Patchwork joy


Housing decoration with patchwork. Rugs, toys, bedspreads, blankets, wall panels, pillowcases, curtains performed in the spirit of Russian traditions.

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Ancient Russian craft sewing is going through the second birth today. The bedroom for the bedroom and the children's robe, the textile toy and the author's panel can be made not only from cotton, but also in modern manner, from silk and velvet, felt, organza and venels.

Heat Loskutka

The use of flaps of old matter to create a colorful housing decoration is not an exceptionally domestic invention. Patchwork, Quilting, Patchwork sewing - different names of the application of fabric appliqués. The main advantage of such textile items of the decor in front of their "counterparts", manufactured by industrial way, is an incredibly warm Aura, which arises around these works. After all, the craftsmen invest in them the soul, implementing their own ideas about beauty. In times of universal unification, sincere and lively applied arts turned out to be very popular.

Patchwork joy
Photo 1.

A. Snegovskaya (Moscow)

Patchwork joy
Photo 2.
Patchwork joy
Photo 3.

Vyalkova (Ivanovo)

Patchwork joy
Photo 4.

Photo E.Kulibaba

Patchwork joy
Photo 5.

E.Artyushkin, Tokamantseva (Chelyabinsk)

Patchwork joy
Photo 6.

O. Gorbacheva and L. Baburova (Ivanovo)

Patchwork joy
Photo 7.

Mastro Raphael.

Patchwork joy
Photo 8.

Photo E.Kulibaba

1-2. Crops from textile triangles. Harmonious drawing is obtained by careful selection of colors

3. Fragment of the sealed blanket from bands with insulated gasket

4.Bracts and track for tables from textile residues

5. Available panel with lace and textile beads in stamps

6-8.Russian tradition provides for the use of red in patchwork things. Black is introduced delicately: it shams, emphasizes all the neighboring tones

Opinion of a specialist

Patchwork joy
D. Kurochina (Ivanovo) The main thing in the patchwork is a color. The human eye perceives the product from the flasks primarily as a beautiful color stain. Making an apartment, the tone of walls and furniture should be taken into account, the nature and degree of room lighting. Winteriere should not have many patchwork things. The most active spot happens panel. The bedspread can be made calmer. Do not overload the patchwork the curtains - they take too much area. There is a good-friendly room to work with small flaps, building the composition on the color game, and not on large forms.

Larisa Denisova, President of the Association of Masters of Patchwork Sewing of Russia

Step by step

To avoid mistakes, when choosing pieces of fabric for patchwork design, auxiliary wall is used. To do this, it is fixed on the wall a piece of white flannel (its value depends on the size of the future thing) and lay on it the pillars with which they will work - from a dark color to light (to the flannels they stick without pin). Then, moving away, it is necessary to look at the cloth, squinting the eyes or through theatrical binoculars. "Unnecessary" loskutka will be visible immediately, they are cleaned.

Patchwork joy
Photo 9.

Photo by E. Kulibaba

Patchwork joy
Photo 10.


Patchwork joy
Photo 11.

M. GOLDOV (Suzdal)

Patchwork joy
Photo 12.

L. Denisova (Ivanovo)

Patchwork joy
Photo 13.

Red Cover

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Photo 14.
Patchwork joy
Photo 15.
Patchwork joy
Photo 16.

9. Detarative quilted blankets and lung and warm bedspreads. They are sewn according to the principle of sandwich: one or three layers of synthesier be used as the insulation between two layers of cotton tissue. Cotton saves warmth well, it is easy to wash it, dry and stroke. Price covered - 6-12 thousand rubles. (depending on the fabric and features of the technique in which the work was performed)

10. If the product is decorative, any materials are allowed. Fabrics give shrinkage, so before work they must be moistened, dried and stroke

11.Digital patchwork toy. The bear is sad that the children grow up

12.Stsey curtains should be made on the lining - then they will better keep the form. The bedspread is very durable: it can be inherited by even great-grandcom

14-15.Dective pillowcases for pillows are made in the Patchwork Technique of Indians Peru

16.This traditional Russian products made of cotton veterates special warmth

Time communication

A variety of traditions were associated with flaws in Russia. Handling houses have always been a quiet blanket in everyday life. He was definitely given it to the wedding and at the birth of a child, wrapped in him a newborn. When sewing a wedding blanket in it included fabrics from a grandmother's handkerchief or a maternal dress. The fabric visually connected generation. It was believed that she keeps the memory of a person, so it is impossible to throw it away. Interestingly, in Japan and India there is a similar attitude towards fabric as something can require respect and respect.

Patchwork joy
Photo 17.

L. Denisova (Ivanovo)

Patchwork joy
Photo 18.
Patchwork joy
Photo 19.
Patchwork joy
Photo 20.

N. Marenkov (Ivanovo)

Patchwork joy
Photo 21.

Studio "Mastery" (Kostroma)

Patchwork joy
Photo 22.
Patchwork joy
Photo 23.

I. Lebedeva (Casimov)

Patchwork joy
Photo 24.

Club "Patchwork Mosaic" (Ivanovo)

17. Fragment of curtains for kitchen with overhead elements

18. Sun can be performed on the sewing machine

19.Fragment of the processing of the edge of the Cover for Chair

20. The success firmly connects three layers of the patchwork and decorates it. The stitches are made patterns on the bands connecting blocks. She makes one side of the product flat, why the other looks in bulk

21.pno "remembering the past, the child so want to become." Warrieval masters compared to foreign more lyrical image language. Before ordering a panel for a nursery, discuss with the child its color and thematic addiction, character pattern. It can be graphic or watercolor

22-23 .To fabric did not fade, panels are worth placing away from sunlight or bright light sources

24.The items should be evenly distributed throughout its area. The capping side of the panel is sewn the bar for the scenes. Fnom insert a wooden rail

The editors thanks the Association of Masters of Patchwork Sewing of Russia for help in the preparation of material.

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