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Erecting a two-story frame house with an area of ​​102 m2 using MITEK technology: the advantages and disadvantages of the frame system, the assembly stages, estimate

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So that the wooden structures do not come into contact with the concrete, on the surface of the pile-screened foundation was laid in two layers waterproofing material
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Trapped with moisture-proof composition of the strapping board with a step of 500 mm attached to concrete anchor bolts 200mm

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The base overlap was collected from parallel-waist farms of factory manufacture. Such farms are performed individually for each project of the house.
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The frame of the wall panels is assembled by the screw nails of the boards with a cross section of 15050mm. Inside it in several layers, plates of the mineral wool insulation Paroc Uns37 with a total thickness of 150mm
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The panels are sealed through the corners of the bolted joints, for which the elements of the nut type are installed on the ends of some panels, and in the side surfaces of others they make through holes

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The side of the panels facing the room (except OSB-slabs) is trimmed by plasterboard, which significantly speeds up the inner finish

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In the panel at the manufacturing stage, corrugated tubes and boxes for outlets and switches are laid. It remains only to extend the wires
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Panels were submitted to the installation of a truck
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Here they were immediately aligned and fastened with each other, this process requires a certain skill and skill
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Panels were tightened with a bolt with a diameter of 12mm
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Internal partitions were erected after the outer walls were fully mounted.

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The installed panels from the ends were dripped to the flooring of a powerful self-pressing, screwing them at an angle and having heads into a frame
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In just one day, three people with the help of a car crane almost completely built the walls of the first floor of the house. Is it really a very tempting installation speed?
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Prior to the start of installation to the farms of overlap attached steel corners with screws
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Light designs raised upstairs manually
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So that individual farms become a single belt, they will connect them to the ends with a powerful bar (a groove is left under its installation) and mounted solid flooring from OSB-plates
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"Windows" in the overlap zone from the outside will close OSB-plates, and then from the inside warming up mineral wool
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Before starting the installation of the plates of the second floor, rather original, but very economical forests were built along the walls. They attached one side to the wall at home, and the second operl on the wooden rack
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The rapid design was collected from a cohesive board with a cross section of 15050mm and attached to the strapping of walls with metal corners and self-draws
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Winged places (by calculation) Stropile legs reinforced farms

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To the rafters, the moisture insulation membrane was pressed by a counterclaim (timber 5050mm), on top of which they mounted a cutlery from the board 6020mm, and then solid filling from OSB-3 plates with a thickness of 10 mm, securing them with self-assembly
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From the outside of the walls separated siding. True, not laid out in the basic configuration "Rread", and the base Nailite, imitating cladding with a stone. The sinks of the roof were powered by light sophods. Combined with painted in the dark color "Stone" facade looks quite organically

We decided to build a country house, but do not know what technology? If you are not ready to give preference to traditional construction methods and the last year of the processes of the construction of walls and overlaps, then this article is for you.

One of the most attractive materials for the construction of country houses was and remains a tree. Causes are quite understandable: having a small weight, good heat engineering and technological properties, wood allows and even helps to solve many construction tasks. But it's not only that. This natural material is familiar to a person from time immemorial and therefore attracts it not even environmental (they began to write it only in recent decades) or aesthetic characteristics (which is already talking about no one century), but will not be afraid of this word at the genetic level. After all, not a banal fashion explains the massive construction throughout our country of country villages, in which there is not a single stone house. Yes, if only in Russia! Most recently, the author of these lines was able to see in one of the most picturesque mountainous areas of Spain, the village under construction, consisting exclusively of wooden houses.

In proportion to the increase in demand for wooden houses is growing and the number of technologies for which these buildings are erected - today they have no longer one dozen. Each, of course, has its advantages and disadvantages. It should be noted that many owners have recently preferred technologies that allow us to build a reliable, beautifully fashionable now the term-thermal efficient house in the shortest possible time. Writing the construction cost as low as possible.

How to achieve this? It is necessary to choose the technology of frame house-building. And such that all the necessary parts go to the construction site in maximum factory readiness. About one of its options offered by Belhouse (Belarus), we will tell us on the example of building a house with an area of ​​102m2.

Running framework frame

Surely, many are well remembered (and some still exploit) frame-shield cottage houses, in large quantities produced in Soviet times. The quality of such buildings left much to be desired (no wonder our invalid fellow citizens dubbed them with frame-slot), so in the public consciousness there was a certain prejudice against the technology of frame housekeeping. However, it is possible to fight stereotypes. After all, modern technologies for the use of the carrier frame have a little in common with the design of the country buildings 60-80-hgg. Hchw.

The frame house, which is in question, let alone, but reminds the very buildings - primarily the technology of the construction, since it is also collected from the panels prepared in the factory conditions. And like preparing, as before, significantly reduces the time of assembling the house at the construction site and reduces its cost. But on this similarity, perhaps, ends. Here you use the latest technologies for designing and creating the panels themselves, as well as their assembly.

Headed the corner project

To conclude an agreement and start work from the customer, you need a little: a draft design, including the image of the facades with dimensions and heights, the floor plans and the necessary cuts. This project with the signature of the future homeowner will be a mandatory attachment to the contract. You can get it in three ways:

  • take one of the typical projects from the company's website (free of charge);
  • Order a designer of the company (20-30 thousand rubles);
  • Purchase in another company.

Based on the sketch project, design and design documentation will be developed, both for the manufacture of details of the future house and for its assembly. Pay for the design additionally does not have to be the cost of this process in advance in the price of the set of parts, as it is simply impossible to start their production without it. It occupies the process, as a rule, 4-5 days.

During the design, even the features of the location of the built-in area can be taken into account. Installation of panels produce, as a rule, using a car crane. If the conditions of the territory are such that there is no place to place the truck crane, it is necessary to warn the designers in advance, and then all the included panels will have no more than 4m width to raise and install them manually.

Congracy can lead the replacement of the materials for inner or outer finish. For example, in the basic configuration (about 13 thousand rubles. For 1m2) there is an external lining of the house by siding. If the facade is covered with any other material (block mobile, the plaster IT.D.), the price will most likely change.

What is included?

The stage of manufacturing all necessary parts occupies even less time than design - 2-4 days (depending on the size of the house and the complexity of the farms designs).

Wall panels. They have a layered structure. First, from the dried calibrated boards, a cross section of 15050mm make a framework in which there are openness for windows, IT doors. Racks have 560mm increments, which corresponds to the width of the insulation plate. The boards are fastened with screw nails with adhesive coating (scores such nails special automatic device). Outside, the finished frame of the panel is squeezed by an oriented chipped moisture-resistant plate with a thickness of 10mm (OSB-3, Kronopol, Poland). Next, the insulation plates are laid between the racks; From the side facing the room, they are covered first by the OSB-3 slab, similar to the outside, and then plasterboard.

The panels intended for the inner bearing walls are manufactured in almost the same way (the insulation in this case serves as a sound insulation material), only they are trimmed from both sides first by OSB-plates, and then drywall.

The technology of creating panels for interroom partitions is almost similar, but they are significantly thinner, the framework is made of a cross section of 10050mm.

To prevent broken joints of the panels, labyrinth seals are made on their side ends: the inner and outer covering of one panel enter the other, covering the joint so.

Farms for overlap. The manufacturer calls these nodes with parallel-waist farms. Made them of dry calibrated boards with a cross-section of 10050mm connected by metal wave plates (MZP) using MITEK technology. Farms may have different design and height (at least 350mm), which are defined during design; These parameters depend on the existing loads (for calculations use a special program). The lattice beams compared to typical (solid) have two advantages: first, they have a higher rigidity at a smaller weight; Secondly, they make it easy to lay the necessary engineering communications inside the overlap. After installing the beams in place on top of them, the solid flooring from the plates of OSB-3 thick 22mm is mounted. This gives overlapping additional rigidity.

Stropil farms. Their design and configuration defined by the designer depend on the existing loads. The most simple case, the farm is a cohesive with a msp by narrow plates two boards with a cross section of 15050mm. It is a complex one, like the beam of overlaps, lattice: made of planed dried wood connected by gear plates. In this case, the cross section of the boards used is due to the calculated load and sometimes happen: 15050, 12550, 10050mm. It is curious that the technology described allows to produce rafter farms and beams, with which you can overlap spans up to 30m without additional (intermediate) supports.

Practice of construction

Talk about the construction site will start with its value. Montage of the part of the frame house arrived at the construction site will cost approximately 25% of their price, and excluding the payment of the car crane. Do you think it is expensive? There is no problem - the company offers a security chef service that will conduct a qualified engineer. The cost is about 5% of the price of the kit. Want to make everything with your own - get the necessary documentation in your hands and ... dare!

Along the upper ends of the panels forming the walls of the first floor, they laid the boards with a cross section of 15050mm, which attached to the frame of panels with powerful self-draws, thus creating an upper strapping (a). Insit the output of corrugated polymer tubes in the strapping boards, the holes (b) were drilled in advance. Over wide doorways installed powerful wooden beams (B).

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Foundation. He is painted on boronobyl piles. To create it, the holes were drilled with a diameter of 35cm to a depth below the ground freezing point (usually 1.8m). Intended holes inserted "pipes" from rolled glass pool to prevent absorbing moisture from concrete after its fill into the ground. Then the reinforcement frame was installed in the holes (four rods with a diameter of 10 mm) and poured with concrete M250.

Next, they made a reinforced concrete scarlet, for which the trenches were pulled out with a depth and width of 60cm, in which the sand-gravel pillow was created with a height of 40 cm (layers of sand and gravel the same). After that, in trenches, the milking formwork was mounted, and its walls on the inside were covered with a layer of glasses. The embointing was put on the reinforcement frame and poured with concrete M250. Scarlet turned out to be blunting into the soil at 20cm, the height of the above-ground part is 40cm.

Finally, RouShark laid the lower strapping made from a cross section of 15050mm. The boards at the corners were pulled by a metal perforated ribbon.

Overlapping. We must admit that for a number of reasons that do not depend on us, the film crew has arrived at the construction site when the basement has already been fully mounted. Therefore, we were able to track only the stages of the installation of the first floor overlapping (it was carried out according to the same technology). Accompanying the article photos, in our opinion, is very detailed illustrate this process, so we will comment on only one important question that is not reflected in the photography.

When insulating overlappings, MITEK instructions allow you to go in two ways: to put a moisture insulating material or a synthetic (plaster) grid between farms from the bottom. Practical experience has shown that if the house is built in the rain period (autumn, spring), it is more expedient to use the grid - through it the insulation easier gives moisture in it (of course, provided that there is a necessary amount of ventilation openings in the ribbons. Avelago insulation material is better to consume when the installation leads in dry seasons (winter, summer). It is preferable and from the point of view of protecting the insulation from moisture evaporating from the soil under the house. Since the installation of the house took place in winter (the owner wanted to enter the new dwelling in the summer), it was this version of technology that was applied.

For the passage of the corrugation in the farms, holes drilled (a), and then screwed the farms to the strapping with a step of 600mm. To connect the lower parts of the farms, in each of the overlapping spans, they were connected to each other with two long bruises cross section 5030mm (b). Farms attached to a strapping board with a pitch of 600mm (B).

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Walls. The process of their installation is also quite detailed in photos. Therefore, we will dwell on one moment. In the manufacture of the corrugated polymer tubes in the panel laid and installed mounting boxes for sockets and switches. Sloves are embedded fine steel wire, and when carrying out finishing works, electricians will only stay along the pipes of the wire. But that all this was fulfilled, the owner must personally note on the plan of the house of the location of sockets and switches, and the designer is to prepare the power supply project according to this data.

Roof. The technology of creating a rafter design is also quite fully illustrated by photos, but the roofing "pie" remained behind the scenes. Created it like that. From the bottom to the rafal beams, the UTAFOL 110 vapor insulation film was attached (Juta, Czech Republic), and then the UNS 37 insulation (Paroc, Finland) was put into the space between them (Paroc, Finland) with a thickness of UTAVEK 115 with a moisture insulation film (JUTA). On top, it was pressed against a counterclaim, which perpendicular to which the racks of the crates were lit. After that, they created a solid flooring from OSB-plates and until spring was covered with a polyethylene film. The heat with the roofing coating "Ondulin" (OFIC SA, France) was mounted.

The insulation of the floor was made by the so-called stretch method: first between farms with a certain provision fastened the moisture insulation material "Izosun AM" (a), then it was laid on it in three layers (total thickness - 150mm) Parox (b) roll insulation, which was covered with a vapor insulating film from above (in).

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Simultaneously with the installation of the roof, forced ventilation of the inner space of the house was arranged. It is carried out thanks to the "fungi" with a fan installed on the roof, to which corrugated air ducts lead from all rooms. They were hidden under the walls of the walls (until the interior decoration was performed, you can remove the cover of the panel, and then return it to the place), in the ceiling farms and between the rafters.

Points for and against"

The advantages of the frame house are obvious. This is the possibility of construction in any season of the year, and the high rates of the process itself. So, building an area of ​​150m2 is elevated for 8 weeks. At the same time, 2-3 weeks build its box, the rest of the time is finishing. You can install the house immediately after its completion. Framework structures are easy, almost insensitive to seasonal basements of the foundation that occurs due to the powder, and seismic resistant. With a relatively small thickness of the walls have good heat-saving properties.

The general disadvantage of the skeleton system is one: specialists in this area of ​​house-building are not so much, and so that the house is really high-quality, you need to know the mass of the nuances and have experience. The houses, erected with violation of technology, throw a serious shadow of distrust on frame structures in general.

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The technology of mounting the walls of the second floor is no different from the erection method of the first. Is that builders at the height work a little more complicated. But the assembly process becomes more spectacular, because not only rectangular, but also trigged with trapezoids, but even triangular details.

Now about the advantages of a specific technology. It attracts in it primarily the prefusible design of overlaps with good bearing capacity, as well as the fact that all engineering communications can be removed in them. Avota method of insulation of these floors, in our opinion, flaws are not deprived. Of course, this technology is simple and provides high speed of work. But between the farms, the insulation of a thickness of 150mm is laid, and they themselves are not insulated at all and can become "cold bridges."

Interior decoration is very simple. Plasterboard covered with walls were covered and painted in white, so that they contrasted with clapboard and plastic panels that imitate the trim stone. Steps and fencing of the stairs are one floor coating tone (laminate).

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Naturally, MITEK and Belhouse specialists know about this shortcoming and to eliminate it, improve construction technology. Accome, since 2008. She has undergone the following changes: the OSB-3 sheets are laid from the bottom, and after the house is built, in the "Plate" of overlapping with the help of special equipment "blown" the insulation based on cellulose fiber - "Ekovatu" ("Technos", Russia ). It fills the space not only between farms, but also between the racks of their frame. In our opinion, the proposed technology is very original (although not Nova: "Eco-Way" was developed precisely for the application by the method of "strangling" in the cavity and niche, it is widely used in the restoration of old buildings and architectural monuments), and it is worth talking separately and more Detailed. It will see, we will return to the theme of frame construction more than once. Believe me, she really deserves it.

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Floor plan Explanation of the first floor

1. Away terrace .......................... 4,4m2

2.Nambour ............................................ 1,3m2

3. Eye apart ...................................... 4,9m2

4. Guest ........................................ 18,6M2

5. The gosh ........................................ 10,9M2.

6.Sanzel ......................................... 3,1m2

7.The room ............. 1.8m2

8.kunny-dining room ............................ 12,2m2

9.teras ........................................ 6,2m2

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Plan of the second floor Explanation of the second floor

1. The scene ................ 4,2m2

2. Children's ....................................... 10,6M2

3. Sun ....................................... 14,6m2

4. Sanzel ....................................... 1.8m2

5.Balcon ......................................... 7m2

6.The Light

The enlarged calculation of the cost * construction of the house with a total area of ​​102m2, similar to the submitted

Name of works Number of price, rub. Cost, rub.
Fundament device 18m3. 4000. 72,000
Assembling frame walls and partitions 115m2. 770. 88 550.
Build overlap with laying beams 100m2 315. 31 500.
Warming and insulation of coatings and overlaps 220m2. 120. 26 400.
Assembling roof elements with crate device 120m2. 220. 26 400.
Roofing device 120m2. 200. 24,000
Installation of the drain system set - 15,000
Filling the openings by window blocks set - 17 000
Eaves Bearing, Svezov set - 18 000
Finishing of facade walls 180m2. 650. 117,000
Facing surfaces clapboard 500m2 470. 235,000
Total 670 850.
Applied materials on the section
Concrete 250. 18m3. 4100. 73 800.
Steel fittings, Pergamine, Wire, Nails set - 35 400.
Crushed stone, sand 6m3 - 7500.
Mounting set of home set - 859 500.
Hardware, fasteners set - 27 500.
"Ondulin" 120m2. 160. 19 200.
Sawn timber 8m3 6500. 52,000
Steam, wind and waterproof films 220m2. - 6000.
Drainage system (tube, chute, knee, clamps) set - 22 950.
Sofit in the kit 40m2. 410. 16 400.
Window blocks with double glazing 14,2m2 - 63 940.
Siding under a stone 180m2. 810. 145 800.
Lining 160m2. 450. 72,000
Plasterboard sheet, profile 340m2. 630. 214 200.
Total 1 616 190.
* - the calculation is made without taking into account the overhead, transport and other expenses, as well as the profit of the company

The editors thanks Belhouse for help in preparing the material.

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