinion of a specialist

In the "technologies of choosing" doors for large openings and ordinary swollen single-minded principal differences. The same rules are relevant here: as in any serious case, it is better to turn to professionals that have proven themselves in the market and having a well-established chain "manufacturer-seller-service". Considering that the doors for large openings are technically more complex and manufacturers offer a huge variety of technical solutions, one should give preference to those sellers, in stores that have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the various designs of the doors, to see their sidelines, feel, what is called, do it yourself , try in action. This is very important, since the system is successful from a technical point of view when "personal acquaintance" may not be appropriate to the style of a particular interior as a whole. At the same consultants and technical specialists of large sellers companies, the buyer will be able to get all the necessary explanations and recommendations, and taking into account the specific planning solution.

Evgeny Bulanov, Deputy Director

Companies "Union. Italian doors"

Usually, swing doors are opened only in one direction, but recently bivalve doors with swinging canvases are becoming increasingly popular, for example, Saloon model (Union-Barausse). The main difference is to apply special loops, a return mechanism and a quarter of a quarter. With all its advantages, such doors are highly losing common on sound insulation and airproof is the absence of a container.

Finishing the conversation about the swinging doors, we note that they still have one significant disadvantage: such doors require free space. Therefore, if in your apartment is not too much space, it is worth thinking about the door with an "alternative" opening.

Virre "Knocks"

The canvas of the door- "book" consists of two parts connected by loops. One part, again with a loop, is fixed to the vertical vertical verticle of the door frame, the second is supplied with a roller, which moves along the track embedded in the upper beam box. Parts of the canvas can be unequal. This door is called asymmetric. This is not a designer reception, but a technical solution; Thanks to him, part of the canvas, speaking into the room, becomes already. The door is "a book" when opening requires 3-4 times less space than swinging. The same design allows you to put a close to the work any furniture. The disadvantages of the "books" are a tangible backlash when driving and not too high tightness. True, brush seals on the upper edges of the canvases and rubber-on side are capable of significantly improving the sound insulation characteristics of such a door and reduce its breathability. Doors- "books", made using serial canvases, have practically the same dimensions as disintegrating, but it is not always possible to purchase a bivalve "book", similar to the single-student one. The "book" door requires a serious alteration of standard web (it is necessary to cut it down in length, restore the integrity of the strapping and bind the edge), so such products are not at all manufacturers in the assortment.

Opinion of a specialist

There are many nuances regarding the choice of a wide door opening scheme. Take the right decision as to how and where the door will open, it is easier if you have already thought about the location of furniture in the apartment. For clarity, it makes sense to outline with chalk on the floor, the radius described by the canvas when opening (if we are talking about a swing door), then you will receive a guarantee that the web will not be partially blocked by the objects of the situation and in the open position will not make it difficult to move.

As for the sliding doors, it should be noted that the scheme "along the wall" is always more economical and reliable than the installation "into the wall". If for reasons of design or layout I do not want the door to slide along the wall from the side of the "frontal" room (hall, living room), a reasonable option can be the option at which it moves on the back of the wall, especially if there, behind the sliding door, wardrobes are planned or other auxiliary room. Installation of the door "On the wall" should be carried out only by qualified masters, having experiences of such work.

Valery Vorobhuk, ITALON Internet Project Manager

Usually the doors are "books" differ in strict design. For their production, smooth panel canvases, laminated or vented veneered, - Series Dance, Valley, Wenga (Union Porte, Italy), and elite products often color saturated noble tones enamel: Nieder (Tre-PIU), MERAVIGLIA (SJB) , Models of Factory Dila, Garofoli (All Italy). Several mansion are glazed doors - "books" from the Elegance collection (FOA, Italy). In the manufacture of their canvases, not only glass with various vegetable and geometric patterns obtained as a result of a combination of background and deep sandblasting, but also stained glass windows in Tiffany technique). The beauty of glass emphasizes a strict aluminum profile, painted or lined with veneer of valuable wood. The exquisite decoration of such doors will fit into almost any style - from High-teke to the AR deco.

Alas, the cost of the door-"book" is almost 2.5 times higher than the same model swinging with the web and the same dimensions. As for the doors manufactured by to order, their width varies within 900-3000mm, height - 2000-2500mm, they cost from 7 thousand rubles. For 1m2.

"Harmarkets" is, as a rule, very light designs from the articulated PVC panels, similar to the wall, 100-160mm wide and a thickness of 10-12mm (standard cloth-2100800-900mm size). One of the extreme panels are fixed to a wooden frame of the opening or directly to the wall, and the opposite is supplied with a roller rolling along the top guide (additional rollers are needed with a wide web, one for every 600-900 mm of the canvas). The most widely represented on our market door-"accordion" of such firms like Grosfillex (France), Forte (Italy), Marley (Germany). The complements of the "Harmoshk" have its own charm, in addition to the stack of the plate "eat" only 8-12% of the width of the opening, without requiring room in the rooms. But such a door in principle is only a slightly more "capital" and exquisite version of the screen - the path of sounds and smells is not able to block. The design of the serial "harmonicus" is not distinguished by a large variety (restrictions the design itself), although large manufacturers offer up to 20 colors of the PVC film finishing, as well as inserts from relief (transparent, matte or tinted) plexiglas. The cost of the doors - "Harmoshk" starts from 4 thousand rubles. For one web 850-900mm width.

Schemes for opening folding doors:

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Asymmetric door- "Book"
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Door- "Garmoshka"
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Symmetric door- "Book"

Walk on the rollers

Among the doors with the "alternative" discovering the most popular, perhaps, are sliding structures on the roller suspension. The mechanism of such a door consists of a guide, equipped with staps, roller carriages that are attached to the top end of the canvas, and the guide flag, it is located on the floor at the edge of the opening and hardened in the groove in the lower end of the canvase. Compared to the "book", the sliding door has a number of advantages: this method of opening the specialists are considered more secure, and due to the presence of the lower guide flag, the cloth is less "backtitis", and finally, it is possible to supply a roller mechanism with almost any serial web (only a small refinement will be required) . The height means that, acquiring a set of doors for the apartment, you are not limited to choosing a manufacturer and collection. There is also a special, specific design of sliding doors: light frames with inserts from rattan or straw - for example, model EXIT (Bosca Arredi, Italy), glazed or all-glass with concise vegetative or geometric ornament - Products Casali factory, FOA, Henry Glass, Vera Porta (All Italy). Such doors are invariably associated with Japan, although they are suitable for any room decorated in ethnic style. The stylish interior with radius partitions will decorate the sliding double radius doors - suggest, with the canvas of a sheet array of valuable wood, manufactured by the COMAS factory (Italy).

For wide openings, bipoly sliding doors are most often used. There are three main patterns of motion of the Cleaning: "In the opening", "along the wall" and "into the wall". In the early case, it is necessary to decide whether the canvas will move in opposite directions or one way. Installation poles The second way is more convenient (and cheaper), as it will have to change the design of the wall only on one side of the opening. A double door is useful to provide a synchronizer. It is simple and inexpensive (from 800 rub.) The device from cables and blocks allows, putting an effort to one canvase, lead in motion and second.


Interior doors equip both simple latches adjustable only with a handle (often with a one-sided retainer, allowing you to block the door from the inside) and locks with the secrecy mechanism (cylinder). The locks with the cylinder have lower reiglel, controlled by the key (or on one side of the key, and on the other). Some manufacturers of locks for interior doors, such as AGB (Italy), manufactures "tongue" from polyamide so that the latch worked softly and quietly. Not so long ago, the latches of a new type of magnetic type appeared in our market (for example, Bonaiti, Italy). They are almost silent and, no doubt, are convenient, however, more sensitive to pollution than spring. Note that the disintegrate door can only be provided with a lock only if it contains a fixation of one of the flaps using a spinlet. Castles with hook-shaped rigel, intended for sliding and folding doors, is in ABLOHNE assortment (Finland), Archie (Spain), Kale (Turkey), AGB.

Of course, the sliding door has its own minuses. Sounds and smells penetrate it much better than through the swollen. The most common doors "along the wall" are cheaper, but they will not allow the furniture close to the wall (the required indent, 60-80mm). Doors with canvas moving within the opening or retractable in the wall are deprived of this shortage, but in the first case the opening will always be half closed, and complex and expensive installation works will be required. The shells of the doors "in the wall" and "along the wall" always perform in the opening of 80-100mm- this is necessary on safety (otherwise, opening the door, you sooner or later damage your fingers about the jamb).

Purchase and installation of the sliding door of domestic production are usually held according to the following scenario. You choose the canvas, the firm dealer completes it with the sliding mechanism. Usually used proven products of such well-known firms as Geze, Still (both Germany), Eclisse, Koblenz (obhestaly). The price of a kit for a biscuit door is 2.5-5 thousand rubles. Installers at a place for an additional fee (1.5-3 thousand rubles) are finalized, installed the mechanism and the door is hosted. (Naturally, the apartment at the same time turns into the likeness of the joinery shop.) Leading enterprises 'importers of Italian doors offer ready-made kits (9-11 thousand rubles), including a mechanism, framing and decorative lining on the guide, as well as doors' penalties " into the wall "(from 12.5 thousand rubles). Refinement of the canvase is carried out in the factory conditions (the cost of the service is about 1.3 thousand rubles per bed).

Options for fastening the guide sliding door

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"Union. Italian doors"

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but - fastening of "Muscor" (two-way guide);

B. - mounting to the ceiling (two-way guide);

in - Fastening to the wall "Vnaklad" (single-section guide)

A detailed addition

Completing the conversation about the broad doors, it is impossible not to mention the unopened designs of the upper gramugs and sash (they are sometimes called side framugs), which can be used in combination with the canvas, opening on any of the listed schemes. Framuga is a framework structure, sometimes with filling from MDF or plywood (and with the same coating as a canvas), however, a decorative glass-ordinary, triplex or tempered is much more often used. Stacks of view of economic costs, functionality and design The use of these elements is often becoming a successful alternative to a decrease in the size of the opening or an increase in the dimensions and the number of cloths. In the early time, the popularity of friberate structures as an independent reception of interior design has increased. Framuga is mostly placed on the order, their price depends on the material and manufacturer and begins from 4 thousand rubles. For 1m2.

The ratio of the dimensions of the two-gas door block and the opening of *

Nominal door width, mm The size of the opening "in the light" with the installed block, mm Size by block, mm Size of opening, mm Size by typing, mm
1200 (600 + 600) 1240. 1320. 1360-1370 1440.
1400 (700 + 700) 1440. 1520. 1560-1570 1640.
1600 (800 + 800) 1640. 1720. 1760-1770 1840.
1800 (900 + 900) 1840. 1920. 1860-1970 2040.
2000. 2000. 2040. 2050-2060 2100.
2100. 2100. 2140. 2150-2160 2200.
* - According to "Union. Italian doors"

The editorial board thanks the company "Academy of the Interior", "Alexandrian doors", "Volkhovts", "Merbau", "New Interior", "Sophia", Italon, Master-Lock Service, "Union. Italian doors" for help in the preparation of the material.

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