Cheerful morning!


Review of the coffee machines: Types of instruments, operational principles, description of the cooking process, operation modes and device functions

Cheerful morning! 13013_1

Cheerful morning!
Cheerful morning!
Cheerful morning!

Built-in coffee machines organically fit into the kitchen space

Cheerful morning!

But pay attention to the fact that such models should be purchased at the stage of the kitchen kit. To load coffee and care for such an aggregate it will need to be advanced. Thanks to the special design it is easy to do

Cheerful morning!
Cheerful morning!

Capsule coffee machine Essenza Fuchsia (Nespresso) with a pressure of 19 bar Original design

Cheerful morning!

Additional functions allow you to make the cooking process simpler and fast. Thus, the pre-grinding function will reduce the time: so far one portion of coffee is boiled, the device is challenged grain for the next, like the Syncrony Compact model (Gaggia)

Cheerful morning!

The Impressa Z5 (JURA) model is equipped with an automatic cappuccino and allows you to prepare two cups of cappuccino or latte Machiato by pressing one button.

Cheerful morning!

Coffee machine XP 7240 (Krups) equipped with a car fleet for feeding foam directly to a cup

Cheerful morning!
Cheerful morning!

On the display, the coffee machines reflect the current mode of operation

Cheerful morning!

If ground coffee hold more than 15 minutes in air, part of the fragrance is permanently lost. Akofa, cooked in the coffee machine, retains essential oils and caffeine

Cheerful morning!
Cheerful morning!

Coffee machine TK69009 (Siemens) is equipped with a dot for heating cups

Cheerful morning!
Cheerful morning!

Model 9750DS (WIK) is equipped with an automatic cappuccinator. The device creates pressure 16 bar

Cheerful morning!

The capsule model of Le Cube (Nespresso) has an unusual cube form for coffee machines

Cheerful morning!
Siemens Nespresso.
Cheerful morning!
Through the receiving funnel comes ground coffee
Cheerful morning!
The camera moves to the working position.
Cheerful morning!
Ground coffee is compacted
Cheerful morning!
Water under pressure pumps through coffee
Cheerful morning!
Used coffee is removed

If you are a true connoisseur of coffee, but you do not have time to cook, then the perfect version is automatic coffee machine. Press the button - and get a cup of fragrant, invigorating and unusually delicious drink.

In Russia, the invigorating drink first appeared under Peter I. The king introduced the custom of drinking "Cofi" on the Assemblies. Soon, even though the taste of the sovereign of the treats was unusual, this custom became a sign of good tone.

Coffee can be prepared in various ways. For example, some still use the method invented in the Middle Ages Arabs: ground grains are mixed with water and boil in simple metal dishes. The process was mechanized in Europe in the age of technical boom. Then such an idea was born: if the steam boiler release a steaming mixture under pressure and skip it through ground coffee, you can quickly get a delicious drink. So the coffee makers appeared. The top of the technical progress has become automatic coffee machines. The main difference from other devices is that for the preparation of coffee, it is only necessary to float the grains into the container and press the button. Everything. Elixir cheerfulness is before you. WTO Time as in order to use a coffee maker, it will have to grind grain. And the drink as a result will not be so fragrant as in the coffee machine.

Types of coffee beverages

Cheerful morning!
Siemens Nespress is a huge set of drinks. We describe only the most popular of them.

1. The special coffee drink, prepared when passing hot water under pressure through the portion of ground coffee. Thus, it is possible to extract the largest amount of aromatic substances from coffee.

2. Capacitably, this is all the same espresso coffee, but with milk whipped into a dense foam.

3. Espresso coffee with milk. Sometimes the drink is decorated with dairy foam.

4. Coffee with ice cream. Usually, the whipped cream is also put on top.

Coffee calculation

Automatic coffee machines are divided into household and professional. The first are designed to work at home, and the second is for restaurants, cafes, offices. Their main difference is in the amount of coffee prepared. Permanent aggregates, performance retreats to the background, more attention is paid to the set of various functions. To assess the performance of models for the house, we will deal with arithmetic. An alive coffee machine is poured 1.5-1.8l water and fall asleep about 250g coffee beans. Let's consider, whether it will be enough for it. One portion needs 7-14g grains, and the "correct" capacity of the cups - 60-70ml- for espresso, 100-130 ml - for classic coffee and 150ml- for cappuccino. This means that one person, not fitting ingredients in the car, can drink coffee in the mornings for 2-3 weeks.

Cheerful morning!
a) Saeco.
Cheerful morning!
b) bosch.

Coffee machine TALEA TOUCH (SAECO) (a) can prepare two cups of coffee at the same time. There is also heated cups and the ability to use dishes of different heights, from75 to 140mm. Coffee machine TCA5401 (Bosch) (b) is equipped with a pre-wetting function of a coffee powder for improving the beverage fragrance

The devices are separate and embedded. For a single standing, it is necessary to provide a place because the devices are rather big. Their approximate dimensions are 404035cm (VGSH), besides, this is not a coffee maker, which is easy to transfer from one place to another, because the mass of the coffee machine is 10-15kg.

Easier easy

The preparation of coffee in the automatic device is really reduced by the number of manipulations of a person to a minimum: all actions - from grinding grains to a spill coffee aggregate will produce himself. But from time to time you still have to report grains. In addition, it is originally necessary to set several parameters: the degree of grinding, the amount of coffee for a portion, the volume of filling the IDR cup. This data of the coffee machine "remembers", next time you will only need to click on the button - and the drink is ready. If you want to change your habits, you will have to program the automatic machine. Coffee is preparing literally for 30-40s. The less time passes between a groove and cooking, the time is the fragrance.

In general, the cooking process in the coffee machine is as follows. Coffee beans are grinding in the built-in coffee grinder, then pressed and wetted with water for aromatization. Then through this mass under pressure (the pump is designed for 15-16bar) is passed by hot water (88-96c), and the drink falls into the cup. The water temperature and pressure optimal for the preparation of coffee have long been selected by an experimental way. But there are exceptions, so, in the PE8038M (AEG, Germany) model, the pressure is 18bar. It is believed that what it is more, the stronger and the fragrant will be coffee.

Pros and cons of coffee machines


1. Cooking a drink is enough to click on the button. All the rest of the car will make it myself.

2. It is necessary to float coffee beans before each operation.

3.Copper welds quickly and will have a wonderful taste.


1. Coffee machine requires care. It needs to be cleaned, changing filters IT.D.

2. It takes a lot of space.

3. High cost.

Rich inner world

Latte, espresso, cappuccino- all these drinks under the power of coffee machines. Most devices are adapted to work with both grain coffee and ground (for each other compartment). In addition, there are capsule models - TK 911N2 RU (Siemens, Germany), K111 (Gaggia, Italy), CVA 3650 ED (Miele, Germany). Anxteed applied compressed coffee in Calda or capsules. Chalda-mixture of ground grains compressable in a tablet weighing about 7 g, which is designed for one portion, that is, one cup. The capsule is also a hammer mixture, but it is packed in a plastic box, beaten on top of the foil. Coffee types are easier to contact: it's easier to clean "waste". But connoisseurs of coffee are still skeptical about the drink obtained in this way, because there is no possibility to experiment and mix different varieties, as well as adjust the coffee strength. Although it should be noted that the range of capsules with different mixtures is now large enough.

Different varieties of coffee

Cheerful morning!

Any variety of coffee is obtained by mixing the grains of arabica and robusts. Typically, the composition of any coffee is a commercial mystery. But the more Arabica, the more coffee is more expensive. Much depends on roasting grains. For example, when the grains are mixed after roasting, this process is more time-consuming, and therefore such a variety of coffee is more appreciated.

1. Robusta (Coffea Canephora). View of the coffee tree, the fruits of which contain many caffeine. They are used mainly for the production of soluble coffee and in varietal mixtures, as well as added to the espresso mixture.

2. Arabica (Coffea Arabica). The view of the coffee tree, in the fruits of which is more aromatic oils, and caffeine is 2 times less than in the grains of robusts.

Coffee machines can be endowed with various functions. Let's say gourmet worth paying attention to pre-wetting of compressed coffee, which significantly improves its fragrance. The taste of the drink depends on the degree of grinding. Usually, the coffee grinder in the unit is several degrees of grinding, it remains only to install the desired one. It is important to change the flow of drink (7-14 g of grains for a portion). You can adjust the portion itself: a small cup, medium or large ... convenient when there is a regulator that allows you to use cups of different sizes.

For large families either for people often arrange parties, the cooking feature will be irreplaceable at the same time as in Primea Cappuccino Touch Plus models (Saeco, Italy), CM 200 (Gaggenau), TCA 5401 (BOSCH) (Bosch). It's nice when you easily understand the machine, so you look at what language he is "talking." The timer, which includes the machine in the programmed time, is useful - then the aroma of coffee will wake you up in the morning.

Coffee machine device

Cheerful morning!

In the boiler (1), water is heated by means of Tan (2). In the early, the time to accelerate heating is increasingly instead of a boiler, a thermal block - heating element with a spiral inner surface, where water flows. Pomp (3) pumps water into the boiler and the system of hollow tubes (4), where the pressure is injected. Cold water intended for the preparation of coffee, passing through the tubes, heats up the heat exchange with the liquid in the boiler. Then hot water under pressure goes through the bottling group (5), passes through the compressed coffee and the ready-made drink falls into the cup.

Special attention is paid to the cappuccinator (the nozzle "Panareloy"), thanks to which the dairy foam in cappuccino is obtained by many. Make foam so. Couples under pressure are served on a special tube into a cup filled with milk, where the foam is whipped. There is an automatic cappuccinator that "takes" milk directly from the package, and the whipped milk falls into the cup. The correct mass is dense with small bubbles. Connecting espresso coffee with it, we get cappuccino. Merry remark. This coffee should be supplied in warm utensils, it helps to preserve the flavor. Therefore, some models are TALEA Ring Plus (SAECO), XP 7240 (Krups, Germany), Titanium (Gaggia) - equipped with a stand for heating cups. They heat up to 40s before coffee gets in them. If there is no such support, you can pour hot water into the cup for a few seconds and then pour it out.

The cost of the device is largely dependent on the above functions. Since sets of functions can vary greatly, the price variation is quite large, from 20 thousand to 100 thousand rubles. Capsule models are cheaper, their cost begins from 8 thousand rubles. Even the most accessible coffee machines are ready to please you with a truly tasty and fragrant drink, but usually such devices have a small number of additional features. However, they can prepare two cups at the same time, the dosage of water and coffee on portions is also adjustable, as a rule, there is also a cappuccinator. But in the car price from 35 thousand rubles. Automatic cleaning modes, pre-wetting coffee, and almost all processes, the machine reports using the display on the screen. Models worth about 100 thousand rubles. Possess all the functions provided for the coffee machines today.

Among the many companies producing coffee machines, there are firms specializing in their production: Gaggia, Saeco, Jura (Switzerland), Lavazza (Italy) IDR. Now, these devices are present in the range of manufacturers of household appliances: AEG, Bosch, Gaggenau, Miele, Krups, Siemens Idre.

Five interesting facts

1. The inhabitants of the planet annually consume more than 500 million cups of coffee.

2. Men drink 20% more coffee than women.

3. Actual chocolates are 30 mg of caffeine, in a cup of coffee - 100-150 mg.

4. Beethoven always cooked coffee from the same number of coffee beans (allegedly 64 were supposedly).

5. B1732g. The first work of art dedicated to coffee was created: Johann Sebastian Bach wrote a "coffee canta".

Mandatory cleaning

Automatic coffee machines are ready to work almost without human participation, but care is needed. After cooking about 220 cups (depending on the model), the machine requires cleaning. Usually there is a counter of cups, and the machine by means of an indication suggests when it should be washed.

Like every device, exposed to rigid Russian water, the coffee machine must be protected, besides, the taste of the drink depends on the quality of water. Therefore, the aggregates are equipped with filters mitigating water. Filter cartridges follow from time to time (the price of the cartridge is about 500 rubles). It is necessary to conduct decalcification (cleaning from scale) of internal nodes of the device. This is done using special tablets or liquids. Manufacturers in the instructions indicate which means is recommended for this. The cost of such means is an average of 300-500 rubles.

Due to the oils contained in coffee beans, the brewing device can be clormed. It has special degreasing tablets for its cleaning. Coffee waste from the brewing device is neatly removed manually. It is also necessary to wash the compartment for coffee beans and clean the thick of the precast container. But the invigorating drink is such efforts.

Coffee etiquette

Cheerful morning!
Nespresso1. Coffee cups are submitted to the table necessarily on sauces.

2. The Kkof is offered to choose from sugar raffin or sugar sand.

3. After you prevented coffee, the spoon must be put on the saucer.

4. Welder holds a saucer, and the right side of the cup is right.

5. If coffee is drinking with milk, saucer leave on the table.

6. Drink coffee should be slowly and small sips.

The editors thanks the representation of the BSH household appliances companies, "SEB Group", "Mile CIS", Jura, Nespresso, Saeco for help in the preparation of the material.

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