Urban residents


Pets in the apartment: Legislative acts and rules for the content of four-legged pets in the city

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Urban residents

Urban residents

Pets live in many urban apartments. But not all of their owners know that there are special legislative acts, regulating the existence of four-legged pets. Father, how to keep your favorite in the city for all the rules, we will tell in this article.

First of all, it should be remembered that on the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a pet is a property. That is why in our country it is impossible to make his own property with his own dog or a cat, how often Hollywood celebrities come. Accordingly, your "four-way property" does not have the right to possession of part of the housing. We use the same rules that act for any property: when buying a sale is a contract in which all the terms of the transaction are indicated. Special attention must be paid to the buyer's responsibility and the opportunity to return the acquired beast. This serves at least a minimal guarantee that the purchased puppy or kitten is not thrown into the street, but will be returned to the breeder. There is also the reverse side of the medal-legitimate hosts of animals have the right to own, use and dispose of them, as any other than their property. It is for this reason that it is almost impossible to punish the owners of the dogs, which turned it into a high-yielding machine producing profitable offspring.

The main rules for the maintenance of domestic animals are fixed in urban regulations. To know what rights and obligations are available at the PSA or Cota owner, it is necessary to explore the rules acting in your city. Usually, general rules for pet content are also have, and individual standards for some of their species. AVNCT-PETERSBURG, for example, introduced special rules for dog owners.

What animals can be called homemade? It would be the easiest way to say that we treat homemade dogs, cats and other small and nonexicual animals. But among our readers, there are probably the owners of mini-pigs, and rabbit lovers, and the numerous owners of hamsters, and aquarists ... and exotic crocodiles are increasingly becoming human neighbors. Restrictions here does not exist, the legislator expects for common sense of domestic owners. Now, the time when the goat or even a whole chicken coop, alas, is not so rare, are "prescribed" in the urban apartment "

That is why in some cities in the rules of the content of the "brothers of our smaller" the rate of housing is fixed to each pet. For example, in Cheboksary, large dogs (above 70cm in the withers) "stand out" 6m2 total area, medium (40-70cm in withers) - 4m2, small (up to 40 cm in the withers) - 3m2, and cats 2m2. But there are no such standards everywhere, and therefore animal lovers sometimes collect dozens of dogs or cats that cause a lot of trouble to all others in their apartments.

Many questions related to the streamlining of human and animal relations in the city are not settled at the laws. It is difficult to arbize with neighbors, "hunters" with the help of administrative measures is difficult, and it requires a lot of time and money. The output is - to file complaints. Then the experience of the permission of such disputes will accumulate

Hostel rules

What should the Owner of the Quadrup Pet? The list of their duties listed in the city's maintenance rules is quite extensive (moreover, there are many difficulties in compliance with these norms):

Humanly handle animals. The concept of "humane" is not clarified in any regulatory act, therefore, to attract the owner to justice precisely, it is extremely difficult for the inhuman appeal. Thus, the rules of pet content in Cheboksary prohibit veterinary manipulations with animals without anesthestication (however, until recently, many types of veterinary drugs used as painkillers were prohibited, and doctors, doing humane and giving the beasts anesthesia before the operation, risked their own freedom ); produce animals with the use of technical devices and drugs, traumatic animals or representing the danger to their lives; use animals as an instrument of offenses; breed animals to use their meat and skins, as well as spending dog fights and other events that make cruelty towards animals;

Walking a dog in a specially designated place for this place, and someone who walks with it should be at least 14 years old. If there are no sites specifically allocated for walking dogs, the rules recommend to avoid the places of cluster of people and take the dog to a short leash (the latter is also required when moving across the road). But the playgrounds for walking dogs are very few, and the dimensions of them are such that at the same time two and larger dogs are sometimes impossible. The same equipment of these "territories" most often leaves much to be desired;

Maintain the sanitary condition of the territory adjacent to the house, lawns, parks, squares - during the walking it is necessary to immediately remove the products of animal life. Many dog ​​lovers do this long ago; Yes, and in the squares and parks, the order most often does not like the parents of kids who walk on the playground, but again the owners of dogs, frightened on neighboring lawns. Of course, the problem of the purity of lawns is decides. But where to throw waste collected into the plastic bag? If you really oblige the owner to clean up for your pet, then the city administration should take the duty to put a sufficient number of special urns in the squares and parks. Indeals in this respect foreign experience. In the invaded principality of Monaco on the streets installed special racks with bags and urns, and on the embankment in the city of Brey (Ireland) there are not only urns, but also special symotions that are used by those who walk away dogs;

Registration and annual re-registration of animals. You can issue a passport to your favorite in any veterinary clinic. For most, this procedure is voluntary. But if you are the owner of the four-legged, which can be dangerous to others (they include fighter dogs and dogs of large breeds, as well as exotic animals), or an animal of a rare rock representing the value for breeding, registration is obligatory. In addition to the passport, any pet must be a token with a number and a registration certificate (the form of the latter is determined by urban legislation);

Prevent the dangerous impact of your pet on other animals and people, as well as provide silence for others at night. It must be said that walking the dog in a muzzle and a short leash requires the rules only in some cities. Most often, the presence of a muzzle is left at the discretion of the owner. This allows you to solve two problems at once: first, the dog and her owner should have the possibility of self-defense, and secondly, the muzzle finites wool on the face and therefore is not too popular with dog owners who participate in exhibitions. There is neither a muzzle nor a short leash guarantee controllability and pupils of the dog. Perhaps for this reason, the rules for the content of animals most often prescribe the townspeople to walk their four-legged pets in poor places. As for compliance with silence, much here depends on the upbringing of the host itself and on how much he is familiar with existing legislation. We remind you that it is impossible to noise from 22:00 to 7:00 (this time interval can be extended or reduced, more specific information needs to be sought in the rules operating in your city);

Comply with existing sanitary and hygienic and veterinary norms and rules. This means that the owner must ensure proper conditions for the content of its pet, necessary to maintain the vital activity, the protection of life and animal health. Veterinary doctors recommend that the annual vaccination must be held and be a preventive inspection. In many cities, local authorities spend free pet vaccination every year. The main thing is to comply with its deadlines and accurately follow the recommendations of the doctor. If you have a suspicion that your pet fell ill with rabies, it is necessary to inform about it in the veterinary service and before the arrival of specialists isolate the patient's animal;

If your dog protects the land plot, you must place a sign warning about it. The use of pets for self-defense and security of personal property is not legally enshrined. Of course, it is necessary to be extremely accurate, after all, your pet can harm the health of another person or even pose a threat to his life.

There are rules and categorical prohibitions. You have no right:

contain animals on balconies, loggias, in public areas (for example, a rooster that replaces the alarm clock to your neighbors is outlawed only if it lives on a balcony or staircase);

Leave animals unattended in public places. True, in some cities there is an exception to this item. As the rules for the content of animals in Tyumen, "when visiting the person accompanying pets, enterprises, institutions, organizations, it is allowed to leaving dogs at the entrance to the enterprise, establishing or enhancing them in a container." So ladies with Yorkshire terriers, which come to the store or cinema, violate the city law. Their pets must sit in the carrying bag. I must say that in Russia a visit to public places along with four-legged pets is not too encouraged. However, in many countries there are even restaurants where you are entitled to come along with your pet. In VMoskwe, for example, dogs have the right to visit some pet stores, but in the usual entrance to them;

produce independent burial of dead animals. So that natural care cemeteries do not occur in the city, there are special services, whose staff crem their bodies. (The cost of cremation depends on the size of the animal, urgency and other factors.) This allows the owners to adequately say goodbye to their pets, and also prevent an ecological mini-catastrophift;

contain farm animals (goats, hoops IDR) in gardening and country house unions located within the city.

To ensure that all these norms are carried out, the police followed (mostly precinct authorized), and sanitary, and specially created in the city administration, departments for monitoring the compliance of pet mains. But you can only impose a penalty for their violation by a court decision. Nobody cares on the scene, and if you still need money, then you know: this is a fraudster.

Generally, the relationship of owners of dogs and representatives of the rule of law is a separate problem. You can make a comment and even make a protocol if your pet's behavior violates the requirements of the legislation. But you must remember that it is entitled to make it only police officers or a department for monitoring the compliance of pet maintenance rules (if such a department is created under the administration of your city). Apply to the dog physical strength or weapons are permissible only if it is aggressive and can cause (or already caused) harm to others. In all other situations, the law is on the side of the owner, since the dog is primarily his property, and it is impossible to "touch".

Perhaps some animal lovers find that the introduction of a large tax in Germany for owners of dog breeds or even a ban on the content of such pieces (for example, in New Zealand and Great Britain) is too tough measures. However, if, thanks to such actions, health will be saved or even the life of at least a few people, they will not seem strict

What do neighbors advise?

In Russia, domestic maintenance issues in the city began to be considered relatively recently. Aza border with many difficulties managed to successfully cope.

The first stumbling block in the relations of animal owners and the city administration is being cleaned by four-legged pets. This problem was tried to solve in various ways, but the most productive was the introduction of pets on domestic animals. Dog Bowlings This fee charged depending on the breed of their favorite-chow-chow owner will pay less than the winner of Senbernar or Bordosky Dog. Of course, the owners of the guide dogs from such a tax exempted.

The second complexity is breeding and the content of animals representing the danger to humans. The most banal example is the dogs of large breeds and fighting. Their list in different countries may vary, but also to breeders, and enhanced requirements are presented to the owners of such pieces. Some breeds are generally prohibited to breed, are still permitted, but in limited quantities. In accordance with States on dogs such rocks, it is necessary to obtain a special license, after all, the animal actually becomes weapons, personal four-legged protection to the attack. But most often the legislators solve this problem as follows: dogs are necessarily registered through clubs, and the owners have high tax and obliges to undergo special courses on which they teach to bring up terrible pieces and treat them. By the way, this practice has already been adopted in some Russian cities, for example in St. Petersburg. However, the general law on the content of dogs such breed has not yet been accepted, although the discussion goes for quite a long time.

The third problem is to inflict property damage to our pets. In many countries, insurance is provided from damage to third parties, similar to the current autocartery insurance system. Huscing compulsory insurance always causes a lot of complaints, such a method has proven to be well.

Muscovites on the note

Urban residents

The metropolitan authorities have long been going to take the city code about administrative offenses (CACAP). Ivot finally from January 1, 2008. The new code entered into force. Such laws are already operating in many Russian and foreign cities. One of the innovations of this law was the responsibility of domestic owners for their walking in the places that were not allotted for this. Now a walk with a dog in Moscow can turn the penalty of 500-1000 rubles. This may happen if you do not remove your pet waste. Be fingered you have the right and for walking the animal in the territory of educational institutions, playgrounds, hospitals, for a walk without a muzzle or a leash. Follow the execution of these provisions of the Code and compile protocols must police officers and inspectors of the Moscow Government Departments. Recompute you can register any norm - it is important that she worked. Adlya it is necessary that all pet owners remember: the city is a place designed primarily for people's stay.

How to protect a person from animals

Ask for the neighbors permission to make a pet from the point of view of the law it is necessary only if you live in a communal apartment. Now, when choosing a pet, think about the convenience of those who live next to you. Even with traditional dogs and cats, there may be a problem if animals will be too much or they will turn out to be uncompatible.

Cerage, there are no effective standards that are responsible for violating the rules of animal walking. The presence in the city legislation of responsibility for violation of the rules of animal content does not guarantee that the "perturbator of calm" (both the four-legged and its owner) will be corrected. The size of the fines in most cities is ridiculously small, and inspectors who would have been supervised by compliance with the rules of the "animal" hostel, lacking.

The greatest anxiety is the fact that the number of people bored with pets is increasing every year. Single side, in many cases we ourselves provoke such an attack. Four-owned four-legged should comply with the simple rules of etiquette to protect themselves from numerous shocks. The rules for the content of animals prescribe to ask the harmony of the elevator passengers if you are going to go to it with a dog. Well, about moving your pets for long distances and speak no closer positions for them are much more stringent than for people.

You can almost always find a significant place for walking with a dog. If you skillfully manage your dog and he is well brought up, your favorite will become much less dangerous for others. But if you suddenly belong to you by the beast of someone bored, be sure to inform about it to the veterinary clinic, where your four-legged friend is observed, and be prepared to make a certificate that you made an animal vaccination from rabies.

Ateper Let's look at the situation with the eyes of the bold. The problem is that our legislation does not allow any measures until any damage is caused. If you still bit the neighbor's dog, you can safely write a statement to the police or even contact the court (neither in desire, nor in the HESK such a statement you will be accepted). Just keep in mind that it can only come to visit the owner of the severity of calm can only at your request.

But biting dogs is the top of the iceberg. The most serious and difficult-time problems arise from those whose neighbor has become a small "beveroferma". The fact is that at this stage of the development of our legislation, sanitaryadmemadzor authorities can only fix such a fact in the protocol, but it is not entitled to do anything to eliminate it. Juda, the appeal to court sometimes turns out to be a useless step, because the animal, as we have already noted, is the property of their owner.

How to protect animals from man

Of course, other people's pets often cause our discontent. Now, there are a lot of such cases when you have to protect the person from the animal, but the opposite of the animals from humans. After all, animals often become a toy in the hands of the owners, just to remove them on the shelf you can not - each of them requires no less care, care and affection than a person.

Now in the Russian press they write a lot about that the number of homeless dogs is growing very rapidly. But after all, it increases people - how many puppies acquired in the spring, fall from the apartment to the street? Moreover, such an unenviable fate can wait for a purebred PSA or a cat who did not come to the yard ... To solve this problem, the owners and breeders should be brought up. Courses that need to be able to pass the potential home owner (they can replace the recommendation of the veterinary service, sanitary and air supplies and militia organs, for those who have already contained animals and did not have friction with the law) will significantly reduce the number of people who want to acquire a wrong friend, and prestigious thing. Plus the introduction of a tax that allows you to replenish the budget and allocate funds from it to clean the streets and the construction of sites for walking. Of course, it is necessary to envisage benefits, after all, you want to buy a dog, but the amount of tax for some is likely to be exorbitant. For example, you can, using foreign experience, reduce tax for people taking a dog or a cat from a shelter. True, it will require mandatory castration (sterilization) of such animals, since those who are unable to pay tax is unlikely to fulfill the requirements of the rules for the content of animals on the use of special veterinary contraceptives (so far this norm is enshrined in foreign legislation).

Of course, you need a "animal" census of our cities. Chipping is not particularly serious, and most often the owners brand animals. To know the exact number of four-legged, based on their total numbers, the city authorities will allocate funds on the device for walking of dogs, the creation of veterinary clinics, vaccination.

Rules of content of cats and dogs are too vague. Hospital, neither breeders, nor buyers, nor pet owners often do not know what rights and obligations they have in accordance with existing laws. The results are deplorable: on the one hand, we do not know how to protect our pets, and on the other, we violate the rules for the content of animals in the city, sometimes making their neighbors. Therefore, we can unanimize and protect the rights of not only your pet, but also others who are friendly white-covered "smile" of our four-legged friend seems to be frightening ruffle.

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