Let the house


Touch Switch Market Overview: Device Types, Product Desiguration Characteristics, Operation Principles, Application Areas

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Let the house wisely
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Architects A.Kancha, K.K.

Photo E. Mulchin and R.Selomentseva

Agree, it is convenient: you do not have time to approach the stairs, and the motion sensor has already turned on its backlight

Let the house wisely

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The universal IR module ENSTO can work in a pair with a lens of any geometric shape

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The design of IR motion sensors is mainly "technical" (at best, the style of Contemporary)
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Make the Garden Lights "accompany" you with the light during a walk in different ways. Perhaps the easiest of them are, acquire lamps with a built-in IR motion sensor
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IR motion sensor with a hinge having one degree of freedom

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IR motion sensors with a hinge having two degrees of freedom
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IR motion sensors with a hinge having three degrees of freedom. The more difficult the hinge, the easier it is to adapt the sensor to the geometry of the control zone

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Plastic curtains that limit the zone of "visibility" of the sensor have different shapes.
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Compact searchlight with built-in IR motion sensor from B.E.G.

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Compact spotlights with built-in IR motion sensor from Steinel

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The modern market offers facade lamps with a built-in IR sensor of almost any shape and size
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Multi-mode motion sensors can operate automatically or manage manually

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Many large manufacturers produce so-called compact modules with an IR sensor, which, along with other similar elements (switches, dimmers, thermostat, IT.), if necessary, may be included in the complex "teams" products

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Special lamps with motion sensor, highlighting the house number, original and economical
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Economy lamps with light sensor from Steinel
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Economy lamps with OSRAM light sensor

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Let the house wisely
Twilight switches of diverse shape are on sale. Chinese coarse, but cheaper
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European is more elegant, but more expensive. Especially attractive models embedded in the wall
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Photo V.Nepledov

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Let the house wisely
Night lights with an IR sensor Mounting not necessary, located on the back of the device the plug you just need to stick into the outlet

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Let the house wisely
The design of some facade lamps is such that they will fit well in almost any room inside the house or apartment.
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IR motion sensor B.E.G. may not be so attractive externally. But it provides a sound control channel, which will turn on the light again if within 3 s after it is turned off this device will catch any noise
Let the house wisely

In IR sensors mounted in place of a conventional switch, light regulators, shutdown time delay, and the trigger range is usually hidden under the decorative panel. It should be borne in mind that with a decrease in the trigger range there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the element, and as a result it can stop noticing, for example, a child

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On lighting devices with a built-in motion sensor, all regulators are usually carried on the instrument housing. What they are available, and good, and bad- can be negligeted all the settings

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Exclusive: Regulators are located on a removable sensitive element. It is curious that when it is removed, the lamp is lit in constant mode

Apparently, realizing that the main components for creating a "smart home" remain fairly expensive pleasure, many firms have recently begun to produce its individual elements that do not require embedding in a single information system. However, their autonomous use allows the dwelling to a large extent to "wonder." Our article is devoted to such wiring products.

First, they simply list the products that we are talking about. Conditionally, they can be divided into the following types: sensory switches; passing and cross switches; Remote controlled switches and devices, as well as various lights. We will tell this material in detail only about touch switches, leaving the remaining species for another article. Releases of their firms "Rielt" (Russia), "Nootechnics" (Belarus), ABB, Beg, Berder, Duwi, Elso, Gira, Jung, Kopp, Merten, Siemens, Steinel (all Germany), Anam, Daewoo, Lighton ( All-Korea), BJC, Simon, BTICINO, VIMAR (Obaalia), ELJO, LEXEL (VEBEEL), LEGRAND, Schneider Elestric (Oba France), Mongoose (USA), Ensto (Finland ) and etc. Ateper in more detail about the devices themselves.

Sensory means without contact!

These original devices were developed primarily for industrial use, and only relatively recently began to be used in everyday life. Therefore, the "classic" definition of these devices looks like this: "semiconductor devices are called touch switches, which, depending on the position of the observation object remotely remote from them, control the state of the external electrocrepe (load) connected to them with the built-in switching element." In the case of the object of observation of devices we are with you.

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Schneider Elestric

Motion sensors installed instead of a conventional switch

The touch switch consists of three main parts: a sensitive element, a semiconductor transducer and switch. When an object of exposure to the active surface of the sensing element is produced, a certain signal is produced that the converter turns into an electrical signal of such power to work the switch. The latter and makes a closure or opening (or both operations) of a constant or alternating current circuit. The automation of technological processes automation The sensory switches most often perform the function of the controllers of the operating elements of the equipment and parts, signaling the completion of the execution of the Move command. Included their role is about the same, only the closed network may be the lighting (simplest case), power, security or control.

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Photo 1.


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Photo 6.

1.2. For the manufacture of sensory enclosures use the same materials as for familiar switches: glass, color shockproof plastic and metal

3.4.Design sensory switches is very diverse: from Techno to Ampira and Heytec. Search for devices in the dark facilitate glowing points, rings and long "lines"

5. Surface (working) surface of one of the Berker touch switches was decorated with Swarovski crystal

6.Form framing modern IR sensor "glazing" can be the most diverse: hemispherical, "panoramic" and even conical

Complete? Do not scare! The industry uses six types of sensory switches: inductive (register the presence of metal objects at a distance of up to 150 mm), optical (detect objects interrupting or reflecting visible or invisible optical radiation in the zone to 16m), ultrasound (emit and take the signal reflected from the object), Magnetic (detect the presence of a magnetic field), capacitive (register the presence of objects from any materials at a distance of up to 40 mm) and high-frequency (emissions emit a pulse signal, and then they capture it in the reflected form). AB would use only three, and the most harmless for the human body, out of six listed. First, it is capacitive devices (they are installed instead of familiar switches) that do not require mandatory pressing the key. By the way, it is their trading enterprises most often and called touch, although this definition applies to any contactless switches. Secondly, optical devices operating in a conventional or infrared spectrum. The first of them function as light sensors, the second as IR motion sensors. Third, high-frequency devices known as the volume sensors or active type sensors.

Sensitive Element of Touch Switches (SV)

Of all the characteristics of the sensing element, we are primarily interested in the response distance, in which the observation object, approaching the active surface, causes the device to be triggered. The instrument's passport is usually indicated the nominal response distance of the SN-conditional value of the response distance, which is not taking into account the tolerances in the manufacture or deviation due to external factors, such as supply voltage and temperature. That is, under operating conditions, the real SR response distance may be slightly smaller. With a periodic change in the listed external factors, the response distance is the right one characterizes the guaranteed interval of the response distance of the SA-interval of the distances from the active surface, inside which SV will work with high accuracy of the result of the result R. hide, this magnitude does not indicate this value. Therefore, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that when the value of Sn = 12m declared in the passport in real conditions, the sensor will be triggered in the SA8-10m interval. At the same time, the value of the real distance of the trigger SR will differ not only by the day of day, but also for one day. Weather lady naughty.

Aishchele one is an important characteristic - delayed readiness TV. This time interval between the inclusion of nutrition and the readiness of the SV to normal functioning. Manufacturers usually do not indicate it, since this value depends not so much from the design, but from changing all the same external factors. Anam must be ready for the inclusion of the sensor to the network until its readiness for operation can be held a few minutes.

The conditions of operation of sensitive elements also have their own characteristics. Around the active surface of the sensor should be free zone space free from the presence of so-called damping materials that can influence the characteristics of the sensor. The magnitude of the free zone, if necessary, is negotiated in the instrument passport.

Touch switches are released in two versions. The combed versions surrounded by damping material to the active surface without affecting the characteristics of the sensing element (sensor). The unpreparable performances, which are needed free from the damping material of the area around the active surface.

Capacitive switches

These devices work so. You bring your hand to the so-called active surface (the surface under which the sensitive element is hidden is, as a rule, the front side of the switch) is 40-50mm, and the device includes or extinguishes light. Always with some models is required so that you will at least touch the active surface at least. Say: "All this is an excess!" And you will not right. First of all, women who more often than men fall, for example, in such a situation. You cook something, let's say patties, and you needed to include additional light. You have to wash your hands with soap, wipe the towel- and only then you can press the elegant switch key. Or another example. You wash in the bathroom, and you need to turn on, for example, an infrared heater ... Yes, you never know what else. Whether you will be pulled to the switches of wet hand, whether it is still protected from the penetration of water and splashes three times? Of course not! At least hand sweat. Aesley in their dryness after wiping doubt, call for helping someone from households. AU "Sensor" no problem, you almost do not touch it!

It is worth noting that the sensory switches market is currently very peculiar. The fact is that some well-known manufacturers from the release of separately installed products mounted in place of ordinary devices, for some reason refused. Others, on the contrary, only plan to start their release. The result is on sale you can find products only companies Jung, Berker and Steinel (cost from 1t. Rubles), and then not in every store. But, as you know, the sacred place can not be empty, and now this niche in our market is trying to fill in SUNTRUTH Electrical (China), specializing in the production of such switches. Its assortment is represented by a wide range of products, starting with simplicity - with an outer panel of plastic and steel and ending with artistic and decorative - with silver and gilding, crystal and gems. Cost - 300-3000 rub.

Switching Element Touch Switches (SV)

The most important characteristics in terms of operation are the following.

The rated voltage of the supply voltage to which the device is designed: 127, 220 or 380V. It is defined in the passport.

The range of operating voltages Ub-range allowed by the manufacturer of changes in supply voltage (upper and lower limits), in which SV retains performance.

The rated current is the maximum permissible value of the load current. Hospital, manufacturers in the passport indicate not this value, and the maximum load power to which the switching element is calculated. CME leads to the excess of this value, it seems, to explain it is not necessary. But the troubles may occur not only if the load is exceeded, but also with its insufficient value. The fact is that the switching element also characterizes the minimum operating current current required to save it in the on state. For us, this means that if the switch is designed to be loaded into several kilowatts, and it turns on a completely memorial load, then the collected design is simply not able to work, it will simply be disconnected. That is, the passport value of the maximum load must match the actually switched device.

Infrared sensors

They are also called motion sensors or presence, and sometimes infrared sensory switches. The name itself explains the principle of operation of the instruments: they are not only warm (emitting thermal radiation in the infrared range of the spectrum) of the body and technical devices. Moreover, exclusively moving, that is, people and animals or cars with the engine warmed during operation.

How the IR sensor is arranged. Its basis is a sensitive elementary element - the so-called pyroprifier (in three other hand, a receiver of thermal radiation). This semiconductor device is quite similar to a well-known photodiode, only reacts not to radiation in the visible range of the spectrum, but only to infrared (configured to the wavelength of about 9 mkm).

To help a sensitive element to catch such radiation, it is surrounded by a collecting plastic lens, which can have a view of a hemispherical cap or, for example, "panoramic glazing". Yv Tom and in another case, the blocks of lenses-segments are adjusted on the plastic, thanks to which all the space in front of the sensor is divided into alternating sensitive zones (everything that falls into the zone controlled by one of the segments) and insensitive (everything that falls on the segment butt - The so-called "dead" zone).

The geometry of "glazing" determines the shape of individual straightforwards erected on it. In the "panoramic" case, they share "glass" on narrow vertical segments working as semi-cylindrical lenses. Fucking-hemisphere Separate laimers are also hemispherical - as a result, they form a so-called Multinosis. The geometry of "glazing" is mainly determined by the angle of viewing of motion sensors - in the "panoramic" case, it is 110-180 in the horizontal plane, and the hemisphere reaches 360 (more often 180, but in two planes).

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Photo 7.
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Photo 8.
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Photo 9.


7.8. Some models of IR sensors intended for ceiling mounting (7,8) can be installed on the wall (7)

9.ik-sensors of the Delta Reflex series (Siemens) can be installed on both the wall and the ceiling, and even at the angle of the house

How the sensor works. Like any touch switch, the motion sensor consists of three parts: a sensitive element, a converter and switch. It is worth a moving thermal object to get into the sector controlled by one of the lenses, a voltage appears on the weekend terminals of the piroparic. The converter enhances this signal, and the switch includes a connected lamp.

But after all, the thermal object is moving, which means that when it moves to the "dead" zone, the pinchief will stop "see" and will give the command to turn off? And one more bad luck. The sensor ceases to "see" and the warm body, even in the sensitivity sector, but stopped moving on time. He just begins to perceive it as a new object of background radiation (simply speaking, takes over the heating radiator) and ... also turns off the light. Get rid of such a problem allows the device that regulates the shutdown delay - its duration can vary from a few seconds to several tens of minutes.

Small delay time is chosen to use the device in the motion sensor mode, which includes the light for people passing through the field. With a large delay period, the IR device works in the mode of the presence sensor, so that you can maintain the lighting (ventilation, air conditioning, etc.) included for the entire time while people are indoors (in the "view" of the sensor).

It seems that already from the design it is clear that the IR switches with a panoramic lens are intended mainly for the wall installation, with a multi-zoom - for ceiling, but manufacturers in recent years this rule has ceased, and today you can find the most bizarre options.

Different variety and design of one species. So, among the panoramic IR switches there are simple glitters of monoblock devices that install instead of conventional switches, but the orientation of the field "view" of the sensor of such an appliance will be far from ideal. But the device just fits into the interior because it is imperceptible. Undoubtedly, more convenient (more precisely, more adaptable to operating conditions) IR switches, in which a sensitive narrow element is installed on a hinge having one, two and even three degrees of freedom. This makes it possible to adjust the direction as height (as a result of which the sensor ceases to "see" small pets), and relative to the horizon, for example, for the installation parallel to the slope of the staircase, - as a result, the sensor works when you approach it on both sides. That's just to make such a sensor in the interior will not succeed no longer, so when buying it is worth choosing the one that is more suitable for design.

To block the operation of the IR switch in the bright time of the day, almost all models are supplied with a light sensor with a regulator, which can be installed in any position, so that it will work either with the arrival of twilight, or upon the occurrence of complete darkness. Thought manufacturers and to eliminate the response of instruments on small (weight up to 20 kg) of domestic animals, - on sale there are IR devices with a predetermined electronic power regulator of the heat flux that react only to large objects. However, the "animal problem" can be solved by another method - with the help of special curtains, which make it possible to exclude certain sectors from the "visibility" zone of the sensor or entire zones.

It is also extremely complex, and even unusual devices, such as the motion sensors of B.E.G., in which the sound control channel is provided. If within 3 s After the light is turned off, this sensor registers any noise, it turns on the lighting. Such devices are useful in cases where there is a possibility that a person for some reason (fell, it became bad. ") Did not leave the controlled zone.

Siemens recently released three new Delta Reflex series motion sensors, the design of which allows you to install them both on the wall and on the ceiling, to the outer angle of the house or the indoor angle. Devices are offered in two color-titanium-white and anthracite, and have a degree of protection against external influences IP 55. The most "advanced" of which is Delta Reflex 290 IR (5400 rub.). It is equipped with a remote IR control panel, with it, you can program functions such as presence imitation, light change, power duration, adjustment of the disconnection delay (up to 10 minutes). Sensors are managed and programmable from the IR-remote, there are also other companies, for example, by B.E.G. And Berker.

Select the motion sensor

The viewing angle. The design features of the sensor, including the viewing angle, should most apply to the premises in which it is installed, as well as the tasks assigned to it (you will have to thoroughly think about it). Simply put, the sensor should be such that it, being established in this particular place (which is chosen from both constructive and interior considerations), clearly "saw" what is needed (in accordance with the task), but neither Which case is no more. Do not think that a large viewing angle (360) is absolutely dignity. It may be very possible that you will have to forcibly limit the review by closing the part of the Multinylus curtains so that such a sensor stops "seeing" the heating devices, the light glare or a root window through which the warm air enters the room in the summer. Yes, do not be surprised! The motion sensor responds to a change in the overall heat background, triggered from the fact that at least one of the lenses recorded such a change. The ion may well react (false response) to the convective thermal air flow, if its "mass", temperature and speed of movement exceed a certain threshold. It does not matter what exactly caused the flow of hot air from the open window or cold. A similar reaction is possible to a powerful air conditioner. Solid side, a narrow-controlled IR sensor "sees" far (15-20m) and does not respond to interference.

Noise immunity. IR motion sensors can respond not only to the change in the thermal background in the zone of "visibility", but also on the reflection of sunlight from various objects of furniture or parquet, and at night- on the highlight of the automotive headlights. Get rid of this helps the built-in background illumination detector with the regulator. The latter is set to the level of illumination, in which the sensor is allowed to work. Adjustment can be as a speed-night / day (usually indicated by the symbols of the "moon" and "sun"), and smooth (the symbols are the same, but there is the ability to install a regulator in an intermediate position). The last option is just allowing to get rid of the sensor response to any "bunnies". The device should not react to a change in the background temperature at a speed of 1c / min in the range of 25-40C (this value is usually indicated in the instrument passport), which will also save from false positives.

Resistance to the change in the supply voltage. Network voltage fluctuations happen quite often, especially in rural areas. This can lead to failures in the work of IR sensors. Therefore, when buying an instrument, it is worth choosing one that is steadily operating at a voltage, both lowered by 15% (187V) and with an increased by 10% (242V) (the value is indicated in the instrument passport).

Application options. A vigorous home or apartment for the use of motion sensors as circuit breakers is particularly obvious in those rooms where you are short time and often with your hands. This is primarily stairs, corridors and hallways. To the second toilets and bathrooms, pantry, basements, garages. Street? .. for example, kitchen. You only look back there and even the light does not ignite, and the sensor sees you anyway, and immediately includes a microwave oven that begins to warm up breakfast for you. In general, there are no restrictions here - it all depends on your desires.

Very useful, these devices are also out of the house. Over the city, they will be needed to automate the inclusion of lighting over the entrance gates to the site or in the garage. Iv house, and in the city apartment, to turn on the light above the entrance door. Well, further- the case of your personal fantasy. Want that during your walk around the house light "strolled" with you together? No problems. Install at the perimeter at home at least four sensors and as many facade lamps - and walk at least until the morning.

So a single task, successfully solved by the motion sensors, which cannot be mentioned - security functions. Night uninhabited "guest" will not be happy at all, if, when it approaches the house or penetration into the apartment, the "illumination" will suddenly turn on (and maybe at the same time and "Reuv"), noting (and having heard) that the police will cause a militia in a timely manner, Either the signal will go on the security console.

Devices "two in one". It cannot but rejoice that the manufacturers finally began to take care of consumers who poorly dismantled in the electrician, and relied them from the puzzle- How to connect a motion sensor with one or more lamps. Today's market in many offers lamps with already installed motion sensors. For street installation, there are as small spotlights with a capacity of 250 or 500W (250-3500 rubles) and very cute facade lights, stylized under ancient or quite modern - spherical (1500-4500 rub.). There are lamps and lamps and for internal installation (800-3000 rubles), however, it is necessary to warn that the latter's designer, so let's say, do not claim. Their slogan: simplicity and functionality. This means there are no puzzles: led 220V- and everything worked. And the "delight" designed yourself.

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Photo 10.
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Photo 11.
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Photo 12.

10,11. Mounts with a built-in volume sensor (10) and installed in place of a conventional monoblock switch with such a sensor (11) offered by Steinel

12. Special lamp with motion sensor for the bathroom. It is protected even from splashing water, and mounted can both horizontally and vertically. In the domestic market, such devices are represented by Ensto and Steinel

Light sensors

By design, these semiconductor devices are very similar to the IR motion sensors described earlier, but their action is based on the use of photodiodes that respond to light radiation in the visible part of the spectrum. Here is just the reaction to the light of the light sensors directly opposite: they do not include it when the light stream hit the sensitive element, but, on the contrary, turn off. Moreover, the level of illumination to which the sensor reacts can be set using a regulator existing on the body of the device. This allows the use of light sensors, for example, in the illumination of the facades. The device itself will turn on the facade lights itself. The beginning of the light will turn off itself. Convenient and practical. The simplest of the similar devices - energy-saving lamps with an illumination sensor mounted in them. They produce them such firms like Steinel (Sensorlight) and OSRAM (both Germany). The cost can be 600-800 rubles. Installation to the limit is simple: unscrew the usual light bulb from the facade lantern, and screw the lamp with the sensor in its place. Install the regulator to the right position and ... IVSA! Use in your pleasure.

There are on sale and separately installed devices that are called twilight switches. Externally and in design, they are similar to motion sensors, and the installation of them occurs almost the same way - in the rupture of the electrical circuit, feeding the facade or the lanterns installed along the garden track. Rain Such devices are not afraid, since they have a degree of protection not lower than IP 44, but the snow and ice fastened on their surface can deliver trouble: the device will decide that it is dark on the street, and there will be a facade lighting. Outputs are two: either periodically believing snow, or install the device so that the snow does not get on it. The price of such switches is not so small - 1300-3300rub. But it is very convenient.

Sensors volume

The principle of their work is similar to a radar used by DPS employees to measure the speed of a moving car. But only similar. The radar with a certain periodicity sends powerful high-frequency narrow-controlled pulses (by the way, rather harmful to the body), and then it catches their reflection from the machine, calculates the difference in the time of reflection of several consecutive pulses and by its magnitude determines the speed of your car.

The volume sensor also emits high-frequency pulses (approximately 5,8GHz), but very weak (approximately 10 times weaker than a mobile phone) and non-directional. Catching reflected from the floor, ceiling, walls, as well as the interior items signals, the sensor does not calculate anything, but simply creates a picture of the field of reflected signals and periodically scatters it. If the picture has not changed, then nothing happens if a person has appeared in the "view" of the sensor) - gives the command to turn on the light.

The volume sensor is made of the same parts as the motion sensor: a sensitive element, converter and switch. IPO appearance they are very similar, except that the lenses are no sensitive element is closed with an opaque plastic cap.

As for the market, on it the volume sensors are even more rare than sensory switches. Invites them as in the form of switches mounted in place of ordinary (price- 1100-2900rub.), And in the form of desktop decorative lamps (the price ranges in the range of 3600-4100rub.) Basically, Steinel.

How to connect IR sensors

Depending on the design, the executive blocks can be connected to the lighting wiring in three ways.

1. Through a standard outlet. This method is good for nightnight single monoblock devices (an IR sensor is aligned with a lamp) with an integrated electric water, including inappropriate lighting, as soon as you raise on the bed.

2. Circuit driver instead of a conventional switch. So connect the monoblock devices specifically designed for this.

3. Directly into the power line. Two options are possible here. When connecting a monoblock device, it is sufficient to simply bring the lighting wires to it. If the IR sensor is installed separately from the lamp, the latter is connected to the first individual wire switching unit.

It should be borne in mind that not only the first, but also the second connection method can easily be performed in the finished interior. In the third way, everything is much more difficult to lay the power cable will definitely entail work on its disguise, and it means that the installation of such products is best carried out at the stage of repair and construction work.

A little about savings

Our story was dedicated to not any exotic products, but devices that allow us to not only create convenience, but also to save electricity. Do not believe? In vain! At our request, ENSTO experts were calculated: the installation of IR motion sensors on the ladder platforms of a two-seater 18-storey building allows for the year to save electricity about 80 thousand rubles for electricity. Much this or smallly decide for yourself. Pay the light on the stairs ultimately you.

The editorial board thanks Berker, BTICino, Ensto, Jung, Legrand, Merten, Osram, Schneider Electric, Siemens, Simon, Steinel, Wessen, Spanish House Electrical Engineering for help in the preparation of material, as well as the company "Elektroscat" and "Obi Belaya Dacha »For help in holding filming.

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