Mystery of the keyboard


Market Overview Castles for Steel Doors: Comparative Characteristics of Cylinder and Suwald Mechanisms, Device Protection Methods

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Mystery of the keyboard

Reliability of locks is made up of many factors: the quality of the manufacture and accuracy of the assembly of parts, the degree of secrecy of the mechanism, quantity, diameter and the length of the riglels

Mystery of the keyboard

Most modern locks for steel doors regardless of the type of secrecy mechanism have rounded riglels. Their number varies in the range of 1-5 (uncombined locks - up to 8), the diameter is usually 12-18 mm, and the departure (length of the extended part) - 20-40 mm

Mystery of the keyboard
Mystery of the keyboard
Mystery of the keyboard
Mystery of the keyboard

Combined Suwalid Cylinder Castle

Mystery of the keyboard

Disk cylinder with "turntable"

Mystery of the keyboard

Classic pin cylinder

Mystery of the keyboard
"Union. Italian doors"

In the steel doors of foreign production, supplied to our market, the locks are already embedded on high-precision equipment

Mystery of the keyboard

In the standard package of many steel doors, in addition to two locks of different systems (or single combined), the so-called night valve

Mystery of the keyboard

Overhead locks are rare, but still installed on steel doors- as auxiliary

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Photo 1.


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Photo 2.


If the cylinder of the auxiliary lock (1) is enough to provide a decorative lining, the cylinder of the main lock (2) must have protection against hacking in the form of a so-called breather closing its end

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To order a duplicate key to a high-safe lock, you need to contact the corporate service center

Mystery of the keyboard

Gerda cylinders have 16 pins located in four planes

Mystery of the keyboard

The mechanism of model 235 (MUL-T-LOCK) provides locking the doors in four directions and can be equipped with protective fittings

Mystery of the keyboard

In modern combined locks most often the top mechanism of the secrecy of the cylinder, and the lower-suvalid; In general case, the latch is also placed

Mystery of the keyboard

Last squeak "Lock" fashion - folding key keychain

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Photo 3.


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Photo 4.


To protect the suvalden part of the combined lock, the outer side panel of its body is amplified by armoflastic (3), or provide for the possibility of fastening additional devices, such as "gateway" lining (4)

Mystery of the keyboard

Cutting cylinder "Gateway" offers only CISA

Mystery of the keyboard

Model EL580 (abloy) - mortise electromechanical

Chesky castle

Mystery of the keyboard

SL900 and SL901 models (abloy) have a hook-shaped riglel without giving squeeze the door leaf from the box

Mystery of the keyboard

Breakrice for the cylinder is not only functional, but also the decorative element of the entrance door

Mystery of the keyboard

Castles for the entrance door of the country house, open to all winds, must have increased resistance not only to hacking, but also to corrosion and contamination

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Photo 5.

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Photo 6.

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Photo 7.

To each model of the lock with a latch, you can pick up a lot of varieties of door handles and lining. Nickelting matte (5) or with the giving of black gloss (6), powder painting and chrome (7) - this is not a complete list of their finishes

Mystery of the keyboard

The deviator is an additional mechanism that allows you to increase the number of locking points. The possibility of its connection is provided for by the design of many locks

Mystery of the keyboard

Protective and decorative lining for Suwald castles Abloy is made of tempered steel

The history of the castle is the story of a centuries-old contest between the inventor and a hacker. Alas, the door lock, as you know, does not bother and does not bite, that is, only passive protection. It was effective, the inventor must at least be ahead of his opponent at least one step.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about 18% of the apartment theft is associated with the opening of locks by "delicate" methods, approximately 23% - with their power hacking. Strain of the other cases of the thieves destroy the door canvas (about 12%, and we note that we still have a lot of wooden entrance doors), you pave the way through the ventilation mines, windows, balcony doors IT.D. (more than 23%) or fall into the apartment, using the master's gullibility (over 15%). Steel entrance door in large cities has long become the norm. But the above data suggests that without reliable constipation, this design is not able to implement a quarter of its potential, because first of all castles are subject to attack. This review will be discussed precisely about them, as well as about additional devices and mechanisms that allow you to increase the reliability of locks.

Don't go

The number of models of locks presented in the catalogs of large steel doors manufacturers often reaches several tens. Most firms are ready for an additional fee or free to install the castle acquired by the Customer alone. The modern market offers hundreds of items of locking devices of the Gardian companies, the "Metthem" plant, "Elbor" (all- Russia), ABLOY (Finland), Cisa, FIM, Mottura, Securemme (All Italy) , Vachette (France), Mul-T-Lock, Tiv-Lock, Kale (Turkey), Abus, Dom, Mauer (all Germany), Evva, Kaba (Ob- Austria), Keso (Switzerland) , Emhart, Medeco, Chubb (United Kingdom) IDR. Some large enterprises produce steel doors, and castles, such as "Gardian", Gerda (Poland), Mul-T-Lock. Irazmes, prefer to equip the doors with your own locks. It is very difficult to navigate in the diversity of lock products.


Cylinder pin locks whose mechanism is a system from the executive and cylinder (larvae); In the cylinder installed spring-loaded pins (pins); Each of them, as a rule, consists of two parts - shut-off (bottom) and code (top). Pointed "locked" the lower pins do not give the cylinder to rotate; The grooves or key perforation sets code pins for one level, releaseing the cylinder. Cylinder pin locks from the inside can be equipped with a "turntable", which allows you to open / close the lock without a key.

Cylinder disk- The type of cylinder castle; Code reading from the key is carried out rotating washers (discs). At the production of such castles, ABLOY specializes.

Suwald- Castles whose secrecy provides a package of suwald-spring plates with slit patterns of various configurations enclosed in a single case with a casing and its drive.

Pump The type of suvald mechanisms; A set of secrets does not occur when the key is rotated, but when pressed on it (sometimes it is required and click on the key, and turn it). Cutting on a key key is aimed forward. Pump locks, in contrast to classic suvalid, from the inside can be unpiring with the help of a "turntable".

Combined Locks combining in one case two mechanisms of one (single-system) or different (two-system) types. As a rule, the design complements the latch controlled by the rotary handle and the key.

Forward the queue, we decided to draw the attention of readers to the financial aspect. Doors sellers usually divide the locks installed by them on "inexpensive, but good" and "dear and very good." Under the first, as a rule, the products of Turkish firms, domestic, as well as simple auxiliary Italian and Israeli castles are implied. Under the second products of the leaders of the production of secret mechanisms (Abloy, Cisa, Evva, Kaba, Medeco, Mottura, Mul-T-Lock, Vachette Idr.).

Turkish locks are inexpensive - 800-1500rub.; Domestic - as much or a little more expensive. The next price category includes most German, Italian and Israeli castles - 4.5-8 thousand rubles. Inconale, Austrian and English companies cost in 10-16 thousand rubles.

Opinion of a specialist

Ease of use by locks is no less important for the buyer than their reliability and durability. The keys to the apartment, from the shared door on the floor, from the country house and garage, the more doors, the greater the bundle of the keys, which every time you have to go through to find the right one.

Solve the problem of accessing access helps the Master Key system, allowing to open a lot of locks, using just one key. At the same time, another key that you can entrust familiar will exist with any of the locks (or to a specific group), without fear that someone gets access to all rooms immediately. Master Key, long-used all over the world, work with cylinders of different size, which means that the doors of the non-alignment thickness can be used in the same system.

Michelangelo Malton, Technical Specialist of CISA

As you can see, the difference in price is significant, and if we take into account the cost of additional devices (armor-layers, armoflastic, magnetic protection IDR), it becomes even more. Moreover, according to an almost unanimous opinion of specialists, non-captive locks does not happen. So is it worth buying an expensive locking mechanism of increased reliability? What is this miracle of technology and does it meet expectations? We will try to figure out.

Secretness as accurate science

By purchasing the castle, you will certainly hear from the seller the term "secrecy". This is the number of possible code combinations of the mechanism. The tightness of the models of cylinder locks of the leading manufacturers This number is at least 1 million (actually a set of keys to the lock exists in a single copy), and in some achieves astronomical values ​​to 8 billion, such as CISA.

At the same time, such high secrecy is by no means "exceeding the necessary self-defense", as sometimes considered. The fact is that with time, with the mechanism wear, the ability to recognize the key code is reduced even with high-quality locking devices. 10 years of operation can reduce the secrecy of several orders ("broken" castles of an old sample criminals open, a passing of just a few keys). In addition, high secrecy, as a rule, reaches not a simple increase in the number of pins or suwald, and embedding additional code elements and the complication of the castle design as a whole. For example, MUL-T-Lock uses telescopic pins in its cylinder locks; Medeco-turning pins; EVVA and MOTTURA- interactive (magnetic) elements; Cisa, Gerda, Kaba, Vachette have a locking Pins in different planes (in RS3 and RS3S models from Cisa Pina have a diminished size and are radially located.

How to eat ...

The first locking mechanisms appeared in the era of ancient world, in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Waich primitive wooden castles was used by the principle of fixing basement with several vertical pins that had different lengths and located at different distances from each other. To open such a lock, it was necessary to cover the hand through the hole in the door, using the key of the impressive size equipped with the protrusions, raise all the pins at the same time to the desired height and push the goals. Wake of the Middle Ages The principle of mobile pins was forgotten, and only in the 60s. Hih in. American Linus Yale revived him in its invention - a cylinder-pine mechanism.

Such improvements not only exclude the possibility of selection of the key, but also impede the operation with the launders and their modernized counterparts, in particular bumping pistols. (Bumping, or performance, is one of the ways of criminal opening of the pin locks, which consists in the fact that with the help of a special tool they strike in all pins at the same time; a gap appears between the code and reference part of the second, and sometimes it is possible to rotate the cylinder. )

Since the pins of the cylinder lock differ in miniature, and the reading of information from the key sometimes occurs due to their movements to the tenths of the millimeter, we advise you to ask what metal they are made. At the "budget" castles of Pina, like the body, made from brass (Kale, some models MUL-T-LOCK IDR.); More expensive pins are steel (Cisa, Mottura, Vachette Idr.), which increases the service life of the locking device and also increases the durability of the cylinder to the drill.

Disc lock from the times of its invention (the beginning of the twentieth century) has not undergone significant changes. The design of its mechanism initially provided high secrecy, and in modern models of ABLOY, the number of code combinations of the mechanism reaches several billion. Open such a device with bumping is impossible, launders are extremely difficult. Due to the absence of springs, disk locks are less than the pin, they are afraid of contamination, besides, the discs are not as susceptible to wear as pins.

Suwald mechanisms are more difficult to secure the opening of the housing than the cylinder: the large size of the keyhole makes it easy to manipulate the tools, and the parts themselves do not differ in miniature and with a certain skill "are not difficult. However, an increase in the number of Suwald, the patching of false grooves and other changes in the traditional scheme allowed to increase the secrecy of the locks of this type to several million combinations. It should be noted that the Suwald locks of some domestic producers (for example, the firms "Gardian" and "Plant-hardware-hardware") are not inferior to Western counterparts by secrecy or in reliability.

WHATS Make a Suwald Castle is no less resistant to autopsy than the cylinder, it is possible only by combining the mechanisms of both types in one system. For example, CISA applies a pinov "slut" overlay. Keys have both a beard and perforation for pins. With the correct triggering of the pins, the flap shifts, opening the key hole of the Suwald Castle. Another path is associated two mechanisms in one case. Such locks are called the combined dependent cylinder (sometimes a pump mechanism) in the "closed" position blocks the suvalde part.

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Mystery of the keyboard


Castle ComfortLock (CISA) can be locked on all the speed with one click on the handle:

A, B. - Pen in a neutral position, the keys controls the key;

B, G. - From the inside the handle and highlights, and removes the rigleels, only puts forward

Mystery of the keyboard


Mystery of the keyboard


Aestley to knock out or snatch the larvae, the additional locking of the Suwalden Castle will work, after which the door can be opened, only spoil riglels. The combined lock is approximately 15-20% cheaper than the pair of locks of different systems, but from the point of view of resistance to the opening it is a completely acceptable alternative to this traditional scheme.

Armor for the castle

The mechanism of any lock is vulnerable to gross methods of impact, which, besides, usually do not require highly qualified criminals. The udinylindron locks are most often drilled, burst, knock out or rehearsed in the middle (in the place where the hole is located under the fastening screw) the larva, sometimes try to turn the cylinder in the case. Suwald castles are considered to be more resistant to power influence than cylinders, since they do not have such a vulnerable part as the larva. But they can be hacked, for example, bridgeing the shank shank (part of the mechanism that ensures the interconnection of Zelov and Suwald) or tugging the "coolesh" - a powerful keypad equipped with a lever. However, the risk of hacking will be able to reduce, equipping the door with locks with built-in protection, and minimize, amplifying the design with additional devices.

For those who like to lose keys

Mystery of the keyboard
The CISA is a very useful option offered by CISA and Mottura companies, the ability to transcoding the Suwald locks produced by them. When losing the key or suspicion that it could be removed from it, it is not necessary to change the entire lock: only to install a new block of secrecy, which is a set of Suwald in a separate case (Mottura, Gardian), or to purchase a new key and recoding under His castle by simple manipulations (CISA). In the early case, this operation can be repeated unlimited number. CISA also offers recoded cylinders (for example, ASTRAL model). If you have lost the key from a conventional pin lock or for any reason you want to increase its secrecy, it is enough to replace the cylinder. Most enclosures are calculated under the so-called eurocyarder with standard cross-sectional dimensions. However, this does not mean that the Cylinder of any other company can be installed in the lock case from one manufacturer. Therefore, when buying a new cylinder, take a sample with you to check the coincidence of the body length and the arrangement of the tongue. Cylinders of leading manufacturers are from 4 thousand rubles.

To make it difficult to dry out the cylinder, many manufacturers will compress the balls and rods from solid alloys of the "win" (abloy, cisa, gerda) into its housing (abloy, cisa, gerda), and also make pins of hardened steel. Separate companies produce cylinder locks, which, when removing the larva, the base lock (Mottura, models with T or Q indexes) is triggered. ACCCOUNT Cylinder could not be reversed, its central part is performed from the more durable material or enhance with steel insert (or several plates of hardened and stainless steel, as in CISA models with the S-Sigillo index). The Most Effective Cylinder Protection is the so-called Breastplate - a ledged steel pad. Moreover, it must be mortal, that is, fasten through the castle body and blend into the thickness of the canvas. Breastickns that screw to the outer steel sheet of the door are practically useless. CISA, MOTTURA, SECUREMME offer mortise diamonds for 5-6 thousand rubles. Of course, this is a lot, but the cylinder lock protected in this way becomes no less resistant to hacking than the Suwald. Therefore, if you don't want to carry a rather large key with you everywhere, it is possible to equip the door with two cylinder, but certainly provide them with mortise armor (such a scheme is offered by some representatives of Western firms, for example, Master-Lock Service, Russia).

Protection methods in various models of locks

Type of castle Opening method (hacking) Constructive solutions that impede this method Models of locks that have protection of this type
Cylinder Using a brand or bumping Pins are located in different planes RS3 S (CISA), EXPERT (KABA), all gerda models
Manufacturing a duplicate key Interactive elements on the key RS3 S, AP3 S (CISA), Champions, (Mottura), MCS (EVVA)
Cylinder drilling All pins of special steel, inserts from hardened steel in both parts of the cylinder body RS3 S, Astral S (CISA)
Fracture cylinder Steel element connecting both parts of the cylinder body RS3 S, AP3 S, Astral S (CISA)
Chopping cylinder Cutting the lock when removing the cylinder 85.571Q (Mottura)
Suwalid Using the knee or "keyboard key" "Sliding" pad All models CISA.
Cut-off Suwald, overlapping keyhole Kerberos 1.008 ("Watering and Hardware Plant")
Stand shank shank and suvalda are equipped with notches that interfere with the alternate raise of Suwald All FIM models
Fold Weakening shank shank 52.771 (Mottura), SL905 (abloy)
Reversing the shank shank rack Carbide plate (purchased separately to a certain lock model) "Gardian", "Factory of the Distribution Proceeds"
Special steel rack Most CISA, MOTTURA models
Carbide Ball Spilled in Stand Forest ZVSP-05 and ZVSP-06 ("MTEM")
Cutting riglels Rotating inner rod in one of the rheel All Gerda models, Elbor
Good Suwald Castle is obliged to have built-in protection against hacking. Generally speaking, if the shank rack is made of solid steel, reliably pressed into the shank, and the Suwalds are located on both sides of the latter, the lock is already extremely difficult to open with the "coat" or drill. Increased surveillance protection ensures enhancement of a 4-6mm thick castle of a microfrast. Withstand the "coatshirt" helps an artificial weakening of the shank comb, at the base of the teeth, the holes are done (model SL905 from Abloy, many models of Mottura, Gardian 20th and 30th series).

The original protection against all types of hacking is implemented in the design of the locks of the "Plant-hardware plant" - with force exposure to the latter, the latter is automatically blocked by the built-in retractable pin. The only minus is not excluded by the random triggering of the locking mechanism (the owner in this case will only be able to call the rescue service).

Opinion of a specialist

When equipped with door locks, the nuances of your apartment must be taken into account. Here are just a few general recommendations. For an apartment located on the top floor, the door of the reinforced design is required with the corresponding locks, as the attackers, blocking the elevator, can work in particularly comfortable conditions. On the last and first floors it is necessary to provide an increased burglary of the locks from the inside (the door must have an inner steel sheet and be equipped with mortise locks without "turntables"). If there is a concierge in the house or your home is located on a protected area, it is necessary to turn the focus on the fact that the locks are well opposed to the "quiet" opening.

Alexander Corobeinikov,

Leganza Door Sales Director

Promotiveness of some manufacturers of castles reached the fact that they took measures even against the spill of the bolt bolts (although it should be mainly protected by the design of the door canvase). Thus, at the castles of Gerda, one of the riglels has an internal insert, which is a non-fastenedly fixed carbide rod, when contacting the brotcast disk, it starts to rotate, increasing the time of hacking.

So, a reliable castle, equipped with all necessary means of protection, is able to highly resist the attacker, even if the latter has a full arsenal of dissemination and hacking arsenal, including power tools. According to GOST 5089-97 "Castles and latches for doors. Technical conditions ", the test of the lock lasts 30 minutes. Products, "Stretched" during this time, are assigned the 4th (highest) class. As a rule, this means that no "professional" will not want to open or explode this locking device in the "field" conditions.

Sorious with door

In the steel door, locks are installed in two ways. The first of them resembles the cutting of the castle into a wooden door. The only difference in the steel door is not required to make a sample in the thickness of the canvas, it is enough to promote the groove in the end profile and drill holes in it under the mounting screws. The disadvantages of this method are that during the operation of the doors, these screws experience a significant load: over time they are pulled out, and sometimes round. In addition, there is some weakening of the frame of the canvas, which means that the design of the door. The second method is fastening the lock to the steel plate ("bed" or "chassis"), welded in a plane parallel to the steel cladding sheet. The vectors are milling holes only under the riglels. In this case, the door design is weakened slightly less. Many models of locks are produced in the mortise, and in the contribution (the difference is in the presence of the first facial plank from the outlet side, in second-end-to-end holes or faces for fastening to the "bed").

I will strike vandalism

Any castle can be brought into disrepair, if you shove a match, a piece of wire or a rummy into the keyhole. Sometimes it leads to the need to change the entire locking device or its secret part. Avoiding such problems will allow anti-vandal protection for DISEC (Italy), which are produced for cylinder, and suvalid, as well as combined locks. Such protective linings are two types: with a sliding valve or with a rotary lid, and those and others are opened with a magnetic key. These linings are quite reliable because they have a minimum of moving parts and do not require power. However, it should be borne in mind that the damper itself does not save from the power methods of impact. Hospital, it is worth such a product very silent - 4-10 thousand rubles.

Including I want to pay attention to one feature of the tandem door and locking mechanism, if the structure of the canvas is able to protect the locks from some types of hacking, then even the most cunning lock is not able to help the door chlipka. Therefore, in the next issue of the magazine, we will tell about how to choose a reliable door worthy of a good castle.

The editors thanks CISA, Leganza, Master-Lock Service, "Gardian", "Estaurant", Mul-T-Lock, "Union. Italian doors", abloy for help in preparing the material.

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