There was a cottage


Technology of insulation of walls of complex geometry on the example of a country house consisting of a log cabin with a skeleton mansard

There was a cottage 12963_1

There was a cottage

There was a cottage
Installation started from the back, installing a horizontal profile of 100mm wide at the bottom of the wall

There was a cottage

There was a cottage
Then with the help of the corners vertically fastened profiles in the corners, having extending them to the magnitude of the logs on the corners of the log cabin
There was a cottage
The bottom and side profiles were brought together by the suspensions

There was a cottage

There was a cottage
Suspensions were attracted to the wall with a step of 60cm, the suspensions were attached: to the logs so that both UAs were filmed, on the corners - one mustache, but long
There was a cottage
When installing the insulation slab first inserted a profile in the wall framing the wall, and then cut the suspension tales, as a knife, to facilitate the process, you need to shake their hand

There was a cottage

There was a cottage
So that the plates do not fall, they were fixed in the center by self-draws with plastic "fungi"
There was a cottage
Due to bad weather conditions, the insulation plate was mounted on and immediately covered with the windproof film. After that, each plate across the film was attached to the wall four more self-pressing with "fungi"
There was a cottage
The insulation was installed time of installation of strut profiles for siding. At the corners of the house they were attached to the profile-framed wall and tied up with each other
There was a cottage
From the corner of the suspensions and screws attached to the roofing
There was a cottage
Mounting profile racks along the wall of the house
There was a cottage
Mounting profiles on the corner of the house
There was a cottage
As the wall rises along the wall, the installation gradually became more complicated, as she had to rise in stairs to stewners. Special time of time required the installation of panels under the sink of the roof- each panel was carefully measured, and then cut at an angle corresponding to the slope of the skate. To attach cut ends to the wooden swing, applied F-shaped profile
There was a cottage
The first success is ready
There was a cottage
The perimeter of windows was framed by a 100mm wide profile. Such a "framework" was performed in advance, connecting profiles into a single design, and the finished product was fixed to the window boxes galvanized screws through the holes drilled in the side of the profile side

There was a cottage

There was a cottage
Further, in the scheme described above, the insulation was mounted, the plates of which were cut on the size of the frame from the profile right on the spot.
There was a cottage
The process of insulation was interrupted at the time of the construction of a skeleton monsard over the veranda
There was a cottage
Along the way, the facade "was decorated" with a balcony based on the releases of overlapping beams above the veranda. From the rain it was protected by a wide release of the roof
There was a cottage
To insulate the veranda and the superstructure arise over it was decided from the inside, setting the insulation between the frame racks. Therefore, siding on the main facade was mounted on a wooden cladder from the cladding treated with the protective composition
There was a cottage
In the openings between the lags of the balcony mounted "Gutter" from Ruberoid
There was a cottage
They also defended the joint wall and floor

There was a cottage

There was a cottage
Under the lags along the balcony installed three profiles, which then attached siding. Established along the edge of the profile (100mm) serves as a drain
There was a cottage
The side skes of the roof collected from short cuts of dark siding, providing insert from perforated light sofit
There was a cottage
Sading and Sofita also alternate over the balcony. The ends of the soles were protected by a wind board, and a narrow ot over the rear facade was laid by its trimming
There was a cottage
The antenna was attached to the mock of the attic, cutting already ready to be covered.

On a warmed facade to install it more difficult

There was a cottage
Between the rafters, the moisture insulation film was pulled by pressing her profiles. They kept the insulation slabs while the vaporizolation was mounted and fucked to racks
There was a cottage
These rails were wider and laid out the opening between the rafters of the cutting clashes
There was a cottage
Old viper door completely ceased to combine with an updated facade of the house, and she was also decided to bind siding. Agree, it turned out well. That's just pressing the canvas of such a door, for example, when it is locked, it is not recommended, especially in the frost
There was a cottage
The log house also was sidewged, and using "waste" - trimming panels and window trim

It would seem that with the outer insulation of the country house, there should be no difficulties that this process is repeatedly tested, and there is a description of the technology in special literature. However, as practice shows, ready-made recipes are not always suitable. For example, when warming up the cottage consisting of a log cabin with a skeleton mansard, the owners due to the complex geometry of the walls had to develop their original technology.

There was a common villa near Moscow. They built it shortly after the famous crisis on a miraculously survived money during him. They were hooked quickly, to meet the amount in their hands, until the producers were slightly "contused" economic collapse and did not begin to quickly raise the prices for building materials.

Apotoma turned out to be a cottage, in size typical rather for the period of stagnation than for post-pre-drawn times, - 66m, with an attached veranda 62m. Low-log, top-rack. Ito and the other is insulated with a layer of basalt wool with a thickness of 50mm and from the inside to save money is covered with gypsum fiber sheets. The roof is insulated with the same layer of basalt. People after all, the summer cottage was built, and not a house for permanent residence. And how many of those who survived the means? .. Now, except that there would be enough on the bathhouse.

What to warm?

There was a cottage

For insulation of vertical walls and similar designs, rolled insulation can be used far from all manufacturers from the material of low density with time can slip, opening the way to cold. Warming such designs is more expedient to plates with a density of at least 15kg / m3. Work with them easier

There was a cottage

and more convenient than with rolls. In order for the plates when storing and transporting the plates, they occupied the minimum volume, the manufacturer of them slightly compresses. As a result, after opening the pallet, the insulation volume increases by about 2 times. Practice suggests: So that the insulation plates are completely dealt with, it is better to wait 10-15 minutes.

But be that as it may, the house was built, and he really liked the owners. Still would! After all, the project was based on a sketch developed by themselves, - almost half of the church occupies a two-time lounge, in which the doors of the bedrooms are overlooking (two-on the second floor and one- on the first). It is authorized, it is possible to pump the entire house only installed directly on the floor with a living room with a metal oven for long burning. True, even in the summer, as soon as it grows it, it was necessary to drag this stove for the night, and by the morning it was warm all the heat. Only happy owners tried to pay attention to such little things, and in the winter it was not riding in the country. So lived as long as the children did not have grown and one of them did not acquire his own family. Then the grandson appeared. The ID has become both scolded at the same time, and cold. Then the family council accepted the decision to insulate and suck the veranda by making a room for a grandson.

There was a cottage
Photo 1.
There was a cottage
Photo 2.
There was a cottage
Photo 3.
There was a cottage
Photo 4.
There was a cottage
Photo 5.
There was a cottage
Photo 6.
There was a cottage
Photo 7.
There was a cottage
Photo 8.
There was a cottage
Photo 9.

1. Corrected with the help of the level of corner profiles in the upper and lower zones, two lace were tied, on which the intermediate profiles racks were installed

2. The top and below they were attached to the corner and over the entire lengths of the suspensions; to release them, in wind insulation cut holes

3. If necessary, the width of the profile can be increasing

4-5. "Surveys" of the suspensions of flexion (4), the corners are cut off with a grinder (5)

6.Siding began to mock the corners of the house. First, installed the angular profile, then at a distance of about 30 cm from it - n-shaped, after which the starting bar was attached to the lower strapping profile

7-8. The space between the angular and n-shaped profiles was filled with sliced ​​sliced ​​panels of light siding

9. Before the angular design was ready, started the walls of the wall. It used the red-hot siding panels, and in the 3rd and 14th rows of height-light

Contrary to prescriptions

In order not to lose the useful area (house and so crazy), they decided to warm it outside. And so that the resistance of the heat transfer of the walls is no less than the most modern standards relies. Icultage Introduction Technology was at the level - with wind insulation, ventilated gap and siding facade.

But not one of the insulation technologies found in the literature did not fit. Most recommendations read about the following. Interests with ventilated air gap The insulation slabs are mounted between wooden or metal frame racks. With two-layer insulation, the frame may consist of horizontal planks and vertical racks. The choice of location is determined by the type of protective-decorative coating used. If, for example, siding is installed horizontally, the outer frame is performed from horizontal racks, to which the vertical elements of the wind insulation are added after the wind insulation after mounting, and in turn, they are fastened. In this case, the inner layer of thermal insulation is placed between vertical bars (racks), externally extended between horizontal planks. Punching frame elements usually use brus with a cross section of 5050mm. The insulation plates are placed with seam overlap.

It seems to be everything correct, but applies only to the house with smooth walls. It was also understood by the owners, vertically putting a long rail to the wall of the house: she was in three places to the log cabins (they are all different diameters!), And it did not fit the wall of the skeleton monster. So all the rails will have to be attached to the corners? One rack will be needed at least five corners of about 40 rubles. For 1 pc. Racks are needed every 60cm. Total on the corners for one wall it is necessary to spend about 2.5 thousand rubles. The same 1m3 edged board - 7.5 thousand rubles. Plus insulation and good siding. No, so the family budget is not enough! Yes, and weigh all this wooden lamp will be so much that it will break the whole skin with the attic (after all, it will have to be attached to it), but it will completely ruin the design. The player-insulation at the proposed technology will not firmly fit into the wall, which means it will be useless. Need to look for some other solution!

How long was the process of thinking and how many strength he costly know what the owners themselves. At the time they came up with the technology that was deprived of all the listed flaws. It was necessary to mount a solid layer of the insulation thickness of 100mm close to the wall, protecting its ends along the perimeter of the wall with a metal profile. Then close this "carpet" by windproofing film, attaching it together with the plates to the wooden wall with self-draws with plastic hats-"fungi". Jew on top of this "carpet", repeating the irregularities of the wall, mount the racks from a galvanized profile, thoroughly aligning them vertically and horizontally.

The profiles will be held mainly for the swiss switches, and they are protected from the entire length of the bend and twist them all over the entire length will be protected to the wall even before mounting the insulation of P- or M-shaped holders made of suspension for mounting the suspended ceiling. They can be done so that they will probably get to the racks from any "Wpadin" walls. If the element turns out to be too long, it is not terrible, then it is not even necessary to cut, just beaten enough. Thus, created from the "plane" profiles to which siding will be to be installed, it will not depend on the irregularities of the wall, they will define only the magnitude of the ventilated air gap. Ipownce this value will be non-permanent. Less than 50mm (this is the recommended size) the gap will not work, profiles will not be given. Abunday is bigger, not scary: it does not affect the heat saving.

There was a cottage

About the benefits of folding stairs

Works on insulation and installation of profiles and siding went quickly until the installers stood on Earth. Avot how to work on? After all, people are not a bird. Build forest for long

There was a cottage

troublesome and expensive. We decided to acquire two folding ladders-ladders, one of which reaches a height of 4.3 m (a), the second - 6.5 m (b), and in the unfolded state it takes effect to the skate. I is lost. The stairs are comfortable, lungs and sufficiently stable. Ana night can be removed on the veranda.

Obvious flaws in their own know-how the owners of the house saw two. First, a bent with an angle or letter "P" suspension is not a corner: the strength is not that. But after the installation of siding, when all the suspension profiles held will be interconnected, the design as a whole will become more durable. It is no longer impossible to displaced it. Secondly (and this is the main thing), on the developed technology, none of the construction firms work will not work with experiments? So, it is necessary to carry out the intended forces. Important family having a friendly sleeves.

There was a cottage
Photo 10.
There was a cottage
Photo 11.
There was a cottage
Photo 12.
There was a cottage
Photo 13.

After mounting the wind insulation of the window, we framed 50mm width profiles (10), tied them between themselves and with a 100-millimeter profile (11). On the perimeter of the window, the final profile (12) was recorded - plastic platbands inserted with a long side in it, and the ends attached to the external frame (13).

How to choose insulation

Over the fact that the insulation choose, we thought for a short time. From the use of foamed plates, they refused immediately, all of them are sufficiently solid, and they are not adjustable to the irregularities of the walls. Mineral complimentary insulation remains basalt, or fiberglass. Preference decided to give the latter. The choice influenced ... mice. The house is rustic, and therefore there is a possibility of rodent raids. If these gray pests settle in the house itself - more Polbie: to fight homemade mice there are tested ways. But if they are justified in the outer insulation? Not to smoke, except to dismantle the design.

Let it work with fiberglass less pleasant, or modern technologies are perfect, it is necessary to recognize: glass gamble is still ok. But after all, the mouse is living creatures. It is authorized, the glass gamble is also less comfortable than basalt.

Well, considerations, generally correct. This is what is said in the conclusion of the FGN "Research Institute of Disinfectology" according to the results of biological testing of the damage to rodents of thermal insulation materials from glass staple and basalt fibers conducted on gray rats, house mice and voles:

"Products made of fiberglass and basalt fiber consists of an inorganic material that does not attract rodents as food.

Conditions of free choice (in the presence of another nest material: burlap, paper IT.P.) Insulation of glass and basalt fiber attract rodents last.

Extrigative experimental conditions These materials were influenced by rodents only if they were a barrier on their way to food and water. "

A specific choice after consulting with specialists fell on insulating plates IsOver KL37 ("Saint-Goben Construction products", Russia) thickness 100mm. The thermal conductivity coefficient of the material is 0.035W / (MK), which allows after performing the insulation of the house of this design to obtain the above resistance to the heat transfer of external walls at the level of 3-3,2m2c / W (it almost fully complies with the regions for the Moscow region). Slabs of non-flags (belong to the NG group) and convenient for installation: width - 600mm, length- 1170mm. They purchased them with some margin of 20 packs collected in the overall packaging, which perfectly fit in the body of cargo "Gazelle".

Little secretage secretion

When designing windows, platbands with a wide shelf were used. The standard technology of their installation was solved somewhat to improve to increase the waterproof of the structure. On the lower part of the ends of the wide shelf on both sides, bent up (14). On lateral parts, such a bend was made at the upper part, and in the lower the narrow shelf were cut at an angle of 45 (15). The same angle was cut from both ends a narrow shelf of the upper part (16). After the installation of parts of their joints was treated with a sealant.

There was a cottage
Photo 14.
There was a cottage
Photo 15.
There was a cottage
Photo 16.

Be the house bright!

The first thing I had to do is to decide on colors of siding. The overwhelming majority of manufacturers offer products in pastel colors. Of course, the houses covered with such siding, of course, look carefully, but they turn out with some kind of neuropric, "translucent". That's what I wanted to avoid. There are among the manufacturers of the company from Canada and the United States, which produce siding juicy tones. True, it costs a brightly painted material by 8-10% more expensive, but what is divided-building once.

According to the catalog, the red-brown siding panels of Mitten (Canada) were chosen - it is present on the Russian market for quite a long time, and its products are tested for compliance with rigid world quality standards. Doborny elements (J-, F- and H-profiles, wind boards, external angles, platbands IT.) We decided to get a light beige tone, they will cost cheaper, and they will effectively contrast with rather dark main panels. As a result, the house will not seem solid block. By the way, it was the combination of bright and dark tones that was some kind of classic for most country houses: covered with oil paint blue or green walls and painted in white color corners and platbands.

Luza formed the decision of the hosts made adjustments to the specialists from the company "Jetta Stroy" (Russia), in which Siding acquired. "Why are you only enough of the good elements to make bright?" They asked. - I just need to return to the classics, so you need to perform a set of light siding corners. It's beautiful, and the rise will be quite insignificant, instead of a part of dark panels, buy blonde. Add only ten n-profiles to the kit. " I have pictured photos with such angles. Convinced! The owners agreed.

Serious work- good tool

There was a cottage

Honestly, taking care of the installation, no one about the instrument thought, the owners had as many as two screwdrivers (truth, inexpensive). The first of them broke almost immediately. The second failed for about a week and ... the question of the acquisition of the new rose, which is called, edge. Initially, the GSR 12V Professional (Bosch, Germany, Germany was collected in Malaysia) appeared in the house) - powerful, comfortable. Charging the newest lithium-ion battery is enough for almost half a day. Ichgo only poor did not bring! Fallen from a height of 6m, mokla in the rain, but continued to work as if nothing had happened. A little later (good road tool) acquired the second screwdriver-BS 12X (AEG, Germany), which was just as courageously survived all the adversity. Yes, the tool is the key to success!

From the idea of ​​incarnation

In general, the developed technology was implemented without any difficulty: put the wall around the perimeter with a galvanized profile; In a step corresponding to the width of the insulation slabs, vertical and horizontal rows were screwed to the wall of the P-shaped brackets from the suspensions; "Look" on them insulation slabs; Making slosses for the release of the mustache brackets, covered the plates with windproof film; mounted rack profiles; Installed siding. Of course, it was not without the improvements directly on the move. For example, the mustache of P-shaped brackets turned out to be short - had to be increased, and in the future it was mostly Mr.-shaped fasteners, alternating along the rates of right and left corners.

Shading Omontal, perhaps we will not tell in detail. The manufacturer provided its products with detailed instructions for the installation - it was given not only all the necessary recommendations and work techniques, but also typical solutions of structural nodes in different versions. They act mainly on it, without thinking and not invented. Is that the smallest, for example, made small changes to the installation technology of platbands.

Siding was fucked not with nails, but galvanized self-drawers with a wide hat and a "drill" at the end. When the vertical elements are fixed, only the upper screws, the rest, with the gap between the cap and the 1-1,5mm panel, are twisted: now the panel can move with thermal expansion. Fixing horizontal elements, all the screws set with a gap.

In order for docking the panels along the length of the neck of the seams, they rushed into the eyes, they were placed in a checker. At the same time, the adhesives tried to position in the direction opposite to the one where you most often look at the wall. For example, from the porch to the tile facade: in this case, the joints can be seen only if you go for the house. But you go there not often, and from the porch the owners admire the same wall for many times on the day.

How did you decide with the room for the grandson? Disassembled a one-piece roof of the veranda and was littered over it a skeleton attic, firmly touching her design with the main house. The new room was insulated from the inside. The walls were truncated.

Let's summarize

Well, the idea is really original, although, as it turned out (perhaps, we will have to upset the owners somewhat), not quite new. Something similar is used when warming up with a brick wall with metal siding. True, it takes rather powerful corners of galvanized steel for attaching profiles. For the insulation of the wooden structure, such technology is used, possibly for the first time. Aidea to take up instead of expensive corners of the suspension, is definitely attractive.

And it should be recognized that there are many important issues related to the installation of siding outside our narration. For example, what and how can you cut it? We will definitely discuss this important and interesting topic in the nearest room.

Explanation of the first floor

1.Rerand ............... 11m2

2. Eye ............. 4m2

3. Guest ........... 11,6m2

4.Quchny .................. 7,5m2

5. Plive .............. 7,5m2

There was a cottage
Floor plan

Explanation of the second floor

1.Nontracted balcony ..... 4,3m2

2. Split .............. 7.7 m2

3.Baby ................ 15m2.

4. Balcon .................. 6m2

5.Teter light

There was a cottage
Plan of the second floor

Calculation of the cost * Garden insulation area of ​​76m2, similar to the presented

Name of works Number of price, rub. Cost, rub.
Mansard Cork, Balcony set - 33 700.
Device hydro and vaporizolation of walls, attic, balcony 130m2 fifty 6500.
Isolation of walls, attic, balcony insulation 130m2 90. 11 700.
Device of the subsection design 90m2. 240. 21 600.
Wall facing by siding panels 90m2. 470. 42 300.
Installation of plastic slopes set - 5300.
Ceiling liner lining 12m2. 490. 5880.
Device board floors 20m2. 340. 6800.
Repair and facing the door siding set - 1200.
Facing the base of decorative stone 10m2 940. 9400.
Total 144 380.
Applied materials on the section
Siding panels and challenges set one 77,000
Profile galvanized 5040mm 144 Pog. M. 37. 5328.
Profile galvanized 10040mm 24 pog. M. 43. 1032.
Suspension direct 300 pcs. five 1500.
Bar 150100mm 5 pieces. - 3700.
Edged board 15050mm 12 pcs. - 4000.
Lining 50m2. 280. 14,000
Bounded floor board 20m2. 1100. 22 000
Metal corner 60 pcs. - 1800.
Self-tapping screw 7kg - 1120.
Slate 18m2 120. 2160.
Wind insulation membrane 3 rolls 1500. 4500.
Insulation isover kl 37 20 pack. 1084. 21 680.
Decorative rock 10m2 - 6300.
Tile glue 2 bags 190. 380.
Total 166 500.
* - the calculation is made without taking into account the overhead, transport and other expenses, as well as the profit of the company

The editors thanks the company "Saint-Goben Construction Products" and "Jetta Stroy" for help in preparing the material.

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