

Methods for increasing water pressure in apartments: reasons for reducing pressure in internal water supply systems, use of pumping equipment

Aquamania 13034_1



Due to the reduction in pressure in the inner water supply in the apartments, household appliances often do not work, it is impossible to wash under the shower ( but ). Normalize pressure ( B. ) It is possible as a result of repairing or improving the internal water supply

Hydroaccumulator in section ( but ) and highly efficient automatic pump station BCH (Grundfos) ( B.)

Steel water pipes, for which cold water is delivered to the apartments of consumers, with time almost always covered with solid corrosion growth and sediments, and their passage cross-section is strongly narrowed. Unestation of pipes leads to additional consumption of electricity to water pumping, its pressure and consumption in apartments are noticeably reduced. Fighting deposits accounted for by replacing the inner water pipes
In the urban apartment, the MQ pump station can automatically provide water from the tank several points of water intake at once. A vigorous house station will easily supply water from a well depth to 8 m

UPA 15-90 pumps ( but ) and UPA 120 ( B. ) (Grundfos) are used to increase pressure before pressing household appliances

Pump connection diagram to increase the pressure to the riser in the urban apartment (the minimum consumption of 0, 033l / s, the minimum pressure is 0.02 MPa)

With periodic intervals in the supply of water or low pressure, the water supply of the apartment is carried out from the accumulative tank using an automatic pumping station

Water supply system circuit using accumulative capacity and automatic pumping station (with frequent interruptions in water supply)

Automatic pumping stations with self-priming ( but ) and normally suction ( B. ) Pumps

Modern urban dwelling today is absolutely unthinkable without a reliable system of centralized water supply. The townspeople are painfully perceive the slightest malfunctions in her work, since they have long been accustomed to this blessing of civilization. Alas, these days in the water pipes of apartment buildings of dozens of cities and the villages of water, there is not enough water, but you can fight this "ailment" and we will tell you how.

Statistics show that residents of houses with centralized water supply, especially apartments on the last floors, sometimes have to deal with low pressure in the cold water supply network. Water flows, but the pressure is weak, the crane is easy to plug the finger! Automatic washing and dishwashers, shower cabins, electric water heaters and other devices at the same time work refuse. As much inconvenience is associated with a conventional toilet, the tank of which in a similar situation is filled with water significantly longer ...

Let's start with the riser

First of all, it is logical to demand an increase in the pressure in the cold water supply network of your apartment to the value required by SNIFAM, contacting the HSE (Dz) (Currently, the role of these organizations proceeds to managers). This should be done regardless of whether you own an apartment or are her tenant: according to the law it is the HOSE (if your house does not serve any other organization) is obliged to accept the necessary measures in this case. Immediately note: it is better to leave a telephone application, but written. Register your application in which the essence of the problem should be the most clearly set out, write down the number assigned to it and the feed date. Then seek work on your application to be included in the work plan for the work of the HISK on the nearest quarter (half of the year). Listening to refusal can submit a complaint to the district management of housing and communal services or call the "hot" line (if it is organized by the administration of your city, district or region).


Modern pumping equipment that helps solve the problem with a disadvantage of water pressure in apartments today serves many city high-rise buildings ( A, B. ) and country villages ( in ). Even if the pressure in the supplied microdistrict or the village of water supply is unstable, similar installations allow you to maintain a constant pressure at all points of water treatment

Experts from HEKA are obliged to carry out a comprehensive inspection of the system performance, repairing or tune in the inner water supply line, which should ensure uninterrupted water supply in the required quantity and the required quality to all consumers up to capital repairs.

For the normal operation of the inner water supply of the house in the outer water supply (in addition, in the pipe, from which the whole house is powered by water), a certain pressure is maintained, depending on the storeinity of development (house heights) in each specific microdistrict. Reducing the pressure in the outdoor network leads to a decrease in pressure or even to interruptions in the supply of water to consumers living on the upper floors of the building. Therefore, the inspection of the Specialists of the Jeep is usually starting precisely from measuring the pressure at the entrance to the house. If the pressure gauge on the water groove unit shows that the pressure is below the warranty (provided that all the valves and pressure regulator on entering the house are fully open, and the water meter is working), the claims should be made to an organization serving input and outdoor water supply network. In the inner water supply line of high-rise buildings, water is usually injected using an increase in the pumping station, which "lives" in the room of the boiler or thermal point. Specialists of the ZhEK must check the serviceability of the pumping unit according to the testimony of the pressure gauge, and in the supply pipe after the pumps, if necessary, repair the pump and pumping reinforcement (for example, replace the faulty check valve on the pumping rope line).

A common cause of reducing pressure and water consumption of pipelines. To determine its place, the mechanic must go through apartments in your entrance and with the help of a precipitated manometer (it is put on the extensions of the mixers) measure the pressure in various parts of the system. With a large pressure drop between two floors, the bed location is always between the measurement point in which the pressure is high (for example, 0.2 MPa), and the point where it is lowered (say, 0.01 MPa). Often blockages occur in the supply pipelines to mixers and other household appliances. Perhaps the necessary pressure is not due to clogging or sintering flexible eyeliner. The brigade of the housing is eliminated by breaking, washing or other pipelines or replacing them. The least resorted if the pipelines threw salt sediments.

But perhaps the system is simply not adjusted. Then plumbing must adjust the internal water supply. First adjust the pressure regulator in the boiler room. Then in the watches of maximum water consumption (7: 00-9: 00 or 20: 00-22: 00) the valves at the base of the risers regulate the pressure in the riser so that at the top point it was 0.05-0.1 MPa (pressure in the riser Measure with the help of a cape gauge, which attach to the reinforcement in the apartment on the last floor). After that, the flow rate is determined through the mixer of the shell and baths on the same floor. With a fully open valve head, it should be about 0.12 liters / s. Consumption is measured using a measuring capacity with a capacity of 1l, which should be filled in 8-9 s. The valve on the eyeliner from the riser in the apartment is fully open. Next, if necessary, adjust the flow of water on each floor to 0.12 liters / s by rotating the valve at the apartment liner.

The fruits of collective mind

In some cases, it will not be possible to ensure an increase in water in the apartments of Plumbing Brigade. Forward a queue, with instability of pressure and consumption in the external water supply network.

Connecting the construction of new residential buildings and other water consuming objects due to intensive water treatment every year the pressure in the outer water supply can decrease. At the same time, the enterprises "Vodokanal" often do not have a technical possibility to be guaranteed to maintain pressure in the outer water supply, as the water supply of the city is carried out from water intakes built in the past century, their total capacity is lagging behind the actual needs of the city.

Cast conditions provide sufficient pressure in the domestic water supply house with the help of equipment provided for by the project of its water supply, it will be possible only after the construction of a new water intake and supervisory water supply.

AESLI Change the construction of the building inner water supply in such a way that pressure on inputs to the apartment, despite the pressure drops in the water supply, always corresponded to the norm? Technically, this is real, it is only necessary to find a common language with the rest of the tenants at home. If the work on the "upgrade" of the inner water supply is performed by professionals, normal head in the apartments of the house will be supported around the clock. The co-equipment in the house will change risers and eyelids and, most importantly, put new pumps that are capable of providing high stable pressure at water-based points in the entire range of feed and heads in the external water supply. As a rule, the characteristics of such pumps are automatically adapted to variable modes of operation by changing the speed of pumps. Often, several pumps are installed in parallel, while one or more have devices to change the speed of rotation. Among the leading manufacturers of modern pumps and pumping stations can be noted by Grundfos (Denmark), Wilo (Germany), Dab, Pedrollo (obhestalya) IDR.

Vote a ruble!

When the tenants of the house reveal a desire to deal with the problem of lack of pressure "by the world", the main question is where to take money on the modernization of the water pipeline? It is easy to find an answer to it if the tenants of the house (or more specifically, the owners of the apartments in it) will be united in the partnership of the owners of the housing (HOA). Partnerships are legal entities, have their own charter. The general meeting of the members of the partnership may resolve the issue of the formation of the Fund for the Restoration and Repair of the General Property in an apartment building and equipment. Money for this can be collected by the owners of apartments, and also obtained as an income from the economic activity of the partnership (for example, from renting the store of the basement of your home). The will of the majority is created by a service center with its director, an accountant and an engineer who organize repair work: they select the executive company, order a project for the reconstruction of the internal water supply, equipment IT.D.

(Help: To organize in your house HOA, tenants should hold a general meeting of owners and get support for more than 50% of the votes.)

Praying in the apartment

More often, however, citizens who are not ready to put up with low water pressure in cranes and not receiving assistance from the authorities, make decisions on their own "refine" the water supply system to achieve the necessary pressure at the entrance to various household devices in its apartment. Act what is called, at your own risk. This helps this, and in others, leads to undesirable consequences. For example, when installing on entering the apartment of so-called self-priming pumps, it is possible to achieve a serious increase in pressure and consumption. But self-priming pumps pump up almost all the water from the riser, making it the cranes in the bathrooms and kitchens of apartments from above and below. Copy the experience of such "drags of the water supply" is unacceptable! Meanwhile, there are technical solutions, the implementation of which will increase the pressure in the pipes of the water supply station located in your apartment, and will not create problems for neighbors. Consider the two most characteristic situations.

There is water in the pipes, there is no pressure. If from the tap, despite the "pressure deficiency", it is guaranteed not less than 0.033l / s, it is enough to install a pump to increase the pressure in the water supply network into the water supply system. Such a device works only when the pressure on its suction nozzle is not less than 0.02 MPa.

Among the household pumps to increase the pressure in the plumbing, you can mention the devices of the UPA 15-90 series (GRUNDFOS), PB-201EA (WILO). Such compact devices are designed for a small increase in pressure (approximately 0.08-0.15 MPa compared to the initial) in the existing water supply system, for example, before entering the flow water heater, a washing or dishwasher, etc. means at a pressure at the entrance in The apartment is only 0.02 MPa pressure in the pipeline for the pump will be no less than 0.01 MPa and this is sufficient for the work of household appliances (for example, 0.05 MPa is needed to turn on the gas column). As a rule, pumps for increasing pressure have small sizes and a small mass (2.5-7kg). The design of their connecting pipes ("in line") allows you to cut the pump directly into the pipeline, immediately behind the valve, overlapping the riser. The temperature of the water pumped up pressure with pumps should not exceed a certain maximum (in different models it is 60-90 s).

Pumps to increase pressure in the plumbing can operate in fully automatic mode that does not require control from the owner. Due to the presence of a built-in duct sensor, the pump turns on, as soon as the crane is open at the water-based point (or the water supply valve into the household appliance) and the water consumption will exceed 0.033l / s. Automatically pump and turn off- if the consumption will be lower than the specified value, as well as if the water ceases to flow into the inlet nozzle of the pump. This ensures another important function of the protection of the pump from "dry stroke". If there is no need for a pump anymore, the switch is set to the "Off" position. In the presence of water analysis, the liquid flows freely through the pump. The design of the pumping pumps is quite simple, and therefore reliable. The devices are almost silent (about 35DB), which allows you to mount them in any room at home.

No pressure, no consumption ... A somewhat more complex system will have to be foreseen if your apartment is supplied with water with interruptions: for several hours, the water in the house does not happen at all. Similar water supply practice in our country, alas, not uncommon. Extractive cities in connection with the deficit of drinking water, the heads of administrations affirm literally hourly graphics of guaranteed drinking water supply to residential buildings ...

If the water does not go from the crane for several hours or in the house it comes significantly less than 0.033l / s, for uninterrupted water supply all points of the apartment water intake, it is possible to install automatically fillable containers of a large volume in the heated zone. For a family of three or four people, provided that the water is turned off for 3-4 hours and 5-6 hours at night, usually enough vessel by 500-600l (the price of such a tank - 3.5-8 thousand rubles). From it, all consumers, including mixers, washing and dishwasher IDRs, are "powered" through it through the collector wiring system.

Opinion of a specialist


The volume of new construction in the last decade is such that the existing urban engineering networks and communications are no longer cope with the increased load. Today, a point development in the already established microdistricts is very common. The connection of the next house to the existing water supply network often leads to a decrease in water pressure in the internal water supply systems of other buildings, especially on the last floors. This is fraught with failures in the work of household appliances. Diagnose the situation when there is not enough pressure in the plumbing, quite simple. With a fully open crane, water consumption is significant, but the water pressure is not enough (the tap is easy to plug and hold the water, without giving water to flow).

In the intake of the situation, installing the pump to increase the pressure in the water supply network of the apartment, the simplest and relatively cheap way to solve the problem of the pressure deficit. Such pumps are reliable, low noise, almost insensitive to water quality. They are equipped with a duct relay, which is a built-in element of automation and uniquely determines when the pump can safely turn into operation. If there is a sufficient flow of water, the pump is simply not turned on. I think that the popularity of this type of equipment in Russia will grow steadily.

Roman Marikhbane, Engineer of the "Pumps of Engineering Systems of Buildings" of the company "GRANDFOS"

The water level in the tank controls the float valve on the feed pipe. In order to fail the entire house in the event of a valve breakdown, there must be an emergency drain in the tank, and to protect the tank from the rupture in the upper part of the tank, you need to make "the atmosphere". We also need technological drains at the bottom level, with which the tank can be about 1 time, instez to completely empty and clean from the plaque. It is important that in the tank there is a fairly large cover, it will make it easy to clean it.

Optimulated polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride tank. Such capacities produce Anion, "Impulse-Plast", "Rotoplast" (all- Russia) IDR. Place the tank is better in the bathroom or kitchen, so that the distance from it to all points of water-based was minimal.

To increase the pressure on the network "from a tank to consumers", it is convenient to use the automatic pumping station (the price is 5-13 thousand rubles), consisting of a pump with an electric motor, a hydroaccumulator with a capacity of up to 60 liters, a pressure switch, and a connecting hose and an electrical circuit. The apartment water supply to which the automatic station is connected is under pressure generated by the hydroaccumulator. If you open a crane (for example, in the kitchen), water rushes out of it, while the hydroaccumulator will begin to empty, and the pressure in the system is smoothly decreased. When it falls below the set minimum, the pressure switch will automatically turn on the pump that will feed water into the cranes from your large plastic tank. After the crane is closed, the pump will work for some time. It will fill the hydroaccumulator until the pressure in the system does not increase to the original (for example, 0.3 MPa), then due to the relay the pump will automatically turn off. The upper and lower trigger thresholds are installed at the factory, but if necessary (for example, to adjust the maximum pressure in the system), they can be changed.


We were observed in one of the apartments in Georgeevsk in the village of Pressure Pressure of Pressure UPA 15-90 (Grundfos). Firmware installers "Thermo-World" prepared equipment and tools ( but ), dismantled the sink ( B. ), marked on the cold water pipeline ( in ), blocked the water supply to the apartment and "strained" the pressure (through the faucet crane), cut off the tube, the pipe was cut off with a drench ( G.)

Pay attention to noise characteristics. The devices with self-priming pumps are often pretty noisy, so when choosing such systems, he should listen before buying how they work. Exception from Rules- MQ (Grundfos). Low noise noise level of automatic pumping stations with a normally suction pump, such as Wilo-Multipress HMP (Wilo), BCH (Grundfos), seams (Lowara, Italy- USA) IDR.


K.Dela sealing threaded connections used Tangite thread - polyamide thread with nylon-silicone paste ( but ). The first thing to the pipe was installed a threaded adapter ( B. ). Then in the adapter and the valve screwed fittings - "American" ( in ). The latter allow, without much difficulty, mount the pump into the water supply system, if necessary, to be removed for verification and maintenance ( Mr. ). Connecting the pump to the electrical outlet of the apartment was carried out in accordance with the requirements of PEU. On the shield installed a separate automatic and the Uzo with a current shift of 10 mA. From the shield in the bath, a three-core copper cable was laid (a cross section of each vein - 1.5mm2) in double insulation. On the bathroom wall, not far from the entrance door, installed a power outlet in the waterproof version for connecting the pump ( Z, I. ). Immediately after connecting the pump, the effect of its installation became apparent, and it was a lot of pleased the owner of the apartment ( to)

The editors thanks the company "GRANDFOS" for help in the preparation of material and the organization of filming, as well as the company "Thermo-World" for visual installation.

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