Stucco lace intricate


Review of the stucco decorations for interior design: the advantages and disadvantages of decorative elements made of polystyrene, polyurethane and plaster, installation

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Stucco lace intricate
Stucco lace intricate
Stucco lace intricate
Stucco lace intricate

After installation on the surface of the gypsum products, it is desirable to apply water-resistant paint - water-emulsion, acrylic, oil

Stucco lace intricate

For polystyrene and polyurethane plinths easy to hide wiring

Stucco lace intricate
Stucco lace intricate
Photo by D.Minkina

Designer D.Nikitin

Golotrotchik A.shirokov

Stucco lace intricate
Photo by D.Minkina

Designer D.Nikitin

Golotrotchik A.shirokov

Belt Misting Capitals from Polyurethane Decorated with Golden Foil

Stucco lace intricate

Light contamination with stucco decorations (from any materials) is removed using a vacuum cleaner or napkin, moistened in soap solution. Immoved stains will disappear from the surface of the stucco if it is repainted

Stucco lace intricate
Stucco lace intricate
Stucco lace intricate
Stucco lace intricate

Gypsum eaves "Grand" (Atelier Sedap) are manufactured with the addition of resins and fiberglass, which makes them easier and stronger

Stucco lace intricate

Whole outer corner

Stucco lace intricate
Stucco lace intricate
Stucco lace intricate

Decorative polyurethane products are afraid of only open fire, so they are used including for the design of fireplace portals. This is the same one of the most economical methods of decorative lining

Stucco lace intricate
Stucco lace intricate

Eaves and plinths from polyurethane and high-density polymer (NMC) are made in the deco style, popular in 20-30-hgg. Hchw. And fashionable in our time. They are characterized by simplicity and geometric convertibility of forms. Price, from 350 rub. For 1Pog.m.

Stucco lace intricate

The inner space of a niche made of polyurethane

Stucco lace intricate

Decorative frame for niche is a completely independent element

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Stucco lace intricate
Stucco lace intricate
Stucco lace intricate
"Ampire Decor"
Stucco lace intricate

The laying of plaster is chosen by the catalog or make elements of arbitrary configurations and style.

Stucco lace intricate

According to many architects, stucco decorations in the private interior are relevant almost always. Thus, the domestic market offers stucco from a variety of materials: traditional plaster, practical polyurethane or inexpensive polystyrene.

The stucco decorations were an integral part of the decoration of the palaces and castles of the rulers of states, houses of the courtestin. Soviet time, during mass construction, this element of the decor began to perceive as an architectural ultra. But, you see, even modest ceiling outlets and unpaired eaves, preserved in the old building houses, ennoble the situation, make it elegant.

Increasing interest in this type of finishing currently can be explained by several reasons. First, about 10 years ago there were products from polyurethane and polystyrene. They reliably imitate classic gypsum stucco, and the decoration process has become easier and faster. Secondly, today the utilitarian style of interior design moves into the background under the onslaught of the diversity of artistic techniques of neoclassics or linear geometric forms, clean colors and rounded parts of the deco, which hint at the respectability of the owners.

Many of us want to have not only practical, but also beautiful things. The stucco is just the element that even separate antique items in a modern apartment will support.

Opinion of a specialist

Many are convinced that the stucco should be only white. Indeed, the snow-white decor is amazingly beautiful in the contrast with bright, full-color textured walls- for example, by salaby textile wallpaper or painted. However, there are a lot of those who prefer interiors with a calm pastel finish. The fear of color is characteristic of people who most of the year are watching the gloomy sky, live in the shade. In the case, the subtle lines of painted eaves and borders will become a small, but bright decorative stroke in the interior, and colored stucco decorations will create a raised festive mood. Doors look original, whose canvases are decorated with small stucco elements. This technique is now very popular. A little fantasy and any door, regardless of its initial price, will become a unique exhibit in the interior. It is not so important than covered with stucco decor-paint from the canister or tinted gold.

Lyudmila empty, architect Masdizin design bureau

From the ceiling to the floor

The statement that stucco decorations requires a scale, right only in part. Yves small spaces of typical housing always there is at least one free surface is the ceiling. Ornamental border or cornice around the perimeter will enrich it, and with the skillful design solution, the ceiling is visually raised. The elegant pattern of the ceiling outlet, the same as on curb, or made in the same style, will complete the composition. Visigay's premises of the space for creativity are undoubtedly more. In addition to the eaves and sockets, decorative dome and ceiling beams are applicable here. However, the bulk of the stucco decorations is designed for the design of the walls. Decorative elements and panels, smooth and embossed borders diversify their homogeneous planes. Shelves and niches play the role of additional exposition sites for figurines, vases, colors. Pilasters (vertical protrusions repeating all parts and proportions of the columns) located near the entrance to the living room or the hall, create a solemn, front mood. Framing of windows and doors, rounded elements for arched openings make them more interesting, produce the impression of finishes.

An attractive object for manifestation of a designer thought-decorative fireplace. The original stucco decor of the portal eclipses the irrationality of the design located in a city apartment with central heating will turn it into a work of art worthy of being the focus and requiring the same refined environment. Decorative lining for the lateral part of the stairs is very attractive. Inacontament, completing the elements of interfaces and stinting stains.

However, stucco decorations can not only be an integral part of a certain composition, but also to be independent art objects - massive and impressive. Such, for example, columns, such as solid or consisting of lower bases, body, body and topped with a capitle and small shortened podium columns. They are often used as the basis for coffee tables, stands for statues, VAZ and other decorative items. However, the objects of exposure may be stucco or imitating stucco.

Full industrialization

Molding decorations produce various technologies from a variety of materials. Naturally, they differ in properties. Let's start with stucco from polystyrene as the most massive, you can even say industrial product. The production process begins with the supply of polystyrene pellets to the technological line, and ends with the output of the profile ribbon. The only manual operation performs a working folding products by boxes.

So they get the most sought-after in the finishing of the interiors of the eaves, moldings, plinths, borders. They do not differ in exquisite decor: have simplified shallow profiles. Separate rods are fitted well with each other, since the product originally extends in the form of an infinite tape, which is then cut on a part of a certain length. Undoubted dignity of polystyrene stucco - low price. Two-meter molding costs 5-40 rubles. For 1 p. m.

Games with light

Stucco lace intricate
SKAttage addition to stucco decorations - a variety of lamps made in the same stylist and from the same materials. Plafones, lamps, sconium give not sharp straight lighting, but soft reflected light.

Fluorescent lamps hidden behind decorative cornices cause an interesting impression of a luminous ceiling. Especially for this in various collections most of the manufacturers of stucco, cornices with an arched, convex profile are provided. Metal foil, which is placed on its hidden surface, enhances the brightness of the glow.

Wall niches, the inner part of which is supplemented with a mirror or backlit, turn into light bulk compositions, creating an illusion of depth even in a small room. The original method of finishing-decorative moldings with the effect of the glow. Snow white during daytime and with artificial lighting, at night they start glowing. Unusual effect creates added to the source material (foamed polystyrene) phosphor. In the afternoon, Moldings "absorb" light energy from external sources, and in the dark, they give it away.

Stucco lace intricate
Stucco lace intricate
Stucco lace intricate
The surface of the Atelier Sedap gypsum lamps is covered with a special composition that repulsion dust and moisture. Therefore, it can be washed, and low-fat pollution- remove using a soft butter

Polystyrene products manufactured by extrusion are characterized by a characteristic grainy surface. However, it is easy to hide using subsequent coloring. To do this, it is necessary to use water-based paints, but in no case on solvents. Most of the decorative polystyrene elements have a low density: after mechanical impacts there are noticeable traces and dents. Therefore, borders and moldings it is advisable to decorate the ceilings and the upper part of the walls. It is easy because of their small weight, but still it is necessary to handle them delicately, as the polystyrene decor is very fragile.

We note that there are also very high-quality decorative elements from this material, including plinths. For example, NMC (Belgium) offers FLOORSTYL plinths and Allegro profiles from high density polystyrene (injection). Its main advantage of impact resistance, thanks to which the stucco decor retains the clarity of the ornament or a smooth surface for a long time. Vaseline company Oracn.v. (Belgium) There is a collection of ORAC Axxent, made of durplymer - durable, lightweight material, well opposing not very strong mechanical effects. Polystyrene products on the domestic market are also represented by Bovelacci (Italy), "Martin", "Polystrova", "Unix", a trademark Decomaster (all-Russia) and numerous manufacturers from China and other Asian countries.

Forms of polyurethane

Polyurethane stucco is obtained by mixing in metal or silicone forms of certain components. In the interaction, they are expanding (foam), and then frozen, forming a capsulated fine-heeled structure filled with air. Decorative elements made of polyurethane, unlike made of polystyrene, can have a more complex, deep surface relief, and in addition, have many useful consumer properties. They are resistant to temperature fluctuations, do not absorb smells, unresponsible to moisture. The last quality is the consequence of non-hygroscopicity of the material. However, he also has a minus complexity in the color. To facilitate the process, manufacturers are treated with polyurethane stucco surface in different ways. SingleMC and partially Gaudi Dcor (Malaysia) - Before filling out the shape of the polymer mixture, it is lined with a special film and apply soil. Other- "Europlast" (Russia), ORAC N. V.- cover decorative elements with special soil. It makes the surface of susceptible to most paints (the exclusion is paints on solvents and nitroemali), and most importantly does not affect the clarity of the stucco pattern.

Stucco lace intricate


Stucco lace intricate


Stucco lace intricate


Stucco lace intricate


Stucco lace intricate


Stucco lace intricate


Stucco lace intricate


Stucco lace intricate


Stucco lace intricate
Decorative cornice installation sequence:

A, B- determine the height of the eaves and mark it on the walls using the marking cord;

They pump up pieces of eaves under the desired angles and in size;

G- before applying glue remove sawdust from the seats of the section, processing the cropped edges of the fine-grained sanding skins, ensure the accuracy of their fitting, apply adhesive glue by adhesive pistol;

Dividing is installed and pressed;

e, the jokes are filled with special glue, the surplus is removed and immediately wipe these places with a wet cloth;

Z-40 hoky bend to the decorative color of the cornice

High-quality decorative stucco from polyurethane is well tolerating moisture in bathrooms and kitchens. Elements of facade collections have greatly proven themselves on the external walls of houses and in landscape architecture. Advertising on the blocking or the discrepancy between the borders of the polyurethane is possible with insufficient attention to the recommendations of the manufacturers (it is necessary to withstand the details of 1 day in the room where they will be mounted), as well as due to improper fastener technology or the use of low density decor and unknown origin. It is he who is more susceptible to the shrinkage. But the higher the density (this figure varies within 90-250kg / m3), the less the degree of shrinkage of the item and the more difficult to damage it. If all the requirements are observed, polyurethane stucco will delight you not one dozen years.

The range offered on the market is huge: these are elements of different styles and directions, both for economical and expensive finishes. The most widely decorative polyurethane stucco is presented in the Gaudi Dcor collection. By the way, most firms produce flexible moldings that take the shape of the curvilinear surfaces of the walls, the Arch of IT.P. Thus, the company "Europlast" has flexible analogues of actually all the aid elements.

Classics of the genre

Despite the manufacturability of products from polymeric materials, there are many admirers and plaster stucco. This is impeccable environmental material. It does not release highly toxic compounds in the fire and is safer from this point of view compared to polystyrene and polyurethane. The gypsum decor does not shrink, resistant to temperature fluctuations, does not lose strength and retains the properties not that dozens of hundreds of years. But its ability to absorb and give moisture sometimes leads to the appearance of fungal plaque. Satest will help to cope the color of the surface.

High quality gypsum stucco is distinguished by a smooth non-porous surface, a clear pattern of the pattern. Any damage and chips of textural jewelry is easy to restore. But the most important advantage of the gypsum decor is that his choice is not limited to the manufacturer's catalog. Of course, this is the result of the flight of creative thoughts of artists and architects embodied by the hands of masters. Only from the gypsum can be made of complex decorations with an extremely deep relief. Of course, from order to obtain finished products will be held for a while. It depends on the complexity and volume of work and ranges from 2 weeks to 6 months.

Azachaza in stucco workshops are received by a variety of, starting with the development and manufacture of family coat of arms and ending with the perpetuation of the customer himself as a statue. However, often the fantasy rue is limited to the cost of such an exclusive, while the price of a conventional curb is not so large: 150-400 rubles. For 1Pog.m.

On the domestic market, this eco-friendly product is represented by Atelier Sedap (France) and specialized workshops "Evina Decor", Peterhof, "Torus Style", "Uni +" (all- Russia).

The fragility and the considerable weight of the plaster stucco (similar elements from polyurethane weigh about 4 times less!) Maintain it somewhat difficult. In fairness it should be noted that some features are inherent in the installation of stucco from any materials.

Not so simple

Before installing plaster stucco, it is desirable to estimate the carrying ability of walls and ceilings. Heavy products (over 5kg mass) It is unlikely to secure on drywall partitions without additional enhancement of the design by a more frequent crate and double layer of GVL. Massive textured outlets and borders placed on the ceiling, in addition to the adhesive mixture, are fixed with galvanized screws. Adly installation of light polymeric decorations is quite special glue.

Opinion of a specialist

Many manufacturers of polymer stucco have developed special mounting adhesives. They are comfortable and ensure reliable fastening of decorative elements to walls and ceilings. However, workers finishing brigades often save on buying branded glue, and completely in vain. During solidification, some adhesive compositions give a noticeable shrinkage. If the stucco is attached to the base of the drywall with such a glue, this may cause the surface deformation, and in the worst even destroy it.

Quavely sad consequences leads the absence of elementary knowledge and skills of working with stucco decorations. For example, joints and gaps between the base and items are sometimes wiping in conventional putty. Minor movements during the shrinkage of the building or changes in the temperature and humidity regime in the apartment is enough for such a putty to crack and fall off, making noticeable connections.

In order to avoid this, we recommend applying stucco to mount only special adhesives-putty. Thighters, they do not decrease in volume, and due to the high elasticity of the seams filled with them and the joints will be resistantly transferring small transformation.

Irina Osokina, NMC Marketing and Advertising Director

There are differences in the time of work. The installation of plaster stucco is accompanied by "dirty" and "wet" processes, the appearance of small dust. Therefore, it is carried out at the initial stage of repair, before final finishing of the premises. Polyurethane elements are more technologically. They are mounted without dust and dirt, and this is quite possible at any stages of repair and even outside it.

The required volume of the glue mixture for gypsum is made manually, on the spot, from the PVA glue, diluted with water, and a certain amount of soft gypsum. The places for polymer products should be worked out in advance, at the time of buying stucco. The fact is that many manufacturers offer branded mounting adhesives. Specialists ORAC N. v. Two compositions have been developed: ORAC-FIX STANDARD PLUS- for fastening elements to walls and ceiling (165 rub. For packing 500ml) and ORAC-Fix EXTRA- for connecting individual parts (270 rubles per pack 80ml). Such products also offers "Europlast": Mounting Glue "Europlast Standard" (300 rub. For packaging 290ml) and docking glue "Europlast Extra" (256 rub. For packaging 80ml). Universal adefix P5 and ADEFIX F W ADEFIX FI W companies simplify the process of choice, as well as work technology. These strong elastic compositions provide reliable fastening of elements and at the same time their high-quality docking.

On the question of who should carry out stucco installation, there is no definite answer. Gypsum decor is better to entrust the masters of special brigades. The cost of their work is on average equal to the price of stucco. Installing individual elements, such as the ceiling outlet, will cost a little cheaper. Remove the same gypsum decorations perhaps only breaking them. Products from polymeric materials fasten, paint, and if they do not like, even unprofessional, naturally, after a careful study of the instruction!

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Stucco lace intricate


Stucco lace intricate


Stucco lace intricate


Stucco lace intricate


Stucco lace intricate


Stucco lace intricate


Stucco lace intricate


Stucco lace intricate


Sequence of mounting point lamps:

A- tolerate the size of the profile height on the wall and place all the walls around the perimeter of the room, the rolling coolers measure the dimensions of the angles;

b, cut profiles;

The distance between the lamps (at least 30cm) and the distance from the angle of the room to the first lamp (minimum 20cm) are noted;

D- drill holes for lamps with a special cutter of the desired diameter;

e, the luminaires are inserted into the profile and connect them;

s, and smear the mounting surfaces with special glue, after installation, the profile is fixed using supports

The editorial board thanks SKOL, "EuroPlast", "Omis", "Evina Decor", NMC, production and creative workshop "M-2", Masdizine design bureau for help in the preparation of material.

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