Protective designs for windows: species, installation methods, market overview


Protective structures for windows: lattice design, types of swing shutters, operation of modern rolling shutters, ways to mount products. Market Review

Protective designs for windows: species, installation methods, market overview 13033_1

Window under protection
The author of the project A.Sibko

Photo K. Manko

Window under protection
Window under protection

Roller shutters (rollers) appeared in Italy at the end of XiHwek. Initially, the canvas for them were made of wooden lamellae bonded with each other. Level and aluminum came to replace the tree

Window under protection
"Academy of Interior"

Many manufacturers of wooden windows are manufactured and shutters from the same material. You can only order them complete with a window.

Window under protection
Architect F.Prokopovich

Photo M.Stepanov

Laman inserts in the deaf canvases allow you to air the room with closed shutters, but the design is less than hacking

Window under protection
The authors of the project V. Rushbak, T.kharbak

Photo K. Manko

Window grilles can be equipped with openings of any width, height and configuration. As when ordering windows, a specialist from the company will come to you and make measurements, and if necessary, templates from plywood or organita will make on-site. Errors at measurements lead to great difficulties when installing

Window under protection
The author of the project O.Sekonenko

Photo M.Stepanova, D.VNNIVTSEV

The drawing of the window lattice must organically fit into the general architectural design.

Window under protection
"New shutters"
Window under protection
"New shutters"

Swing grids equipped with a special mortise lock with vertical begles

Window under protection
Photo by D.Minkina

One of the shortcomings of unopened lattices- constant "openwork" view from the window

Window under protection
"New shutters"

Windows on the second floor of the country house need protection at no less than on the first

Window under protection
Window under protection

The system with valves is much cheaper than with a bolt lock, but less reliable

Window under protection
"New shutters"

The design of metal lamellae shutters: a steel pin;

B - Z-shaped lamella;

Protecting the sash of the pipe of the rectangular section

Window under protection
"REHAU Eurasia"

Manufacturers can make swing shutters for any opening. If necessary, each flap is made of two canvases, connecting them with loops like the door- "accordion"

Window under protection

Roller shutters and canvas are harmonized with linked siding eaves

Window under protection
Photo by D.Minkina

The canvas from the anodized aluminum of the corrosion-resistant. Known (cardan) Drive reliable and easy to handle

Window under protection

Using the remote control, you can lower the roller shutters on all windows at the same time

Window under protection
Window under protection

The diameter of the roll, and therefore, the dimensions of the cross-shock box cross section directly depends on the length of the canvas (the height of the window opening)

Window under protection
The author of the project A.Sibko

Photo K. Manko

Built-in box reduces light opening, but he is minority

Window under protection

To embed the box shutdown in the walls, before the construction of construction should be consulted with specialists from the company offering similar technologies and make changes to the project of the house. Substick niches will not be able to

Window under protection

Construction of the protective window:

A- insulated box;


v- polo;

G-window block

Window under protection
Wooden wall when installing a folding drill through and apply a bolt with a nut
Window under protection
Methods for mounting swinging shutters and lattices in buildings with concrete or brick walls (new shutter technology):

A- Lack, while the attachment assembly is closed by the frame;

B-folding with subsequent outer wall decoration;

fastening to the slope

Professional hackers, judging by detectives, do not mind boast of their skill, but in practice they seek to reduce labor costs to a minimum. That is why houses with unprotected windows are most attractive for them.

Expect that any protective design will produce proper psychological effect on the attackers, the owners of country real estate and apartments on the first and last floors of urban homes are hardly worth it. Please note that a "professional" is enough to throw a single look at the product itself and how it is established to assess the possibilities of access to the room. Yes, and simple hooligans can try your defense "tooth". The apack overcoming the barrier "delicate manner" will not work (protective structures for windows almost never provide for opening the key outside), it is likely to use rough effects. So, strength (burglar resistance) - first of all. It depends equally from the quality of the product and the method of its installation. However, strength strength, but still we do not want our favorite house to remind a store, institution or, especially, prison. It will know, the need arises to competently enter the architectural appearance of the building, because the shutters, and lattices, and fashionable metallic blinds today (roller shutters) can be with equal success and decorate, and disfigure the facade. Kschastina, the modern market offers a wide selection of beautiful and functional products.

With carved shutters window

The windows in Russia, ancient, protected by wooden shutters. Vkurnye skewls are tested, moving along the walls along the seeds (bars with a groove selected in them), was an indispensable attribute of the window. Such windows were called wolf. Stripping the shutter glass (already swinging) became an additional protection against winter cold and the scorching summer sun, and, of course, from encroachment on property. Shutters along with platbands were often decorated with a complex carved ornament.

Wooden shutters and nowadays are often important elements of the exterior decor of the house. There are three main types of shutters: panels (scored from boards), pulley (with rods from frame and insertion) and lamella (lattice). At the same time, shield shutters from hard rocks, reinforced with metal stripes and corners, and also equipped with a battle lock or a system of valves, can serve as a real protection of your home.

All in Outdoor

Thanks to the comparative cheapness and simplicity of the manufacture of palm of the championship among protective structures for windows, welded grilles made of metal rolling are still held. The elements for them are made mainly of a rod with a diameter of 10-18mm, strips 12, 14, 16mm and 4mm thick and square with a cross section 1212, 1414, 1616mm. Preparing a certain set of parts, they are welded with the help of manual electric arc welding, creating a pattern. Punching framing usually use a corner with a shelf size 20, 30 or 40mm, but often costs without it. It should be borne in mind that lattices with a large (over 200mm) distance between the rods or a thickness made from a strip less than 4mm play the role of formal protection rather. To repel them with a hacksaw (and some "artists" manage to operate with nippers with long handles), it will take quite a bit of time. Specialists recommend using a diameter with a diameter of at least 16mm or a square with a cross section from 1414mm, in this case, the attackers will need power tools or autogen. Combining the rental of different sections and applying twisted, curved in the template, as well as small wrought elements, you can create a rather complicated openwork pattern.

As a rule, manufacturers offer a selection of many lattice variants with a "typical" pattern, that is, such, to create a set of patterns. Welded grilles cost 1-3 thousand rubles. For 1m2, depending on the cross section of the rolled, the complexity of the pattern and the method of painting. The customer can make some changes to the design of the product, proposing a different combination of standard parts, but the price will be 25-50% higher.

Much more wide opportunities for the design of window lattices provides an assembly from stamped elements, for the production of which hydraulic press is used. It is not easy to distinguish such products from the wizard forged: the parts are complex, and the traces of manual processing are simulated on the metal surface with a high degree of reliability. IWA This products do not pretend to the individuality of the style. The same real forged products are superior to stamping in strength: with a so-called free forging, a carbon monoxide (saturation of the surface layer carbon) of the metal, and its structure becomes fine-grained. Artistic hand forging, like casting, stylization under ancient, sometimes makes lattices with a real work of art, but at the same time a very expensive product. The price of 1M2 lattice made by machine forging is from 2.5 thousand rubles, and manually formed by manually costs from 5 thousand rubles. For 1m2.

Window under protection

Photo 1.

Window under protection

Photo 2.

Window under protection

Photo 3.

Window under protection

Photo 4.

Window under protection

Photo 5.

Window under protection

Photo 6.

1. Today is especially popular not flat, and volume (convex, convex-concave) lattices, moreover, closing not all the opening, but only a large part of it, they are less associated with the "prison" style

2. The odd wrist elements are fastened, as in the old days, by means of clamps

3. The carpet allows you to create any ornament, from a simple geometric to the most complex vegetable, zoomorphic or abstract

4. To give the lattice decorative effect, some of its parts were patched under bronze

5. Finding traditions, forged lattices are sometimes decorated with vensels

6.Nameded Frame made of rod

It is important that the product for a long time rejoiced you with your appearance. The ATO largely depends on the method of its anti-corrosion protection. The coating of inexpensive alkyd enamels of domestic production will serve 1-2 years, imported enamels Sadolin (Denmark), Tikkurila (Finland), Hammerit (United Kingdom) IDR.- 4-5 years. Patinating - Processing with special composition (Basic colors: Copper, green, bronze, pink) - Under the compliance with the technology, it is capable of protecting the metal from corrosion for 10 years. The guarantee on the powder color is up to 20 years, however, such a coating is not at all cheap (additionally about 2 thousand rubles. For 1m2).

It must be remembered that by setting fixed and unopened lattices to all windows, thereby violating the fire safety rules (p. 40 PPB 01-03), breaking the reserve path of evacuation from home or apartment. To comply with the norms, one of the grids must be made swing. The strapping of the sash of modern lattices of this type is made of a rectangular or square pipe, in some cases, from the corner. The codnament from the sash is welded by the removal of the gunner (steel strip, overlapping the slot between closed sash) and equip it with a special mortise lock with vertical bollards (ports the appearance of the design and does not have sufficient burglary). Metal lattices are made from metal and forged - produce the firms "Spring M", "Laida-Service", "MetallmantageService", "Roskada" ("Russian forging"), "Svarog", "Stonsis", "Eldor" ( All- Russia) IDR.

Memo for an individual developer

1. When building a country house from cellular blocks (gas-silicate, foam concrete IDRs.) The decision on the need to protect windows is best taken before the construction of the walls. This will allow you to provide a bookmark in the seams of rods of reinforcement with a length of at least 50mm, to which the framing of the lattice or the box is subsequently welded in the opening.

2. If the project provides arched windows and you want to establish a role-shutter on them, discuss this issue with the architect before starting construction.

3. Okonny blocks better mount in the middle of the depth of the opening or shifting them towards the room. This will not only protect glass from fogging, but also will provide an opportunity to further mount a reliable protective design.

4. Equelinously, the protective structures are installed before the outdoor finish of the house (plastering, tiled cladding, covering IT.P. siding.).

As in ancient

Swing metal shutters are in constant demand among country housing owners. There are two types of swing shutters: deaf and lamella. It is other and others consist of a box (it is more often called the carrier frame), made from a corner or pipe of a rectangular section (4020 or 5030 mm) with a welded platband, and sash.

Shutters of deaf shutters are sheets of steel 1.5-2.2mm thick, welded to a frame from a rectangular pipe, a square or angle (apply the same technology as in the manufacture of steel doors, but in a simplified version of the inner ribs of stiffness at the sash No; however, it is necessary to trace the sash to be equipped with anti-blank pins that prevent the hacking method of spill or cut off the loops). Such shutters are most suitable for those who are going to "put on" their home for the winter. Recognize honestly: both in the open, and in the closed position they look too attractive. But in the spring, the sash can be removed from the loops, and the framing in itself is not very noticeable.

For lamella shutters instead of sheet steel, frequently located lamellas (width 30- 50mm and 2mm thick) are used from the strip or curved z-shaped profile. Some firms are made to order shutters with lamellas of steel 4mm thick. The lamellas or weld to the frame of point welding (each of them is fixed in four or six points), or insert into the grooves cut into the laser in one of the profile walls. The last option is more expensive, but provides an increased burglary of the shower. Lock the shutters either on the upper and lower valves, or on a special lock resembling a safe. A very useful open position option, an open position, which does not give the wind gusts to shut the sash. Shutters can be made of the most diverse shape and configuration: arched, round, triangular, single, two-, three- and four-dimensional. Most Russian firms producing swinging shutters ("Metallmanthazservice", "new shutters", "Eldor" IDR), cover them with powder enamels. There are deaf shutters from 3.5 thousand rubles. For 1m2, the lamella is much more expensive - about 7 thousand rubles. For 1m2.

On a new way

In the city of Rolling shutters are the main alternative to welded lattices. Like swinging shutters, they allow you to fully open the opening. In addition, roller shutters look very modernly, can be equipped with an electric drive (including remote control), smart automatics responding to changes to weather, or a programmable timer of opening and closing. The principle of action of roller blinds is: a cloth consisting of articulated lamellae, slides on the guides located on the sides of the opening. Wintering on the shaft, it is removed into the box, and when the shaft rotates in the opposite side, it is descended under the action of its own weight. Recrapped the position of the web is fixed by the bottom stop device or thanks to the design of the shaft and box (more about the device of protective blinds, see "IVD" No. 9 for 2002).

Hack resistance of roller blinds depends mainly on the material of the lamellas. The latter are made of duralumin (rolled and extruded) or steel bends (from galvanized cold-rolled steel 0.8-1.2mm thick) profiles. Lamed from aluminum extruded profiles having internal ribbins, stronger than rolling filled with polyurethane foam. The wires made of steel lamellas are stronger on the gap, but they are heavier than aluminum and require the installation of a more powerful electric drive (the price of 5 thousand rubles) or the compensation spring mechanism (from 1.5 thousand rubles).

The workshop operation in our climate, owners of houses and apartments face such a problem as icing external structures that interferes with the free movement of the canvas on the guides. The instruction requires when icing "tool" the canvas outside or from the inside before lifting. But, you see, constantly monitor the foundation quite difficult, and before the forgetfulness could fly to a penny - because of it, expensive motor motors were often combed. Kschastina, now the engines without overheating are practically not supplied to our market (and yet, when buying a rollside, check the availability of this option for technical documentation).

Roller shutters are produced mainly from imported components - many enterprises: Alphastroy, "Allarol", "Logrus Interior", "Milanstroy", "Radial-Service", "Rootek" (all- Russia) IDR. Price 1M2 Roller shutter with slats from rolled aluminum profiles 55mm wide (stated by the manufacturers of resistance time, 5-15min) - from 1.5 thousand rubles; from extruded aluminum profiles (time resistance, 15-30min) - from 2.8 thousand rubles; from steel profiles (time resistance - 30min) - from 2.6 thousand rubles.

Roller shutters for mansard

Window under protection
Veluxfirm-manufacturers of mansard windows - Velux (Denmark), Fakro (Poland), are usually released for them and protective blinds, the design of which is somewhat different from the traditional. Guides for centrally rotary windows consist of two parts: the top is attached to the salary, the lower one, which allows you to open the window even with the outed web. In addition, the mechanism device provides for "forced" lowering the canvas using a spring. The lamellae prefer to make aluminum profiles from polyurethane foam or hollow steel profiles with a thick polymer coating that muffles the noise of rain. Extracting systems (Roma, Germany) lamella are able to rotate around their axis, opening access to light. Roller shutters of the last type are very convenient, but their ability to resist hacking minimal.

The cost of protection for the attic window is comparable with the price of the window itself. For example, the price window of the VELUX size is 11878mm (including the cost of the salary) - 9900 rub., And roller blinds for it- 10100 rub.

Recipe for success

Once again we emphasize that the illiterate, "formal" installation is able to reduce burglary resistance even the most effective protective design. The decision to protect the windows should be taken as early as possible.

The method of mounting the lattices and swing shutters depends on the depths of slopes and the wall material. If the depth of slopes are more than 100mm, and the walls are erected from brick, concrete or wood, the framing (or box) is interinted in the opening and fasten through the holes drilled in it with anchor bolts, steel pins with a diameter of 12 mm and a length of 150 mm or (if the wall is wooden) screws a diameter of at least 8mm and a length of 100mm. The step of the attachment nodes should not exceed 500mm. It is also allowed to establish a protective design of the folding and strengthen the listed methods through the folding "ears welded to the frame.

If the window is installed in your country house, the window is set with the wall plane (there are no external slopes), ensure a high burglary of the design is much more complicated: the framing can only be fixed with the folding, and the fastener scored into the wall will be unable to resist pressing efforts. If the wall is a brick or concrete, the only way to increase the reliability of the protective design is to hide the frame under the outer decoration of the wall, without leaving the protruding parts for which it can be hooked.

There are three main ways to install roller blinds: a folding, with the embedding of the box in the opening and with the embedding of the box into the wall. The first one is most common, as it is easy to implement in homes where facade works are completed. However, in the city, coordinate the installation of remote boxes is quite difficult, and the facade of the country house they are capable of decorating far from always. In addition, the burglar resistance of the overhead design is very conditional, because there is easy access to the guides (they can be pulled off from the wall using the simplest tool).

The second method allows partially either completely drown the box in the opening and make it less noticeable, as well as strengthen the guides on the slopes, thereby ensuring the greater burglary resistance of the structure (pressing the guides from the wall will prevent the closed web, which plays the role of spacers). However, the box closes the top of the window, and although it is sometimes possible to decorate it outside, from the inside it will still be visible, unless clocked with the window. But such systems, called protective windows, are offered by Blaurock, Schco, Sksstakusit companies (all Germany) IDR. - There are several mansion, as they can be installed only at the stage of replacing windows. They are a plastic window docked using a connecting profile with a warmed box located above it (also from PVC). In this case, the installation method is easy to disguise under the wall both outside and from the inside. For urban apartments, such windows with protection, perhaps, are best suited. As for their price, it is equal to the total cost of the window and rolling shutters for it (that is, the price of the window increases in approximately 2 times).

The third method in which a niche is arranged in the wall over the opening, optimal as from the position of providing burglar resistance and from aesthetic point of view. Alas, it is not available to the owners of urban apartments.

The cost of the installation depends on the material of the walls and the floor, but, as a rule, does not exceed 20% of the price of the product. This applies to any of the considered structures.

Features of the main types of protective structures for windows

Properties Forged lattices Study Steel Steel Deaf Standing Steel Steel Wildlock Roller shutters
Glass protection from external influences - +. +. +.
Transluacity in closed position +. - +. -
The possibility of intensive ventilation +. - +. -
The possibility of manipulations with sash (or web) with the closed window - - - +.
Resistance time hacking * Over 30 minutes +. +. +. -
* - In the lattices and swinging shutters this parameter depends on the quality of manufacture

The editors thanks the company "New Shutters", "Svarog", "Fortec-Stroservice", Velux, Doorhan for help in preparing the material.

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