As in spirit


Overview of the wind turbines: varieties of ovens, specifications, features of operation, manufacturers, prices

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Do you like to pamper your home and guests with culinary masterpieces? Then you can not do without the oven. It will help without much difficulty to prepare not only casual dishes, but also real delicacies, so it's so good that even the most spoiled gourmets will appreciate her work on dignity. But what model to choose? Let's try to figure out together.

Not so long ago, the kitchen plate was divided into a cooking surface (panel) and the oven cabinet (oven), and these two separate embedded devices have already taken root in our kitchens and now more confidently displace their ancestry-slab from there.

Some buyers believe that it is enough to purchase only the cooking panel. But please note: it is far from the shoulder not all the dishes that can easily prepare an oven. The same cooking in the panel requires your permanent participation (to prevent something, to trace, so as not to convince, not burnt, IT.D.), and the troubles are much smaller with the breath cabinet. We will talk to this article only about ovens who are ready to take part of the care of cooking.

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Main choice

At the beginning of the description of the oven cabinet manufacturers, as a rule, indicate: "dependent" or "independent". This means that the first divides the control panel with the cooking surface, and the second is in the "sole" use. The terms "dependent" or "independent" refer only to the control panel, and the oven and the cooking surface in any case can also be autonomously from each other.

Dependence affects both two appliances in the kitchen. The oven in the dependent embodiment is set strictly under the cooking surface. Anempended are good because they are embedded in any place and as convenient to the user, for example, at the level of the eyes or chest, so that they should not be touched or squatting, controlling the cooking process.

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Photo 1.

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Photo 2.

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Photo 3.

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Photo 4.

1-3. The oven clothing is chosen with the fact that you are going to cook. Supply products volume up to 40 liters, at the average - up to 60l, with a capacity - more than 60l. Among the giants, we note OpenSpace (Hotpoint-Ariston) (1) - 50l, but special chapter can reduce it. COMBO (TEKA): Two separate cameras - 46 and 10l. Used HX 108 x (Ardo) (3) Middle volume- 50l

4.Duhovka Compact (FOSTER) is one of the smallest: its volume is only 35l, which allows it to quickly warm up to 250C for 8min, and for 2min you can warm up any dish

Another global difference is gas, electrical and combined (gas burner and electricity). The first gradually go into the past (especially in major cities) - manufacturers make the main focus on electrical models. APRACY is very simple: electrical multifunctional and allow you to prepare a wider range of dishes. This stash point of view is due to the fact that in electrical heating of multilateral with precise stepwise adjustment and they are faster reaching a given temperature.

Cooling system oven

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Candy cooling oven is due to the kitchen air taken by the fan. The output of warm air from the chamber also provides a fan, due to which the door temperature is adjusted. Cold air enters the oven through the holes located in the interval between the external and inner contours of the case. This creates air circulation from below up; In this case, warm air is pulled out through the top of the door.

Observe the mode

Choose a gas or electric oven consumers usually do not have to choose. Everyone decided to once builders, summing up a gas or not. We can only tell us about the nuances of both options.

Gas ovens for a set of functions, as a rule, is much poorer than electric. They are two types: with a fan and without it. The above below is a gas burner, a top-gas or electric heating element (grill). Electricrile is preferable because it provides uniform heating and more accurate step temperature control.

Models with a fan are called multifunctional, since the fan distributes hot air throughout the chamber volume and provides more opportunities to prepare a variety of dishes. By the way, these ovens have some features. Let's say the fan should not strip the flame burner. Therefore, hollow burners are used, in which the fire burns inside their cavity. In case, even the flame somehow went out, there exists an automatic register, it will soon divide the fire again. Night can with manual or automatic inclusion. In the presence of the first, you need to press the ignition button and at the same time turn the gas supply knob; When automatically, just change the position of the handle. The main advantage of gas is its low cost compared to electricity.

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Photo 5.

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Photo 6.

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Photo 7.

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Photo 8.

5-7. If the oven wardrobe is independent, for example, as HB336550 (5) and HB23T532 (7) (Siemens), then you can pick a set of cooking surfaces and ovens from different manufacturers while "dependence" (He 366560, Siemens) (6) Your choice will be limited to devices only one firm, and still need to be clarified whether the selected models will be able to work together

8. For harmony in the kitchen manufacturers often produce whole sets of equipment in a single style. So, the oven EM74MCO (Franke) of the copper color is perfectly combined with other household appliances.

Electric windscalkers thanks to the exact compliance with the temperature regime, you can make much more dishes than in gas. For cooking serve heating elements (Teni).

Their prompted models are installed at the top and bottom of the camera. AB maximum configuration is presented lower and upper beans, grill (tan or quartz), fan and ring heating element around it. The more the fan, the wider the possibility of the oven. The combination of the joint operation of the heating elements allows you to prepare almost any kushan.

Consider in detail the features of heating in electrical ovens. The oven, in which there is no fan is called static. The upper and lower beans are quite enough to prepare simple everyday dishes. If you like to surprise household and guests with culinary delights, it is better to look at the oven with a fan. Manufacturers call such devices with multifunctional or convection, although it is not entirely correct: it would be more precisely to say "with forced convection", since there is a natural convection without a fan in the oven. Usually, brass cabinets with convection are equipped with another heating element-ring, which is located on the rear wall around the impeller of the fan.

Preparing correctly

In the brass, there may be several heating elements, and various combinations of their inclusion provide multiple modes of operation.

Nizhny Ten. It is used for various baking, desserts that should not quickly rise, dishes in a water bath.

Grill. It is necessary to grab food, for the preparation of sausages or steaks on the grille and dishes of a small thickness (toasts, shtitsy, fish IDR), to obtain a crispy crust at the final stage. When frying products, they must be turned over after a certain time.

Upper TEN + grill. Called "big grill" and allows you to fry more products.

Upper TEN + convection + ring tan. You can fry big pieces of meat. Thanks to the fan, the products are not required.

Upper TEN + Lower Ten. It is useful for hot, biscuits, pies and other dishes requiring slow cooking. Food is well warmed on both sides.

Grill + convection. Apply for various meat. It turns out a crispy crust.

Upper TEN + Lower TEN + Fan. You can prepare on two levels at the same time.

Ring TEN + fan. Hot air is evenly distributed throughout the volume, allowing the ability to prepare simultaneously on two or three levels without fear that food will nourish.

Nizhny Ten + Ring Tenc + Fan. Great for cooking pizza, as well as frozen food dishes.

Fan. This is a defrost mode. Temperature- room (does not exceed 30c). The alternate operation of the upper and lower Tanov supports the temperature of 60s. This is heating mode.

Fan + Lower Ten. Defrosting with warm air. You can dry mushrooms, vegetables and fruits.

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Upper Ten
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Ring TEN + fan
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Upper TEN + Lower Ten

The fan mixes hot air with a cold in the volume of the cabinet, thereby providing fast and uniform heating of the dish and the preparation of a roasted, so-called crispy crust. Yes, and cooking time decreases by 30%.

In "advanced" models, such as OS 997 C IX / HA (Hotpoint-Ariston, Italy), B16H6 N0 (NEFF, Germany), exist in advance in memory of the oven automatic programs ("Pizza", "Baking", "Bird "IDR), so that man himself did not have to decide which combination of heating elements to include to prepare the necessary dish. It is worth only to select the program, press the button and the oven itself will actually drive the necessary tanes, set the temperature and time. The user can make minor adjustments to the program in accordance with its desires (let's say, change the temperature or set the weight of the product).

But simply heating elements manufacturers of wind wardrobes were not limited. Some co-contained a glass cabinet with a double boiler and even a microwave. For example, in HB 89EE.5 wind cabinets, HBN 884751 (Bosch) and H 5030 BM (Miele, all Germany) integrated microwave oven. It saves time and place in the kitchen.

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Photo 9.

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Photo 10.

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Photo 11.

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Photo 12.

9. In the presence of the oven the door-trolley cabinet is easier and safer nurses nitens and lattices

10-12.The slag guides are firmly and securely retain the bass and grille in the oven and at the same time provide their easy and safe nomination is not a leakage, and you cannot negate. Options for installing two and three-level guides are possible. Then you can prepare on several levels at the same time

Propaganda of a healthy lifestyle gave its results: many no longer represent their nutrition without dishes prepared for a couple, because at the same time there are more nutrients and vitamins in the products. It can also be prepared without the use of fats. The developers of wind wardrobes quickly responded to the needs of people and provided in the instruments a pair of cooking. Extreme models for this need to pour water. However, for example, in the BS 270 brairward (Gaggenau, Germany), thanks to the connection to the water supply network, water is submitted without limitation and monitor its amount is not necessary.

Works oven with a pair function so. First, depending on the mode, the temperature rises in it up to 30-230s, then the built-in steam generator gives steam (humidity can be 30-100%), and the dish is prepared. For example, the model B 9820-4 (AEG, Germany) has three types of steam processing. Vital- ideal mode for cooking vegetables, rice and fish; Interval- Due to the alternate effects of hot air and steam roast will be juicy, and confectionery products - crispy; Combi-alternation of the heating modes of the oven and the steam supply will simultaneously make both the main dish and a side dish. Model H 5981 BP (Miele) also has steam processing mode. But the principle of action is slightly different. Before starting cooking under a special tube oven put a water container. The oven "sucks" the desired amount of fluid (on average one glass) and transforms it into steam. A similar processing of the ferry at the beginning of the preparation is good because, for example, the dough continues to rise and is not overwhelmed. In addition, along with steam from the surface of meat or bread, fat is invented, and a crispy crust is formed.

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Trifle, but nice ...

There are many devices that make the use of the oven convenient. For example, a door-trolley (HBN 884751, Bosch; HB 334550, Siemens) will make it easier for nines and secure you from burn. Natures and lattices are hung on the door and when opening, go out with it. The restrictive stops do not allow them to fall out when extending. Extremely practical telescopic guides - at the KB 99M XS models (Franke, Switzerland), B9971-4-A (AEG), HBN 43W350 (Bosch), - with which the bassens are easily and safely extended, and you can not be afraid that they will overturn. Often, such guides are offered as an additional option.

Another necessary thing is the temperature probe (H 5861 B, Miele), EOB 6697 x (Electrolux, Sweden). It is convenient when preparing complicated dishes when you need to strictly monitor heating. This help determine the inner meal temperature, which is especially important when cooking meat. The probe is administered inside the product and determines the temperature, this data is transmitted by the electronic control system, and thus the oven independently "makes a decision" on readiness. The weddrops of overall cabinets G 5000 (Miele) Thermosphere has become wireless, and it can be washed in a dishwasher. If there is no temperature probe in the oven you like, do not be discouraged, it is quite possible to buy separately; True, in this case, to follow the temperature values ​​you will have to the display of the display built into it.

We clean water vouchers

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To start cleaning, it is necessary to pour about 0.4 liters of clean water to the pallet of the oven (A). Then you should add a bit of a special detergent intended for cleaning the brass cabinet (b). Now you need to close the door, turn on the EasyClean mode, and for about 20 minutes the cleaning process (B) will go in the oven. After that, it remains only to wipe the walls of the chamber with a soft napkin. Then, for some time, leave the oven door open to let it dry (d).

Without a timer, no oven costs. It is electronic and mechanical. The first will independently turn on and turn off the oven, and the second only "calls" you when cooking is completed. If there is a display in the oven, you will always know about the duration of cooking, as well as about the selected program.

Of course, when choosing an oven you need to see if there is enough light in it. The backlight in the chamber should be such that you see the prepared dishes well, then you will be much easier to follow the cooking process.

There are also unique developments of individual companies. So, most of the NEFF models, the handle is equipped with Slide technology, which allows it to rotate and always be in a convenient position for you. Forget about what you need to intercept the handle when opening and closing the door.

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Photo 13.

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Photo 14.
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Photo 15.

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Photo 16.

13.pirolytic cleaning applies only in expensive electrical models, because good thermal insulation and gas burner is not able to heat the oven to the desired temperature.

14.Catalogic cleaning. Fatty drop, falling on the enamel base with catalytic particles, under the action of temperature decomposes on carbon dioxide, water and organic residues

15-16. Thanks to a special set of cooking for a pair in NEFF wind wardrobes, you can simultaneously make up to eight portions of various dietary dishes.

A little about security

A brace cabinet is a serious device requiring appropriate appeal. Here we mention the somewhat most important points, which will make your "communication" with the oven safe.

Let's start with the fact that for the safety of small sumps, almost all ovens provides for the function of protection against children. When going to purchase a gas oven, see if there is a gas control system in it, which will come to the aid if the flame for any reason goes out and automatically turn off the gas supply to the burner.

Be careful

1. Do not put a baking sheet on the bottom of the brass cabinet: due to this, overheating is possible, and cooking time will be difficult to determine.

2. Do not leut water in a hot oven, it will hurt enamel.

3. Be careful, preparing dishes containing fruit juice. Dripping with a battle on the bottom of the oven, the juice leaves on it stains that are very difficult to remove. In order to avoid trouble, use a deep bastard.

4. Do not place heavy items on the oven door.

The first point when buying an electrical model is to check if the electrical network of your apartment will withstand the connection of such a powerful (2100-3400W) instrument as a brass cabinet. Make sure that he has a three-pole plug with grounding contact. Like their gas beans, electrical models are equipped with a protective shutdown function. It will protect a person from electric shock, and power grid - from overloads. If a malfunction occurs, an alarm (sound or light) is turned on, after which the electronics de-energizes the device.

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Photo 17.

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Photo 18.

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Photo 19.

17.Nependent electrical cabinet HX 080 (Ardo) has eight heating modes

18. The HBN 884751 (BOSCH) is integrated with an 800W microwave oven. There is software automation (51 program), retractable trolley door and pyrolytic cleaning

19.Senith (FOSTER) with a four-layer door equipped with a pyrolysis function

Overheating overall surrounding cabinet protect temperature limit sensors built into the instrument. They turn off the power, as soon as the walls of the oven are heated above the established limit defined by fire safety requirements. Extracting devices (Candy, Italy; Teka, Germany, IDR) for cooling the walls are used by a special system of circulation of cold outer air through the channels between the internal and external walls of the oven.

One of the most important details of the oven is the door. From its design and the quality of glazing, the preservation of heat inside the oven is largely dependent and, more importantly, the protection against burning is outside. That is why the oven doors are a reliable seal around the perimeter and multilayer glazing (usually two or three glasses). Candy's extends four-layer glazing, and the door heats up to 45c. BOSCH DEVICES BOSCHERS The door is heated to 40-50c if the oven works for 1 hour at a temperature of 200c. Aesley in the oven is provided by the pyrolysis function, the design of the door is paid to special attention, as it will have to withstand large temperature loads.

An important question is to embed an instrument. Since the main thing is the removal of excess heat, in no case cannot block the channels for which warm air goes and is cold. So embedding better entrust the professional and clearly follow the instructions given by the manufacturer of the equipment (it takes into account the requirements of fire safety).

Clean work

The easiest way to keep the cleanliness of the brass can be washed, because fresh contamination is easier to remove. Internal chambers of most economy-class devices are covered with easy cleaning enamel. More than most fat is simply rolled down, and finally clean the walls of the oven will have to hand. Extracting devices (B1664 N0RU, NEFF; U 7585 E, Gorenje, Slovenia) use purification with the help of water vapor. Usually manufacturers call such Aqua Clean system. Increquently poured water and several drops of a special detergent, then turn the cleaning mode. After some time (after about 30 minutes), solid sediments soften the hot steam, settle on the bottom, and now they are easy to remove the napkin.

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Photo 20.

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Photo 21.

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Photo 22.

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Photo 23.

20. As a rule, there are several levels in the oven for the preparation of different dishes. The presence of a fan allows you to prepare several dishes at once simultaneously, but note that their smells can mix

21. The final dignity of independent windscalides is that they can be installed anywhere in the kitchen. Built-in furniture The device looks harmonious and does not interfere. In addition, it is possible to have it in the desired height. So, with a built-in breast level, it will be more convenient for you to work

22-23. The control panel depends comfortable interaction with the oven. It can be mechanical, electromechanical, electronic, electronic and sensory. Convenient when the device has a display

Advanced models are equipped with automatic cleaning (self-cleaning) - catalytic (catalysis) or pyrolytic (pyrolysis). For the earlier, a coating was applied to the inner walls of the chamber, the pores of which contain a special substance - catalyst. Under the influence of high temperature (140-160C), it accelerates the decay of fat molecules for carbon dioxide, water and light organic residues. It remains only to wipe the walls with a wet cloth. But such a coating loses its effectiveness of approximately 5-7 years of operation, so in many ovens there are removable internal panels, which, if necessary, can easily be replaced independently (the average cost is 2-2.5 thousand rubles.).

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Photo 24.

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Photo 25.

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Photo 26.

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Photo 27.

24-25. In some models (FOSTER) there is an additional module for heating plates (24), the door of the oven cabinet may be swollen (25), and not folding

26-27. Thanks to the thermoscepure You can clearly control the root of any dish - this is especially important for large pieces of meat.

The pyrolysis function involves burning fat residues by increasing the temperature to 500 ° C. For safety when the device is reached, the device is blocked. Products remaining after burning, easy to brush. This is a simple and effective way, but with pyrolysis there is a smell of Gary. Partially captures a special filter. To smells were not strong, more often clean the oven.

The price of "spirituality"

Wind cabinets produce almost all household appliances manufacturers: AEG, Ardo (Italy), Bosch, Electrolux, Franke, Gefest (Belarus), Gorenje, Hotpoint-Ariston, Miele, NEFF, Teka, Whirlpool (USA) IDR. The average cost of gas models - 12-15 thousand rubles. The price largely depends on the availability of a convection function. You buy an electrical device for 8 thousand rubles, but it will only have a lower heating element and grill. Age for 10 thousand rubles. You will get an aggregate with convection. Actual oven, able to prepare a varied spectrum of dishes, can be bought in 15-25 thousand rubles. But there are also a premium model with a complete set of functions, the cost of which sometimes reaches 100 thousand rubles.

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Photo 28.

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Photo 29.

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Photo 30.

28. Independent electric oven HA 830 E (TEKA) volume 56l. Impribe There are five cooking modes. Inner walls with a tracking coating. The door is made of two-layer heat-resistant glass. The external panel of the oven is made of stainless steel with a protective coating from traces of fingers and therefore will look neat

29. Combination of the compact model 1810 (FOSTER) and a convenient module for heating dishes. Thanks to the last plate will save a cooked dish warm

30. Model DGC 5080 (Miele) combines the functions of the steamer and the oven. The presence of a special combined mode allows you to bake bread with ferry processing, which makes the dish more delicious and useful

The editors thanks the company "BSH household appliances", "Mile CIS", East Trading Company (Ardo), Electrolux, Foster, Franke, GeFest, Indesit Company, Teka Industrial for help preparing material.

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